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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post
    It is SO weird to see Chris Judge without the gold Jaffa symbol on his forehead!

    Mornin, Shippers. Gonna go work on stuff (like my lack of sleep, maybe an S/J sig or three, a mini-fic, that kind of thing).
    "cuse me for breaking up the love sweet...

    It really IS weird with no Jaffa symbol. in all honesty I don't think I've seen a pic without it. Either that or my mind is so fixed on "it's always there" i actually haven't noticed!

    Now I'll let those 2 lovebirds continue.

    ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
    I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
    Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


      *catches up after being gone for 3 days*
      *is all catched up*
      *makes post*
      *GW crashes on her atm she wants to post her post*
      *tries to kill someone for that(brother seems good target atm)*
      *makes post again without a MQ*

      about JM blog stuff/speculation stuff

      I don't mind all the speculation stuff, in the end we will see if Trio has the scene or not, it;s not that long wait anymore! If it has something we will squee and be happy, if not, we will fight until we get our S/J confirmation Just...think/be happy.
      Jm says a lot of stuff on his blog, and it will always give us something to talk about (if it's S/J related) so be happy for that Also he says weird things atm(and more often...but that's just a human thingie) everyone is busy...can make mistakes and forget things he said. Let's just hope that the scene is in the episode, and if not, like said, it won't kill our ship.

      About Continuum, just hope that there is something in it, but again coz of things that said on JM blog, made me thinking. I don't expect a big, huge S/J scene, but I still hope on something small, we will see...

      It will all happens this year

      then also, some great vids posted, some links/recs to fanfic, who are now atm in my tab and will be read...

      Congrats all milestoners
      Happy Birthday to those that celebrate it
      and Welcome(back) people

      Now going off again, since my parents are returning tomorrow after being away for 9 days(something needs to be cleaned) . And well, just think about it(especially the parents in here) what happens if you leave 3 teenagers(and a dog and a bird) alone for 9 days, when they have all three vacation...
      believe me some cleaning is in place


        I watched Death Knell earlier today....Amanda Tapping was there doing the Commentary along with Peter Deluise....I love him,he's so funny on the Commentary and i also watched Grace and Moebius..I think it was Peter Deluise and Gary Jones that were doing the Commentary on Moebius,Gary Jones is funny too....And well that scene near the end of Moebius when they were in the Puddle Jumper was major Squee moment....Peter was talking about that scene but i can't remember what he said,too busy watching the JS moment even if it wasn't totally real!


          Sarai i've just read your fanfic Little pieces of her heart and must say it was touching! so gentle and beautiful story!!! Thank you!

          I miss much!!! Eu Eu Eu...
          sig thanks to Luci


            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
            I watched Death Knell earlier today....Amanda Tapping was there doing the Commentary along with Peter Deluise....I love him,he's so funny on the Commentary and i also watched Grace and Moebius..I think it was Peter Deluise and Gary Jones that were doing the Commentary on Moebius,Gary Jones is funny too....And well that scene near the end of Moebius when they were in the Puddle Jumper was major Squee moment....Peter was talking about that scene but i can't remember what he said,too busy watching the JS moment even if it wasn't totally real!

            I've found I don't get much from the commentaries as I quickly start yelling at the talkers to 'Shut Up So I Watch The Show!"

            That kind of defeats the whole purpose of the commentary and, even though I've had the DVDs for years, I've actually seen very few of them.


              Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post

              I've found I don't get much from the commentaries as I quickly start yelling at the talkers to 'Shut Up So I Watch The Show!"

              That kind of defeats the whole purpose of the commentary and, even though I've had the DVDs for years, I've actually seen very few of them.
              I don't know why i even bother trying to listen to the commentary,i usually miss what they're saying cause i'm too busy focusing on the shippy moment so i never hear what they say

              Oh oh,i gotta watch the Special Features DVD...Says that Ark of Truth (even though i already know what happens) and Continuum promos are on it!


                Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                Oh, dear God- that one's going into Photobucket. (Yes I learned how to do that, SamJackShipLover made me).

                Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post
                Hello, S/J shippers!

                Made this for atlantis_babe:
                It's pretty nice, good blending! You could lighten it up a bit, as it is a bit dark. And maybe put a colourlayer over it to bring it together a bit more. But I don't what programm you're using. I really like the caps you've choosen.

                Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                Here's where Jack is thinking of ruffling Sam's hair...or has he already? Hmmm....

                Ruffling makes me happy

                Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                On another topic, I recently remember seeing a picture of Rick and Amanda standing together at some event. She had on a black and white halter-ish dress. Does anybody have a copy of this picture? I can't remember the event or anything else, I'm afraid. Thank you to anybody who can post it.
                I think this one got posted already, not sure.

                Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                1. Growth. As confirmed by AT herself:
                AT: Raising a finger and her voice, she says, "You might recall the episode in season oªne when she went back and he had taken over a planet, as oªne's ex-boyfriend does. I don't think that outcome did much for her confidence, and I think the relationship with Pete does." Speeding up her speech and saying the whole sentence in oªne very quick breat, she shouts, "I think it's rounding her out as a person, and I think that any experience she gets in the love department, in terms of how to foster and keep a relationship, and how to open herself up and open her heart up, will oªnly serve her for the future when she does eventually get together with O'Neill."

                Noting the shocked silence from her interviewer, who fears that Tapping has just let loose with a spoiler, she quickly adds, "No. I don't really mean that. I mean, for sure, Carter loves O'Neill. She adores him, and she's allowed herself the knowledge that she cannot keep pining for this man that she can never have. Plus, as a professional and as a woman, it's bordering pathetic if she hangs oªn. It doesn't mean that she has any less feelings for O'Neill or that she's not attracted to him. She still has deep feelings of love for him, as is evidenced even after she meets Pete. She still shows it to O'Neill, and that's never going to go away, but I think what she's learned to do is to be a pragmatist about it and say, 'OK! I can't have this guy, and he's pretty fantastic, but this guy over here is not so bad either.'

                Link: AT Interview

                2. Link please. I've heard her say that they should have one night together but not after season 8. AT became more pro-S/J after S8.
                Interviewer: You're ahead of us and you (turns to fellow interviewer) told me not to ask this but I'm going to anyway and I may spoil it for myself? what happens with Carter and O'Neill, do they get it o¬n?

                Amanda: Oh, well let's just say they go fishing (roles her eyes in a huge innuendo)

                Interviewer: He uses his pole? (Amanda laughs)

                Amanda: He gets me hook line and sinker.
                AT Interview

                3. Yes, all in fun. AT said both her and CJ were having fun and didn't mean anything serious by it as the relationship was not scripted or intended.

                4/5. AT believes there is nothing but friendship between Carter and Mitchell.
                Amanda talked about the scene (with Cam) in a recent TV Zone interview (spoilers for Ark of Truth):

                "It's not an emotional film for her at all, although there's a lovely scene between Colonel Mitchell and Carter that fans are going to go Shippy –crazy for, and Ben and I just had a blast playing it," continues Tapping. "it's not a Shippy scene, and it doesn't have to be. It's just two friends who have gone through this incredible journey and have a history together. Prior to this, we'd had these little scenes with the two of them, like in [the season 10 stories] Line in the Sand and The Road Not Taken - even though it's set in an alternate reality – that spoke to their friendship. In The Ark of Truth you really feel the history of that friendship between Carter and Mitchell. It's just a page-and-a-half goofy little scene where he's in the infirmary and Carter comes to visit him. Ben and I just found this little moment in there where we sort of went, "OK, let's play and have some fun."

                Over here JM is referring to deleted scenes in general - this is his philosophy on them. However, when he said he hoped to include the deleted scene from 'Trio' in season 5 he was referring to that specfic scene. For every rule there's an exception - very true in every sense of the word, especially for this thread.
                Nikki that was AWESOME!!! You rock!!

                I'm really happy that we don't let someone with a nasty post upset us. Everyone has their own opinion and is respectfull. We rock!!

                Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                Thanks for thinking about my health and peace of mind by helping me to save myself some heartache....

                ....oh....wait....I don't need anyone telling me what I should or shouldn't do re. our ship.
                I am perfectly capable of making up my own mind about how rotten TPTB are (boo, hiss, I hate them ) when they mess about with the ship; and how great TPTB are (yay! squee! woohoo! ) when they throw us a bone.

                Jack hasn't been in TPTB's vision for the past couple of years, as far as I'm concerned, but we've still had the odd moment which we've deemed to be 'shippy', therefore he can still be mentioned in an episode's dialogue to keep the character 'alive', if it fits the storyline. I don't understand why you would be thinking about five years in the future when we don't know anything about what happens in the near future with Continuum (even with JM's blog post), nor in Atlantis.

                You seem to be terribly worried that Sam will be shipped off with someone else whereas, in my opinion, that is the last thing I would be worried about.
                You seem to see ship with Sam and Cam/Teal'c/Rodney/Thor/gate attendant number much the same way that we see Sam shipped with Jack, and only Jack.

                I've lived with this show and our ship from the first day it was broadcast, and have been through the ups and downs of our ship over the past 11 years. Some of it has been wonderful, such as Divide and Conquer, and some of it has been downright hellish, such as Assinity () but I'm still here and still hopeful (however slim) of some sort of shippy resolution.

