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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
    *le gasp!* Ship day is coming up you say? W-when?

    I seem to have returned just in time! This is a great excuse to finish the fic I've been... slowly.... working on. And I'll try to break out the ol' photoshop as well!

    And Mary-Jane... I absolutely LOVE your sig. So happy!
    That would be July 28th.

    And July is Ship Month!

    This week's Episode of the Week: Divide and Conquer!

    This week on SGA: the deleted TRIO scene is out on DVD today. And SGA S5 returns this Friday with Sam's farewell appearance as CO. *sob*

    Next week's Episode of the Week: Window of Opportunity (get those Fruit Loops ready)

    July 28th is Ship Day

    July 29th is the release of Continuum

    And ALL MONTH LONG Operation Penguin is launching their postcard blitz of TPTB requesting confirmation for Sam and Jack in the 3rd SG1 movie.

    Gotta love July.



      Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
      *le gasp!* Ship day is coming up you say? W-when?

      I seem to have returned just in time! This is a great excuse to finish the fic I've been... slowly.... working on. And I'll try to break out the ol' photoshop as well!

      And Mary-Jane... I absolutely LOVE your sig. So happy!
      Hee hee why thank you!


        Wow, the shippers are going to be busy this month!

        Well... I'm excited! Totally didn't know a third movie was in the talks either. I am so out of the loop!

        Also, random sub par photoshop fun!
        Too cool for a signature.


          Is it me, or do they look like they are flirting a little? or would be if they could...

          Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
          Geez, 7700! That's impressive that is.
          *looks at own post count*
          Tell me about it.
          Congartulations Jann!

          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
          Hi, Ship Family!!! Is everyone preparing for Ship Day?

          That's what I've been doing while Gateworld has been sick.

          I don't foresee any difficulties that would keep me away from you, since I'm planning to take Ship Day as a vacation day. If you like, I can launch the day. Just let me know.

          Tonight...I'm launching an invitation...although it would be really better with a really kick a** piece of art work to go with it...kinda like those Ship Day sigs you've all been posting with the new skills you've been picking up from the art thread (that I haven't had time to explore--sniff, sniff).

          Who wants to make one?

          Time's near for Ship Day,
          And here online,
          We're writing fics, making art
          And having a good time.

          Some are creative,
          Others are not,
          But all can do something,
          To make the day rock.

          Just a little reminder....

          for those who don't think they're creative (although just about everyone in this thread is creative, in some way or another). Here's other ways to contribute to the fun:

          1. Contact a couple of your fave Sam/Jack authors, vid-makers or graphic artists and ask them to drop by and speak with us on Ship Day. Some have become thread members!

          2. Construct a 10 S/J moments, top 10 S/J angst moments, fave S/J eps, etc. You have to set those up in advance with the mods though.

          3. Invite TPTB to stop by. I think JM may have on one occasion. I know he has been invited in the past.

          4. Invite people from other S/J forums to unite with us at GW--at least, for the day.

          5. Invite S/J authors you know others on the thread like (and who aren't thread members) to join us on Ship Day. Include a link to Gateworld in your invitation, and tell them how to find us once they're on the GW forum.

          6. How many of you are members of, or sometimes visit, other S/J forums? Wouldn't it be nice to celebrate with other S/J fans we don't know? Go to those forums and invite them to join us at GW on the 28th. Stress showing unity and the strength of the ship. Include a link to Gateworld in your invitation, and tell them how to find us once they're on the GW forum. Maybe we'll make some new friends.

          7. Your own idea.

          Everyone can contribute! Those who are going to be away, but still want to be part of the fun can make their vids, stories, etc., in advance and ask another thread member to post them. There are all sorts of ways to celebrate!!!

          * Smilies by Zuz
          I'll make the cake.... I've been doing them at work, and they are GREAT fun!

          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
          Hey from a new forum member!

          Just wanted to say what a great thread this is! Nice to know so many people love Sam and Jack as much as I do!

          Thankyou to Jann who made my signature


            *wanders into thread* Seems July will be busy. I hope I don't forget anything! I'm so forgetful these days. *sigh*


              Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
              Hey from a new forum member!

              Just wanted to say what a great thread this is! Nice to know so many people love Sam and Jack as much as I do!
              CONGRATS ON 7700 JANN


                Yeah...finally GW working this morning!

                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                when gateworld was down yesterday (), i decided to read this one shipper story i'd not read in ages. it's a wonderful fic!

                it's called, "Until the End of the World" By Ruth M.King. i very much recommend this.

                here's a link for the rest of her stories. just go down to Ruth M King and check out some of her fics. i also recommend alli snow and sue corkill.

                for you angst lovers, check out "Alone" By AliCat. (keep tissues handy)

                there's a LOT of wonderful fics at this site. when i first got into fandom (season 4), these were the fics i read.

                oh yeah, those fics are very good...she's a very good author!! Love her fics *happy sigh*

                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                Hi, Ship Family!!! Is everyone preparing for Ship Day?

