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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
    I totally read that as 'The rush to his side arm'

    That works for me!

    Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
    Probably not. You are *way* smarter than me, after all!


    I'm thinking I missed a memo on an upgrade to the security camera system.
    *You* missed a memo?
    I know, I know... But it's all your fault, really.
    Just because I pulled you into that empty storage closet...
    And thoroughly distracted me...
    I didn't hear any complaints at the time!
    I didn't know we were being watched!
    Oh. Yeah. Well...
    So what were you thinking?
    We need a bigger closet.
    And you need to read your memos. You were supposed to use the closet on level 24.
    And lock the door next time! Sheesh!


    Long Live
    The Gutter!!

    Last edited by BrenRen; 10 September 2009, 08:09 AM.
    Love and hot fudge,
    Bren Ren
    My stories!



      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post

      Sorry I'm actually a big fan of that deleted Trio scene. lol. And I took 'it's complicated' meaning that she's on ATLANTIS (not sgc... like I previously said, ) and he's in Washington.
      I always thought her saying what she did meant what you said above and that they are just being very discrete with their relationship.

      Good news that Martin and Amanda have now commented in the last week about the third SG-1 movie.
      Last edited by leiasky; 10 September 2009, 09:33 AM.
      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
        Looool! I was thinking of 'not exactly' comment when I worte that and completly transfered it to 'it's complicated' scene in Trio.

        Sorry I'm actually a big fan of that deleted Trio scene. lol. And I took 'it's complicated' meaning that she's on ATLANTIS (not sgc... like I previously said, ) and he's in Washington. Though I do have mixed feelings about the delted part because even though I like it's been at least in some way confirmed but glad that it was delted because I would want to see it confirmed in SGA... or SGU for that matter.
        Sorry for the confusion.

        And Jann I completly believe we'll get confirmation in the third movie. *nods* But I also believe that the PTB were toying with us through out the series.

        Yes, I think you're right on the mark here, because of the smile on her face (at least I've heard she has a smile). It's annoying-complicated not FUBAR-complicated.

        And they were totally toying with us, but I think those days are done.


          Originally posted by leiasky View Post
          I always thought her saying what she did meant what you said above and that they are just being very discrete with their relationship.

          Good news that Mmartin and Amanda have now commented in the last week about the third SG-1 movie.
          That it is!

          Originally posted by VSS View Post
          Yes, I think you're right on the mark here, because of the smile on her face (at least I've heard she has a smile). It's annoying-complicated not FUBAR-complicated.

          And they were totally toying with us, but I think those days are done.
          Aw now see that's the shippy cheerleader VSS we all know and love!

          My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
          Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


            Originally posted by leiasky View Post
            I always thought her saying what she did meant what you said above and that they are just being very discrete with their relationship.

            Good news that Mmartin and Amanda have now commented in the last week about the third SG-1 movie.
            Yes, I feel so releived. I was actually afraid that they won't be making it for the lack of news, but now we don't have to worry.

            Originally posted by VSS View Post
            Yes, I think you're right on the mark here, because of the smile on her face (at least I've heard she has a smile). It's annoying-complicated not FUBAR-complicated.

            And they were totally toying with us, but I think those days are done.
            I'm confiedent.
            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


              Hello me harties...Hows it going in the land of the ship

              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
              I do wish I'd taken part on the RT viewing but, duty elsewhere called.
              I have enjoyed all your comments. I want to get your thoughts on one thing though:

              At the point when Sam dumps Pete, do you think she knew (either through Jack telling her or her guessing) that Jack was no longer with Kerry?
              The reason I ask is because it puts a whole different spin on things if she did know than if she didn't.

              I prefer to think she thought Jack was still with Kerry, even though it would be hard to interpret the "always" as anything other than a declaration of love. I like to think she dumped Pete with no real expectation of being with Jack. She did it for herself; making the decision not to compromise; to go for the all or nothing against all odds big gamble. It's just more... angsty and romantic that way.
              At that point I don't think she knew *shrugs* But wait, what about that scene in the observation room when he put his arm round her to comfort her. He wouldn't have done that if he was still with Kerry, would he? Sam would have figured that out wouldn't she?

              HOLY HANNA....I've just went and confused myself

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              i'm going to comment on this scene... as much as i *love* this scene, i thought it was kind of weird for sam to be so openly affectionate with jack (and forget it's in front of others) when almost everything about their personal relationship was denying and pretending. i always wondered if that was more 'amanda' reacting than sam... but i'd like to think the director would have caught that.

