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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
    I liked the idea of the Wraith but Atlantis never seemed to really capitalise on it. I know that sounds weird but it seems that there are a few wraith eps (like season finales etc) but the rest are about advenrues offworld.

    Anyway back to Devilish just wondering what is everyone's fav ep for D/V in season ten and then their fav ep of the season?

    For D/V mine is Memento Mori but my actual fav ep is either Bad Guys or 200. What about all you?
    Definitely Memento Mori for V/D and perhaps even of the whole season. Followed very closely by Dominion.


      Fruitcakes where are ya? I'm just sitting here slaving away over fic and watching the notebook inspiration lol
      oh wait it's saturday are probably all out having lives. that must be nice. I should try it sometime.

      *posts the pretty in an effort to distract self from personal patheticness*


      My Fic: LJ &


        Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
        Well I don't want to dis RDA he was a great part of SG-1 and Jack's great fun too. Just wish that BW could see how all of the characters could work together really well. Seriously how great would Jack and Vala be together? They'd make Daniel's life hell
        Oh indeed!!! That would be too fun. Daniel would never know what hit him.=)
        thanks Stef

        Thanks Wendy


          Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
          Oh indeed!!! That would be too fun. Daniel would never know what hit him.=)
          I don't know about that...Daniel seems very aware of how people affect him. I think that at every birthday that they force him to celebrate, Daniel wishes as he blows out the candles that Jack and Vala never realize all they have in common.

          ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
          ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


            Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
            Trying to dominate each other may be more fun to watch:
            I still think we might have a grizzly or snakey sex scene
            Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
            My feelings exactly but it's on the cards. Stef's looking forward to it.
            Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
            Oh I'm sure she is So when's the release date for all you guys in the north? I know we get it August 6th.
            Who, me? Yes, I would enjoy that quite a bit....
            more human/host sex than like snakey sex. I don't like snakey sex. But CB is hot, CS is hot, why not be hot and steamy together?!

            As for the release dates, the U.S. gets Continuum around the end of July - the 29th, I believe.

            Originally posted by Ladyinred View Post
            I'm not talking about RDA. BW's obsession and "precioussssssssness" is AT.
            Really? Cause in that interview he didn't really mention AT. She was lumped in with the rest of the people that *maybe* he'd like to see come back....but always RDA first. Jack seemed to be his only essential. Although Sam seemed to have been an extension of Jack at times so I suppose there is a connection there, especially if he's a shipper for those two (which my gut tells me he is).

            Personally, I like to pretend SGA!Sam doesn't exist and focus on the times I have liked Sam - late S10 and AoT. I think she's the most interesting and enjoyable to watch when interacting with BB/Cam or CB/Vala. AT just seems to have so much energy (like in the end of AoT with Cam...too cute!). If you wanted to break up the writers based upon their favorites, I'd say BW is Jack/Sam and RCC is Daniel/Vala. I personally never cared for S/J as a ship and have been mostly ambivalent towards Jack and Sam as individual characters most of the time so that's probably why I'm not a big fan of he makes stupid comments like he did about the Jack-only movies.

            Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
            Anyway back to Devilish just wondering what is everyone's fav ep for D/V in season ten and then their fav ep of the season?
            Well, I'd have to say mine are one in the same: "Memento Mori." That was the episode that got me into the series and the ship, so it holds both sentimental value as well as ship value "Bad Guys," "The Quest 2," and "200" all run a close second for favorite S10 episodes.


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              Steeeeeeeeeeef *poke* is the vid done yet? i've only watched the version you sent me....6 times today lol.
              My Fic: LJ &


                Originally posted by natalia View Post
                Steeeeeeeeeeef *poke* is the vid done yet? i've only watched the version you sent me....6 times today lol.
                *laughs nervously* You just go and ask Milena about that. She knows how I feel about that video right now...and what my plans for it are....

                ...anyway, I have to get to bed...stupid early shift. Looks like what free time I'll have tomorrow I'll be spending capping S10 (only 14.5 episodes to go!!!)


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  *laughs nervously* You just go and ask Milena about that. She knows how I feel about that video right now...and what my plans for it are....

                  ...anyway, I have to get to bed...stupid early shift. Looks like what free time I'll have tomorrow I'll be spending capping S10 (only 14.5 episodes to go!!!)

