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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    On the why didn't Sam try another address...

    Sam identified a seventh symbol as the point of origin rightly but didn't realise it was Earth because it was a different symbol to Earth. So she thought she was on a different planet. When she dialled Earth's address using the strange seventh symbol it was still Earth's address and as you can't get a wormhole dialling the address for the planet you're actually on nothing happened. She didn't realise that and thought there must be something still wrong with the DHD despite the fact that she had actually fixed it. She didn't have the benefit as Daniel did of watching the gate at the mountain also shake when she made her attempts.

    Should she have tried a different address say to the Land of Light or somewhere else? Probably and it would have worked but Sam was likely in first stage hypothermia and suffering from sleep deprivation by that point; thinking clearly wasn't high on the list of things she was able to do.
    Last edited by Rachel500; 29 October 2006, 07:44 AM.
    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


      Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
      So, haven't been very well the last couple of days but I think I've just about caught up on the thread...

      Congrats on all milestones!

      Welcome newbies!

      Great scrapbook posters as always, Jennifer!

      Great posters as always, Nolamom!

      Loving everyone's thoughts on Solitudes, really loved nell's. I wish I could green but I seem to be locked out of the fridge with most people

      Anyways, my contribution to the discussion on Solitudes is as always my Aftershock's TAG.

      Recovering Together

      Recovering Together
      Yay, Rachels tag. So now I can finally rewatch Solitudes and read the tag

      Thanks again for your wonderfull series Hope you feel better soon (((Rachel )))


        Welcome All Newbies!!!

        Congrats To All Who Have Reached Milstones!!!!!!

        I Hope That Anyone I Missed Had A Very Happy Birthday!!!

        And Happy Unbirthday Everyone Else!!!!!!

        THANKYOU so much annelies!!! (samjackshiplover)


          I've realized while making screen caps for my pics that AT has more acting talent in her eyelashes than most people in their whole body:

          I just had to say!

          EDIT: Eve thinks this is hyperbole. It isn't. Her eyelashes really are emoting in that picture, I swear!
          EDIT2: On topic, that was her expression as Jack said, "Sam... I'm Dying... Follow my Order... Please..." Argh.
          Last edited by JenniferJF; 29 October 2006, 06:57 AM.


            Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
            seldear has a great fic about Jack waiting for Sam and comparing it to his previous relationship with Sara. *runs off to get link*

            EDIT: Don't Say A Word

            Just read this one and LOVED it...really a short fic but worth reading...It has angst...and you know it shows you how Jack really is...I like the fact that Sara is in it cause IMO Sara is a big part of Jack's life...together with Charlie of course...and I think he still thinks about Sara from time to time...Cause it was his wife...even if he is in love with Sam now...he still has feelings for Sarah...

            Thank you Rachel for the link Please let those coming...I love short stories with angst and real character issues...

            Oh what I also love is that she did have Mitchell and Lam in it...but in a totally different way... I think that was a good idea...I also love how she also got Janet in it...It show how good she knows the show....

            ok to make a long storie short: AWSOME

            Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
            So, haven't been very well the last couple of days but I think I've just about caught up on the thread...

            Congrats on all milestones!

            Welcome newbies!

            Great scrapbook posters as always, Jennifer!

            Great posters as always, Nolamom!

            Loving everyone's thoughts on Solitudes, really loved nell's. I wish I could green but I seem to be locked out of the fridge with most people

            Anyways, my contribution to the discussion on Solitudes is as always my Aftershock's TAG.

            Recovering Together

            Recovering Together
            (((Rachel))) I Hope you feeling better soon...


              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
              seldear has a great fic about Jack waiting for Sam and comparing it to his previous relationship with Sara. *runs off to get link*

              EDIT: Don't Say A Word
              Great one shot...i like it!!! You don't see often story's with the Sara/Jack story line anymore, it's sometimes like everybody forgets Sara(inlcuding myself) but that's just my opinion


                Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                So, haven't been very well the last couple of days but I think I've just about caught up on the thread...

                Congrats on all milestones!

                Welcome newbies!

                Great scrapbook posters as always, Jennifer!

                Great posters as always, Nolamom!

                Loving everyone's thoughts on Solitudes, really loved nell's. I wish I could green but I seem to be locked out of the fridge with most people

                Anyways, my contribution to the discussion on Solitudes is as always my Aftershock's TAG.

                Recovering Together

                Recovering Together

                i'm going to read it later today and i hope you get well soon Rachel500!!


                  Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                  Great one shot...i like it!!! You don't see often story's with the Sara/Jack story line anymore, it's sometimes like everybody forgets Sara(inlcuding myself) but that's just my opinion
                  I read this fic once, where Sam & Jack were together, and then Jack was pressumed dead whilst Sam was pregnant. And Sam and Sara became friends (the wife and the ex-wife), that was really cute (and Jack wasn't dead after all, that was cute too). Might be Karibou.


                    Always by gail delaney

                    I have just reread this fic i love gails work as well. Its kept in character and believable a definate must for me!!!!

                    Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

                    Help me get to film school

                    One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


                      Originally posted by Bex Calo View Post
                      Always by gail delaney

                      I have just reread this fic i love gails work as well. Its kept in character and believable a definate must for me!!!!
                      In character is a must! And her stories are really good. Here is her site.


                        WELCOME DAVHAR80!!!!

                        WELCOME AMAUNET!!!!



                          Originally posted by zuz View Post
                          I love this pic! It makes me think about an offworld wedding! LOL but I imagine them in other clothes!! Interesting though the contrast between their happy mood while clutching pretty flowers as they carry their P90s on the way back to the gate!!! That's our Sam and Jack!!


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                            In character is a must! And her stories are really good. Here is her site.
                            yes in character is important, so you can see it's really our sam and jack or other persons!
                            and another fic...ahh...i really hate homework now, just one more chapter and then i'm done studying for today



                              It's such a sad and dramatic ep Really

                              It was an honour serving with you *sobs*
                              You can sleep now *sobs some more*

                              I'm so glad they didn't die
                              Last edited by SamJackShipLover; 29 October 2006, 07:40 AM. Reason: OK, can I use Dutch??


                                Look, Mrs. Doctor Lieutenant Colonel O'Neill is a snuggler!

                                You're a lucky man, Jack


                                EDIT: An. - Die, dear . Though his hair did go silver AWFULLY fast... (and doesn't it look better that way?

