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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Sarai View Post
    Thanks Jumbly I will I swear. I feel like I need a mum at the moment .

    And Joe did what ??!

    Scroll down to the 21st July entry
    Edit: Uh, yeah, you got there already See why we're squeeeeeeing?


      Someone asked about AT3 .... feel free to link to my LiveJournal, I think my posts there cover about everything, including Amanda's shippy comments and the phonecall with RDA

      Q&A 1
      Q&A 2
      Oh, and a pretty wallpaper
      Last edited by SamJackShipLover; 24 July 2008, 10:17 AM. Reason: Messed up the links


        Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
        We took it out of Nad's hands cos she kept procastinating They're on the MOP disc
        I was so not procastinating!
        I was... hiding

        And then there's the fact that it gives me another opportunity to post these

        He Talks In Vagueness

        He talks in vagueness, like the clouds
        Drifting and full of anguish;
        And all that’s best of his heart he shrouds
        Resigning himself to languish.
        Thus hallowed by that tender light
        Which duty and honour to him denies;
        He stays in shade, protects them both,
        Gives no reason for her to shy
        From the man who can make her an oath,
        Who places her on pedestal high;
        No matter that it stops his growth
        Never again will his heart fly.

        He sees the worry o’er her brow,
        Confused, scared, unsure,
        He wants to see the smiles that glow
        But knows they’re for him no more,
        He hopes for her the years will flow,
        She’ll find happiness to make her soar.
        *sigh* Beautiful!

        Originally posted by Sarai View Post
        Hey all !

        Hospital OT:

        First things first, I'M OUT!! Finally!!! Got out yesterday morning but now I'm kind of struggling to get back into a routine. I seem to be so tired all the time, and really early as well, like 8 o'clock. When I was in there all I wanted to do was get out and I had so much energy, now I've kind of deflated a little, lol. Still, back now and ready for some major shipping. Trying to start, yes start, work on my Ship Day offering but it might be a little late . Apologies.

        Anyhoo, how the diddly is everyone?
        You're out!! ((((Sarai))))
        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website



          When I see those pics of Jack
          I just want to give him a huge smack

          Because I get tinglings somewhere
          And I’m not telling you where.

          The oxygen I suddenly lack
          Could someone please give me a whack

          ‘Cause I fainted and in my dream
          I suddenly crave for chocolate and whipped cream.


            Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post

            When I see those pics of Jack
            I just want to give him a huge smack

            Because I get tinglings somewhere
            And I’m not telling you where.

            The oxygen I suddenly lack
            Could someone please give me a whack

            ‘Cause I fainted and in my dream
            I suddenly crave for chocolate and whipped cream.
            And you were gonna do what with the whipped cream?


              Hi all

              Dropping into say that we're onto Chapter Four in the story that I'm posting for Ship Day (final chapter will be posted on Ship Day).

              Here you go!

              Year Four
              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                Yes, well said. I agree completely. What I was trying for, but better. Cause I also think we FINALLY see Sam getting up full courage to face Jack AGAIN with this - which is what 'Jack' in Grace was getting at WAY back then - in his backyard in Threads. Only, finally, I think Jack (and Kerry) get it. But, again, I think the moment for Jack that makes him start to change his opinion is when he realizes Sam isn't happy. Which, I really think, he'd assumed she'd be.

                And Kerry's realizing it too, of course, if it's that obvious even to her... He has to act for the same reasons he didn't before - because it's what Sam needs.

                Oh *sigh* I need some waffles, coffee,and Threads (don't ask!)
                mmmm....waffles.....esp. with genuine maple syrup....yummy

                Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                Heya Family,

                Just quickly dropping in before I go shopping.

                Found these somewhere...made me laugh and now I can go shopping with a huge honking grin on my face. It's a chat they did with AT and RDA.

                -Question from hw_chaos:
                What storylines do you hope to see wrapped in this season since it is your last, and where do you imagine Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter to be 5 years down the line from now?

                Amanda Tapping:
                I would like to see what happens with the Tok'ra. There's actually quite a few gangland threats that we need some closure to, too many to get into right now. What ever happened to Joe, Sam's first husband, when we went back to 2001 and we left him on this Harvester? But now Rick and I are discussing where Jack and Sam will be in 5 years... We think we'll open a deli right outside Area 51. [To Rick] Weekends at your cabin fishing? He doesn't want to fish anymore. He might catch a fish one day, that would scare him. We'll both retire, and I'll finally be able to call him Jack!

