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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by gater62
    I wish my hubby would indulge my shippyness. He says I watch SG-1 24/7 (which would be the ultimate fantasy) and gives me a hard time.
    See, he could watch with you. They have guns, bombs, staff weapons, explosions, big explosions, neato special effects and a bunch of other cool manly stuff! That's how you lull them into a false sense of security and then....Bang....they are hooked. You get to watch your ship! Not that I would do anything like that!

    And yes, Amber, he's learning slowly, but at least he's willing!

    A bottle of visine next to your computer helps keep the eyes fresh after 20+ pages of catching up! Likey your sig too!


      Originally posted by STARGATE7777
      One thing I am really hoping is that no matter what happens, big or small, real or imagined, is that it comes from Jack's point of view. For so long the anti's have justified being negative to Sam and Jack by saying that it is all in Sam's mind. Expressions like "pining for the guy" and "Jack's girl" have undermined the relationship. IMO Sam was a much stronger character with Jack. I don't ever remember feeling that he treated her differently because she was a woman. As far as being Jack's girl...well lately she feels like no one's girl...the forgotten character (along with Teal'c). Nothing will change if they simply show the relationship from Sam's imagination or thoughts.
      Agreed. Although, of course, I'm hoping it will be mutual. But I'm hoping that it's Jack who
      comes up with the idea of a wedding
      and that everyone agrees. Everyone being Sam of course.
      We've seen a lot of J/S from Sam's POV. Jack needs a turn.

      © spud66cat @


        Originally posted by Rocketgal
        A bottle of visine next to your computer helps keep the eyes fresh after 20+ pages of catching up! Likey your sig too!
        Thaanks!! Lol I have coffee. A lot of coffee.

        © spud66cat @


          Originally posted by JackandSamAddict
          I think I have to vomit now, so does LAD we were just in the Anti-thread, it was horrible, burning eyes and all that jazz!!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
          Don't go there! I've been there! It is too scary! Do you need a hug?


            ok I am really slow tonight... I keep forgetting to say that. I wanted to say that 3 post ago... I really better go to my bed

            Originally posted by krystina
            Agreed. Although, of course, I'm hoping it will be mutual. But I'm hoping that it's Jack who
            comes up with the idea of a wedding
            and that everyone agrees. Everyone being Sam of course.
            We've seen a lot of J/S from Sam's POV. Jack needs a turn.

            I hope that it is Teal'c his idea!! I mean wouldn't that be great? I mean we all expect sam or jack to come up with such an idea but what if it is someone who you least suspects it. Like Teal'c and we all now he is the biggest shipper around. We know what he thinks about it
            I mean he is the one who noticed the behaviour of Sam and Jack when one of them was gone and didn't know how to come back. think about 'paradise lost' and 'Grace'


              Hello again all

              Life happened and I have been away for awhile leaving me unable to go to the shipper meeting in Manchester in July. I am at least back to lurking on the boards and what a time to return at. Cant wait till Fri, though with time zones and "lag" it will probably be saturday by the time I get to see it, tummy goes all wobbly just thinking about it. Have watched the promos on Youtube a half dozen times but of course they are all so fast it can be hard to make sense of them.

              I am an eternal optimist when it comes to our two favorite officers but TPTB can be pains in the miktas and so I hope for good "stuff" but if it is all a halucination or some other excuse I wont be surprised.

              Anyway...onwards friday and the inevitable forum crashing that will ensue.

              Now, where's that cake recipe???.....


                Since I being of sound, mind, and body just visted the Anti-thread I know one thing I would LOVE to see a lot of in the 200th and that is one word and one word only: SHIP!! Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of SHIP!!! (Okay so thats like 16 words) but I need SHIP after that awful exprience I just had!!!


                  Originally posted by STARGATE7777
                  One thing I am really hoping is that no matter what happens, big or small, real or imagined, is that it comes from Jack's point of view. For so long the anti's have justified being negative to Sam and Jack by saying that it is all in Sam's mind. Expressions like "pining for the guy" and "Jack's girl" have undermined the relationship. IMO Sam was a much stronger character with Jack. I don't ever remember feeling that he treated her differently because she was a woman. As far as being Jack's girl...well lately she feels like no one's girl...the forgotten character (along with Teal'c). Nothing will change if they simply show the relationship from Sam's imagination or thoughts.
                  I've said it before and I'll say it again but IMHO Jack is just as much if not more so "Sam's guy" than the other way around. I mean, JACK was the one who wouldn't leave Sam in 'Upgrades/D&C', JACK was the one who got jealous over Pete in the elevator (you'll never convince me his "speeding" and "quark" lines were anything but a slight twinge of jealousy!), JACK was the one who stayed single for the longest time after D&C (I'm not judging Sam for being with Pete, just making an observation ), JACK was the one who had his heart broken in 'Affinity' (just look at the poor guy's face!), JACK was the one whose girlfriend broke up with him because he wasn't very subtle at hiding his feelings for Sam around her (again, not judging just observing)... if anything, we've been shown way more of his pain and anguish over their relationship onscreen than Sam has.
                  Last edited by AmberLM; 15 August 2006, 06:56 PM.
                  Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                  My fanfic


