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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by gatebee
    I have not read a ship fanfic for some time now ... I guess I am waiting for the real one to come with Jack and Sam BHK in front of SGC in real time.
    No fanfic could ever due justice to a canon resolution!

    I. Need. Jack/Sam. Resolution.

    my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


      Originally posted by Nolamom
      Here's my late night poster...
      So true!

      Lovely poster, Nolamom! I don't know how you can come up with all of these ideas! You should compile them somewhere....

      EDIT: I have two ideas for you, if you're interested....

      Maybe 'Memories' with a picture from BtS, you know from the 'feelings' conversation...

      And something from 'Metamorphisis'...
      my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


        what ep is it..i remember from AGES ago
        jack says to sam something like.. by then you will be running this base
        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

        sig by RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by SamO'Neill
          Are you serious? That sounds really funny.

          So all your teachers know about your Jack/Sam obsession?
          The teachers are IN the SJ obsession group! One's just like me, she even comes to the Stargate marathons that my group holds.

          ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
          I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
          Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


            Originally posted by nogigglingmajor
            The teachers are IN the SJ obsession group! One's just like me, she even comes to the Stargate marathons that my group holds.
            That is so awesome... I only have one friend who even KNOWS about Stargate, but hasn't watched it for quite awhile!

            I keep telling her she's missing out! However, she doesn't get Sci-Fi, and I don't havbe the DVDs...
            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


              Reading a cute story right now... passing the time:


              Shippers, I'm heading off to bed. See you later....
              my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                Originally posted by Nolamom
                Okay, since I was so late with the poster last night (hey I went to the theatre with my husband and saw Aida) I thought I'd get covered early tonight.

                You want Angst????

                O man, don't do this to us, we can only handle this much Angst
                No, just kidding. Love your poster And it was a great ep


                  Originally posted by nogigglingmajor
                  You're telling me! I mean AT's been to Aus like once? I think I'd die if I ever got to go to an con with any of the main characters. I'd do one of the following
                  a. Would not be able to stop blabbling
                  b. Spend the entire time staring wide-eyed, jaw on the floor
                  c. spend the whole time shaking my head not beliveing that I'm actually there.
                  d. Burst into tears
                  e. have the worst case of nerves and not be able to say a THING
                  f. Run around screaming and hugging everyone.
                  g. Sit there, grinning like an idiot for the whole con.
                  Well, there's a sight I like to see lol


                    Originally posted by Gate gal
                    Yeah, and it's a Vancouver event! He must be there filming the final episode at that time! We will get our ship resolution family! I can feel it!
                    Will the final ep already be filmed at the end of september? How big are the changes we'll be getting spoiled before it airs? *wants to be spoiled wants to be spoiled wants to be spoiled*


                      Having just recently scanned through a lot of back posts, I've got a couple Shippy moments I haven't seen mentioned, mostly from more recent stuff. Here's the first, from Moebius, at the very beginning of the SG-1 briefing room scene when Sam

                      passes Jack the info sheet on the ZPM, he brushes his hand across the top of hers. A tiny moment, but after years of avoiding physical contact, I found this casual, subtle, and oh-so-unnecessary physical contact very sweet. And totally Jack Alpha male-ish.


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        amanda and rick are going to appear together at another event! this one's at the end of september in vancouver (leaves me out. and i have no money too). but someone here could go!

                        go here to read about it:

                        click on updates.

                        amanda and rick together... pure GOLD


                        I with you Sally . I'm also glad that as of yet, this news hasn't reached other places as the Avalon con did.
                        Last edited by LaCroix; 17 September 2006, 06:50 AM.


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          just a silly thing to say, but...

                          i was looking forward to my 7777th post, just because a- i liked the way those four 7s would look together , and b- i thought it would be good luck. so, i was going to make my 7777th post be special because of it. but i forgot, and just saw i'd went over the number. so i went back to see what post i'd made that special # with....

                          it was the announcement of amanda and rick doing another event together....

                          IS THAT A HINT OF GOOD, SHIPPY THINGS TO COME!?!?

                          k, i know i'm nuts, but they go well with ice cream and chocolate
                          *sighs in her shippy haze*
                          The universe works in mysterious ways but it could be a sign

                          With RDA actually in Canada, I'm certainly more tempted to believe they've enticed him into filming some scenes for the finale *crosses fingers and hopes*
                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            Hurray. I made it to 1,000 posts. *happy dance*

                            And the greatest gift would be if the above (Sam&Jack engagement) really happens. *fingers crossed*
                            "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                            Colonel Jack O'Neill


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF
                              Having just recently scanned through a lot of back posts, I've got a couple Shippy moments I haven't seen mentioned, mostly from more recent stuff. Here's the first, from Moebius, at the very beginning of the SG-1 briefing room scene when Sam

                              passes Jack the info sheet on the ZPM, he brushes his hand across the top of hers. A tiny moment, but after years of avoiding physical contact, I found this casual, subtle, and oh-so-unnecessary physical contact very sweet. And totally Jack Alpha male-ish.
                              Are yes the hand touching scene, it is definitely done on purpose, you can tell by the camara work, they show a close up of their hands above the folder and then zoom out.


                                Amanda and Rick together at another event? That's a great news! I hope we get to see some really great photos of them.

                                "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                                Colonel Jack O'Neill

