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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
    Ok use them from other music vids? you will have your work with that...
    Do you have the dvd's from stargate? If you have you have to download 2 programs to convert you dvd's so you can make music vids with them... just an idea.
    thanks (i dont have any dvd's... ah well...)
    THANKYOU so much annelies!!! (samjackshiplover)


      Originally posted by hopalong
      You know, I seem to be in a minority here. I can actually handle episodes like '100 days', 'Chimera' and 'Affinity'. I'm not entirely sure why. Sure, there are some moments that I find cringeworthy, but on the whole, those eps dont bother me that much. I actually made a post here a while back sort of defending Jack's actions in '100 Days' (which I won't post again; same with my analysis of why the whole situation was necessary).

      Perhaps it's because I see these stories for what they are: necessary steps for Jack and Sam to take to realise just what they mean to each other, and I have the utmost confiddence that our ship will make it some day (although the waiting may kill us!).
      Hi hopalong, While my logical, rational mind agrees with you that '100 Days' was probably a necessary step in the ship of Jack and poor shippy heart just won't let me watch it. lol! Hmmm, I haven't watched Chimera or Affinity in a long, long while, so I'll have to rewatch those to see if they fall in the '100 Days' category for me.

      To all those celebrating today: HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!

      Thanks, sueKay!

      Thanks, Mala!


        I have to say - I find it much harder to watch Chimera and Affinity than 100 Days. That could just be because I've seen 100 Days so many times that I'm immune to it's effects...having said that, I still get annoyed at it whenever it's on...


          wooHoo - Thanks for the T4 UK clip...made my heart go all pitty pat. I used to be a very sometimes shipper. I may have to revise that. You guys are quite an influence!!!


            Originally posted by Nolamom
            wooHoo - Thanks for the T4 UK clip...made my heart go all pitty pat. I used to be a very sometimes shipper. I may have to revise that. You guys are quite an influence!!!
            it's what we do best.

            sigs created by the talented sueKay and RepliCartertje

            thankyou Rocketgal & Oma-1


              Originally posted by Nolamom
              wooHoo - Thanks for the T4 UK clip...made my heart go all pitty pat. I used to be a very sometimes shipper. I may have to revise that. You guys are quite an influence!!!
              we try our best but isnt the ship a great thing to like?!?!?! I think so anyways. Completly addicted. lol. on a different note thank you to the people who posted vids day, and pics. They're fab and always manage to make me smile.

              100 days was on the tv tonight. Usually when SG1 is on I watch it regardless of how many times I've seen it. Couldnt bring myself to watch this though. Going to watch WoW tonight to get over it. Did anyone else find a few shippy moments in urgo or is it just me (probably just me- i'm strange )

              sig by starlover1990


                Originally posted by scifi_girl
                we try our best but isnt the ship a great thing to like?!?!?! I think so anyways. Completly addicted. lol. on a different note thank you to the people who posted vids day, and pics. They're fab and always manage to make me smile.

                100 days was on the tv tonight. Usually when SG1 is on I watch it regardless of how many times I've seen it. Couldnt bring myself to watch this though. Going to watch WoW tonight to get over it. Did anyone else find a few shippy moments in urgo or is it just me (probably just me- i'm strange )
                no, i think people could look at urgo as REALLY shippy. remember how close they sit on the bed! and little touches and remarks. i love that episode, its so funny!. i like urgo's little song, it gets in my me me me me..... although in that episode, it seems more friend based than anything else, nothing substantial between sam and jack regarding their true feelings had come up yet, so it may just have been a friend, comfy thing?? who knows?

                sigs created by the talented sueKay and RepliCartertje

                thankyou Rocketgal & Oma-1


                  OK guys, lurker here. You might wanna head over to the main GW site and check out the update!

                  Banner by *E*K*R*


                    Originally posted by stargate-princess
                    no, i think people could look at urgo as REALLY shippy. remember how close they sit on the bed! and little touches and remarks. i love that episode, its so funny!. i like urgo's little song, it gets in my me me me me..... although in that episode, it seems more friend based than anything else, nothing substantial between sam and jack regarding their true feelings had come up yet, so it may just have been a friend, comfy thing?? who knows?
                    Well I think it is friendship but also shippy...
                    I love that scene when they are sitting there in the dialingroom and Urgo says let's go to there and... then after it jack was thinking about bikini's... the look at sam's face. just great
                    I always thought that Jack was thinking about Sam in a bikini... that is why I do find it such a shippy ep.
                    And all the touches and the looks that in the ep... they are just to great. Love it...really love it


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz

                      To all The Powers that Be
                      Please listen to L.A.D
                      You know what you've got to do
                      Or we'll set the Shipper Penguins on you!



                        Originally posted by stargate barbie

                        anyway, can't really watch 100 days unless i get the timing right to see a select few scenes. its not even the angst or the betrayal but i just can't watch that actress. i don't even know why, there's just something about her that just bugs me. and it might make me biased against the character or not, but i'm pretty sure laira is an evil manipulative b!€th. sorry.

