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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by zuz
    I really love good H/C with a bit of Angst. Which reminds me: Can anyone recommend a good shippy H/C FF with Jack hurt? Pretty please.

    Zuz, have you read anything by JackieONeillNut, DustDevil or Doc? Sounds like they are right up your street… PM me your email address if you want some… [Have I sent you fics before? Your tag seems familiar…!].


    WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


      Hey has anyone noticed the home page of Gateworld? There's an article about fans rallying to save the show and it states that, because the show is still in production that its not too late to save it OR change the final scripts. So....

      Here's the link

      All I can say is keep sending those letters, e-mails, faxes and tissue boxes!

      Ours is the only reality of consequence.


        BTW WOO HOO! 100 posts for me!

        Ours is the only reality of consequence.


          Originally posted by ljevans
          BTW WOO HOO! 100 posts for me!
          Congrats, ljevans!
          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


            Originally posted by Bex Calo
            lets get everyone talking ummmmm.....
            ok in fanfic what do you really like to see and what do you hate to see?
            Ok, don't shoot me, but I'm a Sam-whumper. There, I said it. Jack-whumping stories can be nice, but only if they're done REALLY well. As someone mentioned before, JackieONeillNut is awesome...

            Overall, I love an awesome action story, with a fabulous plot, and good characterization. I do not like it when suddenly Sam and Jack are allowed to be together because the President said they could, all out of the blue...

            I don't mind the "Sam gets pregnant" stories, as long as they're done well. And that means that she's still the strong heroine we all know she is...
            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


              Originally posted by ljevans
              Hey has anyone noticed the home page of Gateworld? There's an article about fans rallying to save the show and it states that, because the show is still in production that its not too late to save it OR change the final scripts. So....

              Here's the link

              All I can say is keep sending those letters, e-mails, faxes and tissue boxes!
              I don't care until I know RDA's coming back and the S/J ship is resolved. Those are my only conditions.

              but I'm sure other people wanna join the campaign, so thanks 4 the link anyways.
              Past | LJ | Last.FM | IG


                As I was reflecting on what I like and don't like in my fics, I realized I'm almost as bad as TPTB! I seem to have a thing for lots of angst. But in the end, I would resolve it!!!! I would! I'm not THAT mean.

                SamO'Neill...I think I'm a Sam whumper too...heck, whump everyone. That's how we get those great ship/team moments. I'm bad, aren't I?


                  Originally posted by JONeill97
                  I don't care until I know RDA's coming back and the S/J ship is resolved. Those are my only conditions.

                  but I'm sure other people wanna join the campaign, so thanks 4 the link anyways.
                  Well, let TPTB know you want RDA back and some ship! It couldn't hurt!


                    Originally posted by Hathor! Your Goddess!
                    *Waves* Is there room on the boat?
                    WELCOME Hathor! Your Goddess!


                    Welcome, and nice name! Post lots and have fun!


                      Originally posted by ljevans
                      Hey has anyone noticed the home page of Gateworld? There's an article about fans rallying to save the show and it states that, because the show is still in production that its not too late to save it OR change the final scripts. So....

                      Here's the link

                      All I can say is keep sending those letters, e-mails, faxes and tissue boxes!
                      Thanks, lj, I left a comment at the SaveStargate site!!!


                        Originally posted by Bex Calo
                        lets get everyone talking ummmmm.....
                        ok in fanfic what do you really like to see and what do you hate to see?

                        I love it when they are not together at the begining and there is lots of angst before they are but it has to be all in character. I do sometimes like the fluffy ness. There are a number of fics out there that a written so well that i sometimes forget that its fan fic and i wonder did i read that or was it on screen

                        i hate the cliches like carter ending up pregnant straight away or after being with jack once. It also grates on me when the sayings are sooooo over done, how many times in canon has sam said holy hannah? Not as many times as she has in fan fic i bet.

                        What are your thoughts?
                        Oooh, I love questions like this!

