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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nogigglingmajor
    Well on my way, about 181 sigs! There's one by a guy, it goes. "make my wife happy. Sam and jack should be together." LOL! CUTE!
    i know! i thought that was so cute!
    Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
    Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
    Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


      Originally posted by Frostfox
      Ah, homophobia, how quaint.

      Not only homphobic but projecting that homphobia onto actors who I am sure would be disgusted and offended by the suggestion that they would "feel uncomfortable playing a character like that". Nice.


        Originally posted by Lady eliza
        I'm not! I respect other peoples choices, just as I would respect the choices of the actors and actresses in the show if they did decide to play their characters with that intention. I'm just saying that to me- and I've not just blinded myself to s/j- in 10 years I have never heard or seen anything that could be anything other than friendship or friendship love.
        So why do you think RDA, MS and CJ joke so much about Jack and Daniel or Jack and Teal'c? Seems like they think there's quite a bit that could be interpreted another way...

        You never hear them say much about Jack and Sam though, do you? I'm just sayin'.


          Originally posted by hopalong
          There are plenty of ways you could get Sam and Jack together (or show that they're together) without RDA being physically on the show (though RDA being there would be more gratifying). All it would take is comments here or there, a phone call, little things like that that would definitely say that they're in a relationship. It wouldn't take away from the action and adventure or the Ori stories.
          You do realise it was the shippers making suggestions like that they were taking the p*ss out of in 200 don't you? They just think you and your little petitions are funny, guys. And RDA wants Jack to float away in space, naked waving goodbye, so I guess we've got his take on the matter.


            Originally posted by Gate gal
            This isn't really a thread about whether or not Sam and Jack should get together. This is a thread to let people know that there is a petition being circulated by people who want Sam and Jack together by the finale. I have signed it and so has my husband, but if you don't want to sign it then that is your perogative. Please look at the first post of this thread and note who the target audience is, and if you are not in favor of a Sam and Jack ship then you are probably on the wrong thread.
            Then why is the petition a question of "do you want Sam and Jack to get together"? If you only want positive answers maybe you shouldn't have made "no" an option?


              Thank you guys for your sweet comments. It makes getting only 4 hours of sleep not so bad.


                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                Thank you guys for your sweet comments. It makes getting only 4 hours of sleep not so bad.
                Thanks for your fic. It makes getting four hours of sleep not so bad.
                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                  Me too...gosh this stinks.

                  Oh, yeah. I'm done. Enjoy!
                  Yay...oh wow...that was awesome!!! Well done LA!! Got anymore like that??
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by nogigglingmajor
                    Well on my way, about 181 sigs! There's one by a guy, it goes. "make my wife happy. Sam and jack should be together." LOL! CUTE!
                    awww, thats sweet

                    sig by starlover1990


                      Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                      Oh... L.A.Doyle... i just read your 'Blue Eyes' fic... I LOVED IT!!!!!! if only that was how 'Memento Mori' HAD been. It was so sweet. I loved it! Greening you for that!

                      Anyone else who hasn't read it... what are you waiting for?!

                      i've just finished reading it. it was great.

                      sig by starlover1990


                        LAD, I woke up and I had to read it again!


                        Now I'm going to be late!
                        my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                          Good night shippers...sweet shippy dreams!!
                          Best wishes and thoughts with Poz tonight...thanks for keeping us up to date trupi.
                          I'm a bit confused about all the red that allowed to happen that way??? Why would anyone red reps someone for participating in a legitimate petition?? Can they really do that??
                          Do the red reps appear in the same table as the green reps??

                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by gilthoniel
                            Then why is the petition a question of "do you want Sam and Jack to get together"? If you only want positive answers maybe you shouldn't have made "no" an option?
                            Ah but see..if you open you little mind just a fraction you would see that everyone is invited to participate in the petition...just don't be so nasty about it...or so judgemental!!
                            If you don't like it...fine...then don't look at it!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by gilthoniel
                              So why do you think RDA, MS and CJ joke so much about Jack and Daniel or Jack and Teal'c? Seems like they think there's quite a bit that could be interpreted another way...

                              You never hear them say much about Jack and Sam though, do you? I'm just sayin'.
                              To suggest that someone is homophobic simply coz they don't see certain characters behave in a homosexual manner is ignorant...I don't see the slashes on the show but I have read fics...some brilliant ones might I add...and I'm not homophobic just coz I don't see it the way you do.
                              I'm just sayin' is all!!
                              Have a nice day!!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                this thread was meant entirely as an informative thread... to allow people to know where the petition was.

                                But... thanks to you anti-shippers its become completely the opposite... well done guys... (oh, if you didn't guess... that was sarcasm!)

                                And on the 'homophobic' topic... we never said we had anything against the slash side of the show... i love watching Michael's interpretation of Daniel & Jack as a couple.

                                Also, at a couple of conventions Michael has addressed the topic of 'slash' by saying "whats wrong with you people?!". He takes the slash side of the show as a joke but i doubt he go down the road of having Jack & Daniel get together or any other M/M pairings.

                                I have NOTHING against gay people... a couple of my male friends are gay and i love them to bits.

                                I emphasise this point again (even though myself and others have ALREADY made it clear...) GO BACK AND LOOK AT MY FIRST POST IN THE THREAD... it says (AND I QUOTE)...

                                For those of you who love Sam & Jack...
                                are you guys just not seeing that part of the post? PLEASE FCOL stop with the abuse and leave this thread open to people

                                who love Sam & Jack...
                                this thread was intended

                                For those of you who love Sam & Jack...
                                Is it clear now?!
                                Last edited by Sam_Carter; 13 September 2006, 05:32 AM.
                                Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                                Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                                Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."

