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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by stargate-princess
    REALLY, do you know what the fan said? why would you go to a convention just to spoil it??? that really sucks for us ;( yeah im going to save for a con...$2,000!!! lol damn...i NEED to start saving, do they plan them this far in advance? i dont really know much about the conventions, i know of the 2007 vancouver one, do they have them each year..or whats the story??
    I don't think it was one fan...he was "accosted" by the fans...must get pretty hairy at times. I think the Vancouver cons are held each year but I'm not 100% sure on that one. The next con here in Aus is supposed to be held in Parramatta sometime this year and the only guest name I recognized was Dan Shea...I refuse to pay top dollar to see Dan (not that I dislike the guy...I think he's ok and all but....he's not AT or CJ or MS). Chris Judge was meant to come out last year but pulled out due to filming committments...DoH! I would have gone if he came out. I'm just gonna kueep hoping and praying that we get a good con in the near future!

    Good night shipper family...see you all tomorrow...hopefully...SG1 season 9 starts tomorrow night at 11pm...WooHoo!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by trupi
      They charge you guys down under $2000 Australian or US? WE get charged for the best tickets, which are at Creation around $450 US.
      I shelled out $530 for my golden ticket to next year's Creation Con in Vancouver. I thought that was bad! But by the time I get there and back, it will have costed me over $2000. I'm gonna be poor!


        Originally posted by chelle db
        WooHoo...can't we are such a sorry little bunch...waiting and hanging out for season 9 while the rest of the world is waiting for or already watching season 10...DoH!
        Don't worry-10 hasn't started-yet.


          Originally posted by nell
          Good morning and good night wherever you all are right here, right now!!!

          The Vancouver Cons are annual events although I don't know how many years running and, sadly, **sniff sniff** I haven't attended one...yet! Whomever said it, I agree, wouldn't it be terrific if RDA would make an appearance at the con of cons in Vancouver??!!
          that would be fantastic!!! think it'll ever happen? *crosses fingers* maybe if he sees how well this one goes.

          yeah, i dont have any thing against Dan either, but i'd prefer to save up and go to a vancouver one, and hopefully see AT.
          Last edited by stargate-princess; 28 June 2006, 05:15 AM.

          sigs created by the talented sueKay and RepliCartertje

          thankyou Rocketgal & Oma-1


            Originally posted by Sam_Carter
            That was great... had me in stitches... the best bit was Jack's line...

            “Ah, General, I’d salute, but, uh… “

            you know of course-Hammond could have asked.
            How is every littlething?
            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


              Originally posted by SqueeG-1
              It looks like it's now being posted here at GW, broken up into the sections. At least the first part is up:

              I like reading things in big chunks too. If something is posted on I usually cut and past it chapter-by-chapter into a Word doc. It's a bit time consuming, but better in the long run (IMO!)
              Hi, so someone mentioned that my fanfiction on Jack/Sam had been mentioned here so I thought I'd drop by and say hi. (I'm kind of thrilled my story made it to being commented on in a forum).

              I am posting A Pond With No Fish to in three bits, Chrysalis is up although I did have a few problems with the formatting of italics when it uploaded which despite my following instructions doesn't seem to have worked and my email address seems to have gotten screwed up too..

              Anyways, as soon as I have everything sorted out with the archivist, I hope to get Butterflies and Storms posted too. If you can stand the idea of reading it in 36 chunks it is posted entirely complete on fanfiction now.

              Looks like this is a very interesting forum thread so I may pop back now and again!
              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                Originally posted by Rachel500
                Hi, so someone mentioned that my fanfiction on Jack/Sam had been mentioned here so I thought I'd drop by and say hi. (I'm kind of thrilled my story made it to being commented on in a forum).

                I am posting A Pond With No Fish to in three bits, Chrysalis is up although I did have a few problems with the formatting of italics when it uploaded which despite my following instructions doesn't seem to have worked and my email address seems to have gotten screwed up too..

                Anyways, as soon as I have everything sorted out with the archivist, I hope to get Butterflies and Storms posted too. If you can stand the idea of reading it in 36 chunks it is posted entirely complete on fanfiction now.

                Looks like this is a very interesting forum thread so I may pop back now and again!
                Hey!!! You can't imagine how many times your fic was mentioned in here.
                It's an amazing fic and I'm not the only one who thinks so. I hope you write heaps more bacause it was really fabulous!

                And Welcome by the way!!! Pop in anytime you want!