                  *narrows eyes* I don't think i like the sound of that *clutches her copy of the amazing stef vid TIGHT*
                  My Fic: LJ &


                    Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                    No, because she didn't die. Sacrifices are very tolerable if no one dies, but actual sacrificial death just doesn't fit for some characters. Vala didn't assume she'd die, either, she thought she'd get out somehow. It would be like offering herself to Quetesh to save the team (as on fic postulated)—just the sort of sacrifice she'd do, because there's always a way out, no matter how small.
                    No, she didn't actually die but she did risk her life to help them. Not to mention in Counterstrike when she told Adria to take her instead of the others. And in Dominion when she willingly altered her memories and leave Earth on her own to help set a trap for Adria. She may never have died or gotten physically injured but she has risked her life for them over and over again and I see that as giving her a self-sacrificing character trait.

                    Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                    I liked the idea of the Wraith but Atlantis never seemed to really capitalise on it. I know that sounds weird but it seems that there are a few wraith eps (like season finales etc) but the rest are about advenrues offworld.
                    And the Replicators *blinky*

                    Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                    Anyway back to Devilish just wondering what is everyone's fav ep for D/V in season ten and then their fav ep of the season?

                    For D/V mine is Memento Mori but my actual fav ep is either Bad Guys or 200. What about all you?
                    Mine is Dominion I think. I loved the twists and of course Ba'al Not to mention the great D/V solidarity and team support.

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    *laughs nervously* You just go and ask Milena about that. She knows how I feel about that video right now...and what my plans for it are....
                    LoL *cough* *assumes Representative stance* Stef's attentions are occupied at the moment by her generous offer to contribute to the cap-fortune of Stargate by capping all the eps of Season 10. She will be resuming her vidding duties in approximately 3 days...maybe 4 if she takes a breather...but this in no way ensures the reprisal of the aforementioned vid...though I'll be harassing her about it until she does
                    ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                    Banner made by Stef!


                      Season 10, just trapped PU and Season 9 episodes one to six on my magic Sky box. I'm hoping Season 10 will be repeated next. Like the Quests, plus Memento Mori, Bad Guys, The Shroud. Unending up to them getting wrinkly, although I think it was only notable for DVness, the excellent fight scene and the death of the Asgard, sniff. I liked Thor but I still think he should have worn pants.

                      Yes, my feelings, on the villains in Stargate. I think the Wraith and Ori to some extent suffer from a lack of exploration of the individual. They caught on to that defecit with the Wraith, introducing Michael and then the one that Shep met in prison, otherwise once you're past the vampire nature of the Wraith and the Wraith Queen it becomes cartoonish. The Ori had Adria, (who had too much of a soft spot for Vala to be really threatening) but the Doci, who I thought was creepy, only came back in AOT and the other priors were all hoods and cataracts and not much else.

                      The Goa'uld, probably represent the best of the villains because they were all individual, power hungry, back stabbing despots. I won't even get started on the Replicators........ or the many Ba'als.

                      Who was the best villain then on Stargate? Anyone. Obviously, Ba'al single or plural has fans.



                        Hey guys, there are big, MASSIVE spoilers about Continuum at IMBD's message boards, especially about Ba'al's fate and about Qetesh. If you don't mind big spoilers, check it out. This gentle person is also answering questions.
                        Banner made by Stef

                        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                          Originally posted by gioia View Post
                          Hey guys, there are big, MASSIVE spoilers about Continuum at IMBD's message boards, especially about Ba'al's fate and about Qetesh. If you don't mind big spoilers, check it out. This gentle person is also answering questions.
                          Thanks for the heads up! *gobbles up spoilers*
                          My Fic: LJ &


                            Originally posted by gioia View Post
                            Hey guys, there are big, MASSIVE spoilers about Continuum at IMBD's message boards, especially about Ba'al's fate and about Qetesh. If you don't mind big spoilers, check it out. This gentle person is also answering questions.
                            Thanks for the heads up I always knew that Brad Wright is SOB and this person confirmed it


                              Originally posted by Ladyinred View Post
                              Thanks for the heads up I always knew that Brad Wright is SOB and this person confirmed it
                              I don't know what a Sob it is but I'm quite pissed off at him that he didn't write even a second Qetesh/Daniel thing. I wasn't waiting anything big and juicy, maybe even a knowing glance or Daniel's obvious discomfort seeing Vala as a host again. But obviously, according to this person there is none. Very sad.
                              Banner made by Stef

                              Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                                *shyly pops in*
                                I made a Daniel Multishipping game

