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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Thanks for the welcomes, everyone. I suspect it was a case of the A plot superseding the B plot. I just find some of the interactions in the later years... and lack thereof.... between Jack and Daniel sorta odd at times.

    Love all your captions, images and links to FF. Thanks so much. Keep them coming! Ok, gotta dive back under the covers now. Work, work, work... but I know where to go when I need a smile.

    Thanks again!


      Originally posted by Egle01 View Post


      [/bad mood]
      I'm a bit surprised at you Egle. Somebody backs you up by getting confirmation from the horse's mouth that you were right and you're angry? That's not very nice Egle. And that's not like you *hugs* if you're having a bad day
      Last edited by Jumble; 24 March 2009, 08:04 AM.


        Originally posted by digitalred93 View Post
        Thanks for the welcomes, everyone. I suspect it was a case of the A plot superseding the B plot. I just find some of the interactions in the later years... and lack thereof.... between Jack and Daniel sorta odd at times.

        Love all your captions, images and links to FF. Thanks so much. Keep them coming! Ok, gotta dive back under the covers now. Work, work, work... but I know where to go when I need a smile.

        Thanks again!
        Yeah, me too. That's one of the reasons why I love S10's The Shroud so much. It's classic Jack & Daniel banter Reminds me so much of the scene in Divide & Conquer when Jack's telling Daniel about Anise coming on to him *rofl*

        Continuum -
        But despite the fact that Daniel's reaction was a little overlooked, I am sooooooo glad that Sam's reaction to Jack's death was focussed on. Very fitting.


          Hi Oma,

          Yeah - The Shroud was great. I don't understand why TPTB couldn't find a way to balance the S/J stuff with the D/J bromance (sorry, I see friendship between these two guys, nothing more, but a deep friendship at that).

          I'm really hoping the next SG-1 flick gives all 4 of them the opportunity for bonding moments with each other. I think this is why I loved Lost City so much. Everyone had their moments in pairs and as a foursome. It was amazing. Though, to be honest, as much as I live for the S/J stuff, my fav bonding moment in Lost City is the scene between Jack and Teal'c at the rings. RDA can say so much without ever uttering a word and CJ ain't so shabby at it either!

          To put my two cents in, confirmation-wise, I don't want them together at the top of the next film. I want them to come together DURING the film. To make that leap in front of my eyes, ears and yeah... my squishy, sappy heart. No, it doesn't have to be overally romantic but I want something strong, dynamic and poignant.


            Oh oh...may I add my two pennies about the Shroud as well?

            I really liked that episode and I was thinking of rewatching it soon...because of Continuum I thought, since that IMHO, S/J are in a relationship now, are they even allowed to go on mission together? I mean the Ba'al thing, was officially just an diplomatic mission; there wasn't a lot of really important stuff involved other than the there wasn't really someone in command...which I think it should allow to let them be on this mission together...I think...
            (this doesn't give any spoilers away right? otherwise I'll put it in tags if needed...but I think it doesn't need them)

            As for the Shroud, I really liked that episode. I knew before hand that it was going to be a Jack/Daniel episode and didn't expected that much of the ship...of course I did hope(together with several others at the time) that we would get to see some kind of confirmation but in the end we didn't...we did got to see a lovely scene between S/J in Sam's lab...that was IMHO already more than I expected at the time! and some glances*happy sigh*

            Oh and I just loved to see the old dynamic between Jack/Daniel in that episode


              Originally posted by digitalred93 View Post
              Hi Oma,

              Yeah - The Shroud was great. I don't understand why TPTB couldn't find a way to balance the S/J stuff with the D/J bromance (sorry, I see friendship between these two guys, nothing more, but a deep friendship at that).

              I'm really hoping the next SG-1 flick gives all 4 of them the opportunity for bonding moments with each other. I think this is why I loved Lost City so much. Everyone had their moments in pairs and as a foursome. It was amazing. Though, to be honest, as much as I live for the S/J stuff, my fav bonding moment in Lost City is the scene between Jack and Teal'c at the rings. RDA can say so much without ever uttering a word and CJ ain't so shabby at it either!

