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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I just noticed that we are the only ones here every night (or it morning for you Jumble?)

    This is like the Vampire hour when the creatures of night come out to play - WE RULE THE THREAD

    mwa ha ha ...ha ha hah ...AGHHAHAHAHAHAHA

    ... .... ...


    Edit: ooh! Hi Mara


      Originally posted by Terrah View Post
      I should be in bed, I have work in the morning and I'm Knackered, but I have to post these pics.
      Amanda Chatting to Rick. lol.
      Amanda wearing Jacks uniform.
      oooh thanks for the pictures...what I wouldn't do to get my hands on that Jacket...*drools* and the original man that had it....

      Originally posted by DuncTK421 View Post
      I gotta say, I don't really like her as a brunette. I dunno, I think it makes her look older.
      hmm...I don't say I dont like it. but I do say that I prefer her blonde...I think blonde is just better...the same thing why I don't dye my hair blonde coz brown just looks better...she has the opposite IMHO!

      but it still looks good...only I prefer blonde

      *goes sit in a corner, scared*

      Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post
      Do you think we should?
      I don't know Sam, it's your call.
      I think I want to.
      Jack looks at Sam carefully for a moment to see if she's sure, then he turns back to the doctor.
      All right, tell us--boy or girl?
      love this one and the others you posted!

      Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
      GW is having technical problems, which might explain the lack of posts Its been going on since Friday. The Mods are trying to fix it, so hopefully we'll be back to normal soon

      Edit: Oops! Forgot the Img tags!
      Hmm I haven't had troubles with GW...only with internet...but that is probably coz it's free...and I have no idea where I'm getting the stolen connection from!

      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
      I just noticed that we are the only ones here every night (or it morning for you Jumble?)

      This is like the Vampire hour when the creatures of night come out to play - WE RULE THE THREAD

      mwa ha ha ...ha ha hah ...AGHHAHAHAHAHAHA

      ... .... ...


      Edit: ooh! Hi Mara
      * cough* I'm here too....and it's afternoon!!! (13:28...or in your thing 1:28 pm) so for Jumble one hour earlier!

      oh and as always congrats all milestoners and lovely artwork everyone ,awesome!


        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
        Congrats on 1 600 posts Bekki

        WOOHOO only 400 to go

        *is happy*
        from me too...

        and I just let mom hear the SG lyrics...(she thought the boys were singing false I said it wasn't about the sound...but about the text...she thought that was funny)

        and I showed her this(all because of Bekki) potato

        She thought that was funny...and that we are nutz....

        Now SG time...finally time for my marathon...


          The other day, I posted my interpretation about Amanda's ideas about our ship (I felt she doesn't think the ship is important for the character of Sam).

          Someone who also attended AT3 (SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE) walked away with a whole different feeling, she posted on another forum about it and I will quote her here.

          I admit that I have thought evil things about AT in the past because of seemingly snarky remarks she'd been quoted as saying...

          but after listening to her speak for two days, hearing the wonderful and witty and humorous and loving...yes, loving...things that came out of her mouth (both for and against ship)...I would never EVER believe another quote that has her bashing the S/J ship. She is THE shipper. She is shipper extraordinaire. She "flirted" relentlessly this weekend with the idea of Sam and Jack, from saying Carter (if she won the lottery) would buy up all the land around a Cabin in Minnesota, and buying a realtionship with him, and buying saying the BDU shirt would be what she'd "be wearing in the morning" WooHoo'ing at our Gone Fishing table when she saw the framed picture, right down to the talking about the possibilities of S/J ship in future movies. According to her people have even sent her fan fic to read, and she liked it. Enjoyed it. She wants to read more.

          Her comments about the ship during the show were after a person asked what SHE thought the worst thing TPTB did to her as a character. Someone else felt that there should be no ship...and she asked the audience if we were all S/J shippers. I heard a couple no's, but 95+% of the audience were all for it. And she merely said that "in the context of the show I tend to agree" because let's face it...Carter would NEVER have done what we wanted her to. She would NOT screw the regs and shatter both careers. But she VERY CLEARLY told us all that hey, she's no longer under his command, so she doesn't see a reason why it can't happen now.

          She never said she didn't want it to. She never ONCE said she was against it.

          Amanda Tapping ships Sam and Jack...just as much as we do.

          She has been taken out of context far too much, as she herself alluded to...ok, no, strike that...she didn't allude to it. She kept mentioning it. She gets misquoted. She knows it.

          I guess no one who wasn't in that room...watching the tears stream down her beautiful the thought that so many people loved and adored her...a fact that she struggles to understand in REAL modesty...not the artificial kind...would ever understand that there is not a mean or spiteful bone in that woman's body. It's not who she is. It's not WHAT she is. There are no words to describe the feeling of total love that you can feel for someone, while you, she, and hundreds of other people in one room watch a video of AT3 moments set to "You Raise Me Up."

