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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Just seen the new update on

    here's part of the note just received from RDA (Continuum)

    Brad and I exchanged mails. He is very proud of "Continuum" and is fond of saying in interviews that it's the SG of old... "Jack is back!!!"

    Well, for the sake of accuracy in journalism I offer this correction:

    Brad actually said, "...Rick is back."
    Who knew Rick could be
    So, so-so, is what I'm getting at.

    Oh, and by the way, Brad sent me a copy of "Continuum," and I must shout and tout the relative genius of both Mr. Wright and Mr. Wood. The darn thing looks, SOUNDS, and behaves like a feature film. I am soooo frickin' proud of those guys. Talented and genuinely GOOD guys.

    *is speechlessly Squunking*


      Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
      Thanks, that did help. I've figured out its 'Who says looks don't count', but for some reason I can't delete it I'll try again later, got to do some work now. Paperwork, YUK! The one part of my job I hate! Catch u all later ((((hugs))))
      Just wanted to say, ImageRotate responded very fast to the email I sent them this morning and they have fixed it, so I shouldn't have blank spaces anymore *huggles sigs*

      Edit: And I still haven't done the paperwork Got involved in singing with the kiddies instead and was having too much fun


        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
        Come one and hear, come on and hear, Alexander's Ragtime Band!!! ...(of all the songs to have stuck in my head *rolls eyes*

        New sig

        ...why do I get the feeling that I am getting progressively worse at this?


        Alan *hugs* Here's hoping you have S/J shippery shippery dreams tonight!!!
        Hah! If this is progressively worse, then your first effort must have been truly spectacular!!!!

        Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
        Me likes!

        And you are good at it...

        really...should I now show one of my first signatures compared to yours...
        *goes to PB...searching*

        I thought that this was my 3/4 sig..

        also on of the first ones

        See that yours are waaaaaaaaaay better...
        These are awesome! Even way back when.

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
          Just seen the new update on

          here's part of the note just received from RDA (Continuum)

          Brad and I exchanged mails. He is very proud of "Continuum" and is fond of saying in interviews that it's the SG of old... "Jack is back!!!"

          Well, for the sake of accuracy in journalism I offer this correction:

          Brad actually said, "...Rick is back."
          Who knew Rick could be
          So, so-so, is what I'm getting at.

          Oh, and by the way, Brad sent me a copy of "Continuum," and I must shout and tout the relative genius of both Mr. Wright and Mr. Wood. The darn thing looks, SOUNDS, and behaves like a feature film. I am soooo frickin' proud of those guys. Talented and genuinely GOOD guys.

          *is speechlessly Squunking*
          This has me so excited and has me asking yet again, is it July yet? Where's that countdown? Just how many days are left anyway? I swear, I don't ever remember anticipating a movie like this before!
          Thanks to Dunc for my pretty aurora and Muse sig. He had no part in the Twilight one


            (((Duncan))) Indeed, Heroes is a very sad episode. I watched it this morning and happened to listen to the commentary on it this time around. Robert Cooper was on and made a comment that the hugging scene between Sam and Jack was almost not included. He said he had written the scene but assumed it would have been left out when they filmed it, I guess because of the shippy overtones. He also made some cute comments about how the characters love each other.
            Thank goodness they left it in, I can't imagine the episode without it now.
            Thanks to Dunc for my pretty aurora and Muse sig. He had no part in the Twilight one


              Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
              Just seen the new update on

              here's part of the note just received from RDA (Continuum)

              Brad and I exchanged mails. He is very proud of "Continuum" and is fond of saying in interviews that it's the SG of old... "Jack is back!!!"

              Well, for the sake of accuracy in journalism I offer this correction:

              Brad actually said, "...Rick is back."
              Who knew Rick could be
              So, so-so, is what I'm getting at.

              Oh, and by the way, Brad sent me a copy of "Continuum," and I must shout and tout the relative genius of both Mr. Wright and Mr. Wood. The darn thing looks, SOUNDS, and behaves like a feature film. I am soooo frickin' proud of those guys. Talented and genuinely GOOD guys.

              *is speechlessly Squunking*
              *sits now next to Jumble speechless*

              Oye...I love that man! Can I change him with my dad? ( is behind me...still love ya dad)

              But really... Squee!


