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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Rachel500
    I think its a great idea so long as its not too restrictive...I mean I would hate for us all to think we couldn't post on say Divide and Conquer because that week's epi was Grace, for example.

    There are a couple of ways I think we could organise it:

    (Option A) 6 months = 6 themes with weekly episodes chosen to fit in with the theme.
    e.g. Angst = D&C, BTS, Entity, Grace, Heroes, etc
    Kisses = POV, WoO, Grace, Moebius, etc
    Missing In Action = 100 Days, BTS, Paradise Lost, Desperate Measures, Grace, etc
    - I think you get the idea. We can do polls for what themes/episodes should be included and discussed so all shippers get the opportunity to input on what they want.

    Advantages: the theme provides more scope for people to post on just the episode of the week and provides the video, graphic and fanfic writers the option of not necessarily being restricted to epi of the week
    Disadvantages: the thread moves fast - could people stand a whole month of a particular theme?

    (Option B)
    Logically start out with Season 1 and determine a list of pivotal episodes on S/J relationship that we want to discuss. So say at a rough guess we have 24 weeks, then we might possibly split those by 8 Seasons into 3 weeks of each Season. We can vote on a poll the week ahead of implementing the next Season on which epis we want to watch/discuss (2 parters acting as 1 choice). Week 1 = Poll Winner, Week 2 = 2nd Place, Week 3 = 3rd Place. That way all shippers can input into which episodes they want on the list. (Hope that made sense).

    Advantages: It provides an opportunity for the ship family to watch and discuss the relationship as it logically progresses by Season. Plenty of scope for video, graphic, fanfic writers to look at the Season rather than be restricted to epi of the week.
    Disadvantages: It is maybe too structured for some people.

    In general, I think we should forget S9/10 for this exercise. I personally like S9 but there really was very little ship (S10 only really has ep 200) and as some of our community don't/won't watch/like these Seasons, I think its more appropriate to stay with the 8 Seasons where we have both Sam and Jack 100% of the time if thats OK with everybody.

    So what does everyone think?
    optionA sounds good, because, like you say we wont be restricted to what episodes we discuss so much. and i kinda like the idea of a theme.

    sig made by Samjackshiplover


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje


      Ok lets make a summary of the idea's if you have more just copy and paste them so I have them all togheter

      1) 6 months = 6 themes with weekly episodes chosen to fit in with the theme.
      2)Logically start out with Season 1 and determine a list of pivotal episodes on S/J relationship that we want to discuss...every day another ep
      3)Logically start out with Season 1 and determine a list of pivotal episodes on S/J relationship that we want to discuss...every other day another ep
      4)Logically start out with Season 1 and determine a list of pivotal episodes on S/J relationship that we want to discuss...every week another ep
      Thanks RepliCartertje for sumarising it it saved me from reading back 2 days posts to find out what all the talk was about ( RL has this horrible habit of interfering with shiping ) I like the idea of 1 or 4 because around 2 episodes per week would give the maximum amount of people opportunity to watch and discuss the episodes.
      As for starting a new thread for the discussion it depends on the title, if the S/J ship is not on it anybody will be entitled to post , including anti-shippers which can be quite interesting , but we have to be prepared to have some of our beliefs knocked about and be prepared for some unconfortable reading at times.

      And congratulations on any milestones and newbies I may have missed, this thread is going so fast recently it's been very dificult to keep up


        Originally posted by RepliCartertje
        1) 6 months = 6 themes with weekly episodes chosen to fit in with the theme.
        2)Logically start out with Season 1 and determine a list of pivotal episodes on S/J relationship that we want to discuss...every day another ep
        3)Logically start out with Season 1 and determine a list of pivotal episodes on S/J relationship that we want to discuss...every other day another ep
        4)Logically start out with Season 1 and determine a list of pivotal episodes on S/J relationship that we want to discuss...every week another ep
        AHthat's better I get it all now! I think option 4 is best but we'll get to that when the polls up for now happy shipping!



          I agree with option 4.
          sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
          My GW fanfiction-
 c2 community sam/jack relationship community.

          Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


            Originally posted by starlover1990
            I just got a radomly chosen post...i like the idea and it's a good idea to start a new tread it more clearer...
            i'm interested in this..i should be fun...certainly when you think how long we have to wait for a new episode...
            and then with certain people to do certain seasons...we can also vote pro season witch episodes??i don't know if everybody thinks the same episodes are shippy enough to discuss..
            But i really like the idea(i said that already didn't i)
            I think it's a good idea to discuss your idea with Skydiver our mod and ask her opinion if you should start a new thread or remain here. Just PM her your idea and see what she says.


              Originally posted by trupi
              I think it's a good idea to discuss your idea with Skydiver our mod and ask her opinion if you should start a new thread or remain here. Just PM her your idea and see what she says.
              I was going to do that once we got all the no worries...this is going to be done...I just now am waiting for everyone their ideas...But thanks anyway for the advise!


                First, I had to post because we are WAY down on page one and Sam/Daniel is ahead of us...

                But seriously, just saw the scene in Metamorphosis when she lays her head on his shoulder... Squeee!

                And poor Jack, still unable to either help or even really comfort her. <sigh>

                But I should be nice to the Sam and Daniel ship. I have a brother, so I know how special that type of relationship can be!