                  Originally posted by Rachel500
                  Hi, so someone mentioned that my fanfiction on Jack/Sam had been mentioned here so I thought I'd drop by and say hi. (I'm kind of thrilled my story made it to being commented on in a forum).

                  I am posting A Pond With No Fish to in three bits, Chrysalis is up although I did have a few problems with the formatting of italics when it uploaded which despite my following instructions doesn't seem to have worked and my email address seems to have gotten screwed up too..

                  Anyways, as soon as I have everything sorted out with the archivist, I hope to get Butterflies and Storms posted too. If you can stand the idea of reading it in 36 chunks it is posted entirely complete on fanfiction now.

                  Looks like this is a very interesting forum thread so I may pop back now and again!
                  WELCOME RACHEL500!!!
                  Please visit often and play with us!! Join us for Ship Day on July 28!


                    Originally posted by Rachel500
                    Hi, so someone mentioned that my fanfiction on Jack/Sam had been mentioned here so I thought I'd drop by and say hi. (I'm kind of thrilled my story made it to being commented on in a forum).

                    I am posting A Pond With No Fish to in three bits, Chrysalis is up although I did have a few problems with the formatting of italics when it uploaded which despite my following instructions doesn't seem to have worked and my email address seems to have gotten screwed up too..

                    Anyways, as soon as I have everything sorted out with the archivist, I hope to get Butterflies and Storms posted too. If you can stand the idea of reading it in 36 chunks it is posted entirely complete on fanfiction now.

                    Looks like this is a very interesting forum thread so I may pop back now and again!
                    A BIG WELCOME
                    and your ff has mentioned a lot of times...And well that is because it is really a great fic...loved it loved it loved (did I mention that I Loved it)
                    And do pop in as often as you can it is nice here and we like being a big family


                      Originally posted by chelle db
                      If I'm means to throw get it??
                      He gets drunk and gets sick...charming little dity isn't it!!
                      Nope. Wrong. It means to talk nonsense.


                        Originally posted by chelle db
                        Oh cool....well I got the meaning of that totally wrong...sorry!
                        (((((chelle)))) LOL!


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          haver would be used in a sentence like this

                          "Oh stop havering."


                          "Oh stop talking nonsense."

                          lol...I say it on a daily basis
                          LOL! or you're a havering idiot.


                            Originally posted by Rachel500
                            Hi, so someone mentioned that my fanfiction on Jack/Sam had been mentioned here so I thought I'd drop by and say hi. (I'm kind of thrilled my story made it to being commented on in a forum).

                            I am posting A Pond With No Fish to in three bits, Chrysalis is up although I did have a few problems with the formatting of italics when it uploaded which despite my following instructions doesn't seem to have worked and my email address seems to have gotten screwed up too..

                            Anyways, as soon as I have everything sorted out with the archivist, I hope to get Butterflies and Storms posted too. If you can stand the idea of reading it in 36 chunks it is posted entirely complete on fanfiction now.

                            Looks like this is a very interesting forum thread so I may pop back now and again!
                            hey....WELCOME!!!im only up to the second chapter, but ill get through it, its GREAT so far, and soo worthy of mention be sure to come by, i'm already addicted!

                            sigs created by the talented sueKay and RepliCartertje

                            thankyou Rocketgal & Oma-1


                              Canadian RDA/Jack O'Neill fans please see "Call to Canadian fans re: RDA" thread. Thanks shippers.

                              Oh, by the way, my newest fic should be ready to start posting next week. And it's shippier than any of the other's (IMHO) with an alternate ending (both endings very shippy)- ya, I know, shameless plug
                              Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                              Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                              Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                                Originally posted by Rachel500
                                Hi, so someone mentioned that my fanfiction on Jack/Sam had been mentioned here so I thought I'd drop by and say hi. (I'm kind of thrilled my story made it to being commented on in a forum).

                                I am posting A Pond With No Fish to in three bits, Chrysalis is up although I did have a few problems with the formatting of italics when it uploaded which despite my following instructions doesn't seem to have worked and my email address seems to have gotten screwed up too..

                                Anyways, as soon as I have everything sorted out with the archivist, I hope to get Butterflies and Storms posted too. If you can stand the idea of reading it in 36 chunks it is posted entirely complete on fanfiction now.

                                Looks like this is a very interesting forum thread so I may pop back now and again!
                                I stayed up waaaaay later than I should have last night to read Chrysalis. Loved it. Please post the other parts soon!
                                Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.

