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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Too tired to think coherently at the moment...

    Sam and Jack forever!
    always and forever
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      Originally posted by Terrah
      Welcome 0xNatashax0

      POINT OF VIEW 306
      MOEBIUS, PART 2 820

      Recommendations for ship
      The 1st one COTG
      FIRE AND WATER 112
      SOLITUDES 117
      SECRETS 209
      1969 221
      OUT OF MIND 222
      INTO THE FIRE 301
      URGO 316
      A HUNDRED DAYS 317
      NEMESIS 322
      THE OTHER SIDE 402
      UPGRADES 403

      What did you find shippy during 'Urgo' and '1969'?
      my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


        Originally posted by myblackrose
        Awesome sig waterfall!

        I liked the ship in Emancipation actually... it was there right from the beginning despite TPTB claiming that it started with Solitudes... heck no!

        I saw Beneath the Surface for the first tme a few weeks ago and SQUEEEEE! I loved it SOOOO much!!!!!!!

        Has anyone got any good S/J fic recs? I re-read Twilight lastnight and now I'm craving more fic! Preferably long ones to keep me occupied!
        I have a big long list under my favorites on my FFN page: click here

        And another excellent author is here. I really enojoyed "Sticks and Stones". However, believe me when I say that they are all EXCELLENT!
        my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


          I am *loving* A Pond With No Fish, RepliCertertje Thanks for that rec!

          Thanks for the PM Lesleyp... I'm gonna finish APWNF tonight and start on those tomorrow!

          As far as S1 ship... I saw sparks in CotG and TEW, attraction in Emancipation, but for me the ship proper started showing itself little by little in The Broca Divide (the "not like this" moment and the tank top banter), Cold Lazarus, Torment of Tantalus, Brief Candle, Singularity and so forth... for me though, it wasn't really until Solitudes that it went beyond flirting and I saw something much deeper there... on Sam's part anyway... the moment where Jack cries out for Sarah and Sam says "I'm here" just breaks my heart every time... *sniffles*

          I may get kicked to the ground for saying this, but IMHO, Jack was not fully over Sarah in the first season and I think Sam had deeper feelings for Jack for a good while before he started to reciprocate fully... the attraction was always there though...

          Anyhoo, I'm off to bed with my fic stash for the evening... have a pleasant night all and don't have too much fun and hair ruffling without me

          *ruffles Jack's hair one more time and scampers off before she has to suffer someone's wrath*

          P.S We have the best fandom ever...

          ETA: Thanks for the further recs Sam O'Neill!


            Originally posted by SamO'Neill
            What did you find shippy during 'Urgo' and '1969'?
            You are kidding right

            Urgo is such a shippy has such a little smiles all over the ep. And when they are sitting next to eachother, they really are sitting very very close. And the way they look to eachother(thinking about the scene in the infermery)...I mean squeeee
            And than there is that scene in the dialingroom where Jack is thinking about bikini's, and Sam looks at him... I mean who do you think he is thinking about in a bikini??? Yes you are right he is seeing Sam in a bikini...

            1969 has some great moments and well there is that scene at the fire with the soup...I mean they also look at eachother in that way...

            Ok you better take a look at the shippy list...I think that there are more shippy moments in it. But that is the one I can come up with right now.

            Originally posted by myblackrose
            *ruffles Jack's hair one more time and scampers off before she has to suffer someone's wrath*
            grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...keep away from his hair will ya!!! It's Sam's and Sam's only...and maybe a little bit mine

            OT here for a moment cause I am to lazy to write a PM:
            SamO'neill did you get my mail??


              Y'know, I don't post for 2 days and this thread just gets a whackload (that a word?) of posts!

              I think I have to go back atleast 30 pages. Woof.

              XD Welcome to all new members of this little family.
              Past | LJ | Last.FM | IG


                Everyone have a great weekend! I am off with a friend to go to Houston for the weekend. We are going to see John Edward (famous medium in the states) tomorrow night!

                Hopefully the weekend will be non stress and I can come back to hear some fabulous news about upcoming ship!!


                  Originally posted by myblackrose
                  I may get kicked to the ground for saying this, but IMHO, Jack was not fully over Sarah in the first season and I think Sam had deeper feelings for Jack for a good while before he started to reciprocate fully... the attraction was always there though...
                  No kicking from me. I think he started to get over Sarah from Cold Lazarus onwards, but it would inevitably take a while.

                  I loved Jack's reaction to the news that AU Sam and Jack were engaged in Politics. Maybe his feelings began to deepen from there onwards.
                  always and forever
                  My LJ
                  My History Website


                    Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                    THanks. I haven't watched those episodes in awhile.. Now they're at the top of my list.

                    I'll try to get your fic back to you ASAP. Last night I was working on a paper for one of my english classes. Tonight I have to put on the finishing touches on it before I turn it in the professor on Monday. I won't be able to work on it at all this weekend due to work.

                    THanks again!
                    Well you better watch those eps again!!! they are way to great!!!

                    Hey no hurry about it, it is just I didnt know if I send it right cause my puter was acting a bit strange yesterday and also today...well maybe I have to clean much Sam/jack pictures in here

                    and what is your paper about??? Hope you got Stargate in it or at least Sam/Jack

                    Ok this is quiet around here again... What happened everyone felt asleep???

                    Well than yesterday I started to ask a question...why don't I just go on with it

                    WHAT EP(or scene) OF SEASON 2 DID YOU FIND THE MOST SHIPPY??? and why?


                      out of mind was the first episode where writers realised that they should play with sam and jack relationship...
                      the scene of the coridor


                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                        Well you better watch those eps again!!! they are way to great!!!

                        Hey no hurry about it, it is just I didnt know if I send it right cause my puter was acting a bit strange yesterday and also today...well maybe I have to clean much Sam/jack pictures in here

                        and what is your paper about??? Hope you got Stargate in it or at least Sam/Jack

                        Ok this is quiet around here again... What happened everyone felt asleep???

                        Well than yesterday I started to ask a question...why don't I just go on with it

                        WHAT EP(or scene) OF SEASON 2 DID YOU FIND THE MOST SHIPPY??? and why?
                        Hahahha. I wish it was about Stargate. I could write oodles of pages on that! Nah, it's concerning feminist themes in 'The Yellow Wallpaper'.
                        my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                          hello all just quick post b4 i go
                          have to say the scene in out of mind when he grabs her and holds her near the pillar thing, is probably the closest apart from solitudes that they have been in that kind of proximity before.
                          and i mean he wouldnt let her go for a fair while...i like that ep muchly!
                          "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                          sig by RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                            What did you find shippy during 'Urgo' and '1969'?
                            Urgo: Some cute scenes, or maybe It was a fanfic I remember

                            1969: It's there Honest, sat by the fire. What do you think they did when everyone was asleep?


                              1300+ on GW tonight! Highest was 1800.


                                Originally posted by trupi
                                Guys did you see this article from General discussion-thanks ECN

                                If this is true it doesn't look good for SG-1 being brought back in any form in the US
                                Sorry but the link doesn't work

                                And I don't like your last line I mean if it doesn't come back in the US than it will probably also not come to Europe

                                So just let's hope that they resolve the ship in season 10!!! Than we have nothing to complain about if they don't do anything with SG1 anymore!!

