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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    ye ol' quiz time

    1- what is sam and jack's 'them' song?

    ''I got you babe''!

    2- shortly after getting together, what habits do they both learn about each other that makes
    the other and ?

    Sam talks to Giles the Lawn Gnome and Jack makes porky sounds when he laughs.

    3- what does jack get sam on their one month anniversary? what does sam get jack?

    Jack gives her a hug, Sam gives Jack her heart.
    That or socks.

    Originally posted by Alan View Post
    I'm sorry, DutchIndeed. They really shouldn't let me out at night should they.

    What? Two sweaty, half-naked individuals dancing around each other? What could possibly come from Rocky that would have any bearing on Sam and Jack?

    Oh, wait. I see.
    I think it's very cool when one answers his own question in the same post...
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      Here it is, my report on meeting Amanda - spoilered for great length!

      (click in pic for entire album).
      The photos at that site are...well, some are great, some are so-so. They are about 1/3 of the total images shot, but you're seeing the best of the lot.
      Hi everyone,

      Before I begin my report I have to preface it with this. I am no stranger to film and TV sets, not in the least. I was an on-set medic for X-Files, the first movie and for the show when they moved to LA. I've been an on-set PA for more things than I can count, way back to Star Trek: TNG back in the mid-80's as I was sorting out post military life (USAF) and future career goals. I've sat on hotel beds with David Duchovney (in a room of 30 or more others), had lunch with same, and Gillian, and Charlton Heston, Emma Sands, and many, many others

      So...all this to say...I was still nervous as all getout at the prospect of meeting Amanda. Really. Really. Nervous.

      I planned two weeks ahead, I'm not kidding. Got my hair cut so it'd look nice in the picture (which I'll get in the mail I guess), selected the one I wanted signed (which you've all seen by now), and practice and practiced and PRACTICED everything I wanted to say to her so it would A) not come out as one long frightening blast of words; and B) wouldn't sound, well, practiced.

      Before I get to the next bit I really need to say thanks again to Lilferret for her invaluable suggestion that I buy the autograph ticket. It never occurred to me to look to see if that was an option 'til she said to do so. Great, great idea.

      I didn't sleep much the night before, but not for the reasons you might think. I was sitting in my home office which faces the street in front of our house. We sit at the top of a "T" intersection, and I've always wondered when some idiot was going to overshoot and come into our home. So...about 11:30 Friday night I hear a screech of tires, a mad downshifting and more screeching. Now, normally our Meg parks right out front and I thought, "Oh no! Her new car!" (Completely forgetting that she was out of town). Anyway, I flip open the blinds in time to see a small black Lexus sedan weave down the street from left to right, he swing toward our house and had Meg's car been there, he'd have killed it, overcorrected, lost control and spin directly into the neighbor's house. I leaped up, shouted to S. to call 9-1-1, and ran outside to make sure our neighbors were okay. (They (and their dogs) were.). Three hours later, we all went back to our homes (I had to wait, since I was the only witness). Whew. Long night.

      Okay, the day.

      I knew Amanda wasn't doing photos until 4:15, but I still wanted to go down early to get the lay of the land. I've been to one Xena con ages ago and from that experience expected literally thousands of people. This even had more like...hundreds. Not even 500, I'd guess. Today (Sunday) is expected to be madness with the whole Twilight thing, but...really...if it's not Amanda... :::shrug:::

      Anyway, I got there at around 11:30, just in time for Jeri Ryan to come on stage. She was lovely and funny and I used her appearance to put my camera through its paces. I was in the first row of the unwashed masses (the gen admission folks). Pretty good view. There was a guy behind me very upset with the quality of his pics, so I'm sending him mine. I have a Canon 20D with a killer lense, and I had the ASA set really high to capture what I could from that distance in the lower lighting.

      My one complaint as a fan is that the stars are not spotlighted at all. There are general lights on the stage, but THEY, per se, are not lit at all well. Now, that said, for the actors I can truly appreciate that they don't do that, 'cause the actors wouldn't be able to see much of the crowd!

      Okay, so after Jeri I wandered around the vendor booths and really spent a great deal of time just looking at people and things. The center of the vendor's area had what I'd call the "has been's" section. Folks that were "Captain Christopher Pike," or "Lieutenant XYZ in Episode ABC" signing autographs. I don't normally collect autographs so wasn't interested. I just walked around. If I made eye contact with one of those actors I'd smile and return whatever greeting they gave. What was interesting to me is how they would react. More than once I had one of them say something like, "Are you enjoying your day?" and I'd respond, "Well, it's certainly...interesting." with a smile, and after that they'd open up and just CHAT away at me! That happened with about five of the 12 or so actors there, but the best were these two experiences. The first was Peter Mayhew who was Chewbacca. He quite literally chatted with me for 15 mintues, it was really fun. Then as I was walking past another table I had someone tug on my arm and say, "What, you're not going to say hi to an old friend?" I turned and Dean Haglund gave me a hug! He'd remembered me from my time on set with the X-Files. That was cool.