                Nothing you say will stop me from coming here to enjoy my ship with like-minded people, nor will you stop us from speculating and hoping for good things about the future of Sam and Jack. If nothing else, we can still enjoy discussing 200+ episodes, and the fun and enjoyment that the show Stargate SG-1, and especially the characters of Sam and Jack have given us.
                Another good post. Well done Bev, that gate attendant comment had me ROFL.

                Oh, and Sarai, your sig is awfully long, way more than the allowed 200 pxl. Can you shorten it?

                You can maybe use this, I put the link in the description:

                Last edited by SamJackShipLover; 04 January 2008, 01:10 PM. Reason: Putting in the links for Sarais sig


                  Ugh. GW is slooooooooooooooooooooow...
                  But, on the bright side: Today's the day of the Return of SGA!

                  Funny, I did not used to really like SGA, but after seeing it this season... I'm hooked

                  Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post

                  I've found I don't get much from the commentaries as I quickly start yelling at the talkers to 'Shut Up So I Watch The Show!"

                  That kind of defeats the whole purpose of the commentary and, even though I've had the DVDs for years, I've actually seen very few of them.
                  You know, I love the commentaries. Especially the ones with AT (including the unending one ), she's just so funny!
                  I have watched every ep with commentary and there are a few nice Shippy remarks (D&C, Sacrifices, Lost City, Evolution...). It is however, dissapointing that there's a lot of talk about, say, guest actors hobbies during some key scenes...

                  But then again, maybe my key scenes are not general key scenes
                  Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                  Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                    So I was just watching 'The Torment of Tantalus' and I just love the way that Jack can always come up with an idea/comment which seems dumb or flippant to everyone else but can usually give Sam an amazing, life saving idea. They just work so well together, intellectually and physically (by that I mean in the field...out of the gutter people ). So that got me thinking, when else has Jack inadvertently given Sam an amazing idea? So far I've come up with three times:

                    1. 'Torment of Tantalus'
                    Danny: "Great, shoot it!" Danny walks away. Teal raises his Staff and shoots it. Nothing happens. "Now what?"

                    Jack: "I'm obviously no scientist but uh, couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing?"

                    SCEAN CHANGE: HALL

                    Sam: "The element of the gate is made up of a superconductor. It'll observe energy in may different things: Heat, Nuclear, solar, static, if we could channel a lighting strike into the gate, it might provide us with enough power to dial in and make it through."

                    Teal'c: "How do we attract lightning to the gate?"

                    Sam: "Not directly, we will have to rig something up on the roof. And hope that the sudden and enormous charge doesn't destroy the gate's mechanisms."

                    2. 'Bane'
                    Janet: "Colonel...from the looks of it, we only have minutes."

                    Jack: " there anything your Tok'ra memories could..."

                    Sam: "I know, sir, I know. I can't just access them at will. Believe me, I've been trying..."

                    Jack: "Oh, it's too bad you can't zap it with those paddles like they do on...E. R. That guys that's...What?"

                    Sam: "It couldn't be that simple."

                    Janet: "Defibbing would kill it."

                    Sam: "...but we've done our best to synthesize almost every environmental condition the Goa'uld larva has inside Teal'c's pouch...

                    Jack: "What?"

                    3. 'Avatar'
                    CARMICHAEL: This can’t go on for much longer. We’re gonna have to make a decision pretty soon about forcibly removing the connections.

                    O’NEILL: Y’know, it’s too bad we can’t hook up a joystick to this thing – give him a little help, a little back-up, maybe.
                    (Sam, Lee and Carmichael turn round to stare at him.)

                    LEE: Actually, we could link up another chair and send someone else into the same simulation. Oh – it wouldn’t make any difference; the processors would network and the second person would just fall victim to the same altered elements in the simulation that have already trapped Teal’c.

                    CARTER: Unless the new player had an advantage. (She looks at Jack.) Sir, you may have done it again.

                    O’NEILL: Yes. ... How’d I do it this time?

                    CARTER: These graphics are being generated by a data recorder that’s tracking the game. It’s actually interfaced into the system between the chair’s processor and Teal’c. The chair decides what’s gonna happen – Teal’c responds. Those responses are then incorporated, processed, and we see the results. It’s a continuous loop of ever-changing data.

                    O’NEILL: Oh(!) Still waitin’ on my good idea.

                    CARTER: The recorder causes a two second delay between the programming in the chair and the experience in Teal’c’s mind. He won’t know the difference but we could use it to our advantage.

                    Do we have any more?

                    (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                      Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                      So I was just watching 'The Torment of Tantalus' and I just love the way that Jack can always come up with an idea/comment which seems dumb or flippant to everyone else but can usually give Sam an amazing, life saving idea. They just work so well together, intellectually and physically (by that I mean in the field...out of the gutter people ). So that got me thinking, when else has Jack inadvertently given Sam an amazing idea? So far I've come up with three times:

                      1. 'Torment of Tantalus'
                      Danny: "Great, shoot it!" Danny walks away. Teal raises his Staff and shoots it. Nothing happens. "Now what?"

