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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
    It's not just the fact that he was with Laira that ruins this episode for me, but it is that I feel that Jack is written out of character. He should know that the team will do everything to get him back...never leave a man behind. Even if they couldn't use the stargate, he should know they would try contacting the Asgard, Knox, Tokra, Tollan, anyone with a ship. I just feel that he gave up far too quickly on ever being rescued. I agree that it's the writing that's bad.

    I don't think anyone here is calling Sam a saint nor thinks she is perfect. We have discussed her bad episodes over and over as well, so I don't think this should become a 'she is better/worse than he is' session.

    Thankfully, this is all in the past, and we can only hope that our shippy dreams come true in season 10. *fingers crossed*
    It's been a long time since I watched this episode. Do they say they've contacted the Knox? The Tok'ra? The Asgard? or the Tollan? I don't recall their doing so, but, like I said, it's been forever.

    I'll just say that I get a little frustrated on this thread with Jack being second-rate and bashed, while Sam is a saint and the most important person in the world. If this is the ship thread, they should be equals.
    - Mary
    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


      Originally posted by Buc252
      It's been a long time since I watched this episode. Do they say they've contacted the Knox? The Tok'ra? The Asgard? or the Tollan? I don't recall their doing so, but, like I said, it's been forever.

      I'll just say that I get a little frustrated on this thread with Jack being second-rate and bashed, while Sam is a saint and the most important person in the world. If this is the ship thread, they should be equals.
      I really don't see Jack being bashed in this thread, only the rotten episodes. We have also bashed Sam for her bad episodes. Everyone here must love these two characters, or we wouldn't be shippers. All that's happened is that there's been a lot of discussion about 100 Days. I can quite happily talk about Chimera and Affinity (well, maybe not happily ) and how I see Sam out of character in these episodes. I'm an equal-basher shipper.


        Originally posted by Buc252
        It's been a long time since I watched this episode. Do they say they've contacted the Knox? The Tok'ra? The Asgard? or the Tollan? I don't recall their doing so, but, like I said, it's been forever.

        I'll just say that I get a little frustrated on this thread with Jack being second-rate and bashed, while Sam is a saint and the most important person in the world. If this is the ship thread, they should be equals.
        Ah- I have to agree with Mary! IMO it does seem that some on the thread have been more sympathetic to Sam character then Jack's lately (diplomatic enough ). This is suppose to be a Jack and Sam thread. There are threads where you can spread your love for a specific characters/actors. Yes discuss how the characters relationship develop and then distance but lets remember it's TPTB who directed their worlds and who we should direct our dislikes to. For instances, "What heck was Cooper thinking when he made Jack or Sam .........


          Originally posted by Buc252
          It's been a long time since I watched this episode. Do they say they've contacted the Knox? The Tok'ra? The Asgard? or the Tollan? I don't recall their doing so, but, like I said, it's been forever.
          I forgot to answer the first part of your post. They do try to contact the Tollan and the Tokra, and the Tollan say they can have a ship available some time next year (I think that's how long, but I seem to blank out most of this episode ).
          Last edited by dipsofjazz; 04 July 2006, 07:07 PM.


            Originally posted by trupi
            Ah- I have to agree with Mary! IMO it does seem that some on the thread have been more sympathetic to Sam character then Jack's lately (diplomatic enough ). This is suppose to be a Jack and Sam thread. There are threads where you can spread your love for a specific characters/actors. Yes discuss how the characters relationship develop and then distance but lets remember it's TPTB who directed their worlds and who we should direct our dislikes to. For instances, "What heck was Cooper thinking when he made Jack or Sam .........
            Thank you, Trupi. I very much agree. (Although I still prefer the ID "TIIC," and will continue to do so until they give us some real-life, real-time J/S ship in S10. <g>)

            Sorry, I tried to green you but it wouldn't let me.
            - Mary
            SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