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                    WELCOME KRYSTINA
                    ok I am really slow tonight... I keep forgetting to say that. I wanted to say that 3 post ago... I really better go to my bed


                    I hope that it is Teal'c his idea!! I mean wouldn't that be great? I mean we all expect sam or jack to come up with such an idea but what if it is someone who you least suspects it. Like Teal'c and we all now he is the biggest shipper around. We know what he thinks about it
                    I mean he is the one who noticed the behaviour of Sam and Jack when one of them was gone and didn't know how to come back. think about 'paradise lost' and 'Grace'
                    LOL It's better late than never
                    LOL Teal'c! He's so great. That is true. I can imagine the looks on everyone's face if he'd mention it... they'd just glare lmao

                    © spud66cat @


                      [QUOTE=AmberLM]Weeeellll.... technically Jack has already said "I do!" to Sam, just not exactly at the right time/in the right place!

                      Remember 'Threads':

                      Sam: "You think?"

                      Jack: "I do!" - I did a double take and SQUEED really loudly when he said that, the look on his face was also very telling:



                      Hee, hee, look at Teal'c's face - he KNOWS![/QUOTE]

                      So why doesn't he get the two of them in a big ol' double headlock and threaten not to let them go until they agree do something about it?!?


                        Originally posted by Lizlove
                        I actually remember a fic where
                        McKay goes to Sam's house one day to discover Jack and Sam are married. Totally freaked out was the guy!

                        Here it is. The Worst Hallucination Ever
                        There's also another one where Sam is in her residence at Area 51, McKay shows up and Jack is there! It's funny, but unfortunately I can't remember the name. I think it may have been on GW fic, tho.


                          Originally posted by Rocketgal
                          Originally posted by AmberLM
                          Weeeellll.... technically Jack has already said "I do!" to Sam, just not exactly at the right time/in the right place!

                          Remember 'Threads':

                          Sam: "You think?"

                          Jack: "I do!" - I did a double take and SQUEED really loudly when he said that, the look on his face was also very telling:



                          [B]Hee, hee, look at Teal'c's face - he KNOWS!
                          So why doesn't he get the two of them in a big ol' double headlock and threaten not to let them go until they agree do something about it?!?
                          Who knows?!? Maybe he will in '200'! To be fair he has tried many times to get them to talk to him about their relationship. Sam was willing, Jack just tells him to "drop it". Force is the only thing that would work at this point but I fear that Teal'c would never be so bold as to do that! Hey, look, we've had three alternate realities, one touched virus, a zatarc detector, a time loop or two, a memory stamp, almost drowning together, a broken engagement, a very observant girlfriend (who also happens to be an honorary Ship mascot ) and "Dad" practically banging their heads together... what more do they need? There's nothing more anyone else can do methinks, they just have to work up the courage to sort it out on their own, we all know Sam has it in her but now I think it's Jack's turn to say something!

                          BTW, Krystina, LOVE your sig! There's a music video to that song lurking around the 'Net somewhere!
                          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                          My fanfic


                            Ya know, not to offer a bribe or anything, but if TPTB were to find a way to work some real time J/S ship in and make it canon(let's be clear)...I'm thinkin' a couple of pizzas with the works could find it's way on to the studio's doorstep.
                            "I'm just sayin" Anybody else?
                            Got to go....
                            Either they are doing night time training on base or we are about to get some serious thunderboomers. Either way, I think I'll say....
                            Ni-night shippers (and lurkers too)!


                              Originally posted by Rocketgal
                              Ya know, not to offer a bribe or anything, but if TPTB were to find a way to work some real time J/S ship in and make it canon(let's be clear)...I'm thinkin' a couple of pizzas with the works could find it's way on to the studio's doorstep.
                              "I'm just sayin" Anybody else?
                              Got to go....
                              Either they are doing night time training on base or we are about to get some serious thunderboomers. Either way, I think I'll say....
                              Ni-night shippers (and lurkers too)!
                              Oh don't worry, there's already been some *SERIOUS* feet-kissing been promised to Rob Cooper and Joe Mallozzi if we get our BIG canon ship so we just have to wait and see
                              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                              My fanfic


                                SCIFI is having a Stargate Marathon on Friday, starting 8:00am going to 6:00pm.

