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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
    Okay, I'm going to say it. I'm dismayed at the number of spelling errors and grammatical booboos. Then the writer turns around and says, "Thanks to my wonderful Beta." For what? Okay, maybe a beta isn't supposed to check spelling or grammar. Maybe a beta is supposed to check continuity in the story or other things not connected with spelling and grammar. Maybe a beta isn't an old fashioned proofreader. But just maybe they're needed!!! Rant over. (And yes, I know I make mistakes in spelling and grammar, too). P.S. And some of the spelling errors are unintentionally funny.
    I totally agree with you, and a beta *is* supposed to check everything. When people ask me to beta, I always warn them I'm going to be thorough. If you don't want a 'fine tooth comb' approach, I'm not your person.

    But what bugs me worse than a story that's poorly beta'd is one that's not beta'd at all, with a note that says "this hasn't been beta'd, so all mistakes are mine!" I guess it's the perfectionist in me, but when I write, I want to produce the best product possible, and I just can't relate to somebody who doesn't care.

    The other thing that bugs me - sorta beta related, but not really - is people who write hurt/comfort, but don't do the research involved. Granted, we have a little more leeway in the SG universe because you can call in a Tok'ra with a healing device or a sarc to get you out of a jam, but if you're going to write a specific ailment/injury, look it up and find out what's realistic. No, Jack can *not* walk on a compound fracture, no matter *how* strong a person he is or how well trained he is in handling pain.

    And can anybody tell me why in the world Daniel hasn't had lasik yet?????? LOL! (Just kidding.)
    - Mary
    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje
      I am also going to join the Sam whumping!!! I love those fics... ooh wait not only the fics I like...I also love Sam being whumped... I love the scene in New order with fifth... or the scene in Gemini with me goosebumps everytime I see it

      But most of the sam whumping fic is without Sam/jack and there is not much good whumping fic to find in ff-land.
      Well, see that's just wrong! If Sam gets whumped , Jack needs to be there! Now I know that Sam is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but she is only human. Everyone needs someone sometimes. Same goes for Jack. I've not read much Jack-whump, but no one can handle everything alone. Everyone needs a hug!

      I like whumping because it gives an opportunity for the characters to bond. Think 'Death Knell'. Sam got whumped and Jack was there for her. I just love that scene. It's not necessarily shippy, but you can sense the depth of their relationship. And 'Solitudes' is a good Jack example.


        Originally posted by trupi
        Well if the show goes off the air, we definitely get no ship and definitely no RDA!



          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
          Well, see that's just wrong! If Sam gets whumped , Jack needs to be there! Now I know that Sam is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but she is only human. Everyone needs someone sometimes. Same goes for Jack. I've not read much Jack-whump, but no one can handle everything alone. Everyone needs a hug!

          I like whumping because it gives an opportunity for the characters to bond. Think 'Death Knell'. Sam got whumped and Jack was there for her. I just love that scene. It's not necessarily shippy, but you can sense the depth of their relationship. And 'Solitudes' is a good Jack example.
          I've always been a h/c junkie, with S&H and then Scully/Mulder, and now with Sam and Jack. Somebody once asked me why I liked to see my guys (Mulder and Jack primarily) hurt, and I really had to examine my conscience before I came up with an answer.

          What I realized was that, when somebody is hurt, it allows not just bonding, but we, the viewers, to see a side of both parties that we don't normally get to. For instance, if Jack is hurt, we might see him scared, in pain, and needing, which he'd never let himself show otherwise. And when Sam is caring for him, she might show a level of emotion she never would otherwise, being the serious scientist. Having somebody hurt, and another person caring for them, means all walls are down, and souls are bared in a way you never see otherwise.
          - Mary
          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


            Originally posted by Buc252

            The other thing that bugs me - sorta beta related, but not really - is people who write hurt/comfort, but don't do the research involved. Granted, we have a little more leeway in the SG universe because you can call in a Tok'ra with a healing device or a sarc to get you out of a jam, but if you're going to write a specific ailment/injury, look it up and find out what's realistic. No, Jack can *not* walk on a compound fracture, no matter *how* strong a person he is or how well trained he is in handling pain.

            And can anybody tell me why in the world Daniel hasn't had lasik yet?????? LOL! (Just kidding.)
            That is hard. I need a doctor friend or something because there is no way I could write a scene with Janet hollering orders in the infirmary. I find it much easier to write something Daniel might say about mythology or Jack about 'The Simpsons'. If I am going to go into detail about something, I try and make sure my facts are correct because I know it bugs people when they aren't.

            And Daniel is so hot in his glasses...he doesn't need lasik! Sorry, just had to say it!


              Originally posted by Buc252
              What I realized was that, when somebody is hurt, it allows not just bonding, but we, the viewers, to see a side of both parties that we don't normally get to. For instance, if Jack is hurt, we might see him scared, in pain, and needing, which he'd never let himself show otherwise. And when Sam is caring for him, she might show a level of emotion she never would otherwise, being the serious scientist. Having somebody hurt, and another person caring for them, means all walls are down, and souls are bared in a way you never see otherwise.


                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                That is hard. I need a doctor friend or something because there is no way I could write a scene with Janet hollering orders in the infirmary. I find it much easier to write something Daniel might say about mythology or Jack about 'The Simpsons'. If I am going to go into detail about something, I try and make sure my facts are correct because I know it bugs people when they aren't.

