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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
    Is that like you don't write AU (b/c for example, I'll write AU but I try to write IC) - personally I generally avoid S/J established stories unless I know the author. It's a preference thing.
    I don't typically like AU, to read or write, but it all depends on the talent of the author. I'll start reading anything S/J related, whether I finish it, all depends on how well the author can keep everyone, and the situation, in character. I'm just really picky

    On a random note...
    I'm feeling bad about my little mini fic - I was just being goofy and now I worry I've ruined my rep somehow!
    No need to be. Ya can't please everyone. You write for yourself and if others like it, great, if they don't, well ya either take criticism to heart or ignore it

    I, myself, don't get the crackfic thing but I'm a real stickler for keeping the characters 'in character' . Not everyone is like me, though. Everyone enjoys a lot of different things
    Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


      Originally posted by leiasky View Post
      I don't typically like AU, to read or write, but it all depends on the talent of the author. I'll start reading anything S/J related, whether I finish it, all depends on how well the author can keep everyone, and the situation, in character. I'm just really picky
      Yeah with fic it's what you like. I just enjoy UST too much for the S/J established stuff (again if I know the author, like Jenn, or you or VSS, I'll read it, otherwise I tend to avoid it until I know whether or not I like the author).

      No need to be. Ya can't please everyone. You write for yourself and if others like it, great, if they don't, well ya either take criticism to heart or ignore it

      I, myself, don't get the crackfic thing but I'm a real stickler for keeping the characters 'in character' . Not everyone is like me, though. Everyone enjoys a lot of different things
      You're right and normally I don't let myself get too insecure, but I just don't want it to reflect on my regular fic. With my regular fic that I work on, I work very very hard for IC. I know not everyone likes crack!fic and I think I like writing it more than reading it - but with the way some were taking it I wanted to be very clear that this is not my "normal" mode of writing. It's my being goofy on the forum writing.


        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
        Nothing recent

        RDA is loooking good, though. Shedding a bit of weight possibly because he knows something we don't . . .
        Oooh let's hope so. He did say he'd lose 20 pounds to do the next movie.

        Hey! What if tbtp are waiting until he's down to his ideal weight before starting filming!!!

        I know. I know. Not likely. But at this point I'll take anything.

        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
        At this point, I'm no longer watching. I gave it 10 episodes and turned the last one off 15 minutes into it I was so bored. I only want it to succeed because I think its success will determine if there's another movie. Otherwise, I wouldn't care if it was canceled.
        I'm not a fan at this point either. It's just thinking of no Stargate you know, kinda gets to me. **sniff**

        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
        I vote for gutter!

        But that's no surprise . . .

        It's no surprise at all.

        Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
        Yeah with fic it's what you like. I just enjoy UST too much for the S/J established stuff (again if I know the author, like Jenn, or you or VSS, I'll read it, otherwise I tend to avoid it until I know whether or not I like the author).

        You're right and normally I don't let myself get too insecure, but I just don't want it to reflect on my regular fic. With my regular fic that I work on, I work very very hard for IC. I know not everyone likes crack!fic and I think I like writing it more than reading it - but with the way some were taking it I wanted to be very clear that this is not my "normal" mode of writing. It's my being goofy on the forum writing.
        And don't forget those of us who really, really enjoy your 'being goofy on the forum writing.'

        I don't think anyone really didn't like what you did, but perhaps were just expessing that they recognize that they didn't think it could happen.

        I myself like imaging Sam in an OOC setting with Jack eg, with Magnus type confidence around Jack.

        **sigh** I really miss Sam **sigh**
        sig by Mada
        As a matter of FIC


          Originally posted by VSS View Post
          It's always interested me that TPTB never wrote them stranded alone together, or even held prisoner together (another common theme, I think) for very long. For obvious reasons.
          Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post

          Let me finish highlighting the sentence for you:

          It's always interested me that TPTB never wrote them stranded alone together, or even held prisoner together (another common theme, I think) for very long. For obvious reasons.
          That was nitpicky, and inaccurate, Rachel. It's pretty clear what I meant- long enough to think about getting into 'trouble'. I didn't say they weren't ever written alone together.