              OR, am i reading the scene wrong? is sam *so* caught up in her feelings of loss about jacob, that she's just letting her defenses down and responding to him? isn't the whole scene about letting down their walls and finally letting the other person in?

              wow, i just explained away my first paragraph issues and came away with a new conclusion!
              WOW...I wish I could do that

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              for me, seeing sam with pete is like seeing sam with walter harriman. beauty and the geek.

              yes, i'm snarking off on again. it's in my blood.
              Well at least Walter and Sam had some chemistyr on screen

              Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
              indeed....she's about as innocent as a cat with canary feathers sticking out its mouth....
              Just because the cat has got the canary feathers sticking out it's mouth doesn't mean it ate the canary, they could have got there a number of ways


                Originally posted by jumble View Post

                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                I'm confiedent.
                As am I.
                Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Awesome *iz feeling rather optimistic now* I want me SG-1 movie now please

                  Hey I was just thinking earlier about all three SG shows. And it dawned on me that SG-1 and SGU managed to get a household name into the shows. SG-1 has RDA and SGU has Robert Carlyle and Lou Diamond Phillips. But SGA didn't have a household name *shrugs* Maybe that was part of the problem with it *shrugs*


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    At that point I don't think she knew *shrugs* But wait, what about that scene in the observation room when he put his arm round her to comfort her. He wouldn't have done that if he was still with Kerry, would he? Sam would have figured that out wouldn't she?

                    HOLY HANNA....I've just went and confused myself
                    I could be in the minority with this opinion, but even if Jack was still with Kerry, I think that given what Sam was going through at the time with the imminent death of Jacob, he would still have put his arm around her like that and said "Always". I think he would have done that as simply a really good friend would. And Sam was at a point of simply appreciating and accepting of his being there and being so supportive and kind - something she very much needed at that point.

                    (*or I could just be mumbling to myself and not making any sense*)


                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      I could be in the minority with this opinion, but even if Jack was still with Kerry, I think that given what Sam was going through at the time with the imminent death of Jacob, he would still have put his arm around her like that and said "Always". I think he would have done that as simply a really good friend would. And Sam was at a point of simply appreciating and accepting of his being there and being so supportive and kind - something she very much needed at that point.

                      (*or I could just be mumbling to myself and not making any sense*)
                      But, isn't that how people look at that scene when they insist that Jack and Sam didn't work things out? He's saying what any good friend would.

                      The reason why I don't see it that way is that Jack means what he says. He's not a man of empty platitudes meant to comfort someone in a time of need. He really means "always" and that's an extraordinary commitment to make. I wouldn't say that to anyone outside of my immediate family, not if I really meant it.


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        I could be in the minority with this opinion, but even if Jack was still with Kerry, I think that given what Sam was going through at the time with the imminent death of Jacob, he would still have put his arm around her like that and said "Always". I think he would have done that as simply a really good friend would. And Sam was at a point of simply appreciating and accepting of his being there and being so supportive and kind - something she very much needed at that point.

                        (*or I could just be mumbling to myself and not making any sense*)
                        I agree completely. He would have behaved in that manner for any of his close friends. The 'always' is what takes it one step further.

                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Awesome *iz feeling rather optimistic now* I want me SG-1 movie now please

                        Hey I was just thinking earlier about all three SG shows. And it dawned on me that SG-1 and SGU managed to get a household name into the shows. SG-1 has RDA and SGU has Robert Carlyle and Lou Diamond Phillips. But SGA didn't have a household name *shrugs* Maybe that was part of the problem with it *shrugs*

                        Robert Carlyle is far from a household name. He may be well known overseas, but in the states, where they count the ratings that keep shows on the air, he's not as well known.

                        I doubt that was the problem with SGA. The original characters were well developed and interesting. Later on, well . . . not so much.
                        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                          Hi guys.

                          I know you all have probably forgotten about me by now since I lurk more than post atm.

                          Well then, ahem **clears throat**

                          Let me reintroduce myself ** hey Daniel came back, didn't he**

                          I am Trinity or Trin as some threaders so fondly used to call me.

                          I am a devoted Sam/Jack shipper

                          Long live the S/J ship! **pumps arm for emphasis**

                          So when you see me around, feel free to stop and say hi, cause although I haven't been around too much, I still love you guys.

                          ..and the ship

                          BTW, can anyone tell me when I should be able to upload my own avatar?

                          Originally posted by Pol View Post

                          As am I.

                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          I could be in the minority with this opinion, but even if Jack was still with Kerry, I think that given what Sam was going through at the time with the imminent death of Jacob, he would still have put his arm around her like that and said "Always". I think he would have done that as simply a really good friend would. And Sam was at a point of simply appreciating and accepting of his being there and being so supportive and kind - something she very much needed at that point.

