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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Nolamom
    We have to remember that Sam is a healthy woman with certain needs that should be met at least once in a decade. Even by Pete.
    Oh I know that and I liked the way TPTB dared to approach that particular aspect of Sam's live. But it was Pete that disturbed me. Although they began off good with him, they messed it up with a) them jumping in the sack so early (the guy wanted to wait but got into bed with her without even waiting for some kind of love confession? Weird), b) him checking on Sam and c) him following Sam around like some puppy running after it's mom.
    Pete had some great base and potential to start with but they did it wrong simply because they wanted it done and over with. Went to fast for fans to adapt to him and learn about him. Just like with BB, CB and all the others newbies now.


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      But how do you import eps from a DVD? Don't you have to have a program that rips(I guess is the right word) them first? Then import that into WMM?
      Yes, that's my problem. They're copy-protected so I can't seem to copy anything from them, not even one tiny screenshot!




          Originally posted by Nolamom
          Yes, that's my problem. They're copy-protected so I can't seem to copy anything from them, not even one tiny screenshot!
          well you need a rip program and a program that converts IFO files into a windows media player file. So you actually needs 2 other programs to do it. A rip program you can buy for €50 and well a program that converts file is actually harder to get with me it was with my dvd recorder so...


            Nolamom...PMed you...hope I've helped

            tip for vidders - find a VOB - AVI converter rather than IFO - WMV...they're cheaper and sometimes even free
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by AmberLM
              Lol, I went and dug out my VHS copy of 'Beauty and the Beast' last night (I've recently, for some unknown reason, suddenly got the urge to watch Disney movies ) and that cheered me up quite a lot (feisty heroine who longs for adventures in far away places, grouchy hero who despises himself for a long time before he falls in love with said feisty heroine and learns how to love life again... you see where I'm going with this ) ... well, at least *this* one had a happy ending!
              I'm sorry that you feel that way that the S~J ship is not having a happy ending. Maybe its just better that they are not together. Sam is too philosophical with her feelings towards Jack and Jack has already moved on. I think that the shippers should just appreciate what the two had leave it at that. Everyone knows that they cared about each other but there are many shows where there are too many factors for the couple to be together. Lets just appreciate it for what it was and enjoy the rest of the characters and their adventures. There is more to StarGate than just S and J.
              There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


                We don't know that it's not going to end happily. It hasn't ended yet.

                Originally posted by dreid
                Lets just appreciate it for what it was and enjoy the rest of the characters and their adventures. There is more to StarGate than just S and J.
                Yes, there is more. However, THIS thread is devoted to Sam and Jack Shipping. So that is what we talk about here. Talk about the other aspects of the show elsewhere, okay?


                  The S/J thread is for the discussion of furthering S/J on the show, and for looking at how moments passed can help the ship now The only (semi) off-topic chat is to be about penguins, cookies or copious amounts of fishing

                  Okay well the last one's not off topic but you get the point!

                  Nuff said
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Can anyone rec any fairly canon-like, shippy fic with NO Sam-whumping? I've just read two REALLY long fics that both involved Sam being permanently seriously injured and I *really* didn't enjoy it!!!! (Hmmm, that's interesting, I never thought I'd hate serious Sam whumpage but it seems I do! I guess that's why I'm also a Samandan, eh? )

                    BTW, for the record, I never said that I thought that Sam and Jack *WOULDN'T* have a happy ending, it's just that they haven't... YET! - I STILL HAVE HOPE!!!!

