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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Nolamom
    Back on topic - been watching HGTV design shows and thinking about how Sam and Jack would fix their place together. Remember Sam alphabetizes her bookshelves. Jack grows mold cultures in his fridge. Could make for some interesting design choices.

    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
    Their house would be interesting for sure. You would definitely be able to tell they both love astronomy.

    I was thinking last night,
    what if in next week's episode Landry and Mitchell find some of Sam's stuff up at Jack's cabin? We all know that's where she spends her weekends. Won't happen, but a girl can dream!

    I hadn't heard about that epi that you're mentioning Doyle but that would be really good.

    I've read I don't know how many fics where Sam and Jack decorate their baby's room in space design... That's all well and good but getting a bit cliche. How about decorating it in Wizard of Oz or something else.

    I would like to think that....
    in the first epi S9 that the house Jack refers to selling was Sam's. It looks as if the deck that Jack and Landry are sitting on while playing chess is at Jack's house.
    This is great.
    I told ya.
    I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
    Well, let's not dwell.


      Originally posted by Nolamom
      Which is all the more reason for Sam's
      "not exactly" in season 9 when asked if she was single

      If Jack is in Washington, at Homeland Security...then...
      Yes! Precisely what I believe!!!


        Originally posted by AmberLM
        Yeah I pondered that for a while. Made me think of Chandler and Ross's conversation from the episode of 'Friends' where he finds out about Monica and Chandler... except Mark instigated the whole thing. Hmm... all I can say is that he must have really though Pete was a fab guy to give him his blessing to date his sister... either that or Mark never really forgave Sam for joining the military and he thought that Pete was enough of a goofball to annoy Sam on their "Blind Date"- lol! I really don't know what to think about the whole situation
        Maybe that's what really happened! Pete was Mark's revenge!

        I did manage to watch Chimera last night, and I had fun heckling the episode with my daughter. I will never like that episode, but I can watch it (proved it to myself yesterday) now that Pete is no longer a problem. It is sad really that they wasted so much time on him. If it was necessary for Sam to have a boyfriend before finally getting together with Jack (which I don't think she needed) then why couldn't it have been a quick couple of episodes and then the end. I wish he hadn't been a part of season 8 (since it was our last season of regular Jack).


          Originally posted by Twilight506
          In the military there are strict rules on fraternization.

          I met a student once while I was an instructor with AETC (Air Education and Training Command) for USAF...who came to my base for a class...he wasn't my student but we met and became friends...stayed in touch when he left...when he returned a year later to take another class...I had to get formal written permission from my commanding officer to socially see this person (TechSargeant) who was on "student" status during the time at the base even though he again wasn't my student. The instructor/student line just wasn't crossed!!! And get this...I was a civilian!
          This is great.
          I told ya.
          I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
          Well, let's not dwell.


            Originally posted by ses110
            Maybe the
            "Not Exactly" is what drove Barrett crazy? I know it's making me a little crazy.
            That scene baffled me
            Why did Barrett say that? Sam and Barrett had no relationship. They did not date. What the heck was that about? Thank goodness Sam set the boundary with him and to confirm for us Shippers that she sees him as a FRIEND!! I like Barrett but he was way out of line even if Ba'al programmed him and he's not quite himself!


              Originally posted by GateSeeker2
              Ok that's another option too....but...why would Mark setting his sister up with a friend of his enable him to "get closer to his sister"? I mean Mark lives in San Diego as per "Cold Lazurus" S1 and "Seth" S3. I can't think that this would better their relationship. If I was Sam, I would think he was trying to meddle in my private love life - as hollow and pathetic as it might have been at the time.
              Setting Sam up with his friend, who probably lives closer to him, could bring them closer together if Pete could get Sam to move in with Pete. Mark as no clue what Sam does, nor how important her work is. If Sam had married Pete, one of them would need to get a transfer (as Pete plan/did?). In Mark's eyes, Pete probably had the more important job, so Sam would probably have to transfer closer to him. This would allow Mark and Sam to see each other more often and allow her to get to know Mark's wife and kids. See? Thus they would become closer.


                Originally posted by GateSeeker2

                I met a student once while I was an instructor with AETC (Air Education and Training Command) for USAF...who came to my base for a class...he wasn't my student but we met and became friends...stayed in touch when he left...when he returned a year later to take another class...I had to get formal written permission from my commanding officer to socially see this person (TechSargeant) who was on "student" status during the time at the base even though he again wasn't my student. The instructor/student line just wasn't crossed!!! And get this...I was a civilian!
                Were you at Lackland?


