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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ses110
    I agree 100% Catysg1.I always say when a Show has been on for a number of years and the star wants to leave the Show should end.People like DD and RDA are stars of their Shows for a good reason.They are kinda hard to replace.I would love to see TV do away with shows that are on 10 plus years.I say six or seven years tops.You can always do Movies if the Show is a hit.
    I agree with you too, I mean yeah i love stargate (oh that's why i'm here!) and all, but shows that go on for years can get a bit boring. I think shows should go when they're at the top. Go out in glory rather than low ratings? Plus, maybe it'll will give us a better chance at SJ? *dreams*

    ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
    I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
    Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      I was just watching the bit from COTG when Jack and Sam meet. It's so cute. While Sam was probably being a bit overly defensive, Jack was definitely intrigued! I don't think he quite knew what to make of her-but some of the looks between them were priceless. And when she asked if they were going to have to arm wrestle, Jack looked like he was ready to take on that challenge! Sam already appreciated his sense of humor by the end of the briefing-I love the little grin when Jack makes the 'Mr. Glass Is Half Empty' comment. And we all know he adored her before the 1st ep was even over.
      That "You'll like me once you know me." line was sweet and true. But I wouldn't see a Captain say that to a Colonel. Especially after such an explosive meeting. So I think she really wanted him to like her. I think she already heard (a lot maybe) about Jack O'Neill from other people and even before she met him she wanted his respect, knowing how important he was to the program but for the AF also it seems.

      She already respected him much but that didn't stop her feministic streak. But we're okay about that


        WooHoo we're back, I missed this place and you guys last night.


          Originally posted by trupi
          What happen to the servers today?
          L.A.Doyle broke it.


            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
            I crashed GW good this time, huh RCtje?
   it was you who caused all the trouble this wonder I couldn't get in...thanks LAD!!!
            Seriously though...Did anyone else have trouble getting into GW this morning?? I tried for ages and in the end I gave up and went to work...couldn't get my fix of GW before I left so the day seemed to drag on forever...DoH!!

            EDIT: Wow it has been quiet here it seems that I wasn't the only one affected...does anyone know what happened??
            Last edited by Chelle DB; 30 August 2006, 02:27 AM.
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              chelle, I tried all evening, 6pm BST and 9pm - 12.30am BST, I couldn't get my fix before going to bed.


                Originally posted by Terrah
                chelle, I tried all evening, 6pm BST and 9pm - 12.30am BST, I couldn't get my fix before going to bed.
                Isn't it just the pits...I'm amazed at how quiet it is here right now though...guess everyone gave up and went to bed...or went to watch some Stargate eps on dvd!!!
                I was at work all day but if it had been my day off I think I would have gone slightly stir crazy without GW...well...kinda anyway!!
       is everyone this fine Wednesday??
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Good night good shippers everywhere!!!
                  Take care and be safe...happy posting...when you all come back...from where ever it is that you all are...very quiet here guys.!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                    Ask, and you shall receive:

                    Oldie but goodie! Even on page 102 TPTB were making us sick! Somethings never change! Good Day everyone!


                      Ok, no one panic... *holds breath* GW still up?? *whew*


                        i couldnt get on gateworld at all last night

                        sig by starlover1990


                          Hey Ship family

                          I'm steppin up the campaign for RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame abit. If you haven't visited


                          Please do so. Won't take much of your time. Just need to cut, paste, and send off a letter. Thanks. (oh, and post on the thread when mission accomplished, so we can keep this thing going)
                          Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                          Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                          Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to



                            Had to quick post here cause just couldn't leave my name as last poster on Jack/Daniel Slash on main forum page ....DOH! Just couldnt do

                            Came running quickly back here....oh, so much better now....
                            Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                            Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                            Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                              No more people posting fanfics here at GW???It's been awhile...
                              I need fanfics....dark ones with lots of Jack whumping, H/C and ship...yeah, lots of ship...Help anyone?


                                Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
                                No more people posting fanfics here at GW???It's been awhile...
                                I need fanfics....dark ones with lots of Jack whumping, H/C and ship...yeah, lots of ship...Help anyone?

                                Have one running around in my head the last couple of days but haven't written. A little critic shy right now
                                Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                                Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                                Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to