                    If you don't want to talk about the ship, dreid, that's fine but this *is* the Sam/Jack ship thread . There's always the anti-S/J thread if you want to "cross over to the Dark Side of the Force"... *shudders at mere mention of such beastly things*
                    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                    My fanfic


                      Originally posted by dreid
                      I'm sorry that you feel that way that the S~J ship is not having a happy ending. Maybe its just better that they are not together. Sam is too philosophical with her feelings towards Jack and Jack has already moved on. I think that the shippers should just appreciate what the two had leave it at that. Everyone knows that they cared about each other but there are many shows where there are too many factors for the couple to be together. Lets just appreciate it for what it was and enjoy the rest of the characters and their adventures. There is more to StarGate than just S and J.
                      Yes...there is more to Stargate SG1 than just S&J ship....BUT...for me it is one of the main reasons for me to watch...I mean I LOVE the action/science fiction/aliens/etc. and each epi used to look like a mini-movie...but the two characters and their angst/love is what really keeps me coming back...and back...and back for me. I'm still watching SG1 even if Jack isn't a main character...but there is a marked difference for me.

                      I don't think Jack has "moved on" as you put it...well, OK maybe physically. But we don't know anything for certain yet. And all the "factors" that have kept the couple apart are the very same "factors" that have kept them emotionally drawn to one another.

                      And, I don't care what TPTB might say...but S1 epi1 started off with built in S/J shippy angst from the minute Carter walked into that briefing room. They established that tension right then and there through looks, smirks, grins, dialogue, everything.

                      I guess I'm just glad that we've gotten as much (or as little) ship as we have over the years. I mean they're meant for each other and it is so clear. If TPTB had let any one of Sam's potential suitors early on take up residence in Sam's heart then we probably would have given up years ago on the U.S.S SamJack.
                      Last edited by GateSeeker2; 05 August 2006, 05:11 PM.
                      This is great.
                      I told ya.
                      I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                      Well, let's not dwell.


                        Hey sueKay you're back...I thought you were going to take a break. I mainly just lurk in the shadows here...but I'm beginning to actually post here with more frequency....if only for my enjoyment. Now, if I can just find time to get back to writing some lovey fluffly angsty S/J fic!

                        Have you written anything lately?
                        This is great.
                        I told ya.
                        I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                        Well, let's not dwell.


                          Originally posted by GateSeeker2
                          Yes...there is more to Stargate SG1 than just S&J ship....BUT...for me it is one of the main reasons for me to watch...I mean I LOVE the action/science fiction/aliens/etc. and each epi used to look like a mini-movie...but the two characters and their angst/love is what really keeps me coming back...and back...and back for more. I'm still watching SG1 even if Jack isn't a main character...but there is a marked difference for more.

                          I don't think Jack has "moved on" as you put it...well, OK maybe physically. But we don't know anything for certain yet. And all the "factors" that have kept the couple together are the very same "factors" that have kept them emotionally drawn to one another.

                          And, I don't care what TPTB might say...but S1 epi1 started off with built in S/J shippy angst from the minute Carter walked into that briefing room. They established that tension right then and there through looks, smirks, grins, dialogue, everything.

                          I guess I'm just glad that we've gotten as much (or as little) ship as we have over the years. I mean they're meant for each other and it is so clear. If TPTB had let any one of Sam's potential suitors early on take up residence in Sam's heart then we probably would have given up years ago on the U.S.S SamJack.
                          Well said, Gateseeker!
                          So far, I haven't seen much "moving on"! What I *have* seen is lots of denial and a half-hearted attempt by Jack to move on but as far as I remember he wasn't foolin' anyone, including his girlfriend!
                          ... EDIT: and I can't spell tonight lol!
                          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                          My fanfic


                            Originally posted by AmberLM
                            Can anyone rec any fairly canon-like, shippy fic with NO Sam-whumping? I've just read two REALLY long fics that both involved Sam being permanently seriously injured and I *really* didn't enjoy it!!!! (Hmmm, that's interesting, I never thought I'd hate serious Sam whumpage but it seems I do! I guess that's why I'm also a Samandan, eh? )

                            BTW, for the record, I never said that I thought that Sam and Jack *WOULDN'T* have a happy ending, it's just that they haven't... YET! - I STILL HAVE HOPE!!!!

