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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    im sad that they've cancelled the show. i havent seen season 10 yet but im hoping its better than season 9 cause im not a big fan of season 9. i hope that we get something to do with the ship

    sig by starlover1990


      I didn't get why Vala and Mitchell were a little depressed. I blame them for ruining SG-1 along with TPTB.

      but uh... yeah! PDL lost quite a bit of weight. He looks cool now. >< (did I just say that?!)
      Past | LJ | Last.FM | IG


        Originally posted by Lizlove
        This is a vid about the cast reaction to SG1 being cancelled. You have no AT or RDA commentary in it but it's still worth to see, even if sad.

        Spoilers for S9 and S10.
        i cant watch it, my computer seems to be having a bit of melt down . just wondering does anyone mention anything about the future of stargate?

        i was hoping that they might get someone else to show it, but after reading that the contract means that they cant makes me less hopeful

        sig by starlover1990


          Ok I just came back from going out for dinner... and nothing has been posted...well it is really quiet around here today Well probably has to to with school starting for everyone... and vacations that going to an end...

          Ok so like the other days:



            Originally posted by scifi_girl
            i cant watch it, my computer seems to be having a bit of melt down . just wondering does anyone mention anything about the future of stargate?

            i was hoping that they might get someone else to show it, but after reading that the contract means that they cant makes me less hopeful
            Chris said something about the franchise still existing and that maybe we'll still be 'fed' Stargate for a long time to come


              Originally posted by Lizlove
              Chris said something about the franchise still existing and that maybe we'll still be 'fed' Stargate for a long time to come
              well i hope it will continue to exist in some form. ill miss it

              sig by starlover1990


                Originally posted by Lizlove
                This is a vid about the cast reaction to SG1 being cancelled. You have no AT or RDA commentary in it but it's still worth to see, even if sad.

                Spoilers for S9 and S10.
                I watched this earlier today and I have to admit I found myself getting a little emotional at the end when CJ was thanking the fans for their support and how much it meant to them. CJ did make me laugh though when he said 'don't fret you may be forced to watch us for more years to come.'

                CJ was definitely the most upbeat about a possible future for SG1 and for the franchise compared to the others, MS/CB/BB/PDL. MS seemed disappointed but quite matter-of-fact about it while I did think CB and BB were both sad about the cancellation news; it must seem like deja vu for them having gone through the experience with Sci-fi once already with Farscape.

                It's a shame we didn't get any AT.
                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                  lets get everyone talking ummmmm.....
                  ok in fanfic what do you really like to see and what do you hate to see?

                  I love it when they are not together at the begining and there is lots of angst before they are but it has to be all in character. I do sometimes like the fluffy ness. There are a number of fics out there that a written so well that i sometimes forget that its fan fic and i wonder did i read that or was it on screen

                  i hate the cliches like carter ending up pregnant straight away or after being with jack once. It also grates on me when the sayings are sooooo over done, how many times in canon has sam said holy hannah? Not as many times as she has in fan fic i bet.

                  What are your thoughts?

                  Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

                  Help me get to film school

                  One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                    Ok I just came back from going out for dinner... and nothing has been posted...well it is really quiet around here today Well probably has to to with school starting for everyone... and vacations that going to an end...

                    Ok so like the other days:

                    WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURIT SHIPPY MOMENT OF SEASON 5? and why??
                    I had to consult the Shippy List because I do find Season 5 difficult in terms of shippy moments! I have to admit the episode and scene that comes most to my mind is one with Jack and Maybourne in Desperate Measures.

                    It's Jack’s face when he talks to Maybourne:
                    ‘Harry, we’re talking about Carter here.’
                    ‘I know. I’m sorry Jack I really am. You know how this game is played and the people who play it. You have to prepare yourself for the possibility she might not be coming back.’

                    And then Jack tries everything to find her including going to Simmons and finally, arriving just in the nick of time to save her.
                    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                      Originally posted by Bex Calo
                      lets get everyone talking ummmmm.....
                      ok in fanfic what do you really like to see and what do you hate to see?