      The wander around the vendor area got me hungry so instead of eating the sandwiches outside the rooms I sat up in the hotel restaurant and watched the end of the Penguins hockey game. I killed about two hours up there then went back down. Amanda was doing photos at 4:15, the QA at 6 and the autographs at 7. By this point I was a bit bored, so I went down the hallway to the photo op area and sat on a comfy couch with my PDA, bottle of water and a snack for later. Turns out, I was kind of in the way of the folks waiting for their Charisma C (something) photo op. The Creation Line Police were really nice and when she figured out I was there for Amanda, she just said, "Okay, you're #1 for Amanda. When I say to queue up, you stand 'here.'" Thus, I was first in line for Amanda (well, if you don't count the wheelchair/special needs and the VIP's. - then I was actually #15 ish).

      I tell you what, those folks at Creation have this DOWN. We were in and out. The nice thing about being #1 (ish) was that I got to see inside and watch as Amanda got set up. My first thought was "wow, she's SKINNY!" She was smiling and laughing and seemed really relaxed.

      As I got closer in line I got REALLY nervous and then just laughed at myself. I, along with several others, was laughing and joking and we helped each other calm down, I think. Anyway, I stepped up and she gave me a huge grin and a "HI!" and slipped her arm around my shoulders, my lumpy casted arm went around her waist (sigh) and POOF! job done.

      She gave me a quick hug, which was nice and squeezed my shoulder, and off I went.

      I decided to stake out my "perfect" photo spot for her QA, so I went back to the main room. I was again in the first row of the cheap seats, off to the side, so had a great view of the stage. Two hours later Amanda did her QA. It was fun and funny. What I remember (about shippy stuff):

      Q. Who was the best kisser?
      A. Well....Sam never got to kiss Teal'c, but I'd have to say that Chris is an amazing kisser. But...really...that Rick knows how to kiss. I mean....yeah...well, what I mean is, "Sam" would say that "Jack" knows how to kiss, she told me. So you don't think that I, Amanda, am fixated on Rick. But yeah. Sam would say that Ri...I mean, Jack, can really kiss.

      Q. Something about S/J resolution
      A. Yeah, it's been 12-13 years, and they're both healthy adults. It's time. That's been the great unrequited...well, I can't say 'love,' but....unfinished story. It needs to be finished. I like to think that they've found the time to resolve it. Even if it was just the one time, BAM! (Amanda smacked her hands together and jumped) and then it's like 'okay, we can go back to being friends now', but it's time. Yeah. Oh, and I'm sure I'd have to at least kiss Rick for...oh...15 minutes or so...I mean, Sam would have to kiss Jack. (Amanda turns to the audience now) I'm sorry honey, it's my job, I have to kiss him! (lots of laughs about that).

      Yes, she's going to be in SG1-3, yes she will go blonde, no wig. "Not the scary, super blonde of Sam in some seasons, which was like highlighting on acid, but...yes, blonde..."

      Someone asked her to do an impression of a character she made up on set, whose name I can't recall, but was a rather earthy character, and it flummoxed her. She really laughed about that.

      What else? Hmmm, I'm afraid it's all running together. But...on to the autograph time.

      I had a ticket, #39, so I went to the other side of the room (where the queue was forming) and again sat with my PDA. I had my photo and my gift (a copy of the manip'd photo) on my lap and was quietly reading away. The Creation folks were great again, and they called row by row of the gold folks (after, of course, the VIPs), then started calling numbers. I had asked earlier, 'what if you only want Amanda (and not the other two signing)? The line police were great and she said, hang on. So when they called my number (she'd already asked if I wanted my item personalized and given my my postie with my name on it) she waved me over then called everyone who "just wanted Amanda" over. That made me laugh a bit.

      We all pile on over and she led us out of the main room and into a different line. I was bout 15th in line there and watched as the autographs went on. I will say this. I had about chickened out of saying what I'd rehearsed saying but then remembered that I reference my little rehearsed speech in the note I attached to the photo for her. So...I sucked it up and prepared to say what I wanted. I almost didn't say anything anyway, 'cause it looked like nobody else was saying anything to her other than "thanks." But then the guy two people up said something and she really lit up, so I thought, Okay, Pol, suck it up!

      My turn came and her assistant held out her hand. I gave her my ticket and then she held out her hand again, and I was blank. Then I realized she wanted the thing I wanted signed! Dummy. So I gave her that. Amanda looked up at me and again flashed me a huge smile. I met her eyes, and as if we have coffee every day, calmly said my piece. Then I said, "I don't know if you'll take gifts, but I wanted you to have a copy of this fun photo I edited. It's the same as the one you're signing for me."