                          (*or I could just be mumbling to myself and not making any sense*)
                          I agree. Regardless of their circumstances, when the crunch came, it was always about them being there for each other in any way that they could, regardless of who else was in the picture at the time.

                          Random Q:

                          How/When do you think Jack told Sam he and Kerry broke up?
                          sig by Mada
                          As a matter of FIC


                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            I could be in the minority with this opinion, but even if Jack was still with Kerry, I think that given what Sam was going through at the time with the imminent death of Jacob, he would still have put his arm around her like that and said "Always". I think he would have done that as simply a really good friend would. And Sam was at a point of simply appreciating and accepting of his being there and being so supportive and kind - something she very much needed at that point.

                            (*or I could just be mumbling to myself and not making any sense*)
                            Originally posted by VSS View Post
                            But, isn't that how people look at that scene when they insist that Jack and Sam didn't work things out? He's saying what any good friend would.

                            The reason why I don't see it that way is that Jack means what he says. He's not a man of empty platitudes meant to comfort someone in a time of need. He really means "always" and that's an extraordinary commitment to make. I wouldn't say that to anyone outside of my immediate family, not if I really meant it.

                            You see I see that scene very much like a fusion between what hedwig says and in the shippy way. Jack's actions are prompted by the need to comfort someone he cares about who is in emotional distress. Yes, he probably would do the same/similar for Daniel or Teal'c or his ex-wife of Cassie etc. The difference isn't that he's just there for her, but the way he reacts while he is there for her. The look on his face when he says "Always" is one of pure, unconditional love. And when she goes to her dad, you can see how deeply her pain is resonating through him. Really, honestly, it's possible to "feel" another person's pain without loving them (and we do it often among our friends and colleagues) but only those closest to you who love you the greatest feel that pain so completely that their heart breaks along with yours.

                            I said once before that what Jack's saying here is "I am here for you, for whatever you want and for however long to need me to be and I ask nothing from you in return."

                            Now that's what love is all about.

                            *sigh* I love Sam and Jack so much.


                              Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                              Hi guys.

                              I know you all have probably forgotten about me by now since I lurk more than post atm.

                              Well then, ahem **clears throat**

                              Let me reintroduce myself ** hey Daniel came back, didn't he**

                              I am Trinity or Trin as some threaders so fondly used to call me.

                              I am a devoted Sam/Jack shipper

                              Long live the S/J ship! **pumps arm for emphasis**

                              So when you see me around, feel free to stop and say hi, cause although I haven't been around too much, I still love you guys.

                              ..and the ship

                              BTW, can anyone tell me when I should be able to upload my own avatar?
                              Welcomes Trin with a big ((((hug)))). Hmmmm ... thinks she looks very familiar ... kinda sorta maybe remembers her from somewhere ... puts on thinking cap and tries to remember where and when. Whatever! Anyway, come in, sit down at the edge of the pool and dunk your feet in the "water" (or just jump in and splash around), have some broccoli or cake or pie or jello.

                              I think its when you reach 2000 posts you get to have your own avatar.

                              Oh, and I think he definitely told her about breaking up with Kerry sometime before their hands brushed over each other's in the briefing room when she slid a report over to him at the table.
                              Last edited by hedwig; 10 September 2009, 11:42 AM.


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                I could be in the minority with this opinion, but even if Jack was still with Kerry, I think that given what Sam was going through at the time with the imminent death of Jacob, he would still have put his arm around her like that and said "Always". I think he would have done that as simply a really good friend would. And Sam was at a point of simply appreciating and accepting of his being there and being so supportive and kind - something she very much needed at that point.

                                (*or I could just be mumbling to myself and not making any sense*)
                                hmmm good point there. Maybe with the emotions Sam was feeling she was vulnerable and finally let her walls down a bit.....Um ok, I am babbling now and not making much sense I blame the tiredness, i've not had a good nights sleep for the last few nights

                                Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                                Robert Carlyle is far from a household name. He may be well known overseas, but in the states, where they count the ratings that keep shows on the air, he's not as well known.

                                I doubt that was the problem with SGA. The original characters were well developed and interesting. Later on, well . . . not so much.
                                Oh ok, well Lou Diamond Phillips then

                                Aye true, SGA had so many problems and a lack of a household name was low on the list

                                Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                                BTW, can anyone tell me when I should be able to upload my own avatar?

                                Random Q:

                                How/When do you think Jack told Sam he and Kerry broke up?
                                When you reach 2000 posts or there abouts

                                I think it must have been between when Kerry brike up with him and when they were talking in the briefing room near the end *shrugs* In other words I have no idea