                That's what I've been doing while Gateworld has been sick.

                I don't foresee any difficulties that would keep me away from you, since I'm planning to take Ship Day as a vacation day. If you like, I can launch the day. Just let me know.

                Tonight...I'm launching an invitation...although it would be really better with a really kick a** piece of art work to go with it...kinda like those Ship Day sigs you've all been posting with the new skills you've been picking up from the art thread (that I haven't had time to explore--sniff, sniff).

                Who wants to make one?

                Time's near for Ship Day,
                And here online,
                We're writing fics, making art
                And having a good time.

                Some are creative,
                Others are not,
                But all can do something,
                To make the day rock.

                Just a little reminder....

                for those who don't think they're creative (although just about everyone in this thread is creative, in some way or another). Here's other ways to contribute to the fun:

                1. Contact a couple of your fave Sam/Jack authors, vid-makers or graphic artists and ask them to drop by and speak with us on Ship Day. Some have become thread members!

                2. Construct a 10 S/J moments, top 10 S/J angst moments, fave S/J eps, etc. You have to set those up in advance with the mods though.

                3. Invite TPTB to stop by. I think JM may have on one occasion. I know he has been invited in the past.

                4. Invite people from other S/J forums to unite with us at GW--at least, for the day.

                5. Invite S/J authors you know others on the thread like (and who aren't thread members) to join us on Ship Day. Include a link to Gateworld in your invitation, and tell them how to find us once they're on the GW forum.

                6. How many of you are members of, or sometimes visit, other S/J forums? Wouldn't it be nice to celebrate with other S/J fans we don't know? Go to those forums and invite them to join us at GW on the 28th. Stress showing unity and the strength of the ship. Include a link to Gateworld in your invitation, and tell them how to find us once they're on the GW forum. Maybe we'll make some new friends.

                7. Your own idea.

                Everyone can contribute! Those who are going to be away, but still want to be part of the fun can make their vids, stories, etc., in advance and ask another thread member to post them. There are all sorts of ways to celebrate!!!

                * Smilies by Zuz
                Yay for Ship day...

                and I would like to make it...if it's okay for everyone...since I'm not that much in here on ship day I can atleast do something for it

       long as everyone is okay with it...I mean...there are enough other people that are very good with graphic stuff...erm well..if yes...say what I should put up for text on it...etc

                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post

                Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                Hey from a new forum member!

                Just wanted to say what a great thread this is! Nice to know so many people love Sam and Jack as much as I do!

                Welcome SamJackShipper

                have lots of fun in here, enjoy the place...

                and just a question...did you lurk for long? ...if no...then you should know that we are all very sane and innocent people...that have very appropriate minds and are sweet...and good...

                Jumble what where you saying yesterday about impression on newbies...and there aren't ones? now there is!

                *puts up sweet, innocent face*


                  Whoever posted the link to the story called "Until the End of the World" bye Ruth M. King, i Thank You. It was one of the better stories i have read in recent times.

                  Im REALLY sorry i cant name the person who did, but unfortunatly i dont have time to look. REALLY REALLY SORRY!

                  Thankyou to Jann who made my signature


                    k8tyds I've put your MOP sig on the MOP site

                    Jann I think it would be great if you could do the Ship Day invitation. I think basically you just need to put the date and invite anyone who is interested to join us If anyone else wants to do it, there's no harm in having more than one I think

                    GW has been down for about 2 hours


                      Congrats starlover1990 on 7,700 posts!!!
                      Congrats mad_gater on 4,100 posts!!!
                      Congrats Lady eliza on 1,300 posts!!!
                      Congrats AstraPerAspera on 4,400 posts!!!
                      Congrats luvnjack on 3,900 posts!!!


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                        Hey from a new forum member!

                        Just wanted to say what a great thread this is! Nice to know so many people love Sam and Jack as much as I do!

                        Originally posted by starlover View Post
                        and just a question...did you lurk for long? ...if no...then you should know that we are all very sane and innocent people...that have very appropriate minds and are sweet...and good...

                        Jumble what where you saying yesterday about impression on newbies...and there aren't ones? now there is!

                        *puts up sweet, innocent face*
                        You never give up do you?

                        Sally - thanks for the fic rec, I'll read it later

                        Congrats on all the milestones, WTG


                          Originally posted by elbarta View Post
                          Congrats starlover1990 on 7,700 posts!!!
                          Congrats mad_gater on 4,100 posts!!!
                          Congrats Lady eliza on 1,300 posts!!!
                          Congrats AstraPerAspera on 4,400 posts!!!
                          Congrats luvnjack on 3,900 posts!!!
                          CONGRATS EVERYONE WTG!


                            Welcome to the thread,

                            Drop by often and have fun!
                            And never mind the Shippy Hippies...

                            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                              Sally - thanks for the fic rec, I'll read it later

                              Congrats on all the milestones, WTG
                              LOL. hahah Jasmina your avatar!


                                No, don't mind us, come and join us