                Originally posted by Aurora1101 View Post
                This has me so excited and has me asking yet again, is it July yet? Where's that countdown? Just how many days are left anyway? I swear, I don't ever remember anticipating a movie like this before!

                97 Days!!!



                  Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                  Tut tut tut! You'll have to come to the next one

                  Time for a poem!!!

                  There once was a kiddo called Grace
                  who had an extraordinary face
                  Her eyes were so brown
                  like the General in town
                  and her dress was spattered with lace

                  Her mummy makes Bekki squee
                  Her eyes are as blue as the sea
                  With Daddy and Grace
                  They watch stars and space
                  With Uncle Danny and T

                  Awwww! Love it!

                  Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                  Congrats from me too...

                  I've seen that on youtube, she said it in both English and sounded very sexy.

                  EDIT Here is the link


                  Wait...I. Just. Can't. Stop. Myself...Fangirl SQUEEEEE!

                  Originally posted by Alan View Post
                  Hey all!

                  I just wanted to share this dream I had last night:

                  In my dream I was at my computer reading Joe Mallozzi's blog when he basically says that there was an alternate scene filmed between Sam and Mitchell at the end of Stargate: The Ark of Truth and there was a link to a video of this alternate scene. Now as much as I squirm whenever I see the scene that's used in reality, I sure certainly appreciated it more now after seeing my dream's (or nightmare?) equivalent of an alternate scene which I won't share with you here. If you thought Sam's kissing Mitchell on the cheek was bad...then this scene was down right stomach turning for us Sam/Jack 'shippers.

                  But in my dream I read more into the blog and Joe specifically asked for the scene to be redone because it didn't fit in with what was already established in Stargate SG-1 already i.e. Sam and Jack. But then in my dream, reading even further into Joe's blog, he went on to say that Sam and Jack are 100% completely, and totally romantically involved with each other and that as much as we'd all like to see a scene cementing this on screen, the Sam/Jack relationship isn't the end all and be all of Stargate SG-1 and there were other things in the main story lines of episodes and the movie Stargate: Continuum that need to be concentrated on. After reading that in my dream I distinctly remember thinking in my dream - "You don't say(!) If I thought that Sam and Jack were the end all and be all of this program then I'd have stopped watching when Season 8 ended rather than sit through Seasons 9 and 10."

                  But this thing between Sam and Jack is still a part of Stargate SG-1 and cannot be totally ignored when they're together in a scene. Action is all well and good but character development is also equally important too.

                  And that's when the dream ended...I think. Am I awake now or still dreaming? If I visit Joe's blog will the words "Sam and Jack are 100% completely, and totally romantically involved with each other" be there? I almost wish they were. I hope one day some of that dream will become a reality in some shape or form.
                  (((ALAN))) Many of us believe they are 100% together! We live in a kingdom of eternal optimism. Come join us!

                  Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                  Come one and hear, come on and hear, Alexander's Ragtime Band!!! ...(of all the songs to have stuck in my head *rolls eyes*

                  New sig


                  ...why do I get the feeling that I am getting progressively worse at this?


                  Alan *hugs* Here's hoping you have S/J shippery shippery dreams tonight!!!
                  Love this, Bekki!!
                  Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                  Just seen the new update on

                  here's part of the note just received from RDA (Continuum)

                  Brad and I exchanged mails. He is very proud of "Continuum" and is fond of saying in interviews that it's the SG of old... "Jack is back!!!"

                  Well, for the sake of accuracy in journalism I offer this correction:

                  Brad actually said, "...Rick is back."
                  Who knew Rick could be
                  So, so-so, is what I'm getting at.

                  Oh, and by the way, Brad sent me a copy of "Continuum," and I must shout and tout the relative genius of both Mr. Wright and Mr. Wood. The darn thing looks, SOUNDS, and behaves like a feature film. I am soooo frickin' proud of those guys. Talented and genuinely GOOD guys.

                  *is speechlessly Squunking*
                  Squunking....squeeing and thunking? SQUEEEEE!!!! (((RDA)))

                  Good morning, Family.