                        ABSOLUTE AND TOTAL BLEH to:
                        • The Carter-O’Neills and their adorable twins.
                        • NC-17 that doesn’t advance the plot but is obviously just the RDA-inspired hormonal ravings of the teenage[??!!] author.
                        • Anything that begins like this: “Colonel Jack O’Neill, leader of SG-1, was walking down the corridor at the SGA when he was interrupted by Major Samantha Carter, his second-in-command”… WE KNOW ALL THAT. Or “Sam Carter had had a bad day”.
                        • Anything where they are transformed into teenagers.
                        • Sam/Daniel. It ain’t happening, it never has, it never will. It isn’t canon. Forget it.
                        • Anything where Sam and Jack married in secret years before, faked not knowing each other at their first official meeting and are carrying on their relationship clandestinely while pretending it’s all strictly professional.
                        • Epic fics that are abandoned by their authors halfway through.

                        ABSOLUTE AND TOTAL YAY TO:
                        • Exciting and logical plotlines: great stories that read like the best episode never filmed.
                        • Well-written Jack-whump [tho BLEH to the ones where he dry-swallows so many
                        Advils that even if he survives that staff-weapon burn to the shoulder he must surely perish from liver failure once he makes it through the gate…!].
                        • Well-written, realistic and touching love scenes.
                        • Shippy stories that include a plot[!].
                        • Episode tags that advance that particular story arc way more profoundly than the PTB did [I’m thinking specifically of the various Abyss and BtS fanfics].
                        • Sally Reeve, Doc, DustDevil, Ruralstar, Seldear, Alli Snow, Vanessa Nichols [tho shame on her for abandoning Surrender halfway through!!!!], JackieONeillNut, Hoodat Whatzit, Biltong, JoJo, Sharon Nuttycombe, SGC Gategirl, OzKaren, Dietcokechic, Toulouse, Hallhro, Lunar, Miss Sharim, Obsessive pam, Enigmatic Ellie, Rachel500… great writers all of them [and there are many I have left out], with great adventures to their names tho not all of them still write. It’s not all ship – sometimes it’s the polar opposite – but they’re great stories.

                        I feel it is always a nice gesture for us fans to salute SG-1’s fantastic fanfic writers who work so hard, for no financial reward, to entertain us and take our heroes places they’ve never been before. These writers produce epic fics beween holding down jobs, studying and raising families – kudos to them. And from a shipper POV, it’s the fanfic writers who’ve kept me happy over the years, not the PTB! It’s so great that some of them – such as Karen, Sabine and Sally – are now reaping the rewards and getting the official recognition they deserve through Fandemonium…

                        DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                        WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                          Well, let TPTB know you want RDA back and some ship! It couldn't hurt!
                          We have all waited 10 years to see them together. Ya think TPTB are really gonna care now?
                          Past | LJ | Last.FM | IG


                            CONGRATS to all those reaching milestones!!! WooHoo!!! I just see that I passed 3200!!!! **mostly Ship posts**


                              Well if the show goes off the air, we definitely get no ship and definitely no RDA!


                                Originally posted by Bex Calo
                                lets get everyone talking ummmmm.....
                                ok in fanfic what do you really like to see and what do you hate to see?

                                I love it when they are not together at the begining and there is lots of angst before they are but it has to be all in character. I do sometimes like the fluffy ness. There are a number of fics out there that a written so well that i sometimes forget that its fan fic and i wonder did i read that or was it on screen

                                i hate the cliches like carter ending up pregnant straight away or after being with jack once. It also grates on me when the sayings are sooooo over done, how many times in canon has sam said holy hannah? Not as many times as she has in fan fic i bet.

                                What are your thoughts?
                                Okay, I'm going to say it. I'm dismayed at the number of spelling errors and grammatical booboos. Then the writer turns around and says, "Thanks to my wonderful Beta." For what? Okay, maybe a beta isn't supposed to check spelling or grammar. Maybe a beta is supposed to check continuity in the story or other things not connected with spelling and grammar. Maybe a beta isn't an old fashioned proofreader. But just maybe they're needed!!! Rant over. (And yes, I know I make mistakes in spelling and grammar, too). P.S. And some of the spelling errors are unintentionally funny.