                Question from flashpointe68:
                Is Rick as great a kisser as he seems he would be??

                Amanda Tapping:
                Rick is phenomenal kisser. Wait, let me double-check that, I'm going to kiss him right now. That was a short one but he is, in fact, as phenomenal a kisser as one might imagine. That was a great question, because I got to kiss Rick. Any more like that and I'm all over... Rick fainted, though. [laughs] Thank you thank you thank you, this is so great!-

                ROFL - if I didn't know any better I'd say AT was TRYING to give RDA a heart attack.....

                Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                There's more in that chat...seems those two were in a shippy mood!

                -Question from newbie_005:
                "Window of Opportunity" is my favourite episode. I was wondering if you woke to find yourself reliving the same day, and could take actions with no consequences, what sort of things would you do, and why?

                Amanda Tapping:
                As Sam Carter? I'd go fishing with Jack. Over and over and over again!

                -Question from samjan2:
                Hi! We first want to say that we are two 40-something year old professional women who live vicariously through Sam and Jack's relationship (what there is of it) and enjoyed season 4 the most (please don't tell us to get a life!) Please tell us that there will be some (any!) Sam/Jack moments somewhere in season 6. Will they finally declare their love for each other by the end of the series? Will they be together and, if so, how do they work it out?

                Amanda Tapping:
                Wow, I would never say "get a life." I think it's great that you enjoy that aspect of it. I have no idea what is going to happen between Sam and Jack, but we sure have fun when we get to be together! I think they'll retire after it's all over, go to a cabin and make babies, and fish! [laughs]

                -Question from tessamac:
                Hi Rick! At Gatecon last year, Amanda described the way you smelled in 22 words or less. Could you do that for her too, please? :-)

                Richard Dean Anderson:
                She described how I smell???? [To Amanda] You described how I smell??? Come over here, Amanda, let me smell you... I'm smelling Amanda now! Mmm... she smells like hairspray. She smells like the very essence of life itself. It means she should shower. Soon. She's smelling me now... I'd put her on the phone, but her nose is between my toes. Come on, get up!
                - typical RDA humor....I love it....

                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                Hey all !

                Hospital OT:

                First things first, I'M OUT!! Finally!!! Got out yesterday morning but now I'm kind of struggling to get back into a routine. I seem to be so tired all the time, and really early as well, like 8 o'clock. When I was in there all I wanted to do was get out and I had so much energy, now I've kind of deflated a little, lol. Still, back now and ready for some major shipping. Trying to start, yes start, work on my Ship Day offering but it might be a little late . Apologies.

                Anyhoo, how the diddly is everyone?
                YAY!!!!!!!! *crash tackle squishy huggles sarai and then picks her up and spins her then squishy huggles her again*....we missed you!!!!!!

                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                And you were gonna do what with the whipped cream?
                the same thing she was gonna do with the chocolate....make a Jack sundae....


                  Sarai!!! Glad you out of hospital! *hugs* Rest often!

                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  And you were gonna do what with the whipped cream?
                  I was thinking the same! As my mom always tells weird persons think the same


                    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                    Someone asked about AT3 .... feel free to link to my LiveJournal, I think my posts there cover about everything, including Amanda's shippy comments and the phonecall with RDA

                    Q&A 1
                    Q&A 2
                    Oh, and a pretty wallpaper
                    Oh my God! I laughed and I squeed! Does anybody know what Amanda and Rick were saying while talking on the phone? A lot of people are talking about it but nobody's saying what they said...did I just make sence?

                    The last question about reshooting the honeymoon......



                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      And you were gonna do what with the whipped cream?
                      I'm not tellin' ya!


                      Probably the same thing you would do with the whipped cream.


                      I have a sudden craving for strawberries, dipped in chocolate and whipped cream. Yum.


                        Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post
                        Sarai!!! Glad you out of hospital! *hugs* Rest often!

