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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sueKay
    Gatetrixer - you mean like the beginning of s9?
    Ouch, that was cutting, Sue. But ooooh, so spot on.
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      I haven't posted in a very long time and I need to...I don't know why but I need to.

      I don't care for the new and so called improved Stargate SG1. Everything I loved about the series has been replaced with new characters that I can't relate to and/or doesn't stir my imagination. I just can't connected to them. I have tried but there is nothing.

      I want Jack back.
      I want Sam and Jack back!
      I want Janet back.
      I want General Hammond back.
      I want Sam and Jack back!!



        Happy Birthday Nell!!!!!


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
          Ouch, that was cutting, Sue. But ooooh, so spot on.
          and the boys from vancouver have been wondering why a number of their fans have been so ticked off this season.
          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


            what has really caused my Sagittarian temper to fly is my perception of the blatant disrespect they have for the fans, casual and dedicated and the disrespect they have of the characters they created.

            I don't know about anybody else but I am still ballistic about the
            sam/martouf moment
            -that was so far out of left field-i don't even think it was in the same galaxy as the rest of us.

            Everything that we have been shown and led to believe about the characters and their personality and their dedication to their work and each other-gone.

            How does one explain that mental
            that they passed onto us?

            I am still trying to figure out the point behind RDA's appearance at the beginning of season 9.

            Nope-there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to what they are doing this season-and you know-that shower scene from Dallas is starting to look better and better.

            In the spirit of the season-Bah Humbug!
            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


              Originally posted by sueKay
              Gatetrixer - you mean like the beginning of s9?
              Ouch! Yeah they played their RDA card to attract viewers. But you know what they say "once bitten, twice shy". They played the
              Janet card
              last week and the ratings really didn't rise. By the time the 200th ep airs, most of the old fans will be gone.
              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                Originally posted by Rogue
                Ouch! Yeah they played their RDA card to attract viewers. But you know what they say "once bitten, twice shy". They played the
                Janet card
                last week and the ratings really didn't rise. By the time the 200th ep airs, most of the old fans will be gone.
                Sad thing is you're probably right. Why cater for the old fans when they've left anyway?
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Honestly, for me the Sam and Jack ship was not the primary reason I liked the show. I really enjoy the science. Although my undergraduate degree is not in the physical sciences, I did minor in geophysics, I still relish it in SG-1. The great team chemistry, the science, and the action were and are of most importance to me. Sam and Jack went from friendship love to romantic love, which is not that uncommon. Take it from me. I can take it or leave it. What is the most important thing for me is to maintain the integrity of the first 8 seasons. After all is said and done I want to be able to re-watch those seasons and enjoy what had happened. I don't want that ruined.


                  But, season 9 is doing just that. They are re-writing too much past history. The new team with Mitchell in command sucks. He has not integrated into SG-1 like Jonas in season 6. I preferred Daniel, but he wasn't bad, and the team dynamic didn't suffer. I don't care for this Mitchell team like I did the O'Neill team. The stories seem contrived and the team dynamics are more forced than natural. I would be happier, not necessarily happy, if Carter just fishes or cut bait regarding her feelings for Jack. End everyones misery. It doesn't help her character and remains a distraction. I never appreciated the presence of O'Neill as much as I do now. His departure from the show was more damaging than I anticipated. Yes, I know that he was more goofball near the end. But, his presence was strong, and the team chemistry remained intact. The loss of Hammond, Frasier, Jacob, and Mayborne were also factors, but Jack was the glue that held everything together. Now I know he isn't coming back, but at least finish his story. Perhaps then the rest of the team can better relate to each other and function. Maybe this is not possible anymore, but what we are getting now is doing damage to the first 8 seeasons. I want those to remain as much in tact as much as possible. [/spoilers]



                    A RE fic recommendation


                    On Marriage and Maternity Leave by Denaliyasha.

                    It doesn't touch on the almost kiss
                    always and forever
                    My LJ
                    My History Website


                      Jack. If you remove the * from your spoiler codes, they should work.
                      always and forever
                      My LJ
                      My History Website


                        Originally posted by scjon
                        A RE fic recommendation


                        On Marriage and Maternity Leave by Denaliyasha.

                        It doesn't touch on the almost kiss
                        Haha. That's how it differs from mine, then.
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by scjon
                          A RE fic recommendation


                          On Marriage and Maternity Leave by Denaliyasha.

                          It doesn't touch on the almost kiss
                          Loved it! Thanks for the rec!


                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            Tracy - I'm not gonna read your fic until I've written my I'm gonna be writing it soon as I wanna know what you've written!!!!

                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY NELL!!!
                            Woo Hooooooooo!!!! Thanks sueKay!!!!!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by Nina
                              Somebody from TPTB said this about AT and RDA in an Interview:

                              "Amanda is a flirt. She flirts with everybody. But when Rick (Richard Dean Anderson) comes in, she only flirts with him"

                              And in the Audiocommentar of "Lost City" (I think it was LC1) Amanda was there and the other one (Was PDL, I think) said: "You know who started the whole S/J-thing? It was you, you and Rick!"

                              So yeah, RDA is a Shipper.

                              Oh, and Happy birthday Nell!!!
                              In German: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Nell!!!

                              BTW, thanks for greening me!
                              Nina, Danke schön!!!!


                                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                                Happy Birthday Nell!Hope you have a great day

                                and because i have no idea how to do all of those fancy things-you will probably see the little codes that showed i tried to bold the greetings and make it magenta.
                                Magenta is my shippy color of choice!!! THANKS!!! Go Steelers!!!