                  Originally posted by JenniferJF
                  First, I think we need to wait a bit until more members have had a chance to voice their opinion. Most people here (in North America) have been at work or school since the idea was suggested. But I suspect they'll like it...

                  How about we say anyone who DOESN'T like this idea post their idea, or modifications to it by tomorrow morning, say about 0900 eastern time here in N. America. Should give everyone normally here a chance at input. If no one objects, I can take the first season (I have those DVDs at least) and post the first weeks episodes tomorrow afternoon. Then next week, I can post the next weeks, etc. etc. etc. Someone else can volunteer for Season two, and so forth and so on.

                  And of course, no one HAS to post about the weeks episodes, and anyone can still post about anything they want... This is just for anyone interested in going through the episodes together.

                  EDIT: To confuse the issue further, we could start a new secondary thread just for these talks, but I think that might be more confusing as I see this potentially leading to lots of side chats, pics, fics, vids, etc... Which belong here (except the fics, but you know what I mean)

                  I agree that we should let everybody else on the thread comment on whether they want to do this or not.

                  I would suggest that we wait until Friday AM (US time) for everyone to give their opinion.

                  If the overall concensus is positive then the volunteer organiser can ask a mod to put up the first poll with a title like e.g. 'The S/J Shippiest Episodes of Season 1' - if we're going with Seasons rather than themes (making it clear the poll is for Sam/Jack shippers only to protect it a little) Friday PM; run the poll over the weekend, and then the volunteer organiser can report back the 'Season 1 schedule' Monday AM with the winner being the episode of the week next week, 2nd place the week after, 3rd place the week after that...(again, hope that made sense).

                  I don't think we should have a second thread simply because the likelihood is that the discussion will end up back in here when they housekeep and start merging threads and we've had enough trouble with that lately...

                  EDIT: OK, I see Eve has already addressed and has a plan...I really should read the whole thread...
                  Last edited by Rachel500; 27 September 2006, 12:29 PM.
                  Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                  My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                    Originally posted by Rachel500
                    I don't think we should have a second thread simply because the likelihood is that the discussion will end up back in here when they housekeep and start merging threads and we've had enough trouble with that lately...
                    I agree. Is there any way to vote on that?

                    Jennifer - desperately seeking sig


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF
                      I agree. Is there any way to vote on that?

                      Jennifer - desperately seeking sig
                      Maybe you should Eve (RepliCartertje) to make you a sig, she makes the best!!!

                      Thank you again Eve for my wonderful sig!


                        About our latest idea. I strongely feel we should let it be a shipper family only event, and not open to anti's, cause I have a feeling we get way to upset by that.
                        No idea how we should to that, but hopefully Sky will help us.


                          ok, first i gotta say STOP WORRYING IF SAM/DANIEL SHIPPERS ARE ABOVE YOU

                          stop it

                          get over it

                          Leave them alone and let them post. This forum is not a competition nor is it a contest and there are no prizes for whichever thread is on top.

                          You like what you like, they like what they like and respect each other

                          Ok, now that that's out of the way, someone please explain to me what your ideas are? The discussion goes on or several pages and i'm kinda like jack and want the short and sweet version please
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver
                            ok, first i gotta say STOP WORRYING IF SAM/DANIEL SHIPPERS ARE ABOVE YOU

                            stop it

                            get over it

                            Leave them alone and let them post. This forum is not a competition nor is it a contest and there are no prizes for whichever thread is on top.

                            You like what you like, they like what they like and respect each other

                            Ok, now that that's out of the way, someone please explain to me what your ideas are? The discussion goes on or several pages and i'm kinda like jack and want the short and sweet version please
                            Sky don't worry I am sending you a pm at the moment!!!

                            EDIT: I sended you the pm
                            Last edited by RepliCartertje; 27 September 2006, 01:02 PM.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              ok, first i gotta say STOP WORRYING IF SAM/DANIEL SHIPPERS ARE ABOVE YOU

                              stop it

                              get over it

                              Leave them alone and let them post. This forum is not a competition nor is it a contest and there are no prizes for whichever thread is on top.

                              You like what you like, they like what they like and respect each other
                              Oh, gosh. I was totally joking. I apologize for any offense given.

                              I was writing fanfic and needed a break because I was getting too deep, so I was surfing around on Gateworld watching a Season 6 DVD because I'd borrowed it from the library and it has to go back today and its season 6 so I hadn't watched it yet and I noticed that about Daniel and then the scene from Metamorphosis came on and then I had to squee to ya'll.

                              I actually like the Sam and Daniel relationship and Arthur's Mantle is one of my favorite eps, but that's not on topic here.

                              For a good time, though, read some of the thread titles on the character boards. Half the time the people posting are totally joking themselves. Like the Sam and Ba'al and the Sam and Carpenter.

                              Jennifer -- who needs to run this DVD back to the library, later!


                                All these ideas...*head explodes* I really don't care, as long as we talk about ship and no one feels they can't talk about any aspect of the ship. This is just to give us something to talk about when things are slow, right? So maybe we can talk about ship like normal, but have an ep or theme we can talk about as well-since we won't have new eps to discuss. And I realize that's all probably been said. Whoops.