                        I was thinking the same! As my mom always tells weird persons think the same
                        No no no, that should read 'Great Minds Think Alike'

                        Edit: Ok, I'll save you all the trouble 'Fools Seldom Differ'


                          Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                          Oh my God! I laughed and I squeed! Does anybody know what Amanda and Rick were saying while talking on the phone? A lot of people are talking about it but nobody's saying what they said...did I just make sence?

                          The last question about reshooting the honeymoon......

                          Cute eh? Uhh, from what I remember, at first when she got the phone we didn't know who she was talking with (I think the guy from Legends arranged it btw). We all thought at first it was Teryl Rothery, because she was in London as well and Amanda had been talking how fun it would be if Teryl was to come over. Then we thought maybe it was her husband, some people thought Olivia. Soon we found out it was RDA.
                          They had the "what are you wearing" conversation. Rick asked what Amanda was up to, she said we were raising money, for hearing dogs and Waterkeepers. Rick goes on how he really likes water ... "in fact, I'm having some right now". Lol.
                          He talks about his new dog (and Amanda is all "you have a new dog???"", but I think most attendees knew already lol). I think he said something about his dog being really smart, but I'm not sure anymore.
                          They go on about meeting up for the night (if only he would've come by), lots of cutesy stuff, and that's about all I remember.

                          That enough ?


                            Helloooo everyone!!!!

                            I've multiquoted a whole bunch of stuff here, so bear with me... Snipping stuff for length, cos it's too much and GW won't let me post it all...

                            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                            What I think is cool is, assuming each of these AUs had an event, which led to a serious of events, which led to different timelines than ours...


                            Ooh interesting indeed. Part of me thinks you might be right there with Pete and Jacob, but another part of me thinks that it would be logical for Sam to have been on her honeymoon with Jack because of all the other S/J hints in that episode. Although really, thinking about it, Daniel shouldn't have been quite so surprised at the idea of Sam being on honeymoon - after all in his reality she was engaged not so long ago... so not a huge difference really. Hmmm... I do like your theory about this proving that Pete was bad though

                            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                            Ahhh. The "I wouldn't be here...." discussion. *counts number of times in a year it's been brought up! )


                            And we all know how that turned out, in the end.
                            This completely sums up what I think about that conversation, only way more eloquently than I could probably ever manage

                            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                            A little OT here, but as it concerns one of our family...

                            Amy (gater62) lives in one of the communities that was right in the path of Hurricane Dolly. I think she went offline this morning when they lost power. Watching the Weather Channel, I saw that her town was under at least 2 feet of water in the downtown area and they'd had wind gusts of 74 mph. So, if everyone wouldn't mind keeping Amy and her family in your thoughts...I know she'd appreciate it.

                            Now, back to your regularly sheduled shipping.

                            Oh...and since it's Amy's favorite...

                            I've been thinking about Amy with the hurricane, I hope she's OK. Has anyone heard anything from her?

                            Originally posted by Bucky View Post

                            Great post as usual ASP.


                            Superb post! I've posted my theories of parallel episodes with Sam and Jack before (Message in a Bottle v. Entity, Paradise Lost v. Grace, In the Line of Duty v. Abyss, New Order v. Abyss), but this is one I hadn't noticed. Good catch. And completely agree with you about the need for angst in a ship - stories move forward through conflict and release, it's the most basic pattern. Basically we need all three pillars of ship

                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            okay, i've been going over the shippy greatness we've been getting lately, and i 'think' i've got them in the right order. can anyone go over them to see if i've got it right? (or if i've missed anything)

                            BIG spoilers


                            *amanda at at3.

                            *subtle ship in 'continuum'.

                            *the s4 commentaries.

                            *joe saying the commentaries 'confirmed' sam and jack are in a relationship.

                            *brad wright's interview where he said there'd be a 'romantic' scene between sam and jack.

                            *joe saying au-sam was married to au-jack in 'ripple effect'.

                            Only one thing to say to this... squeeeeeee!!!!!

                            Originally posted by LOL4JACK View Post
                            Can I propose other words?

                            - "Not Exactly", "Always"... these are words that made the world Squeeee....
                            - Of course also, Shipmas, Valenship, Eastership and Shipsgiving
                            Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                            You can suggest words, but you'd have to talk to the writer of it. She'd probably put it/them in, but still...Ask her. Or better yet, she'll probably read your post and decide then, lol!


