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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Gate gal
    I agree with you both. They had moved forward, but those stupid regs were still in place.
    Of course, that is probably why thy each left the SGC right afterward.
    They wanted to be together.
    Hum..I like that idea.
    And Dr. Weir didn't include Area 51 when she mentioned HWS. She said 'General Hammond is being promoted. He’ll be overseeing all things relating to Earth’s defense on behalf of the Pentagon and Washington – the SGC, the 303 program, the Antarctic site. Unofficially it’s being called Homeworld Security.' No Area 51 there...though I would think it would fall under HWS as well...them working on alien technology and such.
    Hum... I just want to know for sure, that's all. Come on PTB, give us a resolution already!


      Originally posted by CamandVala
      *throws the nearest thing...which happens to be a biology book...a very heavy biology book* I know that Daniel and Sam are just friends, but it would be so know the brainy couple. I do have to say though, Sam and Jack is my favorite ship.
      What a biology not the biology book that is to interesting maybe there is something in it about attraction of humans (and no this is PG, I am taking about that hormone, don't know the english word for it, that makes people want to be togheter)

      Ok now back to the topic: SAM AND janet...oops sorry JACK
      (sorry I couldn't help myself)


        Originally posted by RepliCartertje
        ***throws UFO's*** lol

        Oh come on Daniel and Sma is just Friendship!!! Nothing more...With Sam and Janet there is some sparkling...yes there is...Ok I also better duck from flying fruits (what am I thinking to say that in a Sam/Jack shipper thread)
        *spits out bad taste*

        Ick! Danny and Sam??? BITE YOUR TONGUES! I would compare that to Sam kissing her brother. *shivers*

        Maybe Daniel *is* her long lost brother...*ponders*...we never have actually *seen* him...
        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje
          Yes I love Hermione and Harry too... they look great togheter
          But not as great as Sam/Jack...SAM AND JACK FOREVER

          Oh that makes me think about a question for the family:
          Beside Sam/Jack who do you ship? And why?

          and Alias has been on Belgium has been on 'een' so you could have seen it, but I doubt it that Dutch people actually watch Belgium TV

          * Jack/Samantha: Without a Trace
          * Harm/Mac: JAG
          * Elizabeth/John: SGA
          * Mulder/Scully: X-Files
          * Grissom/Catherine: CSI: LV
          * Mac/Stella: CSI: NY
          * Lilly/Scotty: Cold Case
          * Daniel/Janet: SG1
          * Doug/Carol: ER
          * Olivia/Elliot: L&O: SVU
          * Faith/Bosco: Third Watch
          * Kate/Gibbs: NCIS
          * Annalisa/A.J.: Pensacola: Wings of Gold
          * Cameron/Joe: Viper

          Those are I shipped most in my entire life and who I wouldn't mind to see together on screen again. Even though the most I'm still able to watch

          Why? Because they all have it in my eyes!


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
            Ok now back to the topic: SAM AND janet...oops sorry JACK
            (sorry I couldn't help myself)
            *throws math book* You better stop, I'm running out of heavy books .

            Sig by RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
              I do too! And it takes them a moment to realize it's 'awkward'.'s not awkward-it's shipperlicious! I'm sure Sam was enjoying it-Jack I think was the one who backed off, but only because he probably remembered .


                Originally posted by CamandVala
                *throws math book* You better stop, I'm running out of heavy books .
                Oooh the math book eh?? well I think that is Sam her book so I don't mind it is probably the book Sam uses to teach Jack some math with...


                  Originally posted by JackandSamAddict
                  I wish it were Friday so you can work on fic too!!!!!!!! The angsty one is soooooooo great!! Love ya!!!
                  Pssssst. Hey you other shippers....thought I'd give you a heads up. You might wanna hit up JASA here for some shippy fics. She's a fantastic writer.


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                    I do too! And it takes them a moment to realize it's 'awkward'.'s not awkward-it's shipperlicious!
                    shipperlicious!! lol. great word

                    sig by starlover1990


                      Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                      Oooh the math book eh?? well I think that is Sam her book so I don't mind it is probably the book Sam uses to teach Jack some math with...
                      hehe...that's true, if they were together, he would need to at least know some math...My next book will be my english book, which believe it or not, is quite heavy...

                      Sig by RepliCartertje


                        My ships---JACK AND SAM ALL THE WAY! No one else but each other for them.

                        My only other serious ship was Doggett/Reyes from the X-Files.