                      I love it when they are not together at the begining and there is lots of angst before they are but it has to be all in character. I do sometimes like the fluffy ness. There are a number of fics out there that a written so well that i sometimes forget that its fan fic and i wonder did i read that or was it on screen

                      i hate the cliches like carter ending up pregnant straight away or after being with jack once. It also grates on me when the sayings are sooooo over done, how many times in canon has sam said holy hannah? Not as many times as she has in fan fic i bet.

                      What are your thoughts?
                      I really love good H/C with a bit of Angst. Which reminds me: Can anyone recommend a good shippy H/C FF with Jack hurt? Pretty please.
                      "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                      Colonel Jack O'Neill


                        Sam&Jack are meant to be together

                        "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                        Colonel Jack O'Neill


                          Just because he's so incredibly handsome.

                          No wonder Sam can't resist his charms.
                          "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                          Colonel Jack O'Neill


                            Originally posted by Bex Calo
                            lets get everyone talking ummmmm.....
                            ok in fanfic what do you really like to see and what do you hate to see?

                            I love it when they are not together at the begining and there is lots of angst before they are but it has to be all in character. I do sometimes like the fluffy ness. There are a number of fics out there that a written so well that i sometimes forget that its fan fic and i wonder did i read that or was it on screen

                            i hate the cliches like carter ending up pregnant straight away or after being with jack once. It also grates on me when the sayings are sooooo over done, how many times in canon has sam said holy hannah? Not as many times as she has in fan fic i bet.

                            What are your thoughts?
                            I hate... HATE out of character behavior - I know it's hard especially when you're writing about something that isn't happening, but I think we have to ask ourselves "IF they were put in this situation, WHAT would they actually say?" and think of examples at least close to that.

                            I'm also not big on "romance novel" language... but I guess that comes with the territory. I'm actually thinking of working on my first S/J fanfic which is weird since I haven't done fanfic since Janeway/Chakotay of Voyager and then in between I actually took creative writing classes and have worked on my own short stories.

                            Oh the only other major thing - Daniel being the instigator. I feel like he's a strong character and it makes me a little sad to see him reduced to matchmaker sometimes. Not that he can't be, but that sometimes that's all he is. I guess that really makes it true for any one of the characters. They're each so well done that it seems a shame not to bring them out in other capacities.

                            But I like fanfic for this reason - I think it can teach you to write. I know it taught me. I had a friend and we used to swap and we were HARD on each other's writing. I did so many revisions. I think it helps because you learn how to do things like dialogue and imagery and you don't necessarily have to think them up yourself, but you get to "practice" with someone else's characters. And it helps you get creative too. I've been in a writer's block mode for a while that I think writing a good fanfic might be just what the doctor ordered. I need to get my juices flowing again.

                            That being said, I am curious as to what people respond to since I have a basic plotline, I'm just trying to figure out which options to take or leave.


                              I just found this vid on youtube and it rocks!!

                              The song is "Something to Talk About" by Bonnie Rait, vid by stagates1971.




                                Originally posted by Bex Calo
                                lets get everyone talking ummmmm.....
                                ok in fanfic what do you really like to see and what do you hate to see?

                                I love it when they are not together at the begining and there is lots of angst before they are but it has to be all in character. I do sometimes like the fluffy ness. There are a number of fics out there that a written so well that i sometimes forget that its fan fic and i wonder did i read that or was it on screen

                                i hate the cliches like carter ending up pregnant straight away or after being with jack once. It also grates on me when the sayings are sooooo over done, how many times in canon has sam said holy hannah? Not as many times as she has in fan fic i bet.

                                What are your thoughts?
                                Hmm, I find that storywise now I can read most things provided they are well written and they act more or less in character. Like you I prefer a story with a bit of angst before a happy ending. My tastes have certainly broadened and I find that I loved some fics I would never thought I would. AU and H/C for example.
                                My pet peeve is Jack calling Sam "baby"
                                Also I feel cheated if Sam and Jack don't end together - I have the episodes for that

