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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Congratulations on 800 hopalong



      Hi just a quick though....

      Wouldn't last night's SG1 epi have been a great time for...

      Ba'al to have said some sort of snide comment to Sam about her 'beloved' Jack not being present on this quest? I thought TPTB were going to mention Jack every now and then in an epi in order to keep 'Jack's presence' in the SG1 universe alive?

      Unrelated ship question

      ....when did Ba'al stop speaking in his Goa'uldy voice? did I miss that epi?
      This is great.
      I told ya.
      I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
      Well, let's not dwell.


        Okay, I'm now on episode Nemesis (season 3). I want to shake Thor.

        O'Neill was just about this close to getting Carter to agree to go fishing with him. >< (<--my hands showing the closeness) And then Thor beams him away. I wonder what would have happened if Thor didn't interupt. Would she go or would she stay?


          Originally posted by blueiris
          LOL - And guess what? The "What's your favorite ship" thread is about spaceships, too! So naturally I assume the anti-ship thread is full of people who prefer to see episodes with gate travel rather that travel by ships.
          What else is there to discuss on an anti-ship thread anyway


            Originally posted by Sasusc
            Okay, I'm now on episode Nemesis (season 3). I want to shake Thor.

            O'Neill was just about this close to getting Carter to agree to go fishing with him. >< (<--my hands showing the closeness) And then Thor beams him away. I wonder what would have happened if Thor didn't interupt. Would she go or would she stay?
            Oh, I know! That really is the cutest scene. When he asks her she seems a little surprised-definitely flattered. I think she even blushed! Then she was so close to agreeing. She was rethinking then WHAM! Thanks a lot Thor! Would she have gone? I think she might have. She certainly appeared to be leaning towards that. There are SO many what ifs in the SG universe, aren't there?


              Originally posted by Sasusc
              Okay, I'm now on episode Nemesis (season 3). I want to shake Thor.

              O'Neill was just about this close to getting Carter to agree to go fishing with him. >< (<--my hands showing the closeness) And then Thor beams him away. I wonder what would have happened if Thor didn't interupt. Would she go or would she stay?
              I watched that episode about a week ago and was thinking the same!!! I'm also seeing right from the begining as I only got into SG1 in season 8



                Originally posted by hopalong

                I tried replying to your post, but I kept timing out. And don't worry, I've missed my 800th somewhere... When does one stop being a Goa'uld underlord anyway?
                CONGRATS ON 800!!

                It's 1000 posts, and you become a Royal Guard. As I told Sasusc, try counting backwards!
                Last edited by broken-heart; 24 September 2006, 12:30 AM.


                  Originally posted by JenniferJF
                  First, as for The Return
                  nobody on Atlantis really saw action in this one, I really do think they're saving it all for the second half.

                  Don't read the following if you don't want my negative and cynical spin on the underside of TV in general and the show in particular:

                  As for Jack and Sam's private life, I think it all comes down to the fine balance TPTB have to walk between shippers and anti-shippers. Remember, there are quite a few fans who don't want J & S to get together. And this is TV, not historically known for good ship resolution. It is also, no matter how much we might want it to be otherwise, not the J&S show. I agree that, personally, there is a lot I would like to see, but I try to respect the limitations of series TV. And really compared to most series TV I've watched in my life, TPTB are doing a fairly good job.

                  On another note, when first heard RDA was coming back, I was a bit apprehensive. Because I am so personally certain they are together at this point, and believe the show has been written intentionally vague to leave interpretation open to the preferences of the individual viewer, I was worried TPTB would start playing with the ship again. TV characters are rarely allowed to act like actual human beings would in any given situation, and I was shocked after Threads when Jack and Sam were actually allowed to act like real people! With the return of RDA, I was afraid TPTB would find some reason J&S weren't together (which I'm sure is one of the reasons they've been vague on it, already) and start seriously messing with their characters to rebuild the s. tension. We'd be stuck with more Chimera and Affinity episodes to force them apart... Fortunately, I think they've avoided that because it would upset both the shippers and anti-shippers, and be a disaster all round.

                  I, for one, would far rather let their ship sail off into the ambiguous sunset then put up with that. Now that the show is ending, *personally*, I would like positive resolution. But TPTB must also avoid alienating the other part of the audience, so I really don't think it's going to happen. I don't mean to sound so negative and cynical, but unfortunately TV is a business before it is anything else <sigh>.

                  Oh... Kay... I debated not sending this, since I know a lot of people feel very strongly differently, and I respect that, but what the heck....
                  Jennifer, I don't think you should have hesitated in sending this. We can always agree to disagree here. You are a great addition to this thread...and your comments have cheered me up more than once.

                  But on this one point, I must respectfully disgree. Why? Because TPTB started this Ship and perpetuated it for eight years. They floated a test balloon very early, in the fourth episode...Broca Divide. They gradually grew the relationship, they proved how Jack felt in Window of Opportunity and they forced Sam and Jack to admit their feelings for each other in D & C and Beneath the Surface. They continued to show us how deeply Sam and Jack had grown to care for each other in Entity, Metamorphosis, Paradise Lost, Grace, Chimera, Death Knell, Heroes, Lost City, New Order, Affinity, Citizen Joe, Threads and Moebius, as well as implying it in many other eps. Threads was a real turning point...and only a blind or truly clueless person could fail to see what TPTB intended for us to take away from that episode.

                  I make this point not to be argumentative. I make it to drive home the point that TPTB created this Ship. In the face of some discord from the antis (most of whom simply felt it took away from Daniel), they chose to perpetuate it, year after year after year. So at this point, I believe they have a greater moral obligation to us...the loyal S/J Shipper fan base that has kept them afloat and helped make them successful for all those years.