              Originally posted by trupi
              Ah- I have to agree with Mary! IMO it does seem that some on the thread have been more sympathetic to Sam character then Jack's lately (diplomatic enough ). This is suppose to be a Jack and Sam thread. There are threads where you can spread your love for a specific characters/actors. Yes discuss how the characters relationship develop and then distance but lets remember it's TPTB who directed their worlds and who we should direct our dislikes to. For instances, "What heck was Cooper thinking when he made Jack or Sam .........
              I think it just depends on what episodes we are discussing. Perhaps you are talking about the silly voting game for the actors?
              I'm also open to bashing TPTB, infact, it's been my hobby lately.
              With a bit of luck they'll find some brains and write us one heck of a shippy episode so that the squeeing will be heard the world over.


                Originally posted by Rogue
                Ok guys, I have been gone for a while, trying to feel positive again about Sam and Jack. But I agree
                this is crap. If it ain't real it don't count.

                I better get a tune up for the shipper bus, and get your pitch forks ready.
                And the torches. Gotta march on Bridge Studios with torches and pitchforks.


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  I think it just depends on what episodes we are discussing. Perhaps you are talking about the silly voting game for the actors?
                  I'm also open to bashing TPTB, infact, it's been my hobby lately.
                  With a bit of luck they'll find some brains and write us one heck of a shippy episode so that the squeeing will be heard the world over.
                  From your mouth to the Great Being's Ears above!


                    Originally posted by stargate-princess
                    Hey guys! noticed you guys been talking about not watching eps like 100 days and chimera. I am SO with you, I completely avoid them, and I even close my eyes if jack even looks at someone else, i cant stand the thought. the only episode with ‘other’ partners in it, I watch without running up to the TV and shutting it off is threads.

                    Any way…I have new hope for s10 ship! I never lost hope but this is squee worthy! I found it on youtube, some of you may have already watched it. But I did a big squee anyhow!
                    Spoilers for s10.

                    it was titled Amanda Tapping in T4 UK.

                    After talking a for a bit about Stargate sg1 and Samantha Carter the male host boldly asks
                    Male Host: Does anything go on between Carter and O’Neill, do they get it on?
                    AT; ooo what can I tell you
                    Male host: do they?
                    AT: lets just say they go fishing (makes a very suggestive face)
                    (audience and hosts ‘oooo’)
                    Female host: he uses his poll does he?
                    AT (laughs) he gets me hooked line and sinker! (another face)
                    They all talk at once and Amanda jokingly says no, no as the hosts laugh and make comments)
                    AT: lets just say we go fishing…

                    Then later on in the segment they’re talking and the male host says something about fatigues and the words ‘very tired’ but sorry cant understand his ascent properly. But he says:
                    captain Jack O’Neill one side, captain Jonathan Archer the other side, where you going, left or right? Archer? O’Neill?
                    AT. O’Neill, oh yeah. I’d have to.
                    Then he asks if she fancies him in real life and she simply answers ‘sure!”
                    Really cute!
                    The fishing reference happens at about 4 minutes 35 seconds into the clip here’s the link anyway.

                    omg I cant wait for it, only a little comment maybe but shippers know what 'fishing' means well IMO anyway. Amanda wouldn’t lead her fans on like that would she? And the way she said it, she meant OUR sam and jack, no AU realitly, i do get a BIG feeling thought she didnt actually mean FISHING, it was like a symbol!
                    Sorry, but this interview isn't about S10, as far as I know. It's about the end of S8, IIRC. AT was in London for GABIT, but I don't remember when that was, so maybe a UK fan can give the info.


                      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                      Sorry, but this interview isn't about S10, as far as I know. It's about the end of S8, IIRC. AT was in London for GABIT, but I don't remember when that was, so maybe a UK fan can give the info.
                      She was in the UK last October for Gabit. You're correct that the interview was done whilst she was over here, and it was for a channel that was still in the midst of showing season 8.


