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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Nina
    Oh, and for everyone who hasn't seen Re yet (like me) and wants some pics - here ya go!

    It's a german site, but you just have to klick on the pics to see them bigger.
    Danke sehr... aber in Englisch sagen wir "click" nicht "klick". Ist nur die Deutschen (oder Deutschsprachigen) die "klicken" sagen. Ich dachte, dass du es nutzlich finden wuerde, wenn ich manche Sachen korrigiere. Aber in gesamt ist dein Englisch gar nicht schlecht. Auf Jedenfall, ist es besser als mein Deutsch .
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Happy birthday Nell! (even if I don't know you yet)
      Have a good day!


        Thank you! Yeah, sometimes I forget about some things. And your German is really good. German is more difficult to learn than english, I guess. Okay, 4 years ago I wouldn't have said that (2nd year english and I hated it ), but I know some Britains, who are learning German, and I read through their books and just thought "Oh my god, what a language is that? It's so complex, can't be German!"
        There's a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizzare and inexplicable.

        There's another theory which states that this has already happened.

        Douglas Adams

        Please excuse my mistakes, I'm from Germany and my English isn't so good


          Originally posted by Nina
          Thank you! Yeah, sometimes I forget about some things. And your German is really good. German is more difficult to learn than english, I guess. Okay, 4 years ago I wouldn't have said that (2nd year english and I hated it ), but I know some Britains, who are learning German, and I read through their books and just thought "Oh my god, what a language is that? It's so complex, can't be German!"
          Thanks. I don't think you realise how difficult it is to learn a language til you look at it from someone else's perpective. Language learning is so different from natural language acquisition. I taught English in a Gymnasium last year and I realised for the first time how hard the language actually is... I mean contact clauses are really hard! And that's Jahrgangstufe 7 stuff!

          Anyway.... Minigeek recommended this fic called Universal Constants over on the Samandan thread. It is an amazing, amazing piece of writing, and I thouroughly recommend it.
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            I'm "Jahrgangsstufe 8" (8th year at school, 6th year English)...

            But that's not what that thread is about...

            Ah, Sam and Jack. I saw Moebius yesterday. Helped me forget all that "terrible" RE stuff.
            There's a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizzare and inexplicable.

            There's another theory which states that this has already happened.

            Douglas Adams

            Please excuse my mistakes, I'm from Germany and my English isn't so good


              Originally posted by Nina
              I'm "Jahrgangsstufe 8" (8th year at school, 6th year English)...

              But that's not what that thread is about...

              Ah, Sam and Jack. I saw Moebius yesterday. Helped me forget all that "terrible" RE stuff.
              Good episode, is Moebius. I was having a muse, in conjunction with True Science last night, and came up with the following way to explain away all our AU troubles.

              One of our big gripes with Moebius is that we think it is not OUR Sam and Jack at the end, therefore anything could have happened in Stargate's history and Threads never happened, right?


              Let me paraphrase AT's explanation in True Science.

              Sam and Jack go back in time but get killed. So what happens to them in the present? They no longer exist in the present, Geek Sam and Captain Jack do. They bounce into an alternate reality. But when Geek Sam and Captain Jack sort things out in the past, they create the alternate reality that OUR Sam and Jack bounced into.

              And Geek Sam was bounced into one of the realities shown in RippleEffect.

              So there you go. Threads DID happen and it IS the real Sam and Jack we have now.
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Thank you (again)!
                I always thought the Geek Sam and Captain Jack died, not that they bounced into an AU. But I'm glad they did. Kinda like them. Don't want them to die.

                I saw a pictuer of a scene form RE, and there was one Sam that looked like Geek Sam, so that really was her, right?
                There's a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizzare and inexplicable.

                There's another theory which states that this has already happened.

                Douglas Adams

                Please excuse my mistakes, I'm from Germany and my English isn't so good


                  Yeah. That was Geek Sam
                  if she hadn't gone back in time or if she had found a way back

                  We need to teach you to do spoiler tags, young lady. Cos when you type in white, we can read it when we quote you.

                  To do spoiler tags, you write [*spoil] [/spoil] around your messgae. But without the *
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Okay, testing that now:

                    This isn't anything that makes sense, just me testing if I got the spoiler thing right so don't pay attention

                    So, that's better, isn't it?
                    There's a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizzare and inexplicable.

                    There's another theory which states that this has already happened.

                    Douglas Adams

                    Please excuse my mistakes, I'm from Germany and my English isn't so good


                      I think everyone can safely assume that the company teaser about a special guest star for the 200th episode is RDA. He is, however, not officially signed up. I don't think this anouncement was a coincidence. The franchise is in trouble with the fans and they know it. They have badly miscalculated the effect of RE and maybe worried that with the upcoming GUP episode that Carter's reputation and the Sam and Jack romance may be doomed. If the public hears about O'Neill's return that would lead everyone to assume it will be to finish the Sam and Jack story. The fans wont remain disheartened and stay tuned. But, will RDA do it? The way I see it there are 3 options.

                      1. Jack returns. Carter does not tell him what happened with Martouf and renews her relationship with Jack. This could work if Kvasir did not tell anyone what he saw. But, what if he told Thor? The whole Asgard population might know about it. It could be in all of the Asgard tabloids. Maybe even Aris Boch knows. Would Thor tell Jack, his best buddy? Thor loves the Sam/Jack mating. Would telling Jack destroy that? Carter is gambling in this scenario. But, she could get away with it.

                      2. Jack returns. Sam confesses her moment of weakness. She tells him she still has some Jolinar juice left in her. That she was overwhelmed with emotion on seeing Martouf and dealing with numerous other Carters. Or, she was suffering from Post-Bump in the Head in the Prometheus Syndrome which caused an instantaneous drop of 100 points in her IQ. This would explain why she would forget about a very cool guy who adores her and turn her attention to two LOSERS. She asks for his understanding and forgiveness.

                      3. Jack returns. Sam confesses but does not regret it. She tells Jack that even though she is in her forties she still thinks she is the cutest thing in the universe and she is not yet ready to stop all the men in her galaxy from going after her. She is having fun and is not ready for a permanent relationship. Think about it, what if given the same set of circumsatances Sam and Marty were not in the gateroom, but in her private quarters on the base? What do you all think would have happened?

                      The way I see it, RDA will only agree to do the episode or sodes if there is a certainty of Sam and Jack success and resolution and he isn't pissed off that he was all but dissed and ignored by everyone in the RE episode.



                        sorry about that. don't know how to work this damn thing yet. didn't seem to go through.


                          Nina, you've got the spoiler tags spot on.

                          Pacific Jack. Your posts are very insightful, but you have a lot of spoilers for Ripple Effect, you need to put tags on them please. Also, can you delete the multiple copies, please? Thank you.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            I don't know how


                              Jack (that's cool), you said that she'd probably sleep with him in you 3. option. Hm, even if she wanted to, Marty had a relationship with the other Sam, and it failed. A relationship between him and "our" Sam wouldn't be possible, becaus of the thing with the AUs, would he really want to have something with her, if he probably just got over the break up with his Sam?

                              Seems like I now that I know how to do the spoilers thing, I'm addicted to it
                              There's a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizzare and inexplicable.

                              There's another theory which states that this has already happened.

                              Douglas Adams

                              Please excuse my mistakes, I'm from Germany and my English isn't so good


                                I think I figured out the delete part, but not how to use spoilers. I am doing this whille trying to finish mountains of paperwork that needs to be done by Monday. Will work on understanding spoiler function soon. Sorry if I'm not proficient yet.