                  Ask almost anyone who has casually watched or been aware of SG-1 over the years (not fanatics like us), and by and large, even those casual viewers believe Sam and Jack should be together. I truly think the greatest number of viewers are in this camp, and I believe many of them have left the show in droves of disappointment, which has caused the ratings to plummet in the last year.

                  Yes, I agree that show business is a BUSINESS. I spent more than 20 years of my career in broadcasting. And I understand that business decisions must be made for business reasons. However, they created this Ship, they expanded this Ship, they perpetuated this Ship over multiple years, and now, they have an obligation to bring this Ship into port! To do any less would be too disrespectful to their own professionalism and storytelling, as well as to the majority of the show's fans. And, in disavowing the importance of the S/J Ship and the strength of the friendships between the original team, they ultimately brought about the cancellation.

                  I say this not as an indictment of your opinion. Normally, I think you are spot on. I'm simply not willing to let TPTB off the hook on the premise of "business reasons." I just feel very strongly on this issue. TPTB don't have to marry them off for me to be satisfied. I just want one onscreen BHK between our Sam & Jack (minus alien influences, AU or any other plot device that would allow TPTB to skirt the issue), and I want an open acknowledgement that they are pursuing a romantic relationship with each other. Those two things would satisfy me. It's not too much to ask for a decade of devotion to a storyline that they created and built themselves.

                  IMHO. Rant over. Thanks for listening.


                    Well said, sg-1fanintn! I tried to green ya, but I greened too much.


                      Originally posted by I'm Just Sayin'
                      I'm more sad than angry about what has happened/not happened to Jack and Sam's relationship. Some of it is due to RDA not being there, some due to the writing. Either way, I watch this vid often (my fav!)
                      and it just makes me cry sometimes. The relationship that developed between Jack and Sam was just awesome and now it seems we can only relive the past. I honestly can't see what there is to look forward to.

                      It's funny, I'm not really a romantic, I don't ship any other characters, I don't even really watch any other TV shows except SG-1 and Atlantis. Yet, there's just something about Jack & Sam that just grabs my heart.
                      I find this very interesting, because I'm in the same camp. I'm an adult with a husband, an interesting life and a responsible job! The last time I was obsessed with TV characters was when I had a crush on The Monkees! Believe me, that's been a long, LONG time ago!!! I enjoy TV, and I'm interested in several good shows. But I've never been on a forum for any of them...just this one. I wouldn't go out of my way to get info or be part of an active fandom for any other show except this one. However it plays out on-screen is ok with me.

                      But the way RDA and AT played Sam & Jack's relationship simply captured my heart. I KNOW what Sam & Jack would to if they were real people. They would find a way to be together. And these characters have been so earnestly played that I can't accept any other outcome for them except that.

                      Sigh. I'd say I needed to get a life, but I have one. But this relationship just have to work out before this show ends.


                        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                        Jennifer, I don't think you should have hesitated in sending this. We can always agree to disagree here. You are a great addition to this thread...and your comments have cheered me up more than once.

                        But on this one point, I must respectfully disgree. Why? Because TPTB started this Ship and perpetuated it for eight years.

                        ~~*snipped for space*~~~

                        IMHO. Rant over. Thanks for listening.
                        I agree with you sg-1fanintn. They created the ship. Our shippy little brains didn't have to invent it. They created it and kept it almost as an on going sub-sub-plot. They did it.

                        There are a lot of shippers out there who watch episodes and try to find ship in little things. A look, a touch, a "this scene could mean that......" etc. I am not one of those. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that. Just that I can't do that. I have to see it as fact. I want it as clear as it was in D&C or WoO or BtS. That is why I am not happy with the ending to season 8. Too much was left to interpretation.

                        I want my final positive resolution to the Sam and Jack romance. I don't want the Sam and Jack Show. I don't need (I can't honestly say I don't want it ) the Sam and Jack episode. I don't need the Sam and Jack plot line. I just need and want my Sam and Jack moment. I think they owe it to us. And I know its only a TV show. My world doesn't revolve around it. But this is a S/J thread on a Stargate forum. This would be the place to discuss it.
                        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                          Originally posted by Lizlove
                          You know they marked the place on set where Sam and Jack cuddled together thinking they were dying? Sweet isn't it? They do have the ship in them, they're just proud and their ego is too big to admit it!
                          I'm not terribly bothered by him calling her Sara at the end. He'd been pining after Sara (or at least his relationship with Sara) all season. I actually think his calling Sam Sara indicates he's starting to feel towards Sam some of what he felt for Sara before. Remember, he's not exactly mentally all there at that point and has lost track of where he is and whom he is with. He is, however, feeling "Sara" emotions and so he places her in his delusion.

                          And when Sam fits herself into his delusion to comfort him as they're dying.

                          Oye, Squeee!


                            Originally posted by JenniferJF
                            I'm not terribly bothered by him calling her Sara at the end. He'd been pining after Sara (or at least his relationship with Sara) all season. I actually think his calling Sam Sara indicates he's starting to feel towards Sam some of what he felt for Sara before. Remember, he's not exactly mentally all there at that point and has lost track of where he is and whom he is with. He is, however, feeling "Sara" emotions and so he places her in his delusion.

                            And when Sam fits herself into his delusion to comfort him as they're dying.

                            Oye, Squeee!
                            Squee is right. Nice interpretation! I really need to rewatch that ep-for the 20th time.


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                              Squee is right. Nice interpretation! I really need to rewatch that ep-for the 20th time.
                              Only the 20th time?


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                There's another nice moment in the briefing room during Crystal Skull...

                                Crystal Skull has got my *favorite* Jack quote ever: "Nintendos can go through anything"