                        anyway, i don't know how anyone can watch affinity whether they're an s/j shipper s/ shipper, anti shipper or whatever. worst. episode. ever. regardless of ship. (and i really do like DDL). even poor teal'c gets a crappy storyline. they finally give the guy some screen time and a new storyline and it SUCKED!

                        yes sam was very pretty in chimera, but that episode was very disappointing, and i'm not sure i'd want to watch it again. too much sam not enough daniel. and believe me i never thought i'd ever say that, but i mean in terms of their storylines in the ep and the importance of them.

                        Ok, I know I am still trying to catch up on reading and if someone else says this sorry.

                        100days, I love/hate that epi. I too think Laira is deeply evil, I was watching a CSI episoide and I saw her on it and I still continue to call her foul things. When I first got the DVDS and my hubby was watching them with me he had not seen this epi and I had told him I hated it, when he saw Laira and Jack he laughed at me and said ohhh thats why, while i cussed at her.

                        Hero's hug - I too think when Sam got off the planet she only know that both Jack and Janet were gravely injured not know what was happing with which, I am sure she was at the infarmay awaiting news we just didn't get to see it. I don't think she visited Jack before that scene maybe because I think she felt a guilt that although she was sadden about losing Janet she was greatful it wasn't him a surviors sort of guilt. I think the hug was hugely shippy as Jack understood and it was his way of saying I know, I would have felt the same, hence the let me snuggle your kneck and feel really close to you. Boy did my hubby plug his ears when I squeeed at that part.

                        Repli cart flash backs - I think they were real, I believe that repli carter had conflict in her between Sams feelings and her instincts as a repli, I don't think she felt a devotion to 5th as he tortured her trying to insure she would be loyal to him over Jack, which we know Sam would never do, even if for just pure military reasons.

                        S9 no mention of Jack, well I agree this was off, I mean when we were faced with the ori plauge Laundry mentions Hammonds office ?? I was under the assumption it he retired, I just think a big thing like that would have demanded some type of conversation with the Jack, even phone call of Laundry saying "Ok Jack will do, Keep me informed" hang up. I think TPTB really missed the boat on this they said they were going to ensure that although RDA(Jack) was gone he was not foregotten.. then mention him in more than the first 2 epis of the season!

                        HMMMM it was at least 9months scince seaons 8 ended wonder what can happen, seems like this is very fimilar to me what takes 9months??? lol
                        + = REAL SHIP NEEDED IN 10 + =


                          Originally posted by andi_b
                          OK guys, lurker here. You might wanna head over to the main GW site and check out the update!
                          Just read it and now I live in hope and even more... I am starting to be impatient

                          Did they say wedding?? I mean jack O'neill is coming back for a wedding...



                            23 guests? What!?!?!?!?! Ahem....

                            Operation Delurk is a non-profit organization dedicated to making shippers from all over the world happy. The goal of Operation Delurk is to get lurkers to come out and play. Once delurked, new members will receive:
                            *Complimentary green towards acquiring their second jello block
                            *A big and honkin’ COLORFUL welcome with their name included
                            *A wonderfully shippy picture
                            *Cute Sam/Jack smilies
                            *And a squee for good measure

                            The J/S shipper family is the best place to delurk. The people here are friendly and will welcome you with open arms. Feel free to post lots. That’s what the forum is for. Any questions you may have, just ask or PM someone. This service is free of charge.

                            Please support Operation Delurk. Do this by becoming a GW member, or by welcoming the newbies. This only takes a short amount of time and is tax deductible.

                            Thank you.


                              Originally posted by andi_b
                              OK guys, lurker here. You might wanna head over to the main GW site and check out the update!
                              I'm so sick of AU crap! SICK OF IT! It better progress further then a dream or there is no stopping the "PENGUINS OF WAR!"


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                                23 guests? What!?!?!?!?! Ahem....

                                Operation Delurk is a non-profit organization dedicated to making shippers from all over the world happy. The goal of Operation Delurk is to get lurkers to come out and play. Once delurked, new members will receive:
                                *Complimentary green towards acquiring their second jello block
                                *A big and honkin’ COLORFUL welcome with their name included
                                *A wonderfully shippy picture
                                *Cute Sam/Jack smilies
                                *And a squee for good measure

                                The J/S shipper family is the best place to delurk. The people here are friendly and will welcome you with open arms. Feel free to post lots. That’s what the forum is for. Any questions you may have, just ask or PM someone. This service is free of charge.

                                Please support Operation Delurk. Do this by becoming a GW member, or by welcoming the newbies. This only takes a short amount of time and is tax deductible.

                                Thank you.
                                I'll second that. I support operation delurk. seriously though this place is a lot of fun. Welcome to any newbies i've missed.

                                sig by starlover1990