                      Jack: "I'm obviously no scientist but uh, couldn't we use that Ben Franklin thing?"

                      SCEAN CHANGE: HALL

                      Sam: "The element of the gate is made up of a superconductor. It'll observe energy in may different things: Heat, Nuclear, solar, static, if we could channel a lighting strike into the gate, it might provide us with enough power to dial in and make it through."

                      Teal'c: "How do we attract lightning to the gate?"

                      Sam: "Not directly, we will have to rig something up on the roof. And hope that the sudden and enormous charge doesn't destroy the gate's mechanisms."

                      2. 'Bane'
                      Janet: "Colonel...from the looks of it, we only have minutes."

                      Jack: " there anything your Tok'ra memories could..."

                      Sam: "I know, sir, I know. I can't just access them at will. Believe me, I've been trying..."

                      Jack: "Oh, it's too bad you can't zap it with those paddles like they do on...E. R. That guys that's...What?"

                      Sam: "It couldn't be that simple."

                      Janet: "Defibbing would kill it."

                      Sam: "...but we've done our best to synthesize almost every environmental condition the Goa'uld larva has inside Teal'c's pouch...

                      Jack: "What?"

                      3. 'Avatar'
                      CARMICHAEL: This can’t go on for much longer. We’re gonna have to make a decision pretty soon about forcibly removing the connections.

                      O’NEILL: Y’know, it’s too bad we can’t hook up a joystick to this thing – give him a little help, a little back-up, maybe.
                      (Sam, Lee and Carmichael turn round to stare at him.)

                      LEE: Actually, we could link up another chair and send someone else into the same simulation. Oh – it wouldn’t make any difference; the processors would network and the second person would just fall victim to the same altered elements in the simulation that have already trapped Teal’c.

                      CARTER: Unless the new player had an advantage. (She looks at Jack.) Sir, you may have done it again.

                      O’NEILL: Yes. ... How’d I do it this time?

                      CARTER: These graphics are being generated by a data recorder that’s tracking the game. It’s actually interfaced into the system between the chair’s processor and Teal’c. The chair decides what’s gonna happen – Teal’c responds. Those responses are then incorporated, processed, and we see the results. It’s a continuous loop of ever-changing data.

                      O’NEILL: Oh(!) Still waitin’ on my good idea.

                      CARTER: The recorder causes a two second delay between the programming in the chair and the experience in Teal’c’s mind. He won’t know the difference but we could use it to our advantage.

                      Do we have any more?
                      I love it when he inadvertantly comes up with these ideas and he has no clue half the time....The looks he gets on his face is priceless at times!


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                        Oh, and Sarai, your sig is awfully long, way more than the allowed 200 pxl. Can you shorten it?

                        You can maybe use this, I put the link in the description:

                        Didn't realise how long it was. Thanks for the help sorting it out.

                        Hope all shippers are well this evening!


                          just noticed a MAJOR continuity error in Season 10, Episode 14 "The Shroud".

                          In the first scene where you see Jack he has two stars on his jacket... (spoiled for size)


                          In the second scene (talking to Daniel) only one star...


                          Anyone else noticed this? Maybe one fell off... I'm far too beady-eyed for this time of night.


                            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                            just noticed a MAJOR continuity error in Season 10, Episode 14 "The Shroud".

                            In the first scene where you see Jack he has two stars on his jacket... (spoiled for size)


                            In the second scene (talking to Daniel) only one star...


                            Anyone else noticed this? Maybe one fell off... I'm far too beady-eyed for this time of night.

                            I noticed that the first time it aired Good catch


                              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                              just noticed a MAJOR continuity error in Season 10, Episode 14 "The Shroud".

                              In the first scene where you see Jack he has two stars on his jacket... (spoiled for size)


                              In the second scene (talking to Daniel) only one star...


                              Anyone else noticed this? Maybe one fell off... I'm far too beady-eyed for this time of night.

                              Yeah...TPTB were pretty up-front with this one...someone in costuming failed to recall that Jack had been promoted to a two-star general! LOL! I think they talk about it in the commentary for that ep on the DVD


                                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                                just noticed a MAJOR continuity error in Season 10, Episode 14 "The Shroud".

                                In the first scene where you see Jack he has two stars on his jacket... (spoiled for size)


                                In the second scene (talking to Daniel) only one star...


                                Anyone else noticed this? Maybe one fell off... I'm far too beady-eyed for this time of night.

                                I never notice these things until someone points them out to me.....I probably wouldn't notice if it come up and slapped me on the face!