                            If you don't want to talk about the ship, dreid, that's fine but this *is* the Sam/Jack ship thread . There's always the anti-S/J thread if you want to "cross over to the Dark Side of the Force"... *shudders at mere mention of such beastly things*

                            I personally only like a little whumping...when necessary! Anyway...there's an old favorite of mine at posted by Noda called "Illusions of Truth". It's about 275 pages and is definitely a nice S/J piece. I recommend it.
                            This is great.
                            I told ya.
                            I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                            Well, let's not dwell.


                              Originally posted by Lizlove
                              Oh I know that and I liked the way TPTB dared to approach that particular aspect of Sam's live. But it was Pete that disturbed me. Although they began off good with him, they messed it up with a) them jumping in the sack so early (the guy wanted to wait but got into bed with her without even waiting for some kind of love confession? Weird), b) him checking on Sam and c) him following Sam around like some puppy running after it's mom.
                              Pete had some great base and potential to start with but they did it wrong simply because they wanted it done and over with. Went to fast for fans to adapt to him and learn about him. Just like with BB, CB and all the others newbies now.
                              What creeped me out about the Pete thing was that love scene against the wall. I thought it was Sam who didn't have sex for 7 years (just kidding) The way Pete was acting, it was like a dog in heat, instead of a guy wanting to please a beautiful lady. Maybe I'm the only one but it bother me big time and I changed the channel the other day when the scene came on TV. YEK!!!!!


                                Originally posted by AmberLM
                                Can anyone rec any fairly canon-like, shippy fic with NO Sam-whumping? I've just read two REALLY long fics that both involved Sam being permanently seriously injured and I *really* didn't enjoy it!!!! (Hmmm, that's interesting, I never thought I'd hate serious Sam whumpage but it seems I do! I guess that's why I'm also a Samandan, eh? )

                                BTW, for the record, I never said that I thought that Sam and Jack *WOULDN'T* have a happy ending, it's just that they haven't... YET! - I STILL HAVE HOPE!!!!

                                If you don't want to talk about the ship, dreid, that's fine but this *is* the Sam/Jack ship thread . There's always the anti-S/J thread if you want to "cross over to the Dark Side of the Force"... *shudders at mere mention of such beastly things*
                                I won't respond to the S~J comments but just so you know, as an insider there is a vast misconception about the light and the dark side of the force. PLEASE DO NOT DISCOUNT THIS THREAD EVEN THOUGH IT IS IN THE S~J FAMILY THREAD. We are all still family and this related to the overall stargate universe.
                                When the star wars universe was first created it was created by Anakin Skywalker and Just Skywalker, Anakin's father. Darth Plageous was infact name by Just Skywalker because of his incesent interference with the Skywalker family. Before this time Just and Anakin knew Plageous and his name outside the SW universe was "U". Anakin and Just built the universe for themselves, friends and other family members when Plageous came along and grabed Anakin and threw him into the universe before it was ready. It was infact Plageous that caused the division between the force in the SW universe and Anakin was forced, by fate, in Just's opinion to fix the balance. Just and Anakin were neither Jedi or Sith but Gardian Knights who were looking for a better place to live. There is a forum for the SW TV show that you are all welcome to join the link is ""

                                There is a poem that I wrote describing the history and development of the Gaurdian Knights and the Skywalker family.

                                The Source and the Balance

                                There are some of those who think their right only because they see a light. There are others who live in the dark because they were ashamed of their spark. Both were divided by a force that they could not solve with discourse. One was torn from the source to solve the riddle that lay in the middle. Wars were won and lost but both sides took advantage of the cost. Both light and dark lay submerged while they plotted and lingered hoping that their side would be the winner. Today with their wanting and waiting they still forget the judgment that Just regrets. Both sides want to Walk in the Sky, but its all ready too late for those who let their balance slide. Battles are being planned and sought but the war is already over Just as the balanced thought. In the future @ the end, the Guardians will rise and Knights will have begun again. All will hold danger in the palm of their hands but those who have forgotten how to know will eventually begin to understand.

                                Just @ Skywalker

                                There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.

