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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
    Here ya go my friend...Just for you...Hope you like it...Added bits of shippyness of course...

    Let me know what you think.

    I'm off to Montreal for our TG...I'll be back on sunday night...Talk to you all then...
    Congrats, hope leslie hermnharry, on 400th post!

    EDIT: Sorry, if this pic looks huge. I resized it, but (at least to me) it didn't change.

    Oh, and shippy dreams, and shippy daydreams to everyone. It's almost 3:30am here and I need some sleep!


      Hmmm....slow going tonight. I'm trying to work on fic...but I'm having major writer's block! Figures when I'd get some time to write I wouldn't have anything to put down! Oh, well.

      I was watching a music vid and the force field scene from D&C played-it just gets me every time. Before I saw the ep, I'd seen it it vids and wondered about it. It would make me sad every time I saw it. The emotions conveyed in their expressions... Then I actually saw the scene. Now I've seen it SO many times-but it never fails to move me.


        Originally posted by starlover1990
        ah it will get something done by the end of the weekend when you a working on the program everything will slowy fell in place(atleast that happened when i started to working with pics)
        oh..what program do you use? i'm always curious about that

        to stay on topic:
        A Dutch Programm Foto Studio Suite from Easy Computing and so far I have nothing. So much for easy computing lol. But I'll keep trying


          Originally posted by zuz
          Hmmm, I don't get this. If Jack is a Home World Security Honcho, doesn't it mean that they are still in the same chain of command? I mean like this: Jack-Homeworld Security > Landry-SGC > Sam - SG-1?
          Just a military ignorant here with no military experience whatsoever so I might completely misunderstand your AF rules...???
          AT said in an interview that they weren't in the same chain of command. so the possibilities are endless.
          Edit: now someone has to tell that to tptb.
          Last edited by docker22; 07 October 2006, 01:24 AM.

          sig made by Samjackshiplover


            Originally posted by CamandVala
            Why are you sneaking?

            Oh, and Lady eliza, how's the fanfic coming?
            Love to sneak in , in places * giggles *


              Originally posted by JenniferJF
              I find it interesting that AT complains about the girl pining for the guy when I always felt as much or more of it was the guy pining for the girl. He just hid it better after Season 4.
              I'm so with you on that. Antishippers say it's bad for Sam going for her CO, but on screen we get a lot more of Jack showing his feelings for her. I mean, in what eps did we actually see Sams feelings for Jack? Not even in D&C, we assume and know of course. Also in BtS it was Jack who spoke of his feelings, again not Sam.


                Originally posted by Nolamom
                Here's this evening's Poster...
                Look at Sams face lol. A bit lower I'de guess


                  hey guys
                  some great manips!
                  i just dont like the fact i start squeeing and wondering why i havent seen "that" ep, then realise its not real .. because they look excellent
                  any one wanna add me on the new sg1 onlne community!
                  i m Queen_Bee......duh!
                  "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                  sig by RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by Sasusc
                    McKay is actually one of the reasons why I keep watching Atlantis so I don't mind how much screen time he gets. Sheppard is only just now growing on me. But it's a little weird for him to be in the final episode of SG-1. Hey, maybe:
                    McKay will be the one who helps to put us shippers in squeeling mood when he hits on Sam and learns that Sam is married/engaged/taken/etc.

                    McKay, what are you doing here?
                    Sam, just the person I was thinking about!
                    **shudders** What do you want?
                    Since I'm here only for a few days, I must take you out for dinner. I discovered this quiet little place that just opened up the last time I was here and it would be the perfect setting for our first date.
                    Uh . . . I don't think so, McKay.
                    Why not? I heard you broke up with Steve.
                    His name is Pete, not Steve.
                    Yeah, right. Pete. Whatever. So this Friday at 7?
                    All of her free time is taken.

                    I was talking to Sam here, not you. Go away.
                    Um, McKay . . .
                    **grabs Sam's hand** See this ring, McGeek? This is why she isn't free.
                    I don't get it.
                    Will this clear things up? **kisses Sam**
                    You and Sam? You got to be kidding!
                    He kids you not. Now leave the lovebirds alone. **drags McKay out of the room**
                    **Sam and Jack continues making out**

                    Opps! My little McKay story got a little long!
                    ROFLMAO!!!!! Your little McKay story is too funny.