          ANd really (this is addressed at no one in particular), I wouldn't have said anything about it except there's been a high level of irrelevant picking on one another's statements around here, and on the discussion thread. Can we just stick to what's relevant- and maybe let it slide if someone got the wrong season, or miscounted the number of times Sam smiles at Jack in a given episode? There's enough to discuss surrounding the actual things that matter, and all it does is makes people not want to say anything at all.

          Originally posted by leiasky View Post
          I agree. VSS has done probably the best stranded fic I've ever read. And the rest of her stuff is among the best I've ever read as well. And I mean right up there with now professional stargate novelists.

          Egle01! Welcome back! And with yummy pic spam, too!
          Aw, thanks again. And thanks to whomever I missed or will miss who said nice things. But- still not writing so please don't anyone ask!
          Originally posted by leiasky View Post

          At this point, I'm no longer watching. I gave it 10 episodes and turned the last one off 15 minutes into it I was so bored. I only want it to succeed because I think its success will determine if there's another movie. Otherwise, I wouldn't care if it was canceled.
          I'm glad that second season was (ostensibly) in the bag already, or I'd be worried. None of the other shows up against the Monk finale fared so poorly.
          Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post

          Yeah, normally I don't, I've just never had so many people comment on it and say "oh that would never happen" and I'm like I know! I know!
          'Crackfic' is kind of an esoteric term used mainly by writers- probably those folks didn't realize what it was supposed to be. Don't worry about it. It was cute.


            Originally posted by VSS View Post
            Let me finish highlighting the sentence for you:

            That was nitpicky, and inaccurate, Rachel. It's pretty clear what I meant- long enough to think about getting into 'trouble'. I didn't say they weren't ever written alone together.

            ANd really (this is addressed at no one in particular), I wouldn't have said anything about it except there's been a high level of irrelevant picking on one another's statements around here, and on the discussion thread. Can we just stick to what's relevant- and maybe let it slide if someone got the wrong season, or miscounted the number of times Sam smiles at Jack in a given episode? There's enough to discuss surrounding the actual things that matter, and all it does is makes people not want to say anything at all.
            :: hugs :: I LOVE YOU VSS!!! :: throws heart confetti :: :: dances around :: I would dance around nekkid but um, it just snowed up here, it's a bit cold

            I'm glad that second season was (ostensibly) in the bag already, or I'd be worried. None of the other shows up against the Monk finale fared so poorly.
            'Crackfic' is kind of an esoteric term used mainly by writers- probably those folks didn't realize what it was supposed to be. Don't worry about it. It was cute.
            The Monk finale was SO GOOD (although I watched it at the later hour and watched SGU instead). And thanks for the encouragement. I'm going to stop being insecure... NOW LOL

            And here's a story
            About man named Jack
            Who was angsty and oh so sad
            He was one man
            with a lot of baggage
            And he was all alone

            Here's a story
            About a girl name Sam
            Who had PHD and was really really smart
            She was one girl
            with a lot of cuteness
            And she was all alone

            Til the one day with this lady met this fellow
            And they knew that it was much more than a hunch
            It took them eight years but that's how they
            became the O'Neill and Carter bunch.

            Okay so the ending sucked but I need to go take a shower LOL


              So... a while back (two years ago, it turns out), I was desperate to get myself into the holiday spirit whilst fighting a nasty head cold... and along came the muse with loads and loads of cold-meds induced inspiration for a series of Sam & Jack Shipmas Carols.

              I can't tell you how much searching through the backpages of this thread it took me to find them--I want to share them on the Shipmas thread for sure, and here as well as we get into the swing of the season. And when I stumbled into this one... I couldn't post it fast enough. It's my favorite of all of them, I think!

              And so, to kick off some holiday cheer, I proudly present The Sam & Jack Shipmas Carol "Kinsey Got Run Over By A Reindeer!"

              Kinsey Got Run Over By A Reindeer

              Kinsey got run over by a reindeer
              Walking home from the White House Christmas Eve
              You may say there's no such thing as Santa,
              But as for Sam and Jack, they believe!

