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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post

    I'm off to bed. It's past 11 here, and I thought I'd go to bed early.

    Keep on talking, I'm really enjoying the discussion about and Jake.

    LAD, finish your homework and get to bed!
    Yes mom!

    Here's a vid about 'Broca Divide'. It's called 'Crazy Chick' by Charlotte Church. I'd initially watched it because I'd never heard Charlotte sing pop music and I was curious. But it's also got that lovely locker room scene in it quite a bit.

    It's my offering for Broca Divide week since I don't have time to write a fic or nuthin'.


      Originally posted by CamandVala View Post
      Ach! I missed my 400th post!!! WOW...I talk way too much ...It's just there's so much good ship to discuss, right?
      Congrats on 400!

      And Nolamom, must you distract me with vids?


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
        Yes mom!

        Here's a vid about 'Broca Divide'. It's called 'Crazy Chick' by Charlotte Church. I'd initially watched it because I'd never heard Charlotte sing pop music and I was curious. But it's also got that lovely locker room scene in it quite a bit.

        It's my offering for Broca Divide week since I don't have time to write a fic or nuthin'.

        And what a lovely offering too! So many kisses in the vid.

        Distracting! You guys are distracting me. Need to go back to reading, or was it writing? Something to do with fanfiction . . . and shippiness . . .


          Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
          And what a lovely offering too! So many kisses in the vid.

          Distracting! You guys are distracting me. Need to go back to reading, or was it writing? Something to do with fanfiction . . . and shippiness . . .

          Either way it's good...reading or long as it's ship, right?


            Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
            We would crash it. Definately. Then we'd get the people that are really clueless and still think they don't belong together.

            I would seriously like to ask those people if they watch the show or not.

            How can you not think they're married? How?
            I agree with everything you said, but I'm going to have a really positive attitude and change the tense.

            We will crash it. It is going to happen. We will get a shippy moment because they are so married!


              Originally posted by Gate gal View Post

              We will crash it. It is going to happen. We will get a shippy moment because they are so married!
              *sighs happily* I can't wait. I am confident we will get our ship. It's going to happen. There is just no other way. To forget the canon ship you've been building up for years would just be...well...not a wise move on the part of TPTB. Not only is it the greatest ship ever, like Sally said in SAGC, ship $ell$.


                [QUOTE=Gate gal;5914313]
                Originally posted by story*in*your*eyes View Post

                Oh, that is cool! My hubby would have loved to do that! Hmm, game time! If Sam and Jack went to Vegas for their wedding what kind of wedding would they choose?
                ljevans wrote one in a fanfic.

                Weddings always appreciated

                BTW, just realized looking at my own wedding pics that Samantha was my MoH and the groom was Jack... so close

                In a marrying kind of mood today,


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                  This is how I see the flower scene. I think Jacob brought up the flowers when they were both present on purpose. Jacob didn't like Pete...didn't want his daughter to marry him. Smart man, that Jake. <cut>
                  Exactly, which is why I love Jacob!! All those years as a closet shipper, seemingly totally oblivious, than whammo, we find out he's been shipping for who knows how long; he was just being a good father and letting his daughter make her own mistakes choices. I think Jacob actually knew a lot more, though, including why Sam was doing what she was doing. He had been there when, as a child, she'd controlled her emotions with her reason in forgiving him for her mothers death as we saw in TDYK. Jake knew how her mind worked.