                  Originally posted by ses110
                  Gatetrixer it really bothered me when Sam promised to tell Pete everything.I doubt she had permission from Hammond.If I was Jack I would have a real problem with Sam's actions.My reaction at the time was Sam can do what it takes for Pete and not Jack.
                  This is another scene that really burns me up *eyes glow* from the epi "Chimera". It bothered me so much that it is the opening chapter of my fic "Dancing Around the Issues". Of course, I'm no where near done with it.

                  I can't believe Sam told Pete what she did....she sure as heck didn't tell her Dad in S2 in Washington! And he was a Major General FCOL!!! Oh no!!!! but I'll gladly tell my stalker boyfriend!!!

                  PS. Tok'Ra not Goa'uld *eys glow again*
                  This is great.
                  I told ya.
                  I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                  Well, let's not dwell.


                    No Sheppard
                    This is great.
                    I told ya.
                    I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                    Well, let's not dwell.


                      Originally posted by Nolamom
                      Which is all the more reason for Sam's
                      "not exactly" in season 9 when asked if she was single

                      If Jack is in Washington, at Homeland Security...then...
                      and ain't it funny how there was no mention of him until this last episode where they actually (heaven forbid) mentioned his name and showed him in the flashback at the beginning. Verrrrrrry Interesting! Ooo and at his cabin next week right?


                        Good question nell.Maybe
                        Barrett's warped mind thought up a relationship.I hope we have seen the last of looney tunes Barrett.I would not mind seeing an episode down the road that has Barrett trying to kill Jack and Sam comes to the rescue.


                          Originally posted by Sasusc
                          Setting Sam up with his friend, who probably lives closer to him, could bring them closer together if Pete could get Sam to move in with Pete. Mark as no clue what Sam does, nor how important her work is. If Sam had married Pete, one of them would need to get a transfer (as Pete plan/did?). In Mark's eyes, Pete probably had the more important job, so Sam would probably have to transfer closer to him. This would allow Mark and Sam to see each other more often and allow her to get to know Mark's wife and kids. See? Thus they would become closer.

                          OK you can argue that point...and I'll agree that it could be valid...however...

                          Sam can't just transfer...she'd have to put in for reassignment to another base and wait for orders...and she'd only be able to transfer so many places...but doing what she does in this fictious universe there wouldn't be another place in Denver (for Pete) or in San Diego (for Mark) where Sam could be physically near her brother. Plus, most assignments usually last on average 4 years...but depending on career field you could be transferred more often. And being posted somewhere for 10 years is just not reality based.

                          I most certainly agree that in Pete's little world he definitely thinks his job is more important - as evidenced by their "morning after scene." I think he still thinks that after learning about the program too...maybe.
                          This is great.
                          I told ya.
                          I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                          Well, let's not dwell.


                            Me too.I had to stop myself from yelling at the screen when Sam said that to Pete.I was not a happy camper.I feel my blood pressure going up just thinking about Sam's actions and that episode.I wonder how Jacob would have felt if he found out Sam was ready to spill the beam to stalker Boy.


                              Originally posted by GateSeeker2
                              I think he still thinks that after learning about the program too...maybe.
                              Ah, but you know, deep space telemetry...kinda boring stuff and all...sure, there's the occassional alien with glowy eyes and shooting firebolts, but hey, it's not a girl's job to worry her purty lil' head 'bout...


                                Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
                                Anyone remember me? LOL. Haven't posted since last year according to the "last visited" annoucement when I logged on but I just thought I'd toss in my two cents on last nights ep.


                                Here goes:

                                1. I like that there was no Daniel!! LOL. He talks to fast and gives me a headache.......

                                2. Claudia and Ben finally got some alone time without Shanks!! I loved the "absolutely" from Vala to Mitchell and wheeeee she pulled the pin out of his grenade!!! LOL They should not be wasting these two just because they are afraid of the "Farscape" thing. They have the chemistry, use it!!! I love Farscape, but I am aware that they are playing different characters now and I think Vala acts more "adult" with Mitchell than she does with Daniel.

                                3. Loved Sam yelling at Barrett!!! She's like back off FBI stooge, Im taken!

                                4. As far as the Mitchell/Sam thing goes it seems like a brother/sister thing to me and its like he's looking out for her for Jack (not that he needs to cause Sam can take care of herself definately) but Mitchell has the "leave her alone" stare down pat, especially the one he gave to "lemon boy" last week.

                                5. I liked the Vala/Sam scenes.

                                Okaye thats all I have right now, but it wasn't a horrible ep. Not really fond of Baal but at least it was a "team" effort, such as the team is now.

                                Welcome back and I agree with all your points about last night's episode.
                                Also, welcome Jitterbug! This place is addicting! Post lots!

