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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I was a lurker in this thread for at least a year. It's so much fun to come out and join the shippy fun!

    Also, "favorite shippy line" is very intriguing for the poll as well. It doesn't matter; whatever we don't pick as the poll can be discussed in depth afterwards!


      OMA: My vote is for: Most Squee-worthy moment!

      Yay, I'm soooooo excited about Ship Day, it's the first one I'll actually be taking part in even though I've been here for a long time!

      I should be here most of the day, my dad had to *really* bribe me to leave the house to go to see Superman with him and some friends of the family on Friday night - I've made him promise to buy me lots of 'Phish Food' (B&J's, of course! ) when we go to the cinema so I won't be missing out *entirely* on the ship during the evening lol!

      Oh, BTW Nolamom, Sam's Banana Republic top was a short-sleeved, fitted T-shirt, not a sleeveless tank top. They might sell tanks as well but the one I saw at GABIT was a t-shirt. Just FYI
      Last edited by AmberLM; 26 July 2006, 01:55 PM.
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        Drive by posting!

        I vote for Favourite Angsty Moment!

        Yes and to those people Lurking, DELURK this instant!!!

        Now come on little Lurkers, Ship Nana has a Shipper Cookie just for you!

        It is an EVERY COLOR SHIPPER COOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!

        It erases shipper memories of all bad spoilers, episodes, and character appearances that depress shippers and replaces them with positive Sam/Jack memories.

        This shipper cookie was created in Honor of the 2nd ANNUAL CELEBRATION! ITS SHIP DAY JULY 28TH, 2004.

        It is guaranteed to keep all shippers in only the best shipper mood.
        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by Oma-1
          Whatever makes you squee! It will be different for each of us, and that's good cos it gives us different things to vote for

          Okay Campers! It's time to chose the subject for our ship day poll! Here are the nominations:

          Favourite Look
          Favourite Angsty Moment
          Favourite Squee-Worthy Moment
          or the list that Replicartertje suggests above.

          Can we have all votes in by tomorrow US Eastern 7am / UK 12 midday please. Then we can start suggesting our favourite moments to vote on.
          I love all the suggestions, but I realise we can't have a gazillion polls in one day. LOL
          I think I'd like a poll for Favourite Squee-Worthy Moment, or my second choice is for Favourite Look.

          *thinks about all the scenes to suggest*


            Originally posted by JackandSamAddict
            Hello! I'm new to GateWorld! I love Stargate and Jack and Sam !!!


            Welcome! I see you are from Texas as well! Post lots and most importantly, have FUN!!


              I like angsty or squee-worthy moments. And do delurk, it's great!!!


                Hehehe * rottie opens mouth and eats cookie*.....whooooooa I feeeel positive
                A well respected member of:

                Check out my newest made forum!



                  Originally posted by Ship Nana
                  Now come on little Lurkers, Ship Nana has a Shipper Cookie just for you!

                  It is an EVERY COLOR SHIPPER COOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!

                  It erases shipper memories of all bad spoilers, episodes, and character appearances that depress shippers and replaces them with positive Sam/Jack memories.

                  This shipper cookie was created in Honor of the 2nd ANNUAL CELEBRATION! ITS SHIP DAY JULY 28TH, 2004.

                  It is guaranteed to keep all shippers in only the best shipper mood.
                  "Hallowed are Ship Nana's Shipper Cookies!" They've helped us through some tough times and they're yummy too!

                  Once again, I ask all those lurking to delurk for the reasons posted in my sig pic at the bottom of this post - \/, we love having new family members to share the ship with!
                  Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                  My fanfic


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                    I like angsty or squee-worthy moments. And do delurk, it's great!!!
                    Ok now you get me what do you vote for?? cause well I think you have said them all now

                    You know this voting was hard for me but what will it be if I have to choose for the poll itself???


                      JACK & BHK



                        Mmmm, shipper cookies

                        All the lurkers out there, and you know who you are please come out and play!
                        For Sam & Jack

                        Aren't they adorable? They're just meant to be together....


                          Ok it looks like operation delurk has to kick in again...So I will make a suggestion the first one who delurks gets a sig made by me...
                          So that has to delurk them! don't it????


                            I vote for favorite look, and I know just which one!

                            Just sayin', I feel like a delurker since my computer bellied-up at home; now I can only post when at work til it's fixed or replaced. Phooey! But gonna post something, at sometime on Ship Day!

                            (And ooh, I bet we'll hit page 2000 this weekend! )
                            MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                            Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                              Ok it looks like operation delurk has to kick in again...So I will make a suggestion the first one who delurks gets a sig made by me...
                              So that has to delurk them! don't it????
                              Lol, fab idea, Repli!

                              BTW, there seems to be some debate as to whether Jack is really 'Jonathan' or 'John' and so far the evidence strongly suggests that General "Jack" O'Neill is actually General "John" O'Neill and not "Jonathan" as I have believed for so many years!

                              I think I'm just gonna stick with calling the male half of our favourite couple "Jack" from now on! I could see him as a 'Jonathan' but not as a 'John' for some reason. Hmmm... well, "Jack" is the name both Sam and O'Neill seem to prefer so "Jack" it will be!

                              *pauses and then looks puzzled* "You talkin' to me, honey?"
                              "Yeah. I, uh, noticed your ID says your name is 'John'."
                              "Yeah, officially that's my name but no one's called me that since I was a kid!"
                              "Oh, ok. So...*Sam smirks wickedly* can I call you 'John'?"
                              "Why not?"
                              "Because I said so!"
                              "Oh, really? Any other reason?"
                              "Yes. Because the way you say 'Jack' makes me go weak at the knees."
                              "Oh, ok then." pause. "Can I call you... '' EDITED FOR PG FORUM
                              Last edited by AmberLM; 26 July 2006, 02:30 PM.
                              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                              My fanfic


                                Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                                Ok now you get me what do you vote for?? cause well I think you have said them all now

                                You know this voting was hard for me but what will it be if I have to choose for the poll itself???
                                I guess squee-worthy. I'd vote for WoO right away! That's so great!! BHK!