              He'd been drinking too much eggnog
              When the President kicked him out
              He swore he'd be back one day
              Then got tossed upon his derriere in the snow
              When they found him Christmas morning
              At the scene of the attack,
              He had hoof-prints on his forehead
              And incriminating Claus marks on his back

              Now we are all proud Shippers
              And we're not sorry that Kinsey's gone
              He was a pain in the mikta
              And he wanted Sam and Jack to get in trouble

              It's a great Christmas without Kinsey
              Sam and Jack are quite relieved
              That his cry for a court martial
              Fell on deaf ears that wintry Christmas eve

              Now the Ship is sailing smoothly
              Sam and Jack enjoy wedded bliss
              All the Shippers are quite grateful
              To Santa for granting them this Christmas wish
              Better warn the anti-shippers
              Santa's got it in for them
              Shippers all are safe from Santa
              For he knows the good Shippers deserve a happy end!

              One more time:
              Kinsey got run over by a reindeer
              Walking home from the White House Christmas Eve
              You may think there's no such thing as Santa,
              But as for Sam and Jack and the Shippers, we believe!

              Love and hot fudge,
              Bren Ren
              My stories!



                Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                Oooh let's hope so. He did say he'd lose 20 pounds to do the next movie.

                Hey! What if tbtp are waiting until he's down to his ideal weight before starting filming!!!

                I know. I know. Not likely. But at this point I'll take anything.
                I could be wrong, but I would think weight contracts would not be unusual, especially for a lead. Sometimes actors are required to gain weight (Tom Hanks in Cast Away) I've no idea if TPTB care but other studios definitely do- it's all about the image, after all.

                Just ask Tiger Woods.
                Now, he's going to have to get by just on playing golf.


                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  VSS, if only all cliches fics were that well done. You know I recently spent an afternoon with Josiane and Jumble and Josi and I sat there fangurling all over The General Theory... I ADORE that fic. I adore both of them; you totally made me reevaulate my stranded-off-world fic reading inclusion strategy.
                  We did - I have to say, I have never read a fic that has had such an emotional impact on me as The Theory of General Relativity, and in the best possible way. I had to put my computer down and let myself cry for a good few minutes before I was able to compose myself enough to write a review or go on with anything else. In fact, I've rarely read anything, fic or non-fic, that has had that kind of an impact, so this is me saying to anyone that hasn't read those two fics - GO READ NOW!!!

                  As to fanfic cliches, stranded offworld is my favourite I think, along with aliens made them do it
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    Lovely picspam Egle!

                    Twilight don't worry about the crack!fic, it's meant in fun and we know that. *huggles*

                    I think my favorite cliche fic would so have to be the pretending to be married or the stuck together in an awkward situation, anyone have any good recs for those?

                    Edit- You know I don't think I've read a stranded alone together fic after VSS's...after that one was so amazing I pretty much decided that nothings going to come close to that so I don't even try to read others.

                    And *nods* at what Josi said, I cried too during The General Theory of Relativity. *sniffles at the thought*

                    My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                    Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                      Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                      So... a while back (two years ago, it turns out), I was desperate to get myself into the holiday spirit whilst fighting a nasty head cold... and along came the muse with loads and loads of cold-meds induced inspiration for a series of Sam & Jack Shipmas Carols.

                      I can't tell you how much searching through the backpages of this thread it took me to find them--I want to share them on the Shipmas thread for sure, and here as well as we get into the swing of the season. And when I stumbled into this one... I couldn't post it fast enough. It's my favorite of all of them, I think!

                      And so, to kick off some holiday cheer, I proudly present The Sam & Jack Shipmas Carol "Kinsey Got Run Over By A Reindeer!"

                      Kinsey Got Run Over By A Reindeer

                      Kinsey got run over by a reindeer
                      Walking home from the White House Christmas Eve
                      You may say there's no such thing as Santa,
                      But as for Sam and Jack, they believe!

                      He'd been drinking too much eggnog
                      When the President kicked him out
                      He swore he'd be back one day
                      Then got tossed upon his derriere in the snow
                      When they found him Christmas morning
                      At the scene of the attack,
                      He had hoof-prints on his forehead
                      And incriminating Claus marks on his back

                      Now we are all proud Shippers
                      And we're not sorry that Kinsey's gone
                      He was a pain in the mikta
                      And he wanted Sam and Jack to get in trouble

                      It's a great Christmas without Kinsey
                      Sam and Jack are quite relieved
                      That his cry for a court martial
                      Fell on deaf ears that wintry Christmas eve

                      Now the Ship is sailing smoothly
                      Sam and Jack enjoy wedded bliss
                      All the Shippers are quite grateful
                      To Santa for granting them this Christmas wish
                      Better warn the anti-shippers
                      Santa's got it in for them
                      Shippers all are safe from Santa
                      For he knows the good Shippers deserve a happy end!

