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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sueKay
    Hey all!

    Back from London...had a great time, but came down with a really bad viral infection

    But I met Shelsfc, GateBee, Twisted_Angel and Somnium, and with their permission, I'll try posting some piccies later
    I can totally sympathise with you son shared his virus with us and we've all been in bed for most of the week...went back to work today...feeling a heck of a lot better...hope yu're feeling better soon too!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      It certainly helped. Oh, the angst. I don't think I've ever written anything so depressing in my life. Maybe I should go to bed. Maybe....
      Angst is good, but even better when there is a happy ending


        Originally posted by sueKay
        Hey all!

        Back from London...had a great time, but came down with a really bad viral infection

        But I met Shelsfc, GateBee, Twisted_Angel and Somnium, and with their permission, I'll try posting some piccies later
        Ouch, poor you, hope you're feeling better now. My husband always falls ill when we go away It's like all the bugs are just waiting for him to relax, couldn't get to him when he is working , oh no, it has to be when we go on holiday
        Anyway, looking foward to your pics, it's always nice to put faces to names




          I'm much better now, but I was ill for most of the day, to the point where I couldn't walk for fear of falling down

          I started getting better, but after running to try and catch Twisted_Angel's train, I got a bleeder in my eye! So I've got a burst blood vessel in my eye now!!! lol...

          and people never believed I had back luck...LOL!

          well...I'm not gonna post piccies of people til I know they don't mind, but here's some sight-seeing pics

          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Hi all - I need some fanfic recommendations....I like shippy ones that stick to canon, ones that have another plot going on besides S/J angst, and ones that are teen rated at the highest.

            Here are some examples of ones I have enjoyed lately...Making the Attempt, Guarding the Gate, Aftershocks.

            I've read a lot of Sally Reeve's stories lately and while I really like them I want to read some that really fit in to the established storyline.
            I'm Just Sayin'

            ~I'm Just Sayin'~


              If you like Sally Reeves' fics nd want to read ones that fit into SG1 Canon, you should read her novels (under Malcolm not Reeves)

              pity they're not really shippy

              I'm not actually sure about any fics recs I can give you, because I normally don't take canon into account when reading fics...I just make sure the characters are in character

              sorry I'm rambling...blame the meds
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Hey everyone. First post in this thread LOL I sort of lurk most of the time.

                I'm a Sam/Jack fan - not nearly as intensely as most of you but a supporter in the sense that I see it and I think they play off each other very well. Anway, I just wanted to post my two cents on the Sam/Jack relationship.

                I'm glad they haven't done anything to violate the regs. My dad was military and I have friends that are military and I understand that dedication to the service. The reality for us fans of this relationship is that Jack has to retire or Sam has to retire. I'm voting for Jack LOL. If we could get RDA to come back as a regular, I would say have him retire and come back in a civilian capacity to the SGC. It's not uncommon for officers who have certain skills to retire and then lend those skills to the military to do things such as training. My father, for example, was a pilot. He retired and now trains young military pilots how to fly. As for the consequences for the actions of having a relationship in the military - they don't really jump straight to court martial - that's sort of a last resort. The consequences are usually counseling, reprimand, unfavorable information file (usually a black mark on their record which can do some harm to their career), removal from their position, reassignment, demotion, and so forth. As the military puts it, counseling is most often successful in ending "unprofessional" relationships. As for bending the regs, the military is very hard-nosed and unfortunately for our Sam/Jack, it's THEM we should be annoyed at. When you join the military you sacrifice freedoms. If you want them back, you leave. In case you were wondering where I got my info

                This ultimately means that they can't be in a relationship even now because of the regs.

                So I vote we start a JACK RETIRE...again campaign LOL


                  Originally posted by Lord_Minister
                  Ok no offence. but you guys know that this cant happen. its a federal offence in the eyes of the US military!
                  There are numerous ways around *THAT* particular problem, LM!
                  Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                  My fanfic


                    Originally posted by Lord_Minister
                    WOW! youve convinced me! I never knew about that! i have got to see that episode! I was wrong to question you people.

