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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by zuz View Post

    I'd say it's pretty obvious, Jack has a smudge on his chin and Sam's trying to clean it.

    Lipstick by any chance?....


      Originally posted by Queen_Bee View Post
      Desperate Measures is one of my faves unfortunately i dont want to spend $70 AU just for that ep

      also Cyrus the shipper Poodle ate part of my s3 box set cover....."not happy Jan" ( aussies will knowwhat this means)

      i need to check the "list" for shippy moments in s5

      Please do not dredge up that old ad...

      If you have a Big W near where you live, check out their dvd section. Every now and then they do a special on the Stargate dvds and sell them for $46.87 or something like that (less than $50). That's how I started getting the dvds.

      ...Of course, Big W put the price back up before I had a chance to get season 3 (I could only get one season a fortnight), and I had to get the rest full price. Because, you know practically every season ended on a cliffhanger and I couldn't not get the next season to see what happens...


        Hey, I need a bit of advice guys. Just finished watching season 8. And I need to know. Is it worth watching beyond season 8 in regards to sam and jacks relationship? I'd rather stop now knowing that the development of their relationship stops after moebius pt2. Otherwise there'd really be no point watching beyond season 8 knowing they only drift apart and their relationship becomes nothing but a symbol of emptiness. Look, I know its been the crux of the past 6000 posts and I'd hate to doubt it. But is there a closed answer, yes or no that can just save me or anyone that reads this from wasting alot of time?
        Last edited by Snappy-Cakes; 23 October 2006, 06:19 AM.


          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
          A comedy? Wow.... I didn't know you had so much angst bottled up, LAD!

          And please, don't mention THE ANGST Pt. 1.... You won't get any posts out of me, as I'll be busy reading it again, for the millionth time....

          EDIT: Somewhere in that mess of catch-up posts, I hit 1,200! Yipee!


            Originally posted by Alfa66 View Post
            Goodmorning all

            I've watched season 6 last night and it i noticed that sam and jack have the same bracelets. I have never noticed it before so i searched in season 1 - 5.
            Nothing. At the biggining of season 6 sam wore the braclett. Jack a few eps. later. Does anyone know what the braceletts are for? I don't know if they only wear it on the series or also in real life.

            Welcome Alfa66!


              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              John Crichton, John Sheridan, John Connor

              EDIT: Johnny Smith

              Bugger! I knew there was a Bab 5 one in there. And I really should have got Crichton!

              Hey, can Jar Jar from TPM count?
              *runs away very fast*


                Originally posted by Snappy-Cakes View Post
                Hey, I need a bit of advice guys. Just finished watching season 8. And I need to know. Is it worth watching beyond season 8 in regards to sam and jacks relationship. I'd rather stop now knowing that the development of their relationship stops after moebius pt2. Otherwise there'd really be no point watching beyond season 8 knowing they only drift apart and their relationship becomes nothing but a symbol of emptiness. Look, I know its been the crux of the past 6000 posts and I'd hate to doubt it. But is there a closed answer, yes or no that can just save me or anyone that reads this from wasting alot of time?
                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                  Originally posted by Snappy-Cakes View Post
                  Hey, I need a bit of advice guys. Just finished watching season 8. And I need to know. Is it worth watching beyond season 8 in regards to sam and jacks relationship. I'd rather stop now knowing that the development of their relationship stops after moebius pt2. Otherwise there'd really be no point watching beyond season 8 knowing they only drift apart and their relationship becomes nothing but a symbol of emptiness. Look, I know its been the crux of the past 6000 posts and I'd hate to doubt it. But is there a closed answer, yes or no that can just save me or anyone that reads this from wasting alot of time?
                  There is no solid answer, which means they are as likely in canon to be together as not. AT herself said that they have left Sam and Jack's relationship intentionally ambiguous and up to our imaginations in S9 and S10... so far. So, if you are watching solely for ship, you could probably stop now and imagine them together in whatever way you want.

                  OTOH, many, many of us are certain they are together and even married at this point based on a Very Few scenes and little shots, etc, and from what we know of the characters and situations over the last 8 years. It really comes down to whether you believe they could possibly stay away from each other for two years with little or no contact and whether you believe Jack would tell her he would 'Always' be there for her and then leave.... And whether you believe Sam's newly discovered increased happieness and her new level of confidence since Threads is caused by a delayed reaction to defeating the Go'uld or the Replicators or because she is finally with Jack off-screen. Most of us shippers here are pretty sure Jack isn't scummy enough just to leave her, and Sam wouldn't be generally happy if he did, and so assume they're together.

