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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
    Let me guess!!! Entity? Can I come over? Please?
    I want to come to and can someone than give me a tissue to


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje
      I want to come to and can someone than give me a tissue to
      Here, have a tissue. *off to Stargate Barbie's*


        sure! everyone back to my place! of course its 4am, so rather than wake up the whole house with the door bell, i'll just leave the door open. i'll put it on pause, and throw on some popcorn.

        ooohh, the malp just came alive, and now they're in the briefing room. "so we're calling it a probe". gotta love that guy.


          Originally posted by stargate barbie
          sure! everyone back to my place! of course its 4am, so rather than wake up the whole house with the door bell, i'll just leave the door open. i'll put it on pause, and throw on some popcorn.

          ooohh, the malp just came alive, and now they're in the briefing room. "so we're calling it a probe". gotta love that guy.
          *puts on her coat* *takes some ben and jerry's to give to LAD and SB* *goes over to stargate barbie* *be really silent when going in to the house*


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
            *puts on her coat* *takes some ben and jerry's to give to LAD and SB* *goes over to stargate barbie* *be really silent when going in to the house*
            hurry up! i lied about pausing it, she's in the infirmary and jacks all worried and devastated. janet just told him the entities in her brain! ooh now he's in there alone with her while the others are in the observation part!


              hey, has anyone else noticed that we had a lot more viewers when we were arguing? we are not your puppets lurkers!!!!

              (ooh, now the entities awake)


                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                hurry up! i lied about pausing it, she's in the infirmary and jacks all worried and devastated. janet just told him the entities in her brain! ooh now he's in there alone with her while the others are in the observation part!
                Wait! I'm not even to the airport yet! Wait...I don't even know where I'm going. *follows sounds of squeeing and/or crying*


                  Originally posted by stargate barbie
                  hurry up! i lied about pausing it, she's in the infirmary and jacks all worried and devastated. janet just told him the entities in her brain! ooh now he's in there alone with her while the others are in the observation part!
                  *runs to SB* *so do I have to swim over the Northsea for you??? If you have 4 am now??? that is so going to be cold*

                  Originally posted by stargate barbie
                  hey, has anyone else noticed that we had a lot more viewers when we were arguing? we are not your puppets lurkers!!!!

                  (ooh, now the entities awake)
                  Evil Evil Evil, just when you think the arguement is over... you bring it back again. Maybe what we need is our own OT thread were we can argue as much as we want or don't want.

                  and I love that scene when she does that sign to Jack *shippy moments*


                    Originally posted by ses110
                    I cannot understand anyone being worried about Sam becoming just Jack's girl.Does anyone really believe TPTB would just have Sam become Jack's girlfriend and nothing more?When RDA was one of TPTB does anyone really think RDA would allow that? Since RDA is no longer a full time cast member there is no way Sam can become just Jack's Girl.I never bought that Jack's girl argument for a second.Stargate is a SciFi Show not desperated Housewives.
                    ses, i would normally answer you on this, but i'm too down to deal with this anymore. adding in the unbearable heat that's been hitting southern cal for weeks, and this stupid medication i'm taking that's effecting my mood/state of mind... it's better that i just drop my ranting. please forgive me for not answering...





                      Originally posted by stargate barbie
                      hey, has anyone else noticed that we had a lot more viewers when we were arguing? we are not your puppets lurkers!!!!

                      (ooh, now the entities awake)

                      G'night you guys, and lurkers and TPTB too, cuz we love everybody!
                      Now, I believe it's time to rassle remote from hubby and throw in
                      a certain DVD!

                      by the way...


                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                        *runs to SB* *so do I have to swim over the Northsea for you??? If you have 4 am now??? that is so going to be cold*

                        Evil Evil Evil, just when you think the arguement is over... you bring it back again. Maybe what we need is our own OT thread were we can argue as much as we want or don't want.

                        and I love that scene when she does that sign to Jack *shippy moments*
                        oh no, i'm not bringing the argument back, just making an observation that there are a lot less people viewing the thread at the moment. i put it into a bad joke. sorry. and uumm, to get to my house, head over the french border, swim across the channel and aim for that smaller island next to the bigger island. i suggest heading for the bottom of it and going up through land to get to dublin, you really dont want to head into the irish sea.


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                          Wait! I'm not even to the airport yet! Wait...I don't even know where I'm going. *follows sounds of squeeing and/or crying*
                          just try swimming across the atlantic, i should be on the first island you see! just on the far side of it.

                          EDIT: c'mon c'mon, jack is about to threaten the entity! (daniel's talking to it right now, but any second now, jacks gonna be all like; "leave her or we'll kick your butts!") c'mon, you're missing iiiittt!!!


                            Originally posted by stargate barbie
                            just try swimming across the atlantic, i should be on the first island you see! just on the far side of it.

                            EDIT: c'mon c'mon, jack is about to threaten the entity! (daniel's talking to it right now, but any second now, jacks gonna be all like; "leave her or we'll kick your butts!") c'mon, you're missing iiiittt!!!
                            I really wish Thor was my close personal friend right about now!


                              Originally posted by Rocketgal
                              G'night you guys, and lurkers and TPTB too, cuz we love everybody!
                              Now, I believe it's time to rassle remote from hubby and throw in
                              a certain DVD!

                              by the way...
                              LOL! i can't green you, but those are the perfect pictures. i'm watching possibly the most angsty episode of stargate ever (next to 100 days) and i cannot stop giggling now.

                              EDIT: ooh jack just shot her!


                                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                                oh no, i'm not bringing the argument back, just making an observation that there are a lot less people viewing the thread at the moment. i put it into a bad joke. sorry. and uumm, to get to my house, head over the french border, swim across the channel and aim for that smaller island next to the bigger island. i suggest heading for the bottom of it and going up through land to get to dublin, you really dont want to head into the irish sea.
                                *swimming swimming* *shipping shipping*
                                I am almost there just wait for it: PAUSE IT PAUSE IT I want to see that end ok. and why should I go to france if I am in Belgium???

                                Ok almost there...