                    Originally posted by Aurora1101 View Post
                    This has me so excited and has me asking yet again, is it July yet? Where's that countdown? Just how many days are left anyway? I swear, I don't ever remember anticipating a movie like this before!
                    97 for US 107 for me

                    Originally posted by Aurora1101 View Post
                    (((Duncan))) Indeed, Heroes is a very sad episode. I watched it this morning and happened to listen to the commentary on it this time around. Robert Cooper was on and made a comment that the hugging scene between Sam and Jack was almost not included. He said he had written the scene but assumed it would have been left out when they filmed it, I guess because of the shippy overtones. He also made some cute comments about how the characters love each other.
                    Thank goodness they left it in, I can't imagine the episode without it now.
                    *runs off to listen to commentary* Leave it out???? Grrr

                    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                    Squunking....squeeing and thunking? SQUEEEEE!!!! (((RDA)))

                    Good morning, Family.
                    Yup, squunking! Invented by Bekki I believe and (((((RDA))))) from me too! (Heheh, any excuse )

                    And good mor.....uh, evening to you too


                      Hi, guys! Remember me?
                      Egle01 is reporting for duty. Almost. I've been to hell and came back.
                      Those who remember me, y'can see that my couple of days turned to be couple of weeks. NOW I'm home.

                      Long story for short:
                      I was in hospital for research (I don't know if it's correct word for it). X-ray found a thing in my right lung. Honestly I've never been poked and scanned so much in my life. After 2 weeks they found that this thing was a tumor. And a big one. Rare too, but I don't give a damn about that. Last monday I was on surgery. They cut it out. Next days were like hell. Soooo painful.
                      Now I've missed school almost a month, I've got exam coming... I hate my life atm.

                      I'm not going to bother myself reading previous pages, so... What was going on here while I was away? Hopefully you're all OK.

                      I've seen AoT. It was OK. Not amazing, not awful. It was OK. But I saw 'Continuum' trailer. OMG! Took my (little enough) breath away.

                      (((Ship Family)))


                        *yawns and waves*

                        Hi shippers! Busy few days in RL (editing) but I'm back again now. Sig-making time again, squeeee!

                        I sense some fangirl action in the offing...

                        Time to play catch-up.

                        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                        FYI, the next chapter of Out of Time is up.

                        Okay...I confess...I only posted so I could see my Kingdom of Enternal Optimism sig that luvnjack made me...
                        WOOP! *rushes of to* I'm loving this story!

                        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                        Congrats on 2100 Alan!!
                        Originally posted by elbarta View Post
                        Hey guys ! I'm new and after reading a lot of your posts I decided to do it myself (nothing very interesting for now I'm sorry!)
                        I appologize right now for my writing I'm french and rusted !

                        I'm so pleased to see who much you're excited by everything, it's amazing! (but we should be... Continuum is so going to be the best episode ever, so !!!)
                        WELCOME ELBERTA!!

                        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                        Look at my post count...then look at my join date.

                        *sticks out tounge*

                        I have a custom avatar...nananana...

                        *runs away*
                        *sticks tongue out back* Look what you did to Jack !

                        : nananana, I'm not listening Jasmina!

                        Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                        Ha! You'll have to catch me first *runs for her life and hides behind Jack*

                        The view from behind there would be THE BEST!

                        *guttery snicker*

                        Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                        Hi everyone! I've got about 14 pages to catch up on. I've been playing with Gimp too much the last few days. But I have a pressie to share, so it's not all bad.

                        Hopefully I'll be catching up tomorrow!
                        Oma that's awesome, thanks for sharing!

                        Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                        Aww! Like a little lawn gnome...though when I think of gnomes now I think of the live ones in Harry Potter.

                        I don't think that Jack and Sam would have lawn gnomes in their garden...though...they might have something like...


                        okay...and yeah...maybe this little gnome...

                        I dunno, I think they might have something like this...

                        Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                        Time for a new art!
                        That's definitely one of my favorite scenes.
                        I just love what Sam is doing with Jacks hand!
                        Seems like I'm hand touching addicted.

                        Originally posted by DuncTK421 View Post
                        Watched Heroes. I'm stunned by Janet's death, that came out of nowhere for me. Upset about that. But there was a nice S/J scene when he was finally up and walking around.
                        That's beautiful!! Consider it snurched

                        Originally posted by Laura View Post
                        *sneaks in*

                        hi all! it is so hard to keep up with all the chat!! so...sig time!