                        I don't tend to ship a lot, but when I do, I ship, ship, ship!


                          wow just found some good gics here that i am gonna rec i am off to read the mardigras sequals and the journals tonight i have decided! gnite all and happy shipping

                          Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

                          Help me get to film school

                          One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


                            My ships... oh my, well I ship practically anything... actually, I don't generally ship in 'normal' shows, but give me sci fi and I'm there!

                            Mulder/Scully: THE ship... as someone pointed out, that's where the word shipper came from... David and Gillian have the best chemistry ever, ever, ever... yes, even better than Amanda and Rick *dodges tomatoes* With Mulder and Scully it was just meant to be; like a law of the universe They were soulmates... I don't feel that with any other ship, nor will I ever... *tries to stop getting too carried away*

                            Sam/Jack... what more needs to be said? Can I also put in that the Grace kiss gets my award for best kiss in the universe... tv or movie... EVER!


                            Janet/Kawalsky... I know they never met in the show but I read an AU fic where they were married and wow, it so totally worked... thus, a new and strange ship was born

                            Star Trek: Voyager

                            Tom/B'Elanna... they hated each other so much to begin with, it just worked wonderfully

                            Janeway/Chakotay... for a very short time... then I realised Chakotay had the personality of a wet rag and Janeway deserved a better man

                            Seven of Nine/EMH... none of that Seven/Chakotay nonsense...

                            Neelix/Kes... it was cute...


                            Mal/Inara... it's the love/hate thing that works...

                            Simon/Kaylee... even though Simon annoyes me every now and again...



                            I can do Tony/Kate and Gibbs/Kate... don't ask me how that works... but of course they would
                            kill Kate
                            just to spoil my fun wouldn't they? *pouts*

                            McGee/Abby... opposties attract MWAH!

                            I never warmed to Ziva... I could NEVER ship Tony/Ziva... the pain is still too near... *sniffle*


                            Mac/Harm... quite possibly my favourite ship... that show treated it's shippers well... I think that this case of will they/won't they could honestly outdo the X-Files...

                            Bud/Harriet... well who wouldn't?

                            Chegwidden/Meredith... I hated what they did to her character... that hurt



                            Jack/Kate in Lost... but it was pretty fleeting... I can't ship for that show cause I'm too busy thinking WTF?

                            I think I may possibly be an Elizabeth/Jack shipper for Pirates... still thinking on that...

                            Lois/Clark was my frist ship when I watched Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman... I loved that series!

                            Darnit I know I have more ships... *frowns* I'll get back to you

                            I am most definitey a shipaholic... oh my!

                            EDIT: Ahh Lizlove reminded me:

                            Third Watch


                            Kim/Bobby (boy did that end badly....)
                            Last edited by myblackrose; 06 September 2006, 02:10 PM.


                              *sobs* No SG-1 tonight! I was looking forward to it...I think it was supposed to be 'Fire and Water'-complete with shippy hug.


                                Who else do I ship for?

                                Interesting question. I guess I started shipping in the '80s with various TV pairings so for those of you who are old enough to remember; obviously there was Maddie/David in Moonlighting, Face/Amy in The A Team, Michael/Bonnie in Knight Rider...
                                Edit: and in terms of current(ish) US TV, I did ship Harm/Mac when JAG was around.

                                In the fantasy/paranormal genre:
                                With Buffy, I loved the Willow/Oz relationship and was sad to see that break up. As much as I love Spike, for ship I'd always go with Buffy/Angel; no arguing with true love.
                                Smallville; I'm insane and I know it won't happen but I would love Clark/Chloe.
                                Charmed; loved, loved Piper/Leo.

                                In the sci-fi arena I guess mostly Trek:
                                Picard/Crusher, Troi/Riker, Kira/Odo, Jadzia/Worf, Janeway/Chakotay, Tom/B'Elanna, Doctor/Seven, Trip/T'Pol. On B5 it was Ivanova/Marcus. Obviously Mulder/Scully in The X Files...I did ship John/Aeryn in Farscape but wasn't really a devoted fan of the series...

                                On Stargate at the mo, I quite like the idea of Weir/Caldwell, Teyla/Ronan and Teal'c/Vala...but realise the unlikeliness of any of these appearing on screen...

                                However, there are really only two ships that I've ever committed myself to writing; Hawke and Caitlin in Airwolf, Sam and Jack in Stargate. *please don't ask me to choose between them*
                                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.