          So no, I don't think you would have been unhappy if you'd gone. Because as much as we were all brought together here by the love of Sam/Jack, we are kept together by the love of RDA and AT. And if you (in general, not specifically) are never able to be part of such an emotionally charged, overwhelming and entirely draining (in all good ways) event such as what we went will never truly be able to appreciate Amanda Tapping for the human being she is.



            I've decided to make sigs with completely random episode pictures

            This first one is Fail Safe and Fifth Race

  's amazing how easy it is to find pictures that mirror each other


              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
              The other day, I posted my interpretation about Amanda's ideas about our ship (I felt she doesn't think the ship is important for the character of Sam).

              Someone who also attended AT3 (SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE) walked away with a whole different feeling, she posted on another forum about it and I will quote her here.
              Thanks for posting this...and all the other AT3 goodness. And yeah...Amanda seems to be miss-understood a lot of times. She says something as a joke and it's taken way too seriously. There was never doubt in my mind that she's a shipper.


                Thanks for posting SamJackShipLover It's good to know a few viewpoints!

                AT3 sounds like it was WONDERFUL!!!

                ...ok - random episode sig #2. We've got Fire and Water, and Space Race this time



                  Hi Shippers!!!

                  OMG! BW lurked? Holy cow! And I missed it of course...stooopid work!!!

                  So did we say anything remotely intelligent that would convince him to give us our confirmation while he was here?

                  CONGRATS APA ON 4000 BIG ONES!

                  Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                  Thanks, Mara. You've made the case far more eloquently than I was able to. In fact, I have nothing to add..except we miss you around here and hope you pop in more often once you get settled again!!!

                  And I too love a good SG discussion, which was one of the reasons I finally de-lurked a year ago and joined this thread. Back then (in the old days...) they were doing an episode a week...everyone would vote on an ep and then people would watch it at their leisure and post comments about it thru the week. It kind of faded out since a lot of the people around at the time had been over and over many of the episodes repeatedly and were a little worn out talking about them, I think. Given that we have a lot of people who have joined since then, I wonder if it might be worth reviving that tradition? I know from time to time we've had a sort of spontaneous episode discussion, but it's usually fairly concentrated around a couple of hours time and I think other people have been hesitant to join in. Maybe we could get back to the "Episode of the Week" and that way everyone who wanted to could participate....

                  just a thought.
                  Wow, I'd completely forgotten about that until you mentioned it. Yeah that does work well for those who haven't been able to be around for our RT

                  It was Lies who set it up last time but I think it's easier to do it the way you said.

                  Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                  *waves hand* I think I can address this! See...I don't think that she got her gender wrong; her last host was a man...and so Jack would consider the symbiote male...if she'd said "she's telling you the truth" it would have revealed immediatley that it was the symbiote talking. Jolinar was a practiced agent. She got a few things wrong in the beginning but given time she was able to gauge her audience better, push the right buttons and make herself as believable as possible. And IIRC, at the end, when Jack tells Sam she won...she beat it, Sam says: "It wasn't me...the goa'uld gave it's life for me...saved me...." --she doesn't refer to it by any specific gender. If it had been Sam before, I think she would have continued with the same gender-identification here as well.


                  Oooh...and just cuz I feel like it...
                  Firstly...well said and I completely agree.

                  Secondly...who are you and what have you done with APA???!!!! I couldn't help but glance up APA - after spending some considerable time contemplating the above pic - and noticed your very nice new Avatar

                  Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                  Bum shot!

                  You know, I feel a whole lot better. Not that there was anything wrong before...but I still suddenly feel...better

                  Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post
                  Ooh, I get to check Jack's pulse! That always gives me a chance to savor touching him for just a moment without anyone noticing. Is it a bad thing that I almost look forward to him being knocked unconscious?
                  ROFL!!!! Hehehe...I guess Sam likes some Jack whump too

                  Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                  This lack of posting saddens and alarms me

                  you will be punished with a poem

                  Jack's POV - in season 8 (the time of the potato)

                  Long ago you loved me
                  Now you stare
                  With eyes that guard like hounds
                  so that I can't see past them

                  Long ago you looked at me
                  and in your eyes
                  I saw a shimmer of something greater than myself
                  Now I see you

                  Long ago you found me
                  Hiding in my own eyes
                  scared to look at you
                  and see that you were beautiful

                  Long ago I saw you
                  and watched as you almost took me
                  and my eyes sighed as you backed away

                  Long ago I loved you

                  see? That's what happens when you don't post you get subject to D grade poetry

                  Edit: ahh, Senedra has broken the dry spell of posting! *applauds*
                  *sob* Oh that's so sad *sniff*

                  I think I'll just go back to looking at Jack's fine assets
                  Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                  Thanks Bekki


                    GW just had a big poo all over my post

                    I shall try again

                    This time I randomly chose the Changeling and Broca (YES! BROCA )

                    Here's what happened...