                And Daniel is so hot in his glasses...he doesn't need lasik! Sorry, just had to say it!
                Bleh!! <g>

                But anyway, when it comes to Janet speak, you can always cheat a little bit by using a statement like, "Janet gave her orders, swift and decisive, and the staff around her jumped to comply." No need to for specific drug names during a rush-and-crush emergency procedure. Later, you might need specific drug names: pain killers, antibiotics, etc. The web is a wonderful place for finding the proper medicine in those contexts. <g>
                - Mary
                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                  Originally posted by Buc252
                  Bleh!! <g>

                  But anyway, when it comes to Janet speak, you can always cheat a little bit by using a statement like, "Janet gave her orders, swift and decisive, and the staff around her jumped to comply." No need to for specific drug names during a rush-and-crush emergency procedure. Later, you might need specific drug names: pain killers, antibiotics, etc. The web is a wonderful place for finding the proper medicine in those contexts. <g>
                  Get me some epi! *wishes to insert Janet smiley, but none are available*


                    Thank you to everyone whose thnked all of us fanfiction writers- I'm sure that we all really do appreciate it- I definitely do!!!! For all those who are writing for me to update my Carterian Tales and my together at Last, I've got a severe case of writers block, which for The Carterian Tales has lasted for a whole year!!!! Sorry I can think it up but I can't seem to find the time to actually write any of my ideas up properly!!!! I wouldn't be to surprised if you didn't believe it but I've thought up a good 10-20 if not 30 fics, I just haven't got around to writing them up!!!! ARGHHH!!!!!
                    sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
                    My GW fanfiction-
           c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
                    Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                      I like lots of angst. I don't like them getting together by the end of the first chapter. I don't like excess fluff, but some is good! I like fics that focus on more than just their love life(I don't like smut). I don't like OOC either. Or the calling Sam 'Baby'. I don't like a Sam that would take abuse from any guy-especially ! Oh, I am so picky, so I'll stop there.

                      I'm reading 'Where's Anna?' right now, and I'm really enjoying it.
                      I agree with everything you just said. I love Where's Anna. I also enjoy the fics where Sam and Jack get into trouble off world and have only each other. I don't like it when they completely disregard the regs, but I love the stories where the regs are no longer an issue. They do have to either get together by the end of the story or come to some sort of understanding (take it out of the room) where their feelings are concerned.


                        Originally posted by Katkin
                        Is anyone reading Beneath a Beating Sun, by The Magistrate, on FF? It’s just been updated. It’s a great story: really mature, great Jack and Daniel characterization and a cracking story so far. Ship is strictly canon up to now…
                        No , but I will now

                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                        I am also going to join the Sam whumping!!! I love those fics... ooh wait not only the fics I like...I also love Sam being whumped... I love the scene in New order with fifth... or the scene in Gemini with me goosebumps everytime I see it

                        But most of the sam whumping fic is without Sam/jack and there is not much good whumping fic to find in ff-land.
                        hey , congratulations on reaching your milestone
                        Have you tried Strixvaria page ?
                        All are sam whumping fic from many authors and many are S/J ex. Seven Days and it's sequel.
                        Strix also writes wonderfull sam whumping fic , my favorite is Looking Up and it's a S/J fic

                        Originally posted by Buc252
                        What I realized was that, when somebody is hurt, it allows not just bonding, but we, the viewers, to see a side of both parties that we don't normally get to. For instance, if Jack is hurt, we might see him scared, in pain, and needing, which he'd never let himself show otherwise. And when Sam is caring for him, she might show a level of emotion she never would otherwise, being the serious scientist. Having somebody hurt, and another person caring for them, means all walls are down, and souls are bared in a way you never see otherwise.
                        Thank you so much for making me understand why I like to read H/C I was quite shocked and ashamed the first time I came across one and actualy enjoyed it but you explain it beautifully .

                        And for all of you who can't stand bad grammar and spelling , sorry


                          Ok I am off to bed...again I am in bed way to late...grrrr I have to get up at 9am and it is now 5am so that is only 4 hours sleep well in the afternoon I will certainly take a nap!

                          So goodnight shippyfamily...have fun reading and writing FF!!!

                          and yes Jafacakes I alread read strix her site, but I want more Sam whumping fics with more of Sam/Jack!!! I know I ask to much but all of them I already have read...So I want some new ones..HINT HINT!!


                            Originally posted by Gate gal
                            I agree with everything you just said. I love Where's Anna. I also enjoy the fics where Sam and Jack get into trouble off world and have only each other. I don't like it when they completely disregard the regs, but I love the stories where the regs are no longer an issue. They do have to either get together by the end of the story or come to some sort of understanding (take it out of the room) where their feelings are concerned.
                            Oh, yeah. That's a biggie with me. I don't want them to disregard the regs! I think that is OOC. I like the ones where they get stuck offworld as well. Have you read 'What Will It Take'?


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje

                              and yes Jafacakes I alread read strix her site, but I want more Sam whumping fics with more of Sam/Jack!!! I know I ask to much but all of them I already have read...So I want some new ones..HINT HINT!!
                              Well, I am working on one...but, uh, don't ask me when it will ever get done! And believe me, it will be Jack/Sam.


                                Oh, one more thing I love most of the time:

                                HUMOR STORIES!

                                I love something that makes me laugh. One of the best that comes to mind is It's Raining Men by Seldear. It was that kind of story that inspired my The Man in the Santa Claus Suit. <g>

                                Of course, humor stories throw all the rules to the wind and let them break regs or say silly things they wouldn't otherwise say. Just because it's funny!
                                - Mary
                                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.

