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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Rachel500
    If in the episode 200...


    The wedding is a dream sequence between Jack and Sam then this is what I would love: They're all sitting around the briefing table pitching their ideas and Jack is asked last. He describes the wedding sequence; when finished there is a shot of the stunned looks around the briefing table including Sam. She clears her throat and nervously asks if that was a proposal. Now THAT would be a great scene.
    Originally posted by Kazan
    I love your thinking. That would be great - not going to happen I suspect but you can always dream!
    Yeah..I actually figure

    The suggested Wizard of Oz one is probably Jack...

    Still, like you say I can dream. Maybe I'll write it as a fanfic as an alternative ending when I finally get to see the epi.
    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


      You know, I managed to remain spoiler-free until this week. You gals have corrupted me totally hehehehehe. Now I find myself off reading spoilers like a madwoman. This is totally insane. We get word of Jack
      five episodes total - three for Atlantis, two for SG-1, which is totally unfair

      and of course we all go into a tizzy. Now Malozzi said, way back when,
      that there were no plans to ship Sam with anyone this season, but that was BEFORE they knew they could get RDA to come back at all

      so things may change. We hope!


        Originally posted by docker22
        i have heard rda is definitely going to be in that episode, but i think your right, i think the wedding will be part of a pitch, and i hope its going to a joint pitch between sam and jack, they were both comfortable in moebius with the progress in their friendship/relationship. so maybe they will feel that more comfortable in pitching the wedding idea. i live in hope
        Yes, yes, 1000 times YES! That is the scenario I want to see in 200!!!!!!!!!


          Originally posted by brookeormian
          Thanks for the warm welcome guys! Especially thanks to RepliCartertje for the lovely picture

          Not sure how I lasted so long, probably because I'm not as frequently around here as I should be! I'm sure that'll change.

          Nothing else to add... for now!

          (Wow, I have exclamation mark fever at the moment...)
          I only delurked a few weeks ago, and I already check this board out at least twice a day! You'll be hooked in no time!

          Welcome to the family!!


            Originally posted by Rachel500
            Yeah..I actually figure

            The suggested Wizard of Oz one is probably Jack...

            Still, like you say I can dream. Maybe I'll write it as a fanfic as an alternative ending when I finally get to see the epi.
            I'm with you! Who else would go there?


              ah cant wait for series ten... bring on october!
              THANKYOU so much annelies!!! (samjackshiplover)


                Originally posted by littlebluestring
                ah cant wait for series ten... bring on october!
                im with you im really looking forward to season ten, especially because rda is coming back, two reasons,one because of the potential ship, and because i thought the team chemistry wasn't as good without him.

                sig made by Samjackshiplover


                  Originally posted by Rachel500
                  Yeah..I actually figure

                  The suggested Wizard of Oz one is probably Jack...

                  Still, like you say I can dream. Maybe I'll write it as a fanfic as an alternative ending when I finally get to see the epi.
                  please do

                  sig by starlover1990


                    Originally posted by Gate gal
                    I only delurked a few weeks ago, and I already check this board out at least twice a day! You'll be hooked in no time!

                    Welcome to the family!!
                    welcome everyone that ive missed. it is addictive. i know that im addicted

                    sig by starlover1990


                      Originally posted by Gate gal
                      I only delurked a few weeks ago, and I already check this board out at least twice a day! You'll be hooked in no time!

                      Welcome to the family!!
                      Only TWICE a day? hehehe


                        hahah twice a day? i delurked what like....four days ago? and i would say i check it ...all the time. well not all the time....(tries to make self sound less pathetic...) whatever the point is i just leave it up on my computer and refresh whenever i'm going by! damn addicting that's what it is! well...sam and jack are pretty addicting....this is just a way to feed my addiction i guess! whatever the point is i love this thread! yay!

                        *fingers crossed for shippy season 10*

                        My Fic: LJ &


                          Originally posted by natalia
                          hahah twice a day? i delurked what like....four days ago? and i would say i check it ...all the time. well not all the time....(tries to make self sound less pathetic...) whatever the point is i just leave it up on my computer and refresh whenever i'm going by! damn addicting that's what it is! well...sam and jack are pretty addicting....this is just a way to feed my addiction i guess! whatever the point is i love this thread! yay!

                          *fingers crossed for shippy season 10*

                          Well you are not the only one... GW is always on her that doesn't mean I am reading it it is just there. I mean and from time to time I look if someone posted something. But well It is really addictive. But it is a nice addiction,... I mean you get nice pics of sam and Jack. Nice fanfics, always nice to read. A music vid from time to time. What more do you want. And great discussions. where you always can jump in and say something what do you think.
                          We are just a great family and I am glad I found it. ooh how have I managed all these years without it? what was I insane...who can ever live without GW??
                          And season 10 will be great...It has to be... I am optimistic so it will be great.


                            Have a great weekend shippers. See you Monday.
                            BTW, chapter 2 to When a Hero Falls is now posted. Hope you like
                            Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                            Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                            Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                              lol i keep getting drawn back to this thread, it's very disruptive to all my online responsibilities - especially since you people keep posting so much i have more to read i don't have anything paticuarly relevant to say btw i just felt i had to post to balance out how much reading im doing... so hi...bye...


                                if i may use this thread shameless self promotion... (blushes)

                                i um... wrote a fanfic... my first fanfic. and it doesnt have a lot fo sj in it (dont worry it does have some) but i... im embarrased now.. the point is... here it is:

                                THANKYOU so much annelies!!! (samjackshiplover)