                    Alright lovelies, I am off to beddy byes...I'm performing in my show for the last time tomorrow night so I guess I need a good night's sleep



                      Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                      Interesting eh?

                      I jsut found a angsty great Sam and Jack song (says she who just told bekki to much angst was bad)


                      The Older I Get

                      The walls between
                      You and I
                      Always pushing us apart nothing left but scars fight after fight
                      The space between
                      Our calm and rage
                      started growing shorter , disappearing slowly day after day

                      I was sitting there waiting in my room for you
                      You were waiting for me too
                      And it makes me wonder

                      The older I get
                      Will I get over it
                      It's been way too long for the times we missed
                      I didn't know then it would hurt like this but I think
                      The older I get
                      Maybe I'll get over it
                      It's been way too long for the times we missed
                      I can't believe it still hurts like this

                      The time between
                      Those cutting words
                      Built up our defenses never made no sense it just made me hurt
                      Do you believe
                      That time heals all wounds
                      It started getting better but it's easy not to fight when I'm not with you

                      What was I waiting for
                      I should've taken less and given you more
                      I should've weathered the storm
                      I need to say so bad
                      What were you waiting for
                      This could have been the best we ever had

                      I'm just getting older
                      I'm not getting over you I'm trying to
                      I wish it didn't hurt like this
                      It's been way too long for the times we missed
                      I can't believe it still hurts like this

                      such a great song
                      Great song!! ANd perfect for Sam and Jack I think. I can really see this being about them *sigh*

                      Hi backatcha Bekki! Hehehe...I like the random sigs

                      And now...I gotta go again. Bye shippers!!
                      Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                      Thanks Bekki


                        Good morning Ship Family! I have started the countdown to summer vacation-woohoo! Lots of summer shipping ahead (I hope!).
                        Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                          Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                          I just noticed that we are the only ones here every night (or it morning for you Jumble?)

                          This is like the Vampire hour when the creatures of night come out to play - WE RULE THE THREAD

                          mwa ha ha ...ha ha hah ...AGHHAHAHAHAHAHA

                          ... .... ...


                          Edit: ooh! Hi Mara
                          Yes, I've noticed that too. It was 11.30 in the morning when you posted this. And I've just seen your'e going to bed when its 1.30 in my afternoon Wish I could join you.
                          Edit: Er, that didn't come out right I just meant I'm tired!

                          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                          Hmm I haven't had troubles with GW...only with internet...but that is probably coz it's free...and I have no idea where I'm getting the stolen connection from!
                          They seem to have fixed it now, so hopefully there will be more of us around tonight.

                          Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                          I've decided to make sigs with completely random episode pictures

                          This first one is Fail Safe and Fifth Race


                's amazing how easy it is to find pictures that mirror each other
                          I've noticed that too, and also how Jack and Sam mirror each other a lot


                            Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post
                            Do you think we should?
                            I don't know Sam, it's your call.
                            I think I want to.
                            Jack looks at Sam carefully for a moment to see if she's sure, then he turns back to the doctor.
                            All right, tell us--boy or girl?
                            yey CQ that's great *must not squee must not squee*

                            Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                            This lack of posting saddens and alarms me

                            you will be punished with a poem

                            Jack's POV - in season 8 (the time of the potato)

                            Long ago you loved me
                            Now you stare
                            With eyes that guard like hounds
                            so that I can't see past them

                            Long ago you looked at me
                            and in your eyes
                            I saw a shimmer of something greater than myself
                            Now I see you

                            Long ago you found me
                            Hiding in my own eyes
                            scared to look at you
                            and see that you were beautiful

                            Long ago I saw you
                            and watched as you almost took me
                            and my eyes sighed as you backed away

                            Long ago I loved you

                            see? That's what happens when you don't post you get subject to D grade poetry

                            Edit: ahh, Senedra has broken the dry spell of posting! *applauds*
                            I'm here I'm here!
                            I plead the fact that I've just moved back to uni after by spring vacs and as I have no laptop it's hard to post when you're in a car...

                            Thanks for the post SamJackShipLover!
                            glad you had a good time at AT3
                            I've always thought that AT didn't have a problem with the ship so much, just the idea of demeaning Sam's character if they were involved illicitly. It's not who Sam is (but then it's not who Jack is either) and I think it would have ruined the characters, the ship, and even the show if they'd done that. Now that the big regs and COC issue is gone it wouldn't take anything from the character to have them together.
                            sigpicMy Fanfic


                              Congrats on 1600 Bekki!!!

                              counting down to loosing the potato, can't wait to see your new avatar!
                              sigpicMy Fanfic


                                Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                                I'm here I'm here!
                                I plead the fact that I've just moved back to uni after by spring vacs and as I have no laptop it's hard to post when you're in a car...
                                Sure is, especially when you're driving................