              To put my two cents in, confirmation-wise, I don't want them together at the top of the next film. I want them to come together DURING the film. To make that leap in front of my eyes, ears and yeah... my squishy, sappy heart. No, it doesn't have to be overally romantic but I want something strong, dynamic and poignant.
              I kind of think that TPTB aren't up to the task, and that's why they didn't do that in season 8 or 9. It's just too much, with literally years of anticipation, and too many people wailing about romance in general- so they sidestepped the issue by insinuating something happened off-screen. Which they have continued to do on and off ever since then. The way they set it up, they can either ignore the ship entirely or they can address it as S/J having been in a real relationship since Threads, but I don't see how they can ignore their own canon- as subtle as it may be- and have them get together for the first time in the third movie.

              Plus, it'd require too much backstory. If you assume they got together sometime between Threads and movie three, it's a whole lot easier to write and takes less screen time. I don't think we'll ever see that first "real" kiss.

              And, from a purely fictional standpoint, it wouldn't fit with the story. Why would they wait? All that angst and years of waiting already, and ruining two perfectly good relationships- doing nothing makes no sense, to me. After Threads, they'd have to fish or cut bait, so to speak.
              Last edited by VSS; 24 March 2009, 09:15 AM. Reason: working at being nicer


                Hi, Ship Family!!!

                Welcome Digitalred93!!!

                *has nothing to say more*



                  Hi Family,

                  Anyone know how to get their fic on the CarterFic list on I emailed the mod with no response and...well, I'm just wondering.

                  Same goes for the GW FF thread (or whatever it's called).


                  Edit: I'm quite chuffed that my "SG1-3" tag for Movie 3 is catching on. <silly grin>
                  Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                    Originally posted by Pol View Post
                    Hi Family,

                    Anyone know how to get their fic on the CarterFic list on I emailed the mod with no response and...well, I'm just wondering.

                    Same goes for the GW FF thread (or whatever it's called).


                    Edit: I'm quite chuffed that my "SG1-3" tag for Movie 3 is catching on. <silly grin>
                    I don't know anything about fic lists but I think the SG1-3 thing is brilliant. And I do hope it catches on like wildfire.


                      Originally posted by VSS View Post
                      Plus, it'd require too much backstory. If you assume they got together sometime between Threads and movie three, it's a whole lot easier to write and takes less screen time. I don't think we'll ever see that first "real" kiss.

                      And, from a purely fictional standpoint, it wouldn't fit with the story. Why would they wait? All that angst and years of waiting already, and ruining two perfectly good relationships- doing nothing makes no sense, to me. After Threads, they'd have to fish or cut bait, so to speak.
                      Logically, you're right but I can't help but think about something Joss Whedon said once about giving the audience what they need versus what they want. Let's be honest, it's the years of UST which created buckets of fanfic, cargoholds of message boards, and gigabytes of S/J videos. It's about what we haven't seen versus what we HAVE seen. From where I'm standing, that 'confirmation' will be a great deal more poignant and powerful if there's obstacles thrown in its way AND if we finally get to see said obstacles overcome. If they don't have something to overcome, the confirmation will be cheap and not have the impact it so deserves.

                      I buy that they've already started dating (thinking about the cut scene from Trio) but I'd still like to see BW 'man up' and give us something extraordinary this time in regards to these two characters coming together. If Joss Whedon and Ron D Moore can do it, certainly BW can!

                      I know, it's a lot to ask for ... but a girl can dream, right?

                      PS = Thank you to anyone who 'greened' me!


                        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                        your welcome! hope it helped a little bit
                        It did.

                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        I'm a bit surprised at you Egle. Somebody backs you up by getting confirmation from the horse's mouth that you were right and you're angry? That's not very nice Egle. And that's not like you *hugs* if you're having a bad day
                        You're right, it's not me, I'm sorry. But angry isn't quite the word to describe my earlier outburst, I'm just having a bad day. Instead if going OT and complaining about it, I'd spam some as an apology for my earlier behaviour. (((((Ship Family)))))




                            Originally posted by Egle01 View Post

                            It did.

                            You're right, it's not me, I'm sorry. But angry isn't quite the word to describe my earlier outburst, I'm just having a bad day. Instead if going OT and complaining about it, I'd spam some as an apology for my earlier behaviour. (((((Ship Family)))))
                            See, I thought there must be a reason. Hope you're feeling better now

                            And since when did you need an excuse to picspam?


                              Posting all those lovely pics hopefully made you feel better. I know it perked up MY day!

                              The Shroud. So love that episode. Daniel and Jack being their old selves and Sam and Jack are much closer than we've seen them in the past. Yeah, there's no more UST between them anymore. They were far too comfortable around each other!
                              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!