                    I guess im now a sam and jack shipper...
                    OMG we've finally found a family member who hasn't watched 'D&C'!!!! You really need to! Glad to see we've converted another Stargate fan to our side lol!
                    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                    My fanfic


                      Good afternoon shipper family... I have 10 pages to catch up...Yes you posted 10 pages in only half a day...So sorry in advance if the things I said have already been said!!!
                      As from tomorrow I will not be online that much cause I have friends over and I don't think they will appreciate that I come online oooh how will I survive without you guys?!?
                      And Wednesday I am going to meet up with Lizlove! ok that is for the off topic for now...


                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                        Thanks! I've been posting up a storm tonight with the new eps and all. Wow. 2000. That's a lot. I need to get a life!
                        Wow! 2000 posts! Congratulations!

                        Hey, you have a life. We're part of it, so keep posting!


                          Originally posted by Gate gal
                          Here are my thoughts on tonight's episode. Major spoilers ahead and its very long.
                          Opening preview was Jack!!!! There was the scene from LC1 where he got his download from the repository. ** My daughter and I squeeed until hubby shut us up.** Ba'al (or a Ba'al clone) crashed his ship beside the mountain and allowed himself to be taken prisoner. He wanted to make a deal and would only speak with SG1. He claimed Merlin's weapon was on one of the planets whose address Jack got in the repository. He offered to help them find the weapon if they got rid of all the other Ba'als for him. (Of course, he had transponders in each one and the means to track them.) Landry authorized the mission but had them bring back the Ba'als alive. There was a conversation between Landry and Cameron about Vala and whether or not Cam could control her well enough for the mission. Cam told Landry he didn't control any of them, since he and Sam were the same rank and the rest of the team weren't military. (Evidentally, SG1 no longer has a leader. That could get interesting!) There were some scenes of the team capturing Ba'als, lots of Ba'al jokes, and the real fun began. Agent Barrett was at the SGC waiting to take the Ba'als to the NID. There was a very ugly scene between him and Sam in the commissary where he told her they had unresolved issues (what?!?), and while he didn't have clearance to interogate the Ba'als, he went in any way (with his weapon). He was overpowered by Ba'al, and the Ba'al's took over a large section of the base. They captured several hostages including Sam, who they tricked into downloading the addresses from the ancient repository by threatening to kill the hostages (starting with Barrett). **This scene bugged me. Ba'al wanted her to do the download, and she told him to go ahead and kill her instead. He made the threat against Barrett, and she did the download. I wish the threat would have been against a different hostage, because some people (non shippers) might think she had feelings for him. Personally, I think she just wasn't willing to sacrifice anyone's life but her own.** Cam, Teal'c, and Vala each led teams of marines into the contained section, while the scientists prepared to send a go'uld poison into the area. The Ba'als got their downloaded disk and made their escape via beaming technology during the fire fight. Agent Barrett was taken into custody, because he had been hypnotized into participating in Ba'al's plot. Sam felt guilty for the download (which she had managed to stall for as long as possible), but General Landry told her she had done the right thing. There was no Daniel in tonight's episode, but he did get a mention.

                          I liked tonight's episode. Last week was better IMO, but this was still good.
                          I thought Sam was slightly out of character during the hostage scene, but it wasn't bad. I also wandered why Vala got to lead a team of Marines, but it didn't ruin anything for me.
                          Thank you so much for your insights and the summary of the ep!!! I really enjoyed readin it and it makes like I have seen the ep. As for what I have been reading
                          It looks like again they don't do a thing with the ship!! Like it doesn't excist. I mean they really are testing our patient. I just hope that they will finally get it that we do want our ship. RIGHT NOW. I mean I know I am most of the time optimistic but they did have the oppurtunity to give us a little hint about the ship and they didn't!!! So now I am mad and dissapointed. Even if I haven't seen the ep yet!


                            Originally posted by sueKay

                            I'm much better now
                            thank goodness!
                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            well...I'm not gonna post piccies of people til I know they don't mind, but here's some sight-seeing pics

                            sniff I miss London!!!! I wanna go back!
                            Okay, I got that over with. Very nice pics. Looking forward to the more important pics of FRIENDS.


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                              Thanks! I've been posting up a storm tonight with the new eps and all. Wow. 2000. That's a lot. I need to get a life!
                              CONGRATULATIONS ON 2000 POSTS
                              and what are you saying?!? you don't have a life??? I mean you have a life with your shipper family lol


                                Welcome Aboard Twilight506!
                                Welcome Aboard Lord Minister

                                (missed you last night)