                        *sneaks back out*

                        Loving all the creativity from the shippers

                        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                        I just heard thunder too...*looks suspiciously around for Mary Jane*

                        Musical is on the 7th of'll be hot *giggles*
                        What musical are you doing Bekki?

                        Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                        CONGRATS ON 500 KRISSIE!

                        CONGRATS ON 200 MARY-JANE!!

                        CONGRATS ON 1300 BEKKI!!

                        CONGRATS FROM ME TOO


                          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                          97 Days!!!

                          thanks APA! I knew someone on here was keeping track

                          btw, is the new chapter up for your story yet? The angst is killing me I tell ya, KILLING ME!
                          (but just to be clear, I'm loving it, regardless )
                          Thanks to Dunc for my pretty aurora and Muse sig. He had no part in the Twilight one


                            Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                            Hi, guys! Remember me?
                            Egle01 is reporting for duty. Almost. I've been to hell and came back.
                            Those who remember me, y'can see that my couple of days turned to be couple of weeks. NOW I'm home.

                            Long story for short:
                            I was in hospital for research (I don't know if it's correct word for it). X-ray found a thing in my right lung. Honestly I've never been poked and scanned so much in my life. After 2 weeks they found that this thing was a tumor. And a big one. Rare too, but I don't give a damn about that. Last monday I was on surgery. They cut it out. Next days were like hell. Soooo painful.
                            Now I've missed school almost a month, I've got exam coming... I hate my life atm.

                            I'm not going to bother myself reading previous pages, so... What was going on here while I was away? Hopefully you're all OK.

                            I've seen AoT. It was OK. Not amazing, not awful. It was OK. But I saw 'Continuum' trailer. OMG! Took my (little enough) breath away.

                            (((Ship Family)))
                            (((((((((Egle)))))))) WELCOME HOME

                            We've been wondering where you got to! Sounds like you've had a really rough time, hope you're on the mend now and can spend some time with us!


                              Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                              ((((((Duncan)))))) I feel your pain! The S/J scene was shipperific, but it didn't do anything to anesthetise the pain of that big gaping hole in my heart where Janet was.
                              Originally posted by Aurora1101 View Post
                              (((Duncan))) Indeed, Heroes is a very sad episode. I watched it this morning and happened to listen to the commentary on it this time around. Robert Cooper was on and made a comment that the hugging scene between Sam and Jack was almost not included. He said he had written the scene but assumed it would have been left out when they filmed it, I guess because of the shippy overtones. He also made some cute comments about how the characters love each other.
                              Thank goodness they left it in, I can't imagine the episode without it now.
                              Thanks for the sympathy everyone. (((ship family))) I'm doing much better today. On the bright side, only 2&1/2ish days until I get to see Lost City.

                              Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                              Ah, poor Duncan, did nobody warn him? I remember the first time I saw Heroes. I had to rewind and watch it again, I thought I'd misunderstood or something. (((((Duncan)))))
                              Nope, no one warned me. I prefer to be as spoiler-free as possible, so I'm glad in a way. Made it more of a shock.

                              Thanks to jumble, Krissie678, & Pic for the awesome sigs!


                                Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                                97 for US 107 for me
                                And waaaaaaaaaaay more for me. *pouts*

                                Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                                Hi, guys! Remember me?
                                Egle01 is reporting for duty. Almost. I've been to hell and came back.
                                Those who remember me, y'can see that my couple of days turned to be couple of weeks. NOW I'm home.

                                Long story for short:
                                I was in hospital for research (I don't know if it's correct word for it). X-ray found a thing in my right lung. Honestly I've never been poked and scanned so much in my life. After 2 weeks they found that this thing was a tumor. And a big one. Rare too, but I don't give a damn about that. Last monday I was on surgery. They cut it out. Next days were like hell. Soooo painful.
                                Now I've missed school almost a month, I've got exam coming... I hate my life atm.

                                I'm not going to bother myself reading previous pages, so... What was going on here while I was away? Hopefully you're all OK.

                                I've seen AoT. It was OK. Not amazing, not awful. It was OK. But I saw 'Continuum' trailer. OMG! Took my (little enough) breath away.

                                (((Ship Family)))

                                and a big honkin'

                                Welcome back

