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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Good-night, Everyone! Shippy dreams! ~Jess

    The Return of King Arthur
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


      Some great posts overnight everyone

      Before I get to throwing my two penn'orth in, I should formally announce the eps of the week

      *clears throat*

      The future that never was

      Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
      I think this is why it hurt him so much - Sam was the one person he'd come to really believe would be with him no matter what. It was a foreshadowing to "Grace" when we find out that deep down, she doesn't want to be alone forever. She wants a family... and look how easily she dupes herself into being with - Jack is naturally skeptical, he's had so much taken from him, but Sam... she's optimistic. She generally takes people at their word and while she's not naive per se, I think because deep down, deeper than she even realizes, she wants happily ever after. So Jack, being his typical obstinate self keeps trying to dig and she wants to stop, take them at their word, settle down while Jack keeps asking her to be a soldier. Keep fighting a war when the Aschen could win it for them.

      It does seem like a lot of people were incredibly naive about the Aschen, but then, in the grand scope of things, they called themselves a "Federation" and Earth is relatively young in its interplanetary dealings...

      Sort of like a younger woman getting involved with an abusive boyfriend because she doesn't know better. He seems really awesome and great, but later, after she's involved, his nature comes out.
      Great observation here I don't think I'd really considered before the effect that Jack's resistance to the Aschen would have had psychologically on Sam. I've often thought that one of the reasons for the 'dry period' in the ship in S5 could be the realisation that they've got rid of Apophis but that still hasn't won them the war, and I think the Aschen not turning out to be the saviours they hoped could well have a similar effect - Jack wants to keep fighting, and Sam just doesn't because continuing to fight means losing Jack. And that could well mean problems for any relationship they might have developed. Jack I think is more patient than Sam about the wait - it's not him that wrestles with the problem on a deserted spaceship after all And I think this is for the reasons you've said above - that Jack is more pessimistic. I think a large part of him probably doubts he and Sam will ever get their happy ending, and he's kind of resigned himself to that, even before Pete comes along, but Sam keeps hoping.

      Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
      I just hate that Joe feels like he has to protect her by demanding that Sam be left out of the operation that she herself thought of. For that matter, it seems like every guy Sam's been with (except Jack, of course!) has been a control freak.

      Jonas Hansen was the epitome of control freak, Joe felt like he had to protect her well-being when she's perfectly capable of protecting herself, and Pete's shown a couple times that he likes to be in control and 100% on top of things (by pressing her for classified info and by buying a house without talking to her first).
      Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
      I wonder if the writers thought through all of Sam's love interests because there's a consistency in their behavior. Jonas was an extreme - he was very abusive - but Joe was controlling (not telling her about the fertility thing while she painfully struggles to have a baby, not letting her make her own decisions...), Pete was stalkerish and couldn't deal with Sam and her secrets and part of her life...

      Jack's the only one that steps back and lets her shine and I think that's why we see such a positive change in her character after season 8
      Yes, exactly Jack is different to all the rest, and deliberately so I think.

      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Happy B-day Jasmina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


          Happy birthday Twinny! XD
          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


            So that's why it's always flooding

            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
            Yay! for Rachel's 2010 tag rec And for the every shipper moment list!

            *huggles to Jess*

            So guys two fic questions:

            1. I'm wondering this...and I can't pinpoint an episode...but when you get hit with a staff blast...does it cauterize the wound? I know in Heroes there's blood...but you don't see blood with Jack but that's almost too fast to I'm wondering if there's any speculation about that.
            Didn't Jacks vest take the brunt of the blast?

            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
            Would that be 'Continuum Interrupted?' I'll admit I skipped over that part

            Speaking of gutter...I swear this started out innocent enough...and then it turned out not so innocent

            mmmmmm nice


              Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
              Despite how much I totally hate the episode, I actually watched 2010 the other night. I don't hate it any less, but geez, Jack is hot in that episode!! I guess being abandoned, forsaken, and treated like crap by your "friends" is good for his appearance!

              I wonder why, if the Ashen killed Hammond, they didn't kill Jack too . . . Maybe because nobody was listening to him anyway. <shrug>
              I'm not really that keen on the ep either, I don't like the way they wrote the rest of his team. I mean after being together so long I wouldn't have thought they'd just blow off his suspicions about the Aschen. The Sam, Daniel, Teal'c I know wouldn't have done that. I kinda thought they were a bit OOC *shrugs*

              Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
              Because they didn't want to kill off the hottnest man on the planet....even if he was hiding himself away in his cabin. I mean really RDA just has that scruffy sexyness down. Really it doesn't get much better then this-


              You know...somehow I always overlook the hotness of Jack in that episode

              I agree with you '2010' is pretty depressing (even for me ) but then you think that 2010 is next year for us...and Sam and Jack are together

              Oh and yeah Earth's still around too
              The man is hotness personified He actually makes beards hot, and I don't normally like beards


                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                if no one's ever visited this heavenly sam/jack fic site, check it out now! YEARS of stuff to go through.

                here's a link from another post/thread to get the heads up -
                Awesome, thanks for the heads up

                Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                Howdy Campers!

                I finally got my graphics art program reinstalled!!!

                Naturally, I had to play with it... and I forgot how addictive it can be!

                So I made a few new siggies (including my new one in my sig below ), and I just couldn't wait to share them!





                RE: Zero Gravity:
                ]Solution for combating those pesky laws of physics... Bondage! It works in water, which is as close to zero grav as we've got here on earth!

                mmmm gorgeous


                  Good Morning, Campers!

                  Ooh! Lookie what I found buried in my Photobucket!

                  The little girl is Wylie, Rick's daughter.