      She then looked down and I think truly saw it and laughed out loud, really laughed. It was fun! The big guy next to her leaned in to her and said, "ooh, very creative." She nodded and said, "Wow, I didn't realize at first that that writing wasn't on the plane, was it? Oh! And look! You changed her name on her flight suit too! Oh, how great is this! Thank you so much!

      She then signed my copy of the photo and I thanked her again and walked away. I had a huge grin on my face and one of the Creation ladies gave me a hug as I left and said, "You go girl!" It was fun!

      So. I don't know that the gift I gave her will actually go with her, nor the note on top of it. But I like to think it will end up in her office - it even has my name on the back.


      My fangurl day is done.

      This is the link to the photo session, some are better than others. If you snurtch them, please credit me.

      Now I have to go write my final exam for my students. Then go to a wedding. Then write a Campfire.

      Looking back over this, it's really(!) long. Sorry, but I'm a writer. it's what we do. <g>

      Crossposting to AT Thunk thread. You are forwarned. <g>
      Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


        Thanks pol for filling us in!!

        *sigh* You know though, I just can't see them having a one night stand with each other, no matter what, Jack cares about her far too much to just have fun for one night and then just go back to being friends. He's cared for her for years how is one night going to change that? I think to the reason that they couldn't just have a one night stand is because it's not just attraction they feel for each other, if it was just attraction that they have for each other it wouldn't have lasted this long. It's love. Pure and simple.
        Last edited by Regularamanda; 03 May 2009, 12:09 PM.

        My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
        Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


          Everyone ready for the viewing?
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            Everyone ready for the viewing?
            Yup it´s on

            Awww..Sam looks cute...

            as does Jack*snort*


              OK, I'm going too It's a great opening scene, and really reminds me of the start of PoV - wonder if it was intentional?
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                OK, I'm going too It's a great opening scene, and really reminds me of the start of PoV - wonder if it was intentional?
                Now you say so true....

                *giggles* Hot chocolate...

                and if you look good you see Sam is trying to hold in her laughter just after the credits!


                  I love the way Teal'c appears round the back of Hammond with that look on his face! And also, you'd have thought they'd have accepted the situation a little sooner - as Daniel points out, it's not as if nothing along these lines has ever happened before
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    *giggles* on the cafeteria scene...

                    "try to enjoy it as much as we do.....sir"


                      Great report, Pol! Thank you
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                        Thanks pol for filling us in!!

                        *sigh* You know though, I just can't see them having a one night stand with each other, no matter what, Jack cares about her far too much to just have fun for one night and then just go back to being friends. He's cared for her for years how is one night going to change that? I think to the reason that they couldn't just have a one night stand is because it's not just attraction they feel for each other, if it was the feelings they have for each other wouldn't have lasted this long. It's love. Pure and simple.
                        Yes, thank you, pol. Conventions are so much fun!!

                        And I totally agree. I don't think in a million years that that relationship would end up being a one night deal. They feel far too much and too strongly about each other to just 'get it out of their systems'. It's about much more than the gutter. Jumping into bed together, then forgetting about it....that is NOT the resolution I'm looking for.


                          You are kinda cute...

                          Not exactly surprising that Jack doesn't take that all that well!
                          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                            Originally posted by josiane View Post
                            You are kinda cute...

                            Not exactly surprising that Jack doesn't take that all that well!
                            Nope...he prefers hot

                            and I love it to see them all in civillian clothes!

                            Btw I do think the actor does great...he does the "jackisms" very good

                            Pol loved the report! very cool that you got to meet all those stars! Btw can we snurch those pictures of you to make sigs/wps from?


                              Originally posted by starlover View Post
                              Nope...he prefers hot

                              and I love it to see them all in civillian clothes!

                              Btw I do think the actor does great...he does the "jackisms" very good

                              Pol loved the report! very cool that you got to meet all those stars! Btw can we snurch those pictures of you to make sigs/wps from?
                              He does - he does convince as a young Jack.

                              You know, all this early part makes me even more frustrated about the ending, because until they messed that up this episode has a lot going for it - the humour, and I like the link with alien abduction stories, which fits nicely with what they've already established in the show about the Asgard really being the little grey men of Earth mythology. Shame they botched the end
                              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                                Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                                Thanks pol for filling us in!!

                                *sigh* You know though, I just can't see them having a one night stand with each other, no matter what, Jack cares about her far too much to just have fun for one night and then just go back to being friends. He's cared for her for years how is one night going to change that? I think to the reason that they couldn't just have a one night stand is because it's not just attraction they feel for each other, if it was just attraction that they have for each other it wouldn't have lasted this long. It's love. Pure and simple.
                                At the creation in Vancouver last month, Amanda also got asked about the ship. Basicly gave the same answers, but then someone asked later "if she thought the relationship would last" to which she answered FOR SURE! Because they have been through so much together, they completely know each other, so yes, it would last

                                I know Amanda has nothing to do with tptb etc, but it was still very nice hearing her say that.