                            And now I'm off to bed...

                            Words and suggestions for the Shiptionary always happily received I will add them later on tonight!

                            Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                            Time for my first random question. If we had had a slightly better resolution in the end of S8, y'know maybe even ka kiss, would you have prefered Stargate to end there or would you choose what we have atm - no confirmation, S9-10 plus 2 movies and counting? For me Stargate has been more than S/J ship. The ship is what made the show a lot better to me. So I don't know how to answer myself.

                            Did I make any sense at all?

                            Um, the banners are basically done, but you can tell us anyway.
                            Hmmm, this is a difficult one. My big gut feeling, ever since first watching the last few eps of S8, that that is where Stargate should have ended. SG-1 get their version of riding off into the sunset with the going fishing, resolution for the ship, all the major storylines tied up - it was just the logical, perfect, complete ending. I was very disappointed with S9, just wasn't the Stargate I knew and loved, but S10 is a lot better (haven't seen AoT yet ). But I love Stargate and wouldn't want to say that I wish we hadn't had any more, that would feel, I dunno, ungrateful, kinda. And I do like the shippy hints and the feeling that the storylines and the people (and the ship) have all gone on. So I don't know! I would have been very happy with it ending after S8, would have felt complete, but having seen S9&10 I also feel that that's part of Stargate and I love Stargate so...

                            Um, yeah, that wasn't very well explained...

                            Originally posted by Egle01 View Post

                            I noticed this little thing watching S9. I know Sam is very much capable of making jokes, even when they're not exactly appropriate. But this sounded very much like a joke Jack tried to do in S1.

                            Hammind: "It costs nearly a billion dollars just to turn the lights on around here."
                            Jack: "How about a bake sale? Yard sale? Garage?"
                            Hammond: "This is what I look like when I'm not laughing, Colonel."
                            Jack: "Car wash?"

                            Orlin: "Basically, I know what I need to make. I just don't have any of the right materials or tools."
                            Sam: "This is the best we have…I can get you a toaster if you need it?"
                            Orlin: "Not unless you're hungry for toast."
                            Sam: "Waffle iron?"
                            Ooh good catch! I love the Jackisms

                            Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                            *does a slap dance*

                            Hey hey kiddos!

                            Hmmm. I don't have much to say (AGAIN! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?) But I did want to nod and agree with what everyone is saying! Great shippy thinking caps today, friends!

                            Oh () and in case it wants to be added to the list,

                            In Australia, if we wanted confirmation, we would say

                            Just let 'em bonk, mate!

                            Aussies! Honestly!
                            (I have to say here, two of my ex-housemates are Aussies, from Brissie actually just like you, and that is said with all the affection that comes from being a Brit and having Aussies as some of your best friends who you lived with in happy harmony for two years )

                            Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                            Heya Family,

                            Just quickly dropping in before I go shopping.

                            Found these somewhere...made me laugh and now I can go shopping with a huge honking grin on my face. It's a chat they did with AT and RDA.


                            Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                            There's more in that chat...seems those two were in a shippy mood!

                            ROFL! These are awesome! Thanks for posting!

                            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                            Hey all !

                            Hospital OT:

                            First things first, I'M OUT!! Finally!!! Got out yesterday morning but now I'm kind of struggling to get back into a routine. I seem to be so tired all the time, and really early as well, like 8 o'clock. When I was in there all I wanted to do was get out and I had so much energy, now I've kind of deflated a little, lol. Still, back now and ready for some major shipping. Trying to start, yes start, work on my Ship Day offering but it might be a little late . Apologies.

                            Anyhoo, how the diddly is everyone?
                            So good to hear you're out and to have you back, we've missed you! *big huge squishy hugs*
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Thanks for the AT3 con report!
                              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                                Hi again, all,

                                In honor of the upcoming Ship Day (which I will most likely miss, as we'll be on our vacation following Saturday's big event), I've two more caps to add - but I'll put them in spoilers for space.

                                Early shippiness, and a grinning Jack (well, he grins more in the eps, but maybe not my caps)! Can't beat that, eh?


                                Thanks again for the AT3 stuff, and Sarai, welcome back, glad you're doing better.

                                Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."

