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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Sasusc
    Only the 20th time?
    I LOVE that episode. I remember being so excited about seeing it. It SO did not disappoint. In fact, it was better than I'd hoped. (((Solitudes)))


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      Nice post. Gives me something to muse on.
      And the ring- I know he can't wear it at work. But my little shippy heart still told my eyes to look. And in SG-1, the thought crossed my mind that maybe Sam would give up her ring.
      Which reminds me:

      Can any one tell me what she did give up? It looked small and square. I'm sure it wasn't a wedding picture. Maybe a key card for the DC Hyatt?


        Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
        Ditto....could not have said it better myself....BUT I just wish TPTB would get on with it and acknowledge the ship once and for all....Even if RDA is not actually there, the show would benefit of this I am pretty sure...maybe with some Jack cameos with Sam once in a while...JMHO We're not asking for much are we?
        Well, for us you're not asking much but TPTB.... it's huge
        Well not compared to what they already showed us but more to the fact we got nothin' the last years!


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          SGA is very good mythology -wise and I really like the team but if tptb kill the ship or give as little as they can in SG1 , then I don't expect a great ship either in SGA and that bothers me a little , no matter if the mythology is great . I like my ship and don't like the TPTB to mess with it too much . They can mess a little with it and it's allright and every TPTB do it to a certain extent even with shows like X-files , Alias , Jag ect ..the ship was a bit messed around at one time or another . Even in "Lost" the ship is messed around ( Kate/Sawyer/Jack) but I have great faith in JJ Abrams and other producers all good .

          SG1 producers have not stopped messing around with the ship for ages and they don't seem like they want to stop to me it says everything regarding SGA too . I will still watch SGA unless they really disappoint me with the only ship I really like in it .

          TPTB lured me in with Sam and Jack. By the time I realized they weren't committed or were thinking about changing course, it was too late. I made a conscious decision when I started watching SGA not to let those guys get a hold on my heart again. I adore SGA, but I'm just not going to take a chance with these guys again. They're too unpredictable. Gekko: yes. Double Secret: No.


            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
            Yep. That's one reason I enjoyed SGA so much last night. We got to see so much of the 'private side'. Talking on the phone, dinner together, just being friends...I loved the team's relationships being shown. I want that for SG-1!
            Oh, yeah. I almost felt like I was watching fanfiction, there was so much of that. Very surprising, and a nice change. And yes, I couldn't help being a little jealous for SG-1.

            RDA is coming back for the third episode back from hiatus, so....

            Hope springs eternal. We did get some of that towards the beginning of Mem.Mor, after all. Just not between J&S.


              Originally posted by JenniferJF
              I'm not terribly bothered by him calling her Sara at the end. He'd been pining after Sara (or at least his relationship with Sara) all season. I actually think his calling Sam Sara indicates he's starting to feel towards Sam some of what he felt for Sara before. Remember, he's not exactly mentally all there at that point and has lost track of where he is and whom he is with. He is, however, feeling "Sara" emotions and so he places her in his delusion.

              And when Sam fits herself into his delusion to comfort him as they're dying.

              Oye, Squeee!
              I just love that episode. And even if there's the bit 'Sara' thing Sam helped him through it. Didn't hesitate to make believe she was Sara for awhile.
              Shows how deep their connection runs and that already at that time they would have done anything for each other.

              I love the 'what will you regret when you'll die' talk. Jack's answer is about how he doesn't want to die, when you know how suicidal he was before the Startgate project then it's a huge step forward!


                Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                ok I am off to bed...See ya all tomorrow

                and Stargate Barbie... you are so right she would never give up something that is so presious...IMO I think she would defend that ring forever with her life...I think she would rather die than give that up...for her it means so much...

                nite nite
                You gotta remember, too, who else was present at that point. This is also why I'm sure she didn't give up a copy of her wedding picture. She wouldn't want him to know...


                  Some wallpapers:



                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                    TPTB lured me in with Sam and Jack. By the time I realized they weren't committed or were thinking about changing course, it was too late. I made a conscious decision when I started watching SGA not to let those guys get a hold on my heart again. I adore SGA, but I'm just not going to take a chance with these guys again. They're too unpredictable. Gekko: yes. Double Secret: No.
                    It's the same for me with SGA. I'm afraid to find a ship there. I see the possiblities but I'm afraid to take the leap and take a chance with them.


                      Originally posted by nell
                      L.A. and Gate Gal, Thunks and Squee for your encouraging words

                      AND to all Shippers for sharing their heartfelt opinions about the State of Our Ship!

                      NEWBIES AND OLDIES UNITE!!!

                      I'll be darned if I throw in the towel now (except if it's Jack's LOL!!!).

                      Somewhere in the darkest recesses of TPTB's plan for the series finale is SHIP! I'm not sayin' it'll be alot. I don't know if it will be a look, a touch, or words BUT I'm watching the second half of season 10 in March with The ROSIEST GLASSES and LOTS OF FAITH that TPTB will make things right.

                      Maybe not enough, maybe late but THE SHIP WILL BE HEADING TO PORT!!!

                      P.S. I'm not buyin' Seasons 9 &10. That window of opportunity CLOSED after last night!

                      This pep talk sponsored by The ShipShipHooray Special Ops Team!!!
                      Yep!!! Lets all unite and continue on making this the best thread ever!!!


                        Originally posted by 0xNatashax0
                        Some wallpapers:
                        Loved them! I might even use the first one for my wall.


                          Originally posted by Lizlove

                          I love that pic..and Sam's hair is great! Sam and Jack give each other the best smiles.

                          Natasha, what program do you use?


                            Originally posted by Lizlove
                            Aww, this looks so cute, what episode is it from?

                            Originally posted by Sasusc
                            Loved them! I might even use the first one for my wall.



                              Originally posted by 0xNatashax0
                              Aww, this looks so cute, what episode is it from?
                              Zero Hour I believe.


                                Yep, Zero Hour. Love the episode.