                  That's the best I can do, sorry. The best example of what you get in Season 9 is from Ex Deus Machina
                  when Agent Barrett asks Sam if she is single again now that she has broken up with Pete and she says, "Not exactly," before giving this smug little smile and saying no more:

                  You decide if she'd say that and look that smug if she and Jack were 'just friends' and not seeing each other at all...

                  Bottom line, for just ship, you're probably better off with fanfiction. But many of us who think they're together are actually enjoying Seasons 9 and 10. I know I am.


                    Their has been
                    next to nothing regarding the Sam/Jack Ship in Season 9 and 10.Their has also been very little mention of the Jack character.Sam never mentioning Jack is especially bad IMO.The Sam/Jack Ship is the only topic left I care about in regards to SG-1 so I have not watched that many episodes the last 2 Years.Their was one epsidoe in Season 9 called Ex Deus Machina where Sam tells Barrett she broke up with Pete and Barrett says so your free and Sam says not exactly.I have a feeling Sam and Jack are together or plan on being togehter but we have not seen it yet.IMO Season 9 and 10 are not good and it's not just because a lack of Sam/Jack Ship.


                      Originally posted by Snappy-Cakes View Post
                      Hey, I need a bit of advice guys. Just finished watching season 8.
                      I just realized this is your first post on GW. Hi! And if you do decide to stick around, all shippers welcome here, stopping at all ports from CoG to The Quest, chock full of shippy goodness... Even if you decide not to watch the last two seasons, we squueeee!!! (that's what we shippers do during excellent Sam/Jack moments like the Grace kiss) about the other 8 here regularly and can always use more squueeers...

                      So, welcome And I hope you stay!

                      EDIT: Quick, someone post the Grace kiss...


                        Thanks for the insight Jennifer & ses110. You gotta love/hate tragedy!


                          Your welcome Snappy-Cakes.I
                          wish I had better news.It's been a very fustrating two years for being a Sam/Jack Shipper and IMO a long time SG-1 Fan.TPTB have gone out of their way to try to forget the characters who made this Show great like Jack Janet Jacob and Cassie while bringing in characters like Orlin Martouf and Barrett who all have a thing for Sam.IMO the Show has been given over to Daniel Vala and Mitchell.Sam and Teal'c have been pushed to the backround IMO.


                            Originally posted by Snappy-Cakes View Post
                            Hey, I need a bit of advice guys. Just finished watching season 8. And I need to know. Is it worth watching beyond season 8 in regards to sam and jacks relationship? I'd rather stop now knowing that the development of their relationship stops after moebius pt2. Otherwise there'd really be no point watching beyond season 8 knowing they only drift apart and their relationship becomes nothing but a symbol of emptiness. Look, I know its been the crux of the past 6000 posts and I'd hate to doubt it. But is there a closed answer, yes or no that can just save me or anyone that reads this from wasting alot of time?
                            First of all Welcome to GW Snappy-Cakes

                            about watching further, it's what you want. There is not much mentioning for the Jack character, there are some moments in the season that you would think they are together but it isn't confirmed(to bad)
                            Season 9 overall isn't shippy!!!! I can't give ya an very deep answer to this, but if you only watch for the ship i would say no, but if you also watch for the other aspects of the show... i would say yes. And even if you are going to watch it, i have to say it's different then before. some people like the changes others don't. Myself, i'm in between. in the beginning i didn't liked S9 but because of S10(which i like) i'm starting to like S9 as well.
                            And if you just want to see one episode with the most ship of S9 and 10 then i would recommend 200...if you're able to watch it!!

                            Have fun here


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              I just realized this is your first post on GW. Hi! And if you do decide to stick around, all shippers welcome here, stopping at all ports from CoG to The Quest, chock full of shippy goodness... Even if you decide not to watch the last two seasons, we squueeee!!! (that's what we shippers do during excellent Sam/Jack moments like the Grace kiss) about the other 8 here regularly and can always use more squueeers...

                              So, welcome And I hope you stay!

                              EDIT: Quick, someone post the Grace kiss...
                              i haven't got the animated gif of the kiss...but i have the pic
                              here it goes
                              *warning Grace kiss*


                                Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                                To all the ff writers out there. This happend a while ago and now it's happening to me. Everything is fine with my account, right email and all stroies on alert. But i'm not receiving any update or review alerts! does anyone know what to do, or how I can email ff and ask for help?

                                Desperate here! It's hard to track stories when they're not on email!
                                i don't know...i have the same problem...don't get any e-mail from FF, not for my stories and not for the alerts!
                                I don't like it and the problem is now here for more then 3 days.!!!
                                I have send a e-mail...but it still don't work

