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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje

    and to end the question round I started 2 days ago...

    I'm gonna answer this one!!!
    One of my favorite shippy eps is season 3's "Point of View" where "Dr.Carter" and Kawalsky come through the quantum mirror.
    I think it's the first time that Sam and Jack see exactly how far this "thing" between them could actually go and how good it could be.
    When Jack asks Sam how she's doing with this "twin thing" and she replies "you got a couple of hours??" and he says "well, okay" I think he really wanted to know and unfortunatley she shut him down with "that was the answer"....I think Sam and "Dr. C" had a little chat about Jack though...



      Originally posted by myblackrose

      Yeah SciFi did not renew SG-1's contract for an 11th season. It seems that TPTB may have had a hint of the beforehand though, but the fans didn't I don't think. TPTB seem to be looking for ways to make a movie or miniseries though, so while there will not be an 11th season, I think SG-1 intends to continue in some form...
      So people are not totally upset about it and try to be positive?
      I think I'll go and read the threads about the cancellation.

      To stay OT.
      Tonight Inaugaration aired (S7 is on here). Altough not an exiting ep, there was some ship in it. Kinsey was making it clear that the Sam and Jack ship could cause problems for the SGC and .... he bla bla bla (boring)
      but he was talking like the Sam and Jack ship is a fact (to him it was). So I was smiling and liking the ep after all.

      So next up are Lost City 1&2. Are that nice shippy eps??


        Oh heck yes Lost City is shippy!!!!! I won't tell you what though, you can look forward to a surprise

        Well, I *have* spent the last 6 days of my life on various save sg-1 communities on LJ, so I can't say I didn't freak out a little... I've written a letter to MGM and I'll write another to the channel that broadcasts SG here I think... if you'd like to do anything, go to they have all the info you'll need

        But I wouldn't panic... it really sounds to me like they're gunning for a movie at the very least... I think 200 was one big hint for that


          Oh, I just e-mailed that Mark Stern fellow at NBC. I was nice...sorta . No, really, if we want anyone to listen, we have to be civil.

          My fav S3 moment...I like 'Into the Fire' when they hug. I like the fishing invitation in 'Nemesis'. That was too cute! Also, I agree with waterfall. In 'POV' they saw how good it could be...I like when AU Sam said 'FCOL' and the look Jack had and when Kawalsky said 'She's my best friend's wife' and the look our J and S shared. Those are just a few moments I really like-I love S3 so much...probably my fav after S4.


            Originally posted by myblackrose
            Oh heck yes Lost City is shippy!!!!! I won't tell you what though, you can look forward to a surprise
            O yes, as they say here: JIPPIE DE PIPPIE (well not everyone says that, but I do, a lot) I can't wait, probably watch them tomorrow.

            Originally posted by myblackrose
            Well, I *have* spent the last 6 days of my life on various save sg-1 communities on LJ, so I can't say I didn't freak out a little... I've written a letter to MGM and I'll write another to the channel that broadcasts SG here I think... if you'd like to do anything, go to they have all the info you'll need

            Originally posted by myblackrose
            But I wouldn't panic... it really sounds to me like they're gunning for a movie at the very least... I think 200 was one big hint for that
            Well, no panicing here, just keeping my fingers crossed. And in the meenwhile watch a bunch of shippy episodes from S8 which I´ve not seen before


              Oh how I want S3 DVDs... *long sigh*

              Hey LAD, nice to see there are other people out there writing too! I'm hoping they don't just ignore everyone's emails though

              Well my dears, I'm off to bed with my nightly dose of fic Pleasant dreams all...


                my fav season three moment is probably the hug in, into the fire, but i do like point of view too. i just love how in, into the fire, they hang on to each other for a long time

                sig by starlover1990


                  Originally posted by scifi_girl
                  my fav season three moment is probably the hug in, into the fire, but i do like point of view too. i just love how in, into the fire, they hang on to each other for a long time
                  And just so you know(which I'm sure you do) it was not because he was cold!!!!!


                    WOOT!!! I finally got my chapter 3 of my fic on for the delay but I hope you all like it a bit.

                    Title: Another life

                    Rating: K+

                    what would happen if everything changed in 1 minute…

                    Spoilers: none, but everything happens after season 6 and before season 7 ( Grace)



                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                      And just so you know(which I'm sure you do) it was not because he was cold!!!!!
                      yup, i dont think it was because he was cold . i do like nemesis, but i love the first episode of season four, there's some really great interaction between the two of them in that ep.

                      sig by starlover1990


                        Originally posted by scifi_girl
                        yup, i dont think it was because he was cold . i do like nemesis, but i love the first episode of season four, there's some really great interaction between the two of them in that ep.
                        YES! 'Small Victories' has so much's great! I loved the scene in her lab...Sam's smile? That's the one referred to in so many fics...that's the smile she reserves just for him.


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                          YES! 'Small Victories' has so much's great! I loved the scene in her lab...Sam's smile? That's the one referred to in so many fics...that's the smile she reserves just for him.
                          a smile just for jack. i also like the start of that scene where he's just walked into the lab, and when she's walking up the ramp. i like them flirting like that, and just getting on really well. to be honest, as far as ship is concerened season four is one of my fav seasons.

                          sig by starlover1990


                            hey peoples
                            in counterstrike they could have atleast
                            said something about the previous episode like "wow, wasnt that great to see jack" or "just like old times"..something, the poor guy doesnt even get recognition!! also this is the first time i have seen the opening credits, Ben Browder is the LEAD!! hello..Amanda should be opening star, that p***d me off!! ..
                            end of tantrum

                            i also watched the pilot episode last night, even my partner goes "Oh so there is where it all started hey" refering to sam and jack, he also thought the end of Broca Divide was great with the tank top number line

                            Hugs, Bee
                            "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                            sig by RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by Nolamom
                              Okay, I was playing around with inspirational posters again...

                              That has to be one of the most awesome things I have ever seen. It reminds me of the Star Trek inspirational posters that they have...
                              my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                                Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                                That has to be one of the most awesome things I have ever seen. It reminds me of the Star Trek inspirational posters that they have...
                                Hehehe - It IS! I just changed the pic for our favorite couple. I was wondering if a sharp eyed fan would pick up on it. You win shipper cookies for today!