                  I love that aspect of Threads, that Jacob in Secrets knew her so poorly that he tried to pressure her into the Air Force and by Threads understood her so well that he understood what she was doing with Pete -- trying to rationally transfer her love for Jack because she didn't think Jack was an option -- and father and daughter were close enough for him to help her figure out what to do about it.
                  Both were very uncomfortable and Jacob probably knew what he'd been suspecting-that Sam wasn't happy-happy people don't cringe when they discuss their weddings. He knew feelings were still there between Sam and Jack. Why else would it be so awkward? Why couldn't Jacob mention her wedding in front of supposedly one of her best friends? Because she is in love with said best friend! What else did Jake suspect? That Jack wasn't as okay with it as he seemed...and that maybe he needed a kick in the head to do something. Jacob mentioned it at that point to try and get the ball rolling in the other direction. Maybe Sam would be mad at him, but at least it would finally hit home for Jack that he was going to lose her.
                  It is right after that scene that Sam is in the car with Pete that she is so pensive, then uncomfortable at the house, and then she goes to talk to Jack, so Jacob's 'plan' was working. Kerry through a spanner/wrench in the works, and Sam might have been scared off if it hadn't been for Jacob's deathbed scene and the fact that Kerry must have seen quite clearly Jack's love for Sam in his pain at the news of her father's illness.

                  This is also why, BTW, in Ripple Effect
                  I believe in the AU where Jacob didn't die Sam did marry Pete, which led to not getting the ZPM from Ancient Egypt, which led to the AU SG-1 having to come steal ours. Therefore, Sam marrying leads directly to the end of all life in the universe as we know it. So there!

                  Think about doesn't seem that Sam talks much about her wedding at all. So maybe it's not real to Jack...does that make sense? It's almost like he can ignore it. He never sees Pete...they still flirt at work...she doesn't mention her's like it doesn't exist. But Jacob brings it to the forefront in a pretty awkward way. Like a wake-up call. The problem is still there, Jack. Don't sit back and wait until it's too late.
                  So, what you're saying is, normal brides-to-be would usually rather plan their wedding than go to work? Um... yeah. Which shows just how pathetic is, since he's willing to put up with it.
                  And I don't think Jack would ever truly let Sam go-just like Sam never let him go even though she was engaged. He wouldn't stop her from moving on if that's what she wanted. It all comes down to what she wants. Had she married Pete, Jack would still love her. I don't think he could help it. But he'd do the honorable thing and step back and let her live her life.

                  As for Jack's mood in S8, I think it's a combo of him being stuck behind a desk and Sam being with . That's enough to depress me, so I know it was bad for him! All day, behind a desk...and the woman you love is going to marry a potato head cop. Not cool....not cool at all.
                  Yeahsureyabetcha. And I really do think Jack was mildly depressed. Males tend to get angry more easily as one of the primary symptoms of depression, and I think we see an unusual testiness from him throughout the season. It's so nice at the beginning of Moebius to see happy joking Jack mocking rocks!
                  Okay, enough with the rambling. I have no idea if that makes any sense at all...
                  Basic rule: You can never talk to much about Threads. And brilliant post, BTW!
                  Last edited by JenniferJF; 18 October 2006, 01:58 AM. Reason: Too many spaces


                    Originally posted by nell View Post
                    I agree. Jacob's bringing-up-the-flowers thing was pretty obvious to me, too! BTW I met "Dad" Carmen Argenziano at Shore Leave Con last July! three times and I did not take one opportunity to ask him about his Threads scenes with Sam and Jack. Arrrrrggggghhhhh!! **slaps forehead** and I met Amanda, too!!! I didn't ask her one ship-related question!!!! And I call myself a Sam and Jack Shipper?? Puh-leeeeeese!!!!
                    i dont blame you. i really wanted to go to avalon this year, but i just know that as soon as i was even in the same room as AT and RDA i'd be a stuttering wreck. i dont know if id have managed to stutter even.
                    Last edited by docker22; 18 October 2006, 03:33 AM. Reason: left out a word

                    sig made by Samjackshiplover


                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                      Well...I will reluctantly admit...that it may...quite possibly...might be...Wednesday somewhere....maybe.
                      YeeeHaaaa....thank you!!!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Lol Docker22, I wish i could get to Avalon for the setting- Bishops Palace- alone, AT and RDA are just a bonus. I'd probably go mad, thanking them for all their fantastic acting, as I'm an actress myself and I know just how hard it can be to add like that. I'd include the ship in the thanks, as they have done it for ten years now! I'd then ask the questions.
                        sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
                        My GW fanfiction-
               c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
                        Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                          This is how I see the flower scene. I think Jacob brought up the flowers when they were both present on purpose. Jacob didn't like Pete...didn't want his daughter to marry him. Smart man, that Jake.

