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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
    You know, I totally agree with you and a point. I just don't understand how it would diminish Sam's character at this point to say, "Yep, Sam and Jack have finally gotten together, after all those years of working together." Daniel and Teal'c could even comment that neither of them is surprised that this happened, once the regs were out of the way. They've known for some time how Sam and Jack feel.....especially Teal'c. What makes Sam and Jack both look "romantically inept" is to keep them dancing around each other when TPTB have made it clear that each is in love with the other!!! That's just.....un-adult!

    Sam Carter is a highly accomplished woman.....and an accomplished woman should be able to enjoy success in every phase of her life. Being loved by someone, and loving them in return, doesn't make anyone less capable, less professional, less independent. It just means that the person has achieved success in another phase of her life!

    How come all the adults on the show feel afraid to admit this? I get it. I think most of you get it. Why are they afraid to acknowledge it? Just acknowledge it, shut us up and move on to other stories!!!

    I will say, however, that the AOL interview seems to be at odds with other things AT has said about Sam Carter. I'll put these observations in spoiler tags.

    A woman who wants to be taken seriously and who respects her character (as we know AT does) wouldn't suggest that the character and another character, "have a night of incredible sex....and move on." Come on! That's just.....slutty! Skanky! Trashy! I don't think AT sees Sam this way. And I know I don't!!!

    Also.....AT said in a Skiffy promo just a few weeks ago that, "Now that he's not her boss anymore, maybe she can have a little FUN with him!" That doesn't sound like someone who is anti-ship.

    So, are we sure this interview is accurate? One thing's for sure: I'm back to being anxious and confused......
    the bit in spoiler tags is why i believe that the comment that has everyone upset was said in a joking fashion just wasn't published as such. again i look to how the question was phrased, and say that the interviewer may not have been a shipper. don't know why i get that impression though.

    as for the rest of you non spoilery post, i don't think that AT thinks it weakens the character or would have to take over the character. i don't think RDA believes this either. and i don't think that TPTB think it consciously either, but often it does end up as such on tv shows, and i think that AT may be weary of that knowledge. think about how TPTB tend to write women on their show. while i find that they write some of the strongest women in sci fi, i don't think they are aware (or even that they care) about where they go wrong, in that female characters need at least one romantic interest/possibility, and that they will show more scenes of a females love life and thoughts on it than that of a males.

    for example and excluding s/j, jack had sara (one episode), kynthia (one episode), laira (one episode) and
    kerry (one episode).

    daniel had, shau're ( a few episodes ), yer woman from need (one), keira (one, and the episode after his wife died FCOL!) and sarah gardner (not really love interest, just needed a close relationship, and heaven forbid they should have just been friends because that never happens! ).

    teal'c had, drey'auc (a couple of episodes), shau'nac (one), ishta (a couple, and of course they couldn't just respect each other as warriors and friends, they had to become a couple), and yer woman from that episode i'd like to forget.

    sam had (although all in a non sexual way bar one), narim (3 eps), martouf (with added confusion of her symbiote convieniently for many eps), orlin (one ep), barrett (several eps), pete (too many eps, more detail than any of the guys, not at her request, she only asked for him for one ep as far as i know, and how many other times do they listen to her? eeemm, NONE!), that kid from emancipation liked her (one), and i may have missed some admirers. again, only one of them a boyfriend, but shown in far more detail than any of the guys. why is that? IMO because TPTB think that just because she's a very beautiful woman, she should be written constantly as having guys fall for her, her being confused about feelings, blah blah blah. this does not weaken amanda tapping in any way, and IMO it didn't weaken sam carter, but it very nearly could have.

    just look at vala last season

    first of all in the episode she was introduced in in season 8, she slept with daniel. he treated her like crap, she constantly hit on him and made comments to him, and made innuendo in general. the result? people on here (and elsewhere) called her a slut.

    sam falls in love with jack, had they slept together, and gotten together do people really think that TPTB would have done her character justice? do people think that had she been talking about jack last season that people wouldn't still make insulting and disrespectful comments about her because she was in a relationship with jack o'neill?

    personally, while i would have loved to have seen them together a little more, and have them actually get together, and be mentioned maybe one or two more times last season, in a way i'm glad they didn't, because i really do think that TPTB are capable of doing exactly what amanda tapping feared for her character. and worse.

    for example and not really all that bad IMO, but


    in ripple effect, when sam nearly kissed martouf. now the most logical explaination to me was, she either hasn't gotten together with jack yet, and she was curious as to the possibilities as to whether there was really anything there with martouf. or, it was a residual confusion thing from jolinar. the latter makes the most sense to me, given everything i've seen on the show about the jolinar thing to date.