                        Spoiler of sorts for S10. We've seen
                        Jack in S10 pics in both BDU and dress blues, so you'd hafta think he was in more than one scene in 200. I kinda wonder what a Sam/Jack wedding has in common with those other scenarios, though. All fantasies? Oh, I'm laughing now that Jack and Same being married is in the same category as Oz etc.
                        Those clever PTB.

                        On the other hand
                        it doesn't say whose wedding it would be, just that RDA returns.
                        Last edited by Gatetrixer; 04 July 2006, 08:10 PM.


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                          I understand your feelings.

                          This is the transcript of that moment at the beginning of the episode...

                          LAIRA: It begins this night each year.

                          CARTER: Whoa. The same night every year? That doesn’t make sense. I mean, unless the planet’s orbit travels through a debris field like an asteroid belt, in which case…

                          O’NEILL: Please. Don’t suck the fun out of this.

                          CARTER: Sorry, Sir.

                          He's definitely rude to her.

                          I get that feeling in the pit of my stomach with all three episodes.

                          This is probably the only scene with that woman in it that I can stand, cos I find that moment a cute Sam/Jack one. Sam's reaction to Jack's comment is to smile to herself. I think it's just a continuation of the "I don't have a problem with women, just with scientists" joke. Sam see's it as a quirk of his personality and finds it amusing.

                          But it does bring up a question. Does everyone feel that Jack is rude to Sam (and Daniel for that matter) every time he stops her technobabble?


                            Originally posted by Tita J
                            Hey guys, thought I'd join in on the Laira topic Another reason why I think I dislike her so much is that she seemed to put her needs above Jack's. I think she basically had him backed in to a corner and Jack being a decent guy couldn't refuse, especially when he thought he might never see home again. Remember how she got rid of his uniform, even though he hadn't been stranded that long? I don't think she did it out of concern for him but that she wanted him to lose hope and think he'd never be rescued. She didn't want him to have any reminders of his old life and the people he really cared about. Also, when she heard voices on his radio, she delayed telling Jack which almost cost the life of Teal'c. Even non-shippers must have seen how manipulative she was.
                            That's exactly how I feel about her too. Well said.

                            On a more positive topic - I was wondering what you guys thought about Jack covering Sam's hand in the briefing room for a split second in 'Moebius Part I'. I watched it again today and it seemed pretty deliberate to me. Where do you think their relationship was at at this point? I think they had already gone fishing in 'Threads' and even though they couldn't have been in a relationship maybe that had already come to some sort of understanding (Or maybe he just accidentally bumped her hand and my shippy mind is running away with me).

                            Sorry if this question has already been asked
                            I think it was most definitely deliberate

                            Also, from the Cubs comment Jack makes you know they've had private conversations regarding the time machine ... and who knows what else


                              Originally posted by Tita J
                              I totally agree with you SFG! Jack should not have given in to Laira, and anyway why would he even want to go there when he knew there was someone like Sam back home working day and night to get him back. And yeah with Sam's track record for saving the day he should definitely have had faith that she'd find a way.

                              I like to imagine he sometimes looks at Sam and thinks back to that time and shakes his head sayin 'What the hell was I thinking?!'

                              You know, I think it was the water he drank from that lagoon near Laira's village, it looked like it had some weird mind altering algae floating on top of the water.

                              That explains it all! Not only was he under alien influence from that woman, but also drugged up from the nasty algae! It's a testament to Jack's devotion to Sam that he was able to resist the mind altering slime (and yes I do mean Laira too ) for so long!

                              btw - if this topic has been successfully avoided for the last few pages and I just dragged it back, I'm very sorry!


                                Nice discussions and opinions, Shippers!! This is what keeps us coming back here...the opportunity to discuss and to learn about our Sam/Jack Ship with other Shippers and Friends of Sam and Jack. Variety of thoughts and opinions presented respectfully makes this a fun and safe place to be.

