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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell
    Thanks, AmberLM! To me, a spoiler from TPTB or a rumour about a spoiler IS a spoiler. **dizzy from trying to explain** But, when we talk about what we would like to happen in Season 10 based on our imaginations, that is NOT a spoiler! I hope I'm makin' some sense here!
    Yep, I gotcha! Thanks
    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

    My fanfic


      Originally posted by trupi
      Guys just got a scary thought.......I was watching Moebius 2 and the second set of Jack and Sam have to remain behind in time. They have a relationship and they have offspring. Are they then related to the Sam and Jack in the future and then are the Sam and Jack in the future related? YEK!!!!
      well good question...
      I think not really... well I hope not.
      BUt maybe because they went back in time they started everything and that is the reason why they are born...


        Originally posted by trupi
        Guys just got a scary thought.......I was watching Moebius 2 and the second set of Jack and Sam have to remain behind in time. They have a relationship and they have offspring. Are they then related to the Sam and Jack in the future and then are the Sam and Jack in the future related? YEK!!!!
        No, I don't think so. It would be quite a hell of a coincidence if the O'Neill name continued for over 2000 years; at some point it will have been changed. Also, the chances of a member of the aforementioned O'Neill clan eventually separating into the Carter family by marriage and then producing Sam are equally as unlikely. Then there's the chance of them meeting. I think the whole thing adds up to one big nada, zip, squat if you ask me.

        And, if it happened by luck or design, then surely they would have been so far removed, genetically speaking, by that point that it would make no difference. Technically everyone on the planet can trace their ancestry back to a single woman in Africa via mitochondrial DNA so if you want to go that far then everyone is related to everyone!

        In the immortal words of Douglas Adams: DON'T PANIC!

        Side note: Surely the SG-1 on the videotape were an alternate reality SG-1 since the "present day" they lived in had been altered by their actions and no longer existed in that reality? OK, now I'm giving myself a headache!
        Last edited by AmberLM; 03 June 2006, 08:36 AM.
        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

        My fanfic


          I just found out that the founder of the O'Neill clothing brand was actually called Jack O'Neill. I guess this probably isn't news to most people but it really tickled me when I found out! Lol, you can tell I'm not a surfer (not the water kind anyway!)
          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

          My fanfic


            happy birthday L.A Doyle!!!! hope you have an awesome day!!!

            Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
            My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
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            It's meant to be!


              I'll ask again... Will someone please tell me where I can find the 22th episode behind the scenes pics?

              Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                Originally posted by AmberLM
                I just found out that the founder of the O'Neill clothing brand was actually called Jack O'Neill. I guess this probably isn't news to most people but it really tickled me when I found out! Lol, you can tell I'm not a surfer (not the water kind anyway!)
                Well I didn't know it
                I love the O'Neill clothes style but it's a little expensive for my credit card.

                About trupi's scary thought: that's unthinkable. It's just not possible. The odds are... almost inexistant.

                Hm, I'm sure this question was alreay asked over and over again but here I go. What attracted you to Sam and Jack? When/in which ep did you see a real possible romantic relationship forming between them? Did you see them together because:
                1. you clearly saw they had a thing for each other
                2. he's an Alpha male, it's only logical we put him with the an 'alpha' woman
                3. of the non-ethical quality: difference in age, different background, different education,...
                4. because the against the rules appealed you

                This is the first impression. I'm sure it could have changed over the years, hence you came here.


                  Originally posted by trupi
                  Guys just got a scary thought.......I was watching Moebius 2 and the second set of Jack and Sam have to remain behind in time. They have a relationship and they have offspring. Are they then related to the Sam and Jack in the future and then are the Sam and Jack in the future related? YEK!!!!
                  1. Happy B'day L.A. Doyle!

                  2. The important thing is that they got married and had kids!!!!! After all that time it wouldn't matter if our Sam and Jack had a common ancestor.

                  3. Go Canes!!!!!

                  s u g a r s h a k e r


                    Happy B-Day LA Doyle and have a great one !!!


                      Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                      I'll ask again... Will someone please tell me where I can find the 22th episode behind the scenes pics?
                      Hm from the beginning? I don't really understand what exactly you are searching for


                        Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                        I'll ask again... Will someone please tell me where I can find the 22th episode behind the scenes pics?
                        The 22th ep of what season...8th? could try there:



                          Sorry, can't help you with that, gwenhwyfar
                          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                          My fanfic


                            Originally posted by Lizlove
                            Hm from the beginning? I don't really understand what exactly you are searching for
                            Sorry. I'm not quite awake. I meant 200th episede behind the scenes pics! Everyone was talking about them and I haven't seen them!

                            Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                              Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                              Sorry. I'm not quite awake. I meant 200th episede behind the scenes pics! Everyone was talking about them and I haven't seen them!
                              Sorry I can't help there either...


                                Originally posted by Lizlove
                                Well I didn't know it
                                Hm, I'm sure this question was alreay asked over and over again but here I go. What attracted you to Sam and Jack? When/in which ep did you see a real possible romantic relationship forming between them? Did you see them together because:
                                1. you clearly saw they had a thing for each other
                                2. he's an Alpha male, it's only logical we put him with the an 'alpha' woman
                                3. of the non-ethical quality: difference in age, different background, different education,...
                                4. because the against the rules appealed you

                                This is the first impression. I'm sure it could have changed over the years, hence you came here.
                                I apologise if you've already heard this story but it was the ship that first attracted me to Stargate. At the time I was a) a HUGE X-Files fan and b) an even bigger Mulder/Scully shipper. So, anyway, my dad started watching Stargate and kept trying to get me to watch it. He insisted it was good, I insisted it was cheesy sci-fi nonsense. One day he started watching a repeat on sky one and, unbeknownst to me, it was 'There But For The Grace of God'. I actually remember walking into the lounge, seeing the 'hug' onscreen and Daniel's reaction to it and thinking "Huh? Maybe this *isn't* such rubbish after all!" and the rest, as they say, is history. I'm not entirely sure *why* I was compelled to watch it after that but I'd stake a fair bit of money on the fact that it was onscreen chemistry between Rick and Amanda that got me hooked. Now I'm a self-confessed SG-1 addict and have been for the past 6 years.

                                Actually, it's rather strange. When I was a kid (about 8/9) I hated Amanda Tapping. *Ducks to avoid flying objects* Hey, wait! I had a good reason, OK? She had a cameo role in a movie called 'Rent-A-Kid'. If you haven't seen it, it's basically about three naughty but cute kids that need adoptive parents (think Disney-esque). At the beginning of the movie the cute little girl has a strange dream about being adopted by the 'Nicely' family who have a huge mansion filled with toys and stuff but she breaks the only house rule about not going through a door and it ends up with the Nicelys standing outside in the snow yelling 'It's ALL YOUR FAULT!' at her after kicking her and her brothers out of the house. And guess who played 'Mrs Not-so-Nicely'? Yep, you got it, Amanda! Obviously I didn't know who she was, she was just a 'very mean lady in a horrible pink dress!' Rather ironic that she's now my favourite actress, eh? Just thought I'd share that with you guys!
                                Last edited by AmberLM; 03 June 2006, 10:00 AM.
                                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                                My fanfic

