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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ljevans
    Have you ever seen this photo? How about the guys that look like they don't belong here? What I'm saying is, just because it is a behind the scenes photo don't immediately dismiss it as not being a scene from the show.

    Just noticed something in this photo - the cushion under Jack's backside. Well you can't blame me for looking!!
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      Originally posted by Zoser
      Just noticed something in this photo - the cushion under Jack's backside. Well you can't blame me for looking!!
      If he'd needed a cushion they must have been there for a while lol! Don't you just envy Amanda for her fabulous job some days?
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        Originally posted by Zoser
        Just noticed something in this photo - the cushion under Jack's backside. Well you can't blame me for looking!!
        Ain't no blaming here! I thought it might be his script. Something to refer back to since they haven't had much practice with a kiss scene.

        Here's a history lesson for all those not going back to school.
        It's the 61st anniversary of "The Kiss"

        But I say, why kiss a Sailor, when you can kiss an Airman!
        Last edited by Rocketgal; 15 August 2006, 06:45 AM.


          Originally posted by Rocketgal
          Ain't no blaming here! I thought it might be his script. Something to refer back to since they haven't had much practice with a kiss scene.

          Here's a history lesson for all those not going back to school.
          It's the 61st anniversary of "The Kiss"

          But I say, why kiss a Sailor, when you can kiss an Airman!
          Why, indeed? Although I wouldn't sniff at Commander Harmon Rabb Jr if he were to offer himself to me!
          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

          My fanfic


            Originally posted by Zoser
            Just noticed something in this photo - the cushion under Jack's backside. Well you can't blame me for looking!!
            HAH! The cushion!

            Past | LJ | Last.FM | IG


              Originally posted by AmberLM
              Why, indeed? Although I wouldn't sniff at Commander Harmon Rabb Jr if he were to offer himself to me!
              I see your point...ok, twist my arm, but only since he's a pilot too!


                Originally posted by Lizlove
                I like the 'relationship' between Sam and Rodney. I mean our little Sam is coming out all snarky and it's so cool to watch her have her fun! (that doesn't include blowing things off)
                I like the relationship between Sam and this McKay, too. I just don't want to see a cool McKay try to woo Sam. The Sam/Rodney onesided thing is fine. It is great comic relief with no real threat tho the ship.

                Also, I agree that SG1 and Atlantis are on the same time line now. At the beginning of SGA s2 and SG1 s9, they were off by several months. They were put back in line right after the season opener. Remember the team went back to earth to get supplies and choose new members. (Shepperd became a colonel.) When they got back to Atlantis the time lines were supposed to be equal again.

                As for my panic last night, I wasn't trying to imply that the AU Rodney would appear in Mckay and Mrs. Miller. I just found David Hewlett's comments in an article about Mckay and Mrs. Miller. I'm sure AU Mckay shows up in [I}A Road Not Taken[/I]. I just don't want them to do any thing similar to season 9's AU Martouf, and if the Sam/Jack relationship is cannon then it will help prevent it. I know it's only one episode, but so was Ripple Effect.


                  Originally posted by AmberLM
                  If he'd needed a cushion they must have been there for a while lol! Don't you just envy Amanda for her fabulous job some days?
                  If she ever gets bored and wants some time off, I don't mind filling in!


                    ....delurks for a moment.....

                    my hopes for 200

                    been thinking about who comes up with the wedding scene and hoping that its Jack himself! anti shippers could chalk it up to simply a fantasy but us shippers would know is jacks way of proposing marriage! my dreams


                      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                      You know...looking at the Grace pic...I just have to wonder.

                      I mean, I understand that chemistry is in the eye of the beholder. But I just don't understand how anyone can see those two and not feel the crackle of sexual tension between them. Sure, that crackle ebbs and flows...sometimes it's at a peak and sometimes at a valley. But that undercurrent lives on.

                      I just don't understand how anyone could not see any chemistry between those two when it's just clear as day to me that they have chemistry coming out of their ears.

                      I'm just sayin'.
                      Now that is one heck of a kiss. I want her job. I did read somewhere that Amanda said that Rick was the best kisser except her husband of course.


                        Hi all!

                        Wow - there are so many new faces around here! As Trupi can tell you I used to hang out here A LOT before real life smacked me around a bit. But I felt I needed to come out of hiding for a couple of reasons.

                        Firstly I want to thank everyone who nominated my fic "Instant Message" for the Stargate fan awards - you are too cool for words.

                        Secondly, the 200th episode is coming up which means I've spent 10 years of my life following this wonderful story (yes I'm just old enough to have actually seem the movie in the movie theater).

                        So in honor of these two events, I've come back to the thread to wish everyone a wonderful 200th and to let those of you who were so kind to my writing know that I started a new Sam/Jack fic.


                        I miss chatting with you all.

                        My SG-1 fic


                          Originally posted by majorshrl
                          Now that is one heck of a kiss. I want her job. I did read somewhere that Amanda said that Rick was the best kisser except her husband of course.
                          Well, AT would have to say her husband was a better kisser, since she's in love with him.


                            Originally posted by aske

                            In this pics for 200 on GW there's the image of Sam with the really long white hair sitting in a very tight white dress with all the cute little people around her. At the bottom the caption reads that Sam is waiting for her big day. What big day? Does Darrin or whoever puts the captions with the pics know something? Could there actually be two wedding sequences in 200?
                            Because that was the pic we first got of Sam in a white dress so a lot of people thought that was the wedding dress. That's the reason why Darren put that caption IMO but I don't think he got the time to change it yet. And we are hoping for 2 weddings (although that's a bit too much to ask of TPTB): one fake and one real!
                            But... who knows huh?


                              Welcome Snarky25 and welcome back Lynn!

                              Welcome to any I may have missed!

                              Thanks for the fanfic rec Lynn. I loved "Instant Message"


                                Originally posted by Gate gal
                                Welcome Snarky25 and welcome back Lynn!

                                Welcome to any I may have missed!

                                Thanks for the fanfic rec Lynn. I loved "Instant Message"
                                Thanks :-)

                                BTW - the new one is called "Imagine you and me" and I think it's going to be a long one!

                                My SG-1 fic