    however, there was uproar here when that happened. now, i think the explaination behind the scenes and in the writer/producer room was, hey, we've got martouf for an episode, and jacks not on the show right now, and we're a bit p'd off with most of our fans because they don't love our new show, and we've gotten a resolution from almost all of sams other ships, a lot of them in the last season or two, so why not bring out another one!?!

    often, TPTB since around season 7 especially, don't think of the long term consequences of their actions. they only think of the now. of this arc, this episode, and sometimes (it seems to me) of this scene. they don't plan ahead as much as they used to.

    its not AT's fault, and its not RDA's fault (he's had a lot less-no input on the production side of the show since around this time). they are both caught in the firing line. the phrase "don't shoot the messenger" comes to mind.

    also its not sams fault and its not jacks fault.

    *long deep sigh*


      sorry Lizlove and RepliCartertje. i'll be good. sometimes i can't help it. sorry.


        Originally posted by stargate barbie
        sorry Lizlove and RepliCartertje. i'll be good. sometimes i can't help it. sorry.
        Don`t worry. It`s for eveyone. A general advise. Aren`t we supossed to share the love here?

        Be just a bit more optimistic. It`s just words....


          I will try not to talk about the Actors anymore.I just hope there is some sort of Sam/jack resolution soon.These interviews will continue to be a sore spot for me until the Ship is resolved one way or the other.It is not easy to not pay attention to the interviews since we are not getting any Ship onscreen.


            Originally posted by stargate barbie
            i'm not surprised that you feel that way. i've never really felt that you were a fan of AT, and frequently i find myself thinking that you and a few others here just don't like her for whatever reason. and you and i rarely share the same opinions. and thats fine, and i'm not saying that there is anything wrong with that so please don't misunderstand me here. we shouldn't all be the same, and everyone sees things differently.

            i do like and respect both AT and RDA obviously, and it does sadden and bother me that people feel as you and ses and others do, but i'm not going to lose sleep over it.

            all i do know is that of all the people i've heard of who have ever encountered her, not one of them has had something negative to say. i don't think i've ever heard of someone who had a personal encounter with her say anything bad. i am not really the kind of person who would easily call myself a "fan" of people, but i am certainly a fan of amanda tappings. she seems like a wonderful person, and i've never had any reason to believe otherwise.

            and she genuinely seems to care about her fans, and about people in general. she inspires me to try to be better, nicer, more honest, and just generally to be the best person i can be. and i think she is one of the best rolemodels i've ever seen, celebrity or otherwise, especially for women, and more especially for women aspiring to survive in male dominated occupations. in particular the media.

            i've heard how other people on this thread feel about her lately, so i just thought i'd post a brief explaination of my thoughts on her.

            general post, not neccessarily in direct response to the quote at the start of this post;

            i've already made comments and replied with my opinions on terms like "flip-flopping" "pick a side" who gets asked what during interviews and how it determines what is said (RDA doesn't bring it up much, but neither does AT. its ususally the interviewer who mentions it first, with rare exceptions in my interview reading experience). i get the feeling i may be upsetting, annoying and possibly even making a few enemies here regarding my defence of AT (possibly among other things, i'm not sure), so i think i'll just resolve to sticking my fingers in my ears and humming loudly when ever i feel one of my favourite characters of actors is being spoken of unfairly. i know not everyone has this opinion based on the amount of green i've had in the last day, for which i thank you all greatfully. basically, if people want me to stop defending people and offering up my mostly honest opinions on this or any other issue, i'll do so. heck, i'll even vacate the thread if someone asks me too. but its in my nature to defend those whom i believe need defending.

            i'd like to apologise in advance to anyone who doesn't like my opinions or my vocalisations of them.

            (and just so that people don't think i'm being an uber-samandan or something, i'm more than willing to talk about why i like RDA in the same way i did about AT. just for the sake of equality.)
            I'll just add one little comment, and then let it lie: I don't dislike AT, and have heard nothing but good things about her as a person. I just have a problem with the way she's handling this issue. If she'd just come out and say, "I don't want them together," at least I'd hold out the hope that we'd get our ship resolution in spite of her views, not be of the mind that she is (or may be) fighting for us with TPTB.

            However, as somebody said, this is a family, and everybody is entitled to their viewpoints. Discussions where we take different sides are what keeps the list alive.

            Edited to add: And yes, I'm definitely making this my last comment. I'll try not to mention either of the actors anymore on this thread.
            - Mary
            SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


              Originally posted by ses110
              I will try not to talk about the Actors anymore.I just hope there is some sort of Sam/jack resolution soon.These interviews will continue to be a sore spot for me until the Ship is resolved one way or the other.It is not easy to not pay attention to the interviews since we are not getting any Ship onscreen.
              I understand. Just ignore interviews. Don`t take it too hard. Enjoy the family, the ship, the videos, stargate, the fics,...
              You have more to be happy about than sad!