                      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                      ROFLMAO!!!!! Your little McKay story is too funny.
                      i love it..alas.. i think not!!
                      "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                      sig by RepliCartertje


                        Originally posted by Twilight506
                        I was watching "Divide and Conquer" yesterday and I wondered -

                        Is it me or does the relationship seem more "Jack-sided" in 4th season than later on? I wonder why we didn't hear Carter's rendition of what happened. Do you think she would have admitted feelings? Or do you think that she just would have had to have acknowledged that Jack had feelings for her?

                        Random thought.
                        I think in S4 it was intentionally written and directed that it focused more on Jack's POV rather than Sam's because they wanted to get away from the cliche that its always just the girl who falls for the hero; I think they wanted to demonstrate that sometimes it's the hero who falls for the girl.

                        There's generally nothing that annoys me more than one-sided ship in a TV series with one character clearly attracted/in love with another but their feelings not reciprocated (there are a couple of exceptions in terms of comedy, etc but for shows where the ship is an additional spice it annoys me). After I watched 100 Days I worried that they were going to go down the route of Sam being in love with Jack but him not being interested at all. So it was a huge relief to me in Nemesis/Small Victories that it was Jack who invited Sam fishing, and then in D&C when they made the ship even-handed; here there were two people who both loved each other but who couldn't be together because of the rules they were bound by.

                        I do think that Sam admitted feelings for Jack in her retest just as he did in D&C; I think the flashback scenes aptly demonstrate that both of them are in love. But I also think the way Sam immediately suggests they leave it in the room, is classic Sam being scared of her feelings and emotions (a bit like in Moebius as Jennifer has mentioned AU Sam puts AU Jack off at first), and she retreats behinds the rules. But with the cat out of the bag, its harder for them both to pretend their feelings don't exist especially after BtS until Entity drives home why they can't be together.

                        I think in later Seasons the POV on their relationship is switched to a certain degree to Sam's as she has this internal struggle and debate about her personal life and her feelings for Jack. That Jack still cares about her is obvious and shown but whether he's still in love with her like they were both in love with each other back in S4 is left ambiguous in terms of the writing and direction. Its only with Threads that both of them are clearly shown to still be in love with each other and the happy ending is hinted at, IMO, on screen. Obviously, in terms of what can be interpreted at the character level (ie that Jack was always in love with Sam, Sam's motivations on her relationship with Pete, etc) is up to the audience.
                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                          i think the fact it was sam who started the whole Threads situation because she knew it was now or never, shows that the feelings were definitely still there, which annoys me because with an issue so deep then at the end of s8 we get Jack All for the last two seasons, surely they need to tie up loose ends again soon!
                          "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                          sig by RepliCartertje


                            I know what you mean Rachel500 - TV shows where ships are hinted at but then it seems TPTB wimp out and turn it all one sided really REALLY grates on good example being the way they were heading with Grissom & Sara (CSI - sorry my other favorite ship !) until they shocked with the last eppy of season 6...and there was far less intimacy between those two throughout the seasons that has been shown with Jack/ truly will be a tradgedy if stargate PTB don't give us some positive closure for them at the end of the series, I hope they get how much it matters to us all!!

                            On another note...I'm a bit new to this forum thing (I know, where have I been for the last few years - but I've never found anywhere I've wanted to join before coming here ) and I would really like a banner, can someone tell me how I do that please?


                            Design by Oma-1 -thank you!! x


                              Originally posted by Davhar80
                              I know what you mean Rachel500 - TV shows where ships are hinted at but then it seems TPTB wimp out and turn it all one sided really REALLY grates on good example being the way they were heading with Grissom & Sara (CSI - sorry my other favorite ship !) until they shocked with the last eppy of season 6...and there was far less intimacy between those two throughout the seasons that has been shown with Jack/ truly will be a tradgedy if stargate PTB don't give us some positive closure for them at the end of the series, I hope they get how much it matters to us all!!

                              On another note...I'm a bit new to this forum thing (I know, where have I been for the last few years - but I've never found anywhere I've wanted to join before coming here ) and I would really like a banner, can someone tell me how I do that please?

                              Hi Davhar80! Welcome to the Family

                              There are loads of ways of getting a banner - I'll send you a PM


                                Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                                hey guys
                                some great manips!
                                i just dont like the fact i start squeeing and wondering why i havent seen "that" ep, then realise its not real .. because they look excellent
                                any one wanna add me on the new sg1 onlne community!
                                i m Queen_Bee......duh!
                                can you pm me or email me your url? i'd love to add you, but i cant find you in the pages on the community. theres no search function. ot:

                                sig made by Samjackshiplover