                  So cute! And the full photo:

                  The Return of King Arthur
                  Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                  acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                    Aww, that's a great pic
                    Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      they just sooo complete each other! he's the wind beneath her wings, and she's the light in his soul... *sighs*

                      <grabs mic and hops up on the nearest table>

                      Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
                      I can fly higher than an eagle...
                      Cause you are the wind beneath my wings!

                      <drops mic and scurries back to the Gutter>

                      Originally posted by josiane View Post
                      Great observation here I don't think I'd really considered before the effect that Jack's resistance to the Aschen would have had psychologically on Sam. I've often thought that one of the reasons for the 'dry period' in the ship in S5 could be the realisation that they've got rid of Apophis but that still hasn't won them the war, and I think the Aschen not turning out to be the saviours they hoped could well have a similar effect - Jack wants to keep fighting, and Sam just doesn't because continuing to fight means losing Jack.

                      Wow, and I thought the Gutter was deep!

                      I'd never made this connection, either. Now that you've pointed it out, though, it makes perfect sense.

                      I'd add that that bit about defeating Apophis but not winning the war likely played a significant role in the blind acceptance of the Aschen in the 2010 timeline, particularly on Sam's part. As you said, Jack's ready and willing to keep fighting the good fight, but Sam's ready for it to be over; she's ready to move on with her life. Jack's blanket refusal to accept the Aschen I'm sure helped push her over the edge into the "dearly beloved Ambassador's" waiting arms...

                      Oh, the ANGST!!!

                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      So that's why it's always flooding

                      Right. Cause it has nothing to do with pics like THESE being post several times a day!


                      Those last two are just too darn hot to cut out the [IMG] tags!

                      "Love is a burning desire,
                      That makes your heart light on fire..."
                      ~~ Anonymous

                      Love and hot fudge,
                      Bren Ren
                      My stories!



                        RE: Staff blast injury - For a Jaffa staff blast whether it is cauterized seems to depend on where someone is hit and at what angle. The Ori ones seem to be less likely to cauterize, their tends to be a lot of blood whenever someone is hit by one, even if they're wearing a vest
                        (Teal'c in Arc of Truth)

                        Originally posted by Buc252 View Post

                        I wonder why, if the Ashen killed Hammond, they didn't kill Jack too . . . Maybe because nobody was listening to him anyway. <shrug>
                        Hammond was high profile and the Achen probably saw him as a threat. Jack had retired to his cabin, no one had seen him for years, so they, incorrectly, assumed he was of no concern.


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                          Good Morning, Campers!

                          Ooh! Lookie what I found buried in my Photobucket!

                          The little girl is Wylie, Rick's daughter.


                          So cute! And the full photo:

                          I am always blown away by how graceful AT has aged - I hope I age as well LOL (I think my mom has aged very gracefully so :: fingers crossed :: ).

                          As for 2010...

                          (now I think I ought to write a scene that portrays the way I think Sam was feeling LOL)...

                          I know it's hard to imagine the group turning on Jack, but I think it was probably rooted in the fact that the Aschen didn't have anything to be wary of (I mean they don't find out about what's going on until Sam has Janet examine her to tell her that the Aschen doctors were lying). I think that Jack kept pushing and kept pushing and I have to believe that they tried to investigate with him, but after a period of time, after finding nothing, the search felt futile and Jack kept pushing. I think at some point they wrote it off as Jack's inability to believe that anything good could happen to them. It might have been like an obsession with Jack, always looking for the other angle, and they chased rabbit trails with him until finally, one day, they said enough. Maybe Sam tried to get Jack's attention but he was too focused and Joe paid attention to her (I mean, why did she date Pete? It wasn't until Threads that she realized settling wasn't what she wanted, but at some point, she was willing to settle for second best). So on one side she has Jack who won't stop and give her the time of day and then she has Joe who is romantic and sweet...

                          And then the Jaffa are free and Teal'c has what he wants... and Daniel is an archaelogist... and Jack is still fighting and they just can't see any reason anymore, so they try to convince him to stop, but he won't and so they walk away and Jack goes to his cabin and Sam settles for Joe because Jack can't be satisfied.

                          And thus we have 2010.

                          On a side note if you consider this side of the issue, it makes Jack's statement:

                          "Personally, I like things the way they are. No more saving the world, just a nice pond with no pesky fish in it, and the single most pressing issue in my life is whether or not to get a dog."

                          almost snarky - Sam wanted to stop fighting and now she wants to change her mind... and now Jack has stopped fighting and is resigned to the fate of the way things are....


                          Plot bunny filed...


                            Originally posted by ddc View Post
                            Hammond was high profile and the Achen probably saw him as a threat. Jack had retired to his cabin, no one had seen him for years, so they, incorrectly, assumed he was of no concern.
                            Also Hammond supposedly found something. Jack never had any proof, just his "crazy" theories.


                              So I'm browsing through a site with tons of romantic love quotes, and one of them just jumped out at me as being a very apt description of the dilemma between Sam & Jack...
                              Love does not die easily.
                              It is a living thing.
                              It thrives in the face
                              of all life's hazards,
                              save one--neglect.
                              ~ by James Bryden ~

                              Edit: Found another which is especially appropriate for Beneath the Surface...

                              The best feelings are those that
                              Have no words to describe them....
                              ~ by Michelle Hammersley ~

                              Last edited by BrenRen; 13 September 2009, 07:34 AM.
                              Love and hot fudge,
                              Bren Ren
                              My stories!



                                Originally posted by BrenRen;10598548
                                [FONT=Times New Roman

                                Right. Cause it has nothing to do with pics like THESE being post several times a day!



                                Those last two are just too darn hot to cut out the [IMG] tags!

                                "Love is a burning desire,
                                That makes your heart light on fire..."
                                ~~ Anonymous

                                Why, I do know what you mean *cough*