                      One more time:
                      Kinsey got run over by a reindeer
                      Walking home from the White House Christmas Eve
                      You may think there's no such thing as Santa,
                      But as for Sam and Jack and the Shippers, we believe!

                      so i was here during class and i read this and i laughed out loud so obnoxiously i got kicked out class for five minutes until i could calm down thanks for this!!
                      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                        Originally posted by VSS View Post
                        Let me finish highlighting the sentence for you:

                        That was nitpicky, and inaccurate, Rachel. It's pretty clear what I meant- long enough to think about getting into 'trouble'. I didn't say they weren't ever written alone together.

                        ANd really (this is addressed at no one in particular), I wouldn't have said anything about it except there's been a high level of irrelevant picking on one another's statements around here, and on the discussion thread. Can we just stick to what's relevant- and maybe let it slide if someone got the wrong season, or miscounted the number of times Sam smiles at Jack in a given episode? There's enough to discuss surrounding the actual things that matter, and all it does is makes people not want to say anything at all.
                        Firstly, I apologise if I upset you in anyway. Yes, it was a little nitpicky and inaccurate as a response to the exact thing that you said but it was meant as a fun and light-hearted poke not as a serious picking on what you had said. As I said I'm sorry if it didn't come across the way it was intended.

                        As to the rest. I agree that it's best in all debates whether on a forum to take everything that is said not too seriously. Otherwise debating and discussing does get *not-fun*.

                        Which it just did for me and yes, I'm now considering not wanting to say anything at all.
                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                          Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                          LOL - I satisfy that part of my brain my making sure I stay IC when I write "real" fic! The crack!fic and minifics I do here in jest are sort of my way of letting myself "play" because I'm incredibly strict when it comes to my fanfic. So I completely 100% agree there's really no way at all that this would ever really happen (b/c how would Daniel get a recording of an orgasmic Sam???)
                 know here I am, sitting relaxed in my chair, catching up on the thread because I actually ...did something... on school, and suddenly I read "daniel recording an orgasmic Sam" ...what the??? ...I reread and I'm like...oh ok

                          As for crack!fics. I *love* them. Why? We are always so busy with keeping S/J in character, figuring out why they do stuff, discussion their every moment, that sometimes it is just fun to read something which isn't that much in character...which is just ...funny!

                          cliche!fic. I like them if they're well written. I love S/J stranded fics and also the baby fics...I can read those kind of fics all the time as long as they are well written. I even think that IMHO the fanfic I am writing now is also cliche(after D&C ) anyway, the idea of the fanfic doesn't say if it is good or not but the execution does. You can come up with the best original idea ever, but still write very crappy...the fantastic idea will in the end not save your fanfic.

                          And then some people came in the room, I got distracted and I forgot my point so I'm leaving it like this lol


                            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                            Lovely picspam Egle!

                            Twilight don't worry about the crack!fic, it's meant in fun and we know that. *huggles*

                            I think my favorite cliche fic would so have to be the pretending to be married or the stuck together in an awkward situation, anyone have any good recs for those?

                            Edit- You know I don't think I've read a stranded alone together fic after VSS's...after that one was so amazing I pretty much decided that nothings going to come close to that so I don't even try to read others.

                            And *nods* at what Josi said, I cried too during The General Theory of Relativity.
                            Ohh I love those too!

                            As to recs, you must surely have already read Kate McCaye's Compromising Positions: A very sticky situation?
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Originally posted by josiane View Post
                              Ohh I love those too!

                              As to recs, you must surely have already read Kate McCaye's Compromising Positions: A very sticky situation?
                              Yup I have read it before but it's always good to go back and read again! Thanks Josi!

                              My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                              Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                              Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                                Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                                so i was here during class and i read this and i laughed out loud so obnoxiously i got kicked out class for five minutes until i could calm down thanks for this!!

                                SORRY! Didn't mean to get anyone in trouble!!!
                                Love and hot fudge,
                                Bren Ren
                                My stories!


