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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
    Tsk Tsk Tsk--excuses excuses. A spoiler to me = revealing somebody who is about to face mortal danger and lose. Basically, don't tell me if you know somebody is gonna kick the bucket. I like the emotional shock I get when I watch the episode. LOL.

    Having said that--should you know if Sam or Jack are gonna find themselves in that situation, for the love of all things good and decent, TELL ME! That way I can hide in a hole and try to think shippy thoughts for all eternity.

    That's exactly how it SHOULD go. It makes sense. Also

    She was a with SG-1 for 10 years! That's a huge chunk of memory, and Jack was her superior officeR for 8 of those, so if anything was going to snap her screws back into place so she remembers, it would be a picture of him (or them, but mostly him).
    I think that's how it should go too....but will TIIC think so?.......

    Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
    Ya.. *sigh* I can't wait for Continuum.... I need to see them together again!! I watched D&C and WoO a few weekends ago with my future mother in law lol Aside from me getting teary eyed when Martouf died, we had lots of fun discussing the ship. My fiancee just rolls his eyes LOL!!

    Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
    Hi shippers!!

    Oh you guys have so been making me sob here!

    Hehe...well Bekki
    there are...alternate means...ahem. I haven't yet seen them myself though.

    Congrats MG form me too!

    I'm gonna vote for the 18th! Please please please...coz that's mty kidfree weekend

    I absolutely agree with all of this APA!!

    Not me!! *Mmmmmm....Jack....Mmmmmm*

    I know waht I'd like to do with Jack's pouty lip...

    Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post

    I saw CROSSROADS today and as i was watching it i noticed Sam looking very uncomfortable having Anise around it's a great eps many a teal'c eps though .
    hmmmmm......wonder why?

    Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post

    WOOHOO! friday i love fridays it's my favorite day of the week i'v reached 200 yay! my favorite number

    Originally posted by blueiris View Post
    I'm a crier. I cry at songs on the radio which is really bad. Ever pull up to the grocery store crying like a baby.
    One song I hear over the radio is during the Christmas season when the radio stations switch to Christmas's called "Christmas Shoes".....brings a tear to my eyes every time....sometimes even thinking about the song gets me sad.....


      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
      You're right...Grace is really the first time you want to smack them both up-side the heads and say: "Hey! Work this out!"

      And I had never thought of her as not being thrilled to see him when he appears on the ship, but that's a good read. In fact, I think the next thing she says is: "Here to give me a pep talk?" It could just be her situation, she's been forced to confront the myriad sides of herself as manifested by the different people in her life, I think she was genuinely leary of what side of her Jack was going to address...Jack could either show up as her CO or as the man who once admitted to "feeling feelings" and caring about her "a lot more than he was supposed to". The fact that she starts him out in the former and then decides to confront him as the latter makes me think that her personal frustration level with him had about reached its threshold. There had been very little ship for quite a while...Skaara's invitation to his wedding and Jack's hemming and hawing about whether Sam was coming as his date, had to have been the only bit she would have seen (recall, she doesn't know the extent of his distress in Metamorphosis): a guy who's uncomfortable with the mere suggestion that they might have something more than just a friendship. Right before Grace is Evolution...and the "Lunch?" invitation...again...we see more there, but I think it would have been difficult for Sam to. So by Grace she's ready to confront whether he still has those feelings for her or not...

      ...until she has to in the flesh...and then it's not so easy...and when he pushes her away after just one word...

      ...yeah. Dysfunctional. You've got it pegged, VSS.

      *still wants to smack S/J upside the head...*
      get in line!!

      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
      ooh, Grace discussions! *jumps in*

      well, you just took the words out of my mouth, Mara...literally! See them

      *shakes head* wow, for a minute there I thought you said Mara could stay in a state of Daniel...*teal'c eyebrow*


      Right, out of the gutter and back to Grace. I think maybe Sam was not happy to see him because she was disappointed in herself for conjuring him in the first place. like Mara said, he was the most important person to her and he hadn't visited her yet. Maybe she was beginning to think that he wouldn't. I can imagine that the thought would be both horrible (because she luuurves him) and slightly comforting (thinking maybe she doesn't luuuuurve him). Then when he does come, she is disappointed with herself for being so glad that he came after all.

      and thus ends another of Bekki's non-nonsensical explanations
      ahhhh....the gutter is so nice and warm isn't it?

      Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
      (((APA)))(((luvnjack)))(((All Other Criers on the Thread!)))

      Tissues all around! Even shippy vids make me cry too! It's because we have no real canon confirmation...that they married. Seriously. They are. They HAVE to be. Or I might just go...Wacko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      yup....we'll all go wacko

      Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post

      Abyss= Hot Jack that gets whumped alot

      *reminds self that she has to clean that halo from all the gutter stuff*

      And Ba' person...he is stupid...but his looks..he is IMO the hottest Goa'uld

      *whistles innocent*
      LOL!!!!!! I don't think that halo is ever gonna come clean.....not even with hard radiation....

      Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
      OMG! OTness ahead...the seventh HP book...I was crying 29 on...quite literally. That book was just so...
      What movies have I not cried in in the theater is a better question for me...I'm guessing 0. Especially when it comes to the Boy Wizard...Harry makes me cry, every book and every movie...especially the 4th book/movie...when

      Cedric dies. TORE ME UP. Especially in the movie when Daniel Radcliff is crying and then Cedric's dad is crying, That's my boy!!! Oh EVERY TIME!!!! Just every time!

      Anywho...enough OTness for today!
      yup.....quite heart-wrenching.....too bad they didn't have a sarc.....wonder what Dumbledore would've made of that device that could reverse the Killing Curse....

      Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
      State of Daniel?!?!? *checks map* dang! Couldn't find it. I would definitely move there. Yum. *remembers* second time Danny decended..."I pledge allegiance to the flag..."

