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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Yay my very first post! I don't know about you but I'm sure excited! haha
    anyway I read about an upcoming episode and had a thought that I wanted to share...... kinda a big spoiler I guess

    they say over at stargate solutions that in "Line in the Sand" carter is badly wounded and Mitchell must administer morphine to ease her suffering. I recently had a taste of morphine myself (kidney stones, blah) and le me tell you- you tend to say some pretty outlandish things while on the drug! maybe just my wishful thinking but could it be possible tht Sam may divulge some personal info about a certain relationship while "under the influence"? one can only hope!


      I just hope that we DON'T get this in Season 10.....

      The wedding that is being mentioned had better NOT be Jack returning to Edora to wed Liara!!!!! Now that would just be WAY too sick for me to stomach! Or even still, Sam going ahead and marrying Pete!!! Besides that entirely weird epi "Moebius" led us to interpret a few changes might have occurred here and there to OUR beloved SG1 timeline..... And Sam's "not exactly" to Agent Barrett in "Deus...." might not have been referring to Jack no matter how much we shippers want to believe it. There's just no way I can believe TPTB would actually let there be a true shipper moment in S10... if ship occurs it'll have to be AU or dream sequence or hallucination or some other chicken way of alluding to what we all see.

      On a different note...really like Ba'al....unfortunate that he's a Goa'uld and not a Tok'Ra. But then that would really change the entire plot thingy....d'uh...

      Would love to see Jack and Ba'al in a scene or two S10. The pics on GW of Ba'al looked interesting. Love fan fics where Ba'al tries to take Sam as his Queen only to have Jack pursue and beat the snot out of Ba'al....

      Oh well, just my thoughts. Good night to all...
      This is great.
      I told ya.
      I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
      Well, let's not dwell.


        Originally posted by Snarky25
        Yay my very first post! I don't know about you but I'm sure excited! haha
        anyway I read about an upcoming episode and had a thought that I wanted to share...... kinda a big spoiler I guess

        they say over at stargate solutions that in "Line in the Sand" carter is badly wounded and Mitchell must administer morphine to ease her suffering. I recently had a taste of morphine myself (kidney stones, blah) and le me tell you- you tend to say some pretty outlandish things while on the drug! maybe just my wishful thinking but could it be possible tht Sam may divulge some personal info about a certain relationship while "under the influence"? one can only hope!
        WELCOME SNARKY25!!!!

        And maybe Sam will give something away!


          Chapter 5 of my Sam/Jack story 'Just a little trip to the Zoo' is up!
          click here


            Originally posted by GateSeeker2
            I just hope that we DON'T get this in Season 10.....

            The wedding that is being mentioned had better NOT be Jack returning to Edora to wed Liara!!!!! Now that would just be WAY too sick for me to stomach! Or even still, Sam going ahead and marrying Pete!!! Besides that entirely weird epi "Moebius" led us to interpret a few changes might have occurred here and there to OUR beloved SG1 timeline..... And Sam's "not exactly" to Agent Barrett in "Deus...." might not have been referring to Jack no matter how much we shippers want to believe it. There's just no way I can believe TPTB would actually let there be a true shipper moment in S10... if ship occurs it'll have to be AU or dream sequence or hallucination or some other chicken way of alluding to what we all see.

            On a different note...really like Ba'al....unfortunate that he's a Goa'uld and not a Tok'Ra. But then that would really change the entire plot thingy....d'uh...

            Would love to see Jack and Ba'al in a scene or two S10. The pics on GW of Ba'al looked interesting. Love fan fics where Ba'al tries to take Sam as his Queen only to have Jack pursue and beat the snot out of Ba'al....

            Oh well, just my thoughts. Good night to all...
            Have to comment on that
            My thoughts since the beginning are that somene dreams that wedding. Be it Sam, Jack, Daniel or someone other. Because that ep mostly seems to be about how people would want to see Stargate as a movie. Be it in reality or illusion. I think it`s cliche episode. Like the badies are beaten or... the heroine and the hero ending up together. Just imagination`s work. That scene of course could lead to resolving issues between Sam and Jack. But that`s just my weird, fried imagination.


            Welcome Newbies!!!!
            And Congrats for Milestones!!!!


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
              WELCOME SNARKY25!!!!

              And maybe Sam will give something away!

              I love that idea. Sam could end up saying some VERY interesting things!


                Originally posted by Snarky25
                Yay my very first post! I don't know about you but I'm sure excited! haha
                anyway I read about an upcoming episode and had a thought that I wanted to share...... kinda a big spoiler I guess

                they say over at stargate solutions that in "Line in the Sand" carter is badly wounded and Mitchell must administer morphine to ease her suffering. I recently had a taste of morphine myself (kidney stones, blah) and le me tell you- you tend to say some pretty outlandish things while on the drug! maybe just my wishful thinking but could it be possible tht Sam may divulge some personal info about a certain relationship while "under the influence"? one can only hope!

                That's a very interesting and original idea Snarky 25. I wouldn't mind seeing that scene myself. I think you need to write a fanfic describing that very scenario.

                I love my little General Hammie!
                This is great.
                I told ya.
                I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                Well, let's not dwell.


                  Originally posted by Snarky25
                  Yay my very first post! I don't know about you but I'm sure excited! haha
                  anyway I read about an upcoming episode and had a thought that I wanted to share...... kinda a big spoiler I guess

                  they say over at stargate solutions that in "Line in the Sand" carter is badly wounded and Mitchell must administer morphine to ease her suffering. I recently had a taste of morphine myself (kidney stones, blah) and le me tell you- you tend to say some pretty outlandish things while on the drug! maybe just my wishful thinking but could it be possible tht Sam may divulge some personal info about a certain relationship while "under the influence"? one can only hope!
                  First of all...

