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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Geesh, I keep disappearing and then coming back to 30 pages of thread to read. No time to catch up; I just wanted to stick my foot in the door again before 200 tomorrow night. I'm already salivating since I'll be in SG heaven: SG-1 off-the-wall and RDA and SGA is a Lizzie episode. Guh.

    *must not gets hopes up for 200 . . . must not get hopes up for 200*


      Finally i have catched up (15 pages) you guy's really really talk much...i have to be online today otherwise i can't catch it up anymore.

      (((((Replicarter)))))=i hope you're feeling better soon, the video was great, i don't know if i already said that, but still...
      and for the ones that i have forgotten(sorry) but still congrats, or nice wallpapers(i've seen some, but can't remember who exactly) or nice music video's

      and is there still place in the shippper bus...i wanna go with you guys

      and stil 13 hours to the episode, can't wait



        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
        (((Rachel))) You always know what to say. Are you a therapist? You should be...specializing in ship therapy!
        LOL. Maybe I should consider a career change?
        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


          Originally posted by Gate gal
          Well, since I can't have your meds then I'll take one big heaping helping of A Pond with no Fish 2 please!
          Hmmm. Well, you'll have to wait a while as I won't start posting until its complete! I'm a bit anal that way; I won't start posting any story until its done - I have this tendency to change my mind about things half way through. APWNF II will probably come out in September at the rate I'm going...

          I have 5 fanfic WIP at the mo (Aftershocks, APWNF II, another J/S story set after Abyss and 2 stories for another fandom), and several more in the concept stage. Not to mention 2 non-fanfic novels that I'm trying to finish to see if I can actually get published as an author.

          You guys should really tell me to leave and go write when you see me posting here! *ahem* Which is where I'm headed now...
          See you guys later!
          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


            Hi everyone, I'm nogigglingmajor and I'm new here.

            The truth? I am a HUGE SJ shipper (yeah i know, duh!). S9 only just started down here, but I have the dvd box set. What i'm most looking forward to is the 200th ep like most of you. I was so happy when I read the Sam and jack spoilers but then saddened that it was only 'imaginary'. Amanda did say that there was hope for SJ in s10, I thought this might be it, but alas, no. Will they ever get together? Need a little shipper support here.

            P.S I know she's gone, but are there any Janet icons?

            ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
            I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
            Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


              Ohhh I can't wait to read the spoilers for 200!

              I hope its great even if its fake!

              All you people who get to see it today remember to spoiler me terribly



                Originally posted by Buc252
                If they're going to do "Psycho," I'd want Mitchell and Vala to be the ones in the shower! I really don't care *who* is wielding the knife, as long as they have good aim . . .

                Oh, and General Whosits should be in there, too. I can't stand to listen to him talk!!
                LOL Ditto and I can't stand Landry talking too . I wish Terry O' Quinn would have been the new General . I love his voice to bits but he is busy with "Lost" as John Locke , it's OK

                Hope everyone will enjoy the episode tonight. As for me,I will be watching The UK big brother finale first and may go online afterwards ...Hopefully , I may be around when episode 200 starts in the US !!! If not , I will definately be reading all the spoilers tomorrow and whatever else you will produce for all of us UK shippers .

                Have fun and Be episode 200 so shippy that we'll fall off our chairs with Joy



                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Hope everyone will enjoy the episode tonight. As for me,I will be watching The UK big brother finale first and may go online afterwards ...Hopefully , I may be around when episode 200 starts in the US !!! If not , I will definately be reading all the spoilers tomorrow and whatever else you will produce for all of us UK shippers .
                  I swore I wouldn't get into BB this time around. I haven't watched it this much since the 1st season as they've all been terrible, IMO. But this year I've fallen in love with the housemates



                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                    I'd love it.
                    Good morning on our Big Day! I have to agree on having RDA back on all the episodes! Even my youngest is not immune to the charms of Jack O'Neill. She has great taste!
                    Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                      I was just thinking...Who was responsible for recognizing the spark between Carter and O'Neill? Adding the shippy moments to the espisode? Would RDA have had much influence over that being a producer?
                      Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                        Oh please say that you're just guessing about 200 with your "Psycho" comment and you didn't just spoil us about something from 200. Right? Right???

                        *gets jittery*
                        No the Psycho thing was PURE speculation on my part, no spoilers!
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          Originally posted by brookeormian
                          I swore I wouldn't get into BB this time around. I haven't watched it this much since the 1st season as they've all been terrible, IMO. But this year I've fallen in love with the housemates

                          HAPPY SQUEE DAY, SHIPPER FAMILY!

                          I never watched BB until last year but last year was really bad compared to this year . I'm with Ashleyne to win . I also like Pete but I think he is quite boring unless he is in the diary room then he is hilarious ( Private disco ..LOL) . I don't really like all that kissing with Nikki though ....but I will support Ashleyne because she had terrible things said about her and I think she has demonstrated that she cares a lot about people . I thought she was great when she moved to the house next door and did her best to be nice to everyone . I thought Nikki gave her a real hard time .After reading her story too that she had been rejected by her mum from the age of 16 , didn't really know her dad until recently and considering she never mentionned it during her stay, I think she is a decent person and deserves to win . But I'll be happy if either Pete, Ashleyne or Glynn wins .

                          PS: I hate the swearing but it seems like they toned it down a bit since Suzie's visit. At least , she helped a little in the language department . LOL I thought the tasks they had to do this year were really good .I particularly loved the house next door twist , the prison/warden/tropical beach challenge . and some others .

                          And now enough of Pete/Nikki ship ..let's go back to the ship Sam and Jack and hope for the best I 'm pretty sure you won't have another
                          wedding even at the end of the show
                          ..Let's enjoy what we will get tonight . At least we'll be able to use the lovely scenes in pretty wallpapers and fantastic videos

                          Last edited by Catysg1; 18 August 2006, 03:50 AM.


                            Originally posted by nogigglingmajor
                            Hi everyone, I'm nogigglingmajor and I'm new here.

                            The truth? I am a HUGE SJ shipper (yeah i know, duh!). S9 only just started down here, but I have the dvd box set. What i'm most looking forward to is the 200th ep like most of you. I was so happy when I read the Sam and jack spoilers but then saddened that it was only 'imaginary'. Amanda did say that there was hope for SJ in s10, I thought this might be it, but alas, no. Will they ever get together? Need a little shipper support here.

                            P.S I know she's gone, but are there any Janet icons?
                            Welcome to the Shipper Family, nogigglingmajor!!!!!!

                            This thread is the nicest place on GW so post lots and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!!! If you have any questions about anything then don't hesitate to post a message or send any member of the family a PM and we'll help you as best we can

                            No there aren't any Janet icons, it's something we've been discussing in the Janet Fraiser thread!

                            As for the ship: WE LIVE IN HOPE! Here, have some blue jell-o, shipper cookies and Dr. Shipper to swallow them down with! We have less than 24 hours to wait until we know for sure!
                            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                            My fanfic


                              this is just a fly by post to try out my new sig... hope it works!
                              THANKYOU so much annelies!!! (samjackshiplover)


                                hmm... a bit too big maybe...
                                THANKYOU so much annelies!!! (samjackshiplover)

