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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    How To Change Your Windows System Sounds:


    To change Windows System Sounds (Windows Vista):

    Firstly, before you start it is a good idea to select the sounds you want to use and copy them into a separate file and label it as something like "my custom system sounds do not move". This is because if you then move the files after setting them up as your system sounds, the system won't be able to see them and will just stop playing a sound at all, or come up with an error message.

    1. Click on the WINDOWS START logo

    2. Click on CONTROL PANEL

    3. Click on HARDWARE AND SOUND


    5. This opens a new window. The SOUNDS tab should already be open but if not open it.
    In the centre you will see the program and the sounds associated with it. It should automatically default to Windows and all the Windows functions that use sounds. The ones with speaker icons next to them are ones that currently have sounds associated.

    6. Click on the appropriate function (i.e. Asterisk) and you will see the default sound associated at the bottom. You can play this by clicking TEST.

    7. To chose another sound, click on BROWSE. This will open up your file folders. Simply select the sound from the location in which you have filed it.

    This is using Windows Vista. If memory serves me right, the only difference on earlier Windows versions is from the Control panel you select SOUND directly from the list. I can't check because my XP based desktop is a bit poorly right now.



      CAGS!!!! I love you!!! *dances around happily* It wasn't exactly where you said for my computer but I found it...I logged out of windows and I now have a 'Space monkey' as the sound!!!

      *dances some more*

      *huggles to Cags*

      Oh yeah and


      My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
      Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


        Oh Cags!!! You so rock! I've got the files d/l'd now and am wondering...just when did Sam call Jonas a Chicken ****?


        Oh, um...

        Early love:

        Middle love:

        Late love:

        edit: wow...look at that. GW edited my post. It said "Chicken S---" spelled out and GW changed it to Chicken ****. Hmm.
        Last edited by Pol; 11 September 2009, 03:19 PM.
        Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


          *runs in with link to Challenge Posts*

          banner by josiane

          Sekrit Challenge Post

          Sekrit Challenge Answers


            Love the challenge images. Thanks for posting!
            Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              I've heard of small talk, but could their talk get any smaller

              all joking aside, though... i wonder how long it would take them to be able to talk to each other without holding back? 8 years of disjointed conversations; that might take a bit of relearning for them.

              actually, that's kind of sad.

              but maybe it wouldn't take too long?...




                Originally posted by melanell View Post
                As for the Threads timeline, I definitely believe that Sam broke it off with Pete before ever finding out that Jack & Kerry were no longer together.
                me too. sam knew, even if she couldn't have jack, that pete wasn't right for her.

                but i also think she got the gist of things when jack said 'always' to her.



                  Oh. OH!!! Lighbulb moment!!!

                  I was listening to Cag's most excellent sound clips and realized this:


                  Thank you, Sir.

                  For what?

                  Carter hesitates for a moment, looking at O'Neill.

                  Think nothing of it. I've got plenty of that.

                  Thank you, Sir.

                  For what?

                  For being here for me.

                  (Carter looks at him, acknowledging what he says with a slight smile, then tucks her face against his hand.)

                  In Grace, just as the Sam/Jack theme plays we hear their dialogue.

                  In Threads, the musical cue is different. No sound at all but just Sam and Jack speaking until after Jack says "Always." Then the music sails in, but the first three chords are the same first three notes of the Sam/Jack theme.

                  For us, the viewer, we have the setup from Grace, the "Thank you, Sir," "For what?" bit. We're almost expecting Jack to pass it off, Sam too. This, this right here is her decision-point. She could say nothing, simply look at him and somehow indicate the half-embrace they're in, she could say, "For this." (meaning the hug). She could say, "For allowing in the Tok'ra" (and ignoring the huggyness goin' on). Instead, she opens herself up to him with her line, "For being here for me," acknowledging the fact that she knows damned well that he's just left his dinner date high and dry at his house, 'cause she herself just sprinted from there!

                  (Okay, he might have had time to eat, but really...Sam came back to the base, saw her dad, changed into uniform, saw her dad again, then the Tok'ra came and she went to the obs window...Jack had time to push Kerry out the door, head to the base to "OK" the Tok'ra arrival and stare blankly at paperwork 'till Kerry dumps him, but still...).

                  Now back to my apostrophe (er, ephiphany), Jack has the option of passing it off, saying something like, "No problem." Or, "Friends, Sam." Or even, "Wild horses, Carter." Instead he promises her a future of him always being there for her.

                  Look at the nifty parallelism in dialogue and music. Those sneaky PTB...sneaking the fact that Sam and Jack are in love past those pesky Air Force censors!
                  Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                    Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                    I SO don't remember that line! It's a Jack line, I assume? It sounds so like him .. .

                    If he only knew indeed . . .

                    Originally posted by Pol View Post
                    Oh Cags!!! You so rock! I've got the files d/l'd now and am wondering...just when did Sam call Jonas a Chicken ****?


                    Oh, um...

                    Early love:

                    Middle love:

                    Late love:

                    edit: wow...look at that. GW edited my post. It said "Chicken S---" spelled out and GW changed it to Chicken ****. Hmm.
                    yup....cuz swearing is not a PG thing to do apparently....


                      HOLY SONIC BOOMS, BATMAN!

                      I think the shuttle just arrived in town, we just had whopping double-booms here. Wowsers. Made me think of Sam.


                      Sam loves Jack.

                      Jack loves Sam.

                      Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                        all joking aside, though... i wonder how long it would take them to be able to talk to each other without holding back? 8 years of disjointed conversations; that might take a bit of relearning for them.

                        actually, that's kind of sad.

                        but maybe it wouldn't take too long?...

                        Well, they are pretty fast learners...

                        I tried a couple times to write something deep and profound... but the only depth I'm capable of today, it seems, is Gutter.

                        That being said... What I wonder is..

                        Does she manage to break the "sir" habit in the bedroom?
                        Love and hot fudge,
                        Bren Ren
                        My stories!



                          Originally posted by Pol View Post
                          HOLY SONIC BOOMS, BATMAN!

                          I think the shuttle just arrived in town, we just had whopping double-booms here. Wowsers. Made me think of Sam.


                          Sam loves Jack.

                          Jack loves Sam.

                          i heard/felt it too.

                          that was sam and jack.

                          doing something.

                          causing the earth to move.

                          not just for themselves.

                          those two!



                            Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                            Well, they are pretty fast learners...

                            I tried a couple times to write something deep and profound... but the only depth I'm capable of today, it seems, is Gutter.

                            That being said... What I wonder is..

                            Does she manage to break the "sir" habit in the bedroom?
                            gutter good. sally like gutter.

                            but you have to wonder, would jack *want* her to break the habit 'there'?



                              Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                              Well, they are pretty fast learners...

                              I tried a couple times to write something deep and profound... but the only depth I'm capable of today, it seems, is Gutter.

                              That being said... What I wonder is..

                              Does she manage to break the "sir" habit in the bedroom?
                              I really, truly hope so. Sam does call other people "sir".

                              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                gutter good. sally like gutter.

                                but you have to wonder, would jack *want* her to break the habit 'there'?
                                Probably not.

                                The other thing I wonder, though...

                                Do they perhaps enjoy the occasional role-reversal, where Sam makes Jack call her Ma'am?

                                I also can't help wondering if maybe they saved those handcuffs from Desperate Measures...
                                Love and hot fudge,
                                Bren Ren
                                My stories!