                          He knew that if he brought that subject up and could gauge reactions-he'd know the truth. What he saw was a daughter who didn't want to talk about her wedding in front of the man he probably knew she had feelings for. He saw her unhappy with the situation. He also got a glimpse of Jack's feelings. Here was a man who was trying to cover his true feelings by brushing it off ...and not too well, IMO.

                          Both were very uncomfortable and Jacob probably knew what he'd been suspecting-that Sam wasn't happy-happy people don't cringe when they discuss their weddings. He knew feelings were still there between Sam and Jack. Why else would it be so awkward? Why couldn't Jacob mention her wedding in front of supposedly one of her best friends? Because she is in love with said best friend! What else did Jake suspect? That Jack wasn't as okay with it as he seemed...and that maybe he needed a kick in the head to do something. Jacob mentioned it at that point to try and get the ball rolling in the other direction. Maybe Sam would be mad at him, but at least it would finally hit home for Jack that he was going to lose her.

                          Think about doesn't seem that Sam talks much about her wedding at all. So maybe it's not real to Jack...does that make sense? It's almost like he can ignore it. He never sees Pete...they still flirt at work...she doesn't mention her's like it doesn't exist. But Jacob brings it to the forefront in a pretty awkward way. Like a wake-up call. The problem is still there, Jack. Don't sit back and wait until it's too late.

                          And I don't think Jack would ever truly let Sam go-just like Sam never let him go even though she was engaged. He wouldn't stop her from moving on if that's what she wanted. It all comes down to what she wants. Had she married Pete, Jack would still love her. I don't think he could help it. But he'd do the honorable thing and step back and let her live her life.

                          As for Jack's mood in S8, I think it's a combo of him being stuck behind a desk and Sam being with . That's enough to depress me, so I know it was bad for him! All day, behind a desk...and the woman you love is going to marry a potato head cop. Not cool....not cool at all.

                          Okay, enough with the rambling. I have no idea if that makes any sense at all...
                          Oh it definitely makes sense and I agree with you 100%! Well said LAD!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Great fic alert Broken Wings
                            Season: future

                            Spoiler: Spoiler up to Season 8

                            Pairing: S/J, Sam/Pete, Teal'c/Ishta, other pairings

                            Type: Angst, AU, Adventure/ Action, Romance, Drama


                              buc252 , just finished reading crossing the divide. I really enjoyed it.

                              sig made by Samjackshiplover


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                                I don't know how I'm going to handle meeting anyone at the con I go to. I mean, meeting random native #6 from 'One False Step' would be exciting. "You were on Stargate?" *squee* If I met Amanda...all sense would leave my brain and...and I don't know what exactly would happen, but it would be embarrassing.
                                I'm nervous enough as it is now leading up to meeting Tony Amendola in November...I still have no idea what I'm going to say when I meet him and Rachel Luttrell and David Nykl...and if...fingers crossed...Amanda comes out here next year and I get the opportunity to meet her...I think I'm gonna need someone there to hold me up...she's just so amazing...I don't think I'll be able to say one coherent word...I'll be a blubbering mess!

                                And the weird thing is this...last night I dreamt I met Amanda and some of the girls from the GW forum...and we went to a local pub for I know I haven't met any of you...but there were about 4 or 5 from GW...and I can only vaguely remember the names...spaz and dipsofjazz were two names I remember clearly...the others I'm not so why I dreamt this I can't fathom...but it was a very strange dream...rudely interupted by the thunderstorm which hit around 4.30am! I wish my dream would come true!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