                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                sorry Lizlove and RepliCartertje. i'll be good. sometimes i can't help it. sorry.
                No it is ok... I have the same problem that I just can't help it. It is just the fact that this is a thread about Sam/Jack and not about AT/ RDA. I mean people get those confused. I mean just think about it as 4 persons. And here we only talk about Sam/Jack. I mean that would resolve the problems about bashing around and hurting someone feelings cause after reading some of the coments on AT I was hurt. I really was hurt and I don't think I was the only one. I mean this have to be fun and nothing else. I just want to enjoy the ship and nothing more. I want to discuss the ship but not the actress AT or the actor RDA. There are other threads for that
                Last edited by RepliCartertje; 15 July 2006, 06:13 PM.


                  Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                  Sorry for reposting my post shamless self propaganda

                  But I was wondering, does anybody have an example of a show where ship was written succesfully? something that did not happen at the begining or at the end of the show?

                  Hart to Hart & Hillstreet Blues (Frank and Joyce until they messed with it)


                    Originally posted by Rocketgal
                    Hart to Hart & Hillstreet Blues (Frank and Joyce until they messed with it)
                    ah but with hart to hart they started off as a married couple and it was a major part of the show. that and they had max. could we rename teal'c "max"? i guess we could rename daniel "freeway", but he might not be too happy about it.


                      Originally posted by Rocketgal
                      Hart to Hart & Hillstreet Blues (Frank and Joyce until they messed with it)
                      how about rescue me? that ships all different characters all over the place! some of which are consistant shippage. i think shipperahoy mentioned law & order being successful at shipping at times.

                      can't think of any others off hand right now.


                        Originally posted by Rocketgal
                        Hart to Hart & Hillstreet Blues (Frank and Joyce until they messed with it)
                        How about MacGruder & Loud? I didn't watch the show, but that was Established Ship. And despite how it turned out, I think Scarecrow & Mrs. King would have worked if Kate hadn't gotten sick and had to cut back on her hours. Paradise had *almost* resolved ship, but TPTB backtracked at the last second. :-(
                        - Mary
                        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                          Originally posted by stargate barbie
                          ah but with hart to hart they started off as a married couple and it was a major part of the show. that and they had max. could we rename teal'c "max"? i guess we could rename daniel "freeway", but he might not be too happy about it.
                          "Daniel" as "Freeway"!! ROLF!! <giggles>

                          No, I don't think he would either.
                          - Mary
                          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                            Originally posted by stargate barbie
                            ah but with hart to hart they started off as a married couple and it was a major part of the show. that and they had max. could we rename teal'c "max"? i guess we could rename daniel "freeway", but he might not be too happy about it.
                            Tough, he would just have to wag his little doggy tail and be happy. When one ascends up and down like a yo-yo, one should be happy with whatever earthly body one gets!

                            p.s. Remember who it is that is actually responsible for ship or no ship...
                            Blame food service!!! One bad doughnut and TPTB might get testy.


                              Originally posted by AmberLM
                              RE: My earlier post about me thinking that Jack should make the next move

                              I don't hate Jack. I don't even dislike him one iota. I'm sorry if I came across as being hostile towards Jack, I didn't mean to.

                              I'd like to see the ship resolved LEGALLY and with dignity and respect for both Sam and Jack (i.e. no 'pining' Sam or 'moping' Jack). If that has not happened off-screen yet then I, personally, would like to see Jack admit his feelings in so many words when he is able to according to the regs. No more ambiguous "I wouldn't be here"s or "I'll always be here for you"s or interrupted conversations with Jack waving charred meat around, just something unmistakable. Out and out confessions are not Jack's style IMO (although I wouldn't mind hearing one!) but maybe he could ask Sam out on a casual date or something.

                              I guess it would be easier for TPTB to write if they were already together by the beginning of S10.
                              If they know each other so well then why does he have to ask her on a casual "date". If they actually discussed meeting somewhere in public then he probably would. But she would have to actually show her real self. They would both have to not be on duty and both have to let their gaurds down.
                              There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


                                Originally posted by Rocketgal
                                Tough, he would just have to wag his little doggy tail and be happy. When one ascends up and down like a yo-yo, one should be happy with whatever earthly body one gets!

                                p.s. Remember who it is that is actually responsible for ship or no ship...
                                Blame food service!!! One bad doughnut and TPTB might get testy.
                                maybe if the earthly body lets her gaurd down as well
                                There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.