      Oh, wait *also remembers what thread she is in* sorry!


      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
      Congrats, Mara-anni, on 2,300 posts!
      CONGRATS FROM ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!
      Last edited by mad_gater; 02 November 2007, 11:09 AM.


        I gotta get to work guys.....ttyl



          Is anyone at the con at the Thistle Hotel, Heathrow, right now?
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            Dropping by to say hi!
            and of course: Congrats on all milestones!!

            You guys rock!

            RL is crazy right now, I'm about to enter the wonderfull world of medical testing. A while ago I told you guys that my brother has cystes on his kidneys. Well, it turnes out to be a family thing. (Yes, some families pass on serious money, mine passes on something like that )
            Anyway, now I have three doctors hunting me down to have my blood tested, and you know how those guys are when they get the chance to play with their needles .
            Not worried, BTW. So far, my blood pressure's fine, and that means that Nad's probably fine as well

            And to be On Topic:

            (Ok, I know that doesn't really count, but hey )

            *back to catching up again*
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Congratulations Mara on 2300 posts!!!!

              Yay You!!!



                Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                Congratulations Mara on 2300 posts!!!!

                Yay You!!!

                Double YEA From me too!!!

      's pink!


                  Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                  LOL!!!!!! I don't think that halo is ever gonna come clean.....not even with hard radiation....
                  Well we can try that
                  *goes into secure space where she can use it on her halo*
                  *waits for a while*
                  *lets radiation go away so its safe for her to get halo back*
                  *goes in........and sees bright, shiny clean halo*
                  *puts it on again*
                  *walks out of room*
                  *sees a picture of shep/Grace kiss/S/J pictures*
                  *goes into gutter, and Halo is dirty again*

                  See even if I would try to clean would go dirty again...

                  And yay finally got myself a new dvd-burner for in my pc(long story about how old one failed on me...and how I had to burn on computer downstairs ) so now gotta put it in computer
                  Btw that also proves that my first dvdplayer, the oldest one in this house still works...while the newer 'better' ones keep failing on me...(only thing is that I find that old thing to slow)

                  oh yeah S/J foreva!!!


                    And on the subject of fanfic writing Jack...I agree with's much easier to write Jack's thoughts than to write Jack's speech. There's so much more going on in his head than we ever get to know, IMHO.... Whenever one of the replicators takes him "inside his head" and he jokes about how roomy it is, it's just one more way he deflects how bright and complex he is. But what comes out is often so...cryptic, that it sometimes belies the depth of what lies beneath.


                      Originally posted by michelleb View Post
                      Is anyone at the con at the Thistle Hotel, Heathrow, right now?
                      No, but I wish I were. I stayed at the Thistle Royal Horseguards a couple of years back. Lovely! Of course, I don't think they'd be having a con there, but the location (and the bar) was great.

                      Now, I believe S&J would have their honeymoon at the Broadmoor in CS, but a big shot like Jack would have to do some traveling eventually. They could stay at the Horseguards and Jack could make the diplomatic rounds. You know, reassure No. 10 Downing that the USAF is sharing all the stargate knowledge this time- really .


                        Originally posted by michelleb View Post
                        Is anyone at the con at the Thistle Hotel, Heathrow, right now?
                        What kind of con is going on?

                        And tonight a new SGA ep *is excited*. That
                        memory loss ep

                        right? We might get something, you never know

                        And Nad, I hope everything will be ok

                        And congrats to everyone with milestones and birthdays

                        *goes back to read shippy fic, I'm in a Sally Reeve mood*


                          Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                          State of Daniel?!?!? *checks map* dang! Couldn't find it. I would definitely move there. Yum. *remembers* second time Danny decended..."I pledge allegiance to the flag..."

                          Oh, wait *also remembers what thread she is in* sorry!

                          State of Daniel, isn't that east of Shangri-La?

                          *notices .gif*

                          Um, yeah, it's, ah, ...
                          I'm sorry, what were we talking about?


                            Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                            State of Daniel?!?!? *checks map* dang! Couldn't find it. I would definitely move there. Yum. *remembers* second time Danny decended..."I pledge allegiance to the flag..."

                            Oh, wait *also remembers what thread she is in* sorry!

                            Hey! If you're going to show a clip of that shower scene from the Broca Divide in slo-mo, how about showing it all? Geez, what a teaser!

                            (Thanks, really).

                            Also, I once debated with DH that Jack's "sweet little tank top number" comment was really him making a pass at Sam. DH said it was just teasing, but I don't think so. So was it or wasn't it? Curious minds want to know.


                              Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                              Hey! If you're going to show a clip of that shower scene from the Broca Divide in slo-mo, how about showing it all? Geez, what a teaser!

                              (Thanks, really).

                              Also, I once debated with DH that Jack's "sweet little tank top number" comment was really him making a pass at Sam. DH said it was just teasing, but I don't think so. So was it or wasn't it? Curious minds want to know.
                              Giving you the Complete Broca Divide slow mow kisssing


                              *waits patiently for thread to stop staring *

                              O, and to answer your question, I think he was just teasing.

                              EDIT: putting it in spoilertags, cause the files are so big it slows down the pagescrolling


                                Found this and thought it was cute.

                                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                                What kind of con is going on?

                                And tonight a new SGA ep *is excited*. That
                                memory loss ep

                                right? We might get something, you never know

                                And Nad, I hope everything will be ok

                                And congrats to everyone with milestones and birthdays

                                *goes back to read shippy fic, I'm in a Sally Reeve mood*
                                I discovered Sally Reeve a couple of months ago and am going through everything she's written...she's an amazing writer, love her stuff. I'm reading 'End of the Line' atm and it’s brilliant so far.

                                (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)

