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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
    Isn't that what happened, he left the SGC and went to Washington for a desk job so they could be together?
    Of course! Why else would Jack EVER take a desk job? It's the only logical explanation.


      If Jack took another desk job and soo far away from Sam and their still not together or at least made plans to eb together I'm afraid Jack really has gone Wacko.


        Originally posted by ses110 View Post
        If Jack took another desk job and soo far away from Sam and their still not together or at least made plans to eb together I'm afraid Jack really has gone Wacko.
        hehe made me giggle


          Originally posted by ses110 View Post
          TPTB could not even come out and say it was
          Jack that Sam was married to in Ripple Effect.TPTB are soo afraid of the Anti's it's a joke.TPTB should be afraid of letting down the Sam/Jack Shippers.If TPTB did a better job with the Sam/Jack Ship the last couple of Years I'm sure the ratings would have been better.
          Strangely enough, even though I liked the episode, I also agree with this. But there's so little good on TV... Maybe for me bad SG-1 is still better than most of what's on.


            Originally posted by Goddess View Post
            I think I recommended the same author. Great stories. Socks cracks me up every time.
            And you, of course, recommended the site to me originally,as well


              Originally posted by ses110 View Post
              TPTB could not even come out and say it was
              Jack that Sam was married to in Ripple Effect.TPTB are soo afraid of the Anti's it's a joke.TPTB should be afraid of letting down the Sam/Jack Shippers.If TPTB did a better job with the Sam/Jack Ship the last couple of Years I'm sure the ratings would have been better.
              Yeah i mean the admitted it, heck even SHOWED it in all the other AU lines we've had, but they wouldn't aadmit it is this one. Why not? It's not like they haven't done it before!

              ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
              I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
              Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                But there's so little good on TV... Maybe for me bad SG-1 is still better than most of what's on.


                  Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                  If Jack took another desk job and soo far away from Sam and their still not together or at least made plans to eb together I'm afraid Jack really has gone Wacko.
                  Not really. With their resources, the distance wouldn't be that much of a problem, and would allow them to fullfill their responsibility to the planet as well as each other. It would be unrealistic to think two people who gave up so much personally for so long would suddenly completely abandon all responsibility for love. I think this is the perfect compromise between 'having a life' and maintaining honor.


                    [QUOTE=Bex Calo;5933357]Ya know i am totally convinced that AT is a shipper just like us but she has the added pressure of having to accomodate all fans and not alienate them all. Hence some of the seemingly anti ish ship comments. The commentaries allow AT real feelings and responses come through. I stongly feel that were AT not playing sam she would be on here with us squeeing at the ship, you can hear it in her voice that she is really watching those bits. In LC2 she is kinda like telling the other two to shut up lol

                    Yeah she's come a long way since s3 and 4 when she said "They should NEVER be together". I just gaped for the rest of the interview. But she made up fo it in the end!

                    ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                    I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                    Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                      And you, of course, recommended the site to me originally,as well
                      Oh yeah! Forgot about that. Tad bit absentminded here.


                        Originally posted by Goddess View Post
                        That's great! I usually don't listen to the commentaries cause their mostly technobabble but I might have to go pull that one out just for that part! See AT really is on our side, she's just afraid to show it!
                        Yep made up for the "They should NEVER be together" s3and 4 quote!

                        ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                        I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                        Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                          Not really. With their resources, the distance wouldn't be that much of a problem, and would allow them to fullfill their responsibility to the planet as well as each other. It would be unrealistic to think two people who gave up so much personally for so long would suddenly completely abandon all responsibility for love. I think this is the perfect compromise between 'having a life' and maintaining honor.
                          The distance makes for a great love story. More challenges they can overcome, and of course, great fanfic to be written.

                          As for the part that I bolded, Jennifer, excellently phrased.
                          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                            Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                            Yep made up for the "They should NEVER be together" s3and 4 quote!

                            Do you have a link to that interview? As much as it might shock me, it would be good for my shipper history lessons.
                            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                              I do not want Sam and Jack to break the Regs.I'm thinking the Regs are no longer since Jack does not write Sam's reviews.My point is if the Regs are no longer than nothing should stop Sam/Jack being together.
                              Last edited by ses110; 24 October 2006, 04:43 PM.


                                Originally posted by Lady eliza View Post
                                Thats ok.

                                How soon would you like Secrets Revealed?
                                SOON!!!! I want it really SOON!!
                                ETA: GO WORK ON THE FIC!!!! *hopes she doesn't say the same to me *
                                Last edited by CamandVala; 24 October 2006, 04:47 PM.

                                Sig by RepliCartertje

