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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    on your 1,000 posts


      Here's another bit of Shippiness for your Sunday morning, or whatever day and time you happen to be sitting in at the moment.

      It was early in Season 9 during Avalon and Origin when we got to see the new and highly relaxed Jack O'Neill (wonder why he was so relaxed?)

      If you remember back in New Order, when Jack was thinking of taking over command of the SGC and talking it over with the rest of SG-1. One of the pros was that he could, to paraphrase, "do anything he wanted". Everyone sort of looked at Sam, who squirmed uncomfortably before adding, "well, not *anything*," to paraphrase again. Obviously (at least to me), they were referring to the Jack/Sam relationship and that would still be impossible.

      Then, in Avalon and Origin
      when Jack tells Mitchell in flashbacks that he can do anything he wants if he recovers, Jack awkwardly restates the comment with, 'professionally' and 'well, almost anything' because he knows better than anyone (or thinks he does) that you can't have 'everything'. BUT, in what I took to be TPTBs oblique-as-always bone to us Shippers, when he is flying in the F-302 with Cameron at the end of Origin, he states smugly that he'd discovered "when you're a general you get to do pretty much anything you want" *without* any additional qualifications and Cam's adding that it helped when you'd saved the world many times, I assumed that meant someone high up, possibly the President, had unofficially agreed to ignore J&S's relationship as long as they kept it subtle in order to keep them both around. Thus explaining why he didn't retire but was instead still around albeit in a different position where there would be no direct chain-of-command issues.

      Just MHO, of course.

      I've got lots of other Shippy moments and add-on scenes based on these moments from the end of Season 8 through now, but I've been inspired to write them into Fanfic. Which says a lot since the last fanfic I wrote was three kids and a decade ago.

      Jennifer - any willing proofreaders out there? Let me know...


        Originally posted by Terrah
        on your 1,000 posts

        Thanks, Terrah. Great shippy moment, too.
        "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
        Colonel Jack O'Neill


          One of my favourite S/J moments

          "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
          Colonel Jack O'Neill


            If you really have to wake up in the infirmary then this is the face (and the smile ) you want to see.

            "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
            Colonel Jack O'Neill


              Patience is what you need to handle one Jack O'Neill.

              "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
              Colonel Jack O'Neill


                Originally posted by Rachel500
                The universe works in mysterious ways but it could be a sign

                With RDA actually in Canada, I'm certainly more tempted to believe they've enticed him into filming some scenes for the finale *crosses fingers and hopes*
                I'm with you in that hope Rachel! Did you see the add RDA took out when the news of SG-1's cancellation became public? Backs up that train of thought rather nicely

                Thanks for the news and link Sally Memorable news for your 7777th post!


                  Originally posted by Nolamom
                  Okay girls, here ya go...

                  Now don't go getting ideas...

                  You know what really gets me about caps from that scene in 'Broca Divide'? They make the scene seem totally opposite to what it was. Just looking at the caps you'd think that little scene was full of consensual passion. I keep forgetting that it was just not that shippy, and that Jack did not want it.

                  Now before you start throwing rotten fruit or debating the shippiness of it, let me explain. Even though Jack said "Not like this!", he would not have taken advantage of her impaired judgement. It was not a bad thing!


                    Originally posted by hopalong
                    You know what really gets me about caps from that scene in 'Broca Divide'? They make the scene seem totally opposite to what it was. Just looking at the caps you'd think that little scene was full of consensual passion. I keep forgetting that it was just not that shippy, and that Jack did not want it.

                    Now before you start throwing rotten fruit or debating the shippiness of it, let me explain. Even though Jack said "Not like this!", he would not have taken advantage of her impaired judgement. It was not a bad thing!
                    Yeah! You're right. However I would have liked for Sam to jump him later when he was infected too


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF
                      Hi all - I'm new here to Gateworld and this thread, but spent the morning reading back posts (and signing the petition).

                      I am *so* glad to find you guys, I've been frustrated for a year or so since nowhere else on the 'Net does anyone seem to feel Jack and Sam might be together now, let alone are.

                      My hubbie and I are of the opinion that they *are* together, and we were surprised that this wasn't obvious to everyone else. But both of us were in the military and the Jack and Sam relationship since Threads is so much like relationships between military people we've known as to seem perfectly natural - important to them personally, but totally hidden at work. I think its like the wind - you can see its effect in J's leaving the SGC and S's new happiness and confidence and non-angst, but never directly.

                      We started watching SG-1 at the beginning of Season 7, but I wasn't a Shipper until after Threads. That infirmary "Always" scene is the single most romantic moment I think I've ever seen on TV and even never having been on the 'Net for SG-1 I got the significance of Fishing right away. I'd resisted SG-1 on the 'Net because I've resisted getting "involved" in a TV show since Lois ate the frog after her wedding (anyone remember?) but I've been consistently surprised at how TPTB have treated J&S given the limitations of TV. Not to mention the constant need to balance the desires of shippers and non-shippers alike. So all in all, I am *very* glad to be here with you all and look forward to having someone to discuss the show with besides my husband (who'd rather discuss Bab5) or my 3-year old daughter (who's conversation is limited although she referred to watching TV as watching Stargate for the second year of her life.)

                      Jennifer -personally convinced they're married, BTW... don't try to convince me otherwise.

                      Welcome Jennifer!


                        Originally posted by zuz
                        If you really have to wake up in the infirmary then this is the face (and the smile ) you want to see.

                        Awww, what ep is this from?



                          Originally posted by 0xNatashax0
                          Awww, what ep is this from?
                          It's from Grace...a VERY shippy ep....sorta . Depending on how you look at it .

                          Sig by RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by ccdsah
                            Yeah! You're right. However I would have liked for Sam to jump him later when he was infected too

                            it kinda would have been nice to have had a naked now moment
                            ie star trek the next gen....tasha and only gonna say this once, it didnt happen.

                            Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

                            Help me get to film school

                            One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


                              Originally posted by zuz
                              Hurray. I made it to 1,000 posts. *happy dance*

                              And the greatest gift would be if the above (Sam&Jack engagement) really happens. *fingers crossed*

                              I'm only up to 700 and something.


                                Originally posted by zuz
                                If you really have to wake up in the infirmary then this is the face (and the smile ) you want to see.

                                im going to attempt to describe what sounds were coming out of me when i saw this pic:

                                awwwww squeee *chokes* awww cuteeeeee awww

                                THANKYOU so much annelies!!! (samjackshiplover)