                  Lovely idea. And that ep being after 200 we could learn some very interestng things about Sam and Jack from 'behind the scenes'. If that scenario were to happen of course


                    [QUOTE=Lizlove]Have to comment on that
                    My thoughts since the beginning are that somene dreams that wedding. Be it Sam, Jack, Daniel or someone other. Because that ep mostly seems to be about how people would want to see Stargate as a movie. Be it in reality or illusion. I think it`s cliche episode. Like the badies are beaten or... the heroine and the hero ending up together. Just imagination`s work. That scene of course could lead to resolving issues between Sam and Jack. But that`s just my weird, fried imagination.


                    This was might first night reading anything about a I hope you're right....I just don't want to get my hopes up any more...too tired of being dashed...I think you're right about the hero/heroine thingy though. The obvious would be an actually wedding for J/S but we can be 99.9 % certain that THAT won't ever we're stuck with the make believe....

                    Haven't really read any spoilers for S10 until tonight... but now I'm just too tired.
                    This is great.
                    I told ya.
                    I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                    Well, let's not dwell.


                      Originally posted by JMD
                      Isn't Ship Day on Friday, July 28th???

                      Earlier, someone (Wynter??) said she'd have to miss it this weekend because of a wedding she had to attend.

                      Please, someone, tell me it's July 28th!

                      Speaking of which, I have a fic I'd like to post for Ship Day (It's written, edited, proofed, on disc, all set to go). NOW what do I do?

                      Thank you!

                      RDA Rocks!!!
                      Yes Ship Day is July 28th.
                      As for your fic, if you want to share it with us on that day, you'll have to upload it somewhere (the most used site is
                      Once you have uploaded it, all you'll have to do is to give us the link.

                      Season 10 tonight!!! Woohoo!!!
                      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                        Originally posted by sweetoffee14
                        thanks! Skyone is great, i've seen Divide and Conquer, Window of Opportunity and Beneath the Surface in the past week cause of it i'm just wanting to keep note of the ones i really don't wanna miss cause some days i don't get in from work early enough to watch them (and i don't wanna stay up til 1.30am to catch them again) - it's ok to sound obsessed in this thread right? - i raced home from work today so i didn't miss todays two episodes it's so sad...but yeah any others please let me know, i dont wanna miss them two years running...

                        *takes note* considering there are 9 seasons you would've thought there would be more though but then maybe i shouldn't be too greedy lol

                        lol! it is DEFINATELY good to be obsessed! I went to pick my sister up from school on Wednesday because she was coming back late from an Athletics competition. Her coach was due to arrive at 5pm and i text her telling her to... (and i quote) 'hurry up i'm missing beneath the surface'...
                        of course i knew full well she couldn't hurry up because well, she wasnt driving the It was sods law tho cos the coach was late and i got in at 5.50 and so i missed the "feelings" bit but caught the "sir" bit.

                        Oh well i watched it the next day in full!!!!!!!!

                        But yeah... it is a good thing to be obsessed on this thread... its a safety zone... somewhere you can come and show your obsession without being ridiculed! YAAY!!!!!
                        Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                        Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                        Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                          Originally posted by waterfall
                          Hey all!!
                          I found this awesome vid on YouTube and I just had to share!!
                          It got me psyched for tomorrow's premier of Season 10!!!
                          Hope it will for you too!!



                          that was unbelievable!!!!!! OMG it was frickin' amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!! so powerful and a great vid in honour of season 10!!!!!!!! wow... its just... wow!!!!
                          Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                          Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                          Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                            Originally posted by Gate gal
                            So are we completely sure about this? I haven't read it yet. I love it, but I really need to see it in black and white before I'll believe it.
                            I need to see it in glorious technicolour before I'll believe it - doesn't stop me hoping though.

                            Being realistic for a moment, I'm expressing what I want to see, not what I truly believe will happen - despite spoilers I've read which seem to indicate it.

                            I've read one on GW that says "A wedding brings Jack back to the SGC". Another (from AT) says she's wearing a wedding dress. Another spoiler on GW that said Jack retires (in an Atlantis ep), but having seen more spoilers for that ep, it seems that Weir is hallucinating cos of some alien ...

                            So who the heck knows?

                            I just like positive spin. Keeps me happy in my own little world!

                            I hope I've still got my feet planted enough to not be totally gutted when the eps are nothing like I've imagined Usually they are very different - and the spoilers are very deceiving


                              Originally posted by wynter
                              hi guys,

                              i haven't been here for a long time, i have been so busy i haven't had time for any fun at all.

                              Hope you are all doing well and looking forward to season 10,let's hope we get the result we want!!!

                              i am sooooo upset,i have to go away this weekend to a wedding that means that i have to miss SHIPPER DAY,i have been trying to find ways around getting a pc for the day but i won't have any time to myself that day or evening.
                              I feel like it's the sam and potato head moment all over again.

                              I hope you all have a fab day and i know you all will and when i get home monday night i will be online to see the fab stuff i will have missed.

                              TO you all

                              HAPPY SHIPPER DAY!!!!!!XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

                              HAVE FUNXXXXXXXX

                              wynter! Don't panic!!!!!!

                              You're only missing the shipper meet in Manchester this weekend. Ship Day itself is 28th July.


                                Originally posted by Rocketgal
                                Not that I'm excited about tomorrow or that time now seems like it is dragging, but I am sooo bored.
                                Here's a pic...
                                Would ya, could ya somebody please add a caption to it.
                                Everything I came up with is lame!
                                Jack: Teal'c's showing off again. (smirks)
                                Sam: (Glances up, then back at Jack) Uh-huh. Never should have taken him to that air show. (big grin)

                                Both go back to checking out the scenery.

