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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
    Yep you did! My name is Danielle...I think I'm going to put it in my sig somewhere to make it easier to remember. I should have picked something else, but it's a habit, I use this sn for everything.

    and booo to no Bones tonight. Stupid baseball
    See, I thought I remembered you! Hi, Danielle! Sorry for forgetting.

    Originally posted by marbleC View Post
    Since Erin was talking about her fic (which I love!)...

    Origin pic run


    Oooh, you like it too... *squee* so happy
    And I like this last pic (someone please save it to our PB ) Daniel hardly smiles in his peasant!garb For some reason, he's always got a really snarky look on his face



      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post

      V: So darling, now that we´re in Atlantis, what would you like to do?
      D: *thinks*
      V: NO! Something fun!!!!!!!
      D: But I want to play with the knowledge base
      V: But that´s all you did last time
      D: Fine... we'll do what you want
      V: Glad you see it my way darling

      ........Hours later on some planet in the Peagsus Galaxy
      D: See what your fun does....
      V: You weren´t complaining until they mentioned something about indecent displays of affection...

      Short and sweet, mostly cuz I hate this keyboard.... *pouts*
      LOVE it!!

      Originally posted by Cat283 View Post
      I am sooo behind on your fics. I might get myself a nice cold apricot beer tonight, take laptop in bed, and read your fics... Prepare to be bombarded with email notices
      Apricot beer? How odd......never heard of that before.

      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
      Again a bit OT, but really, when have we cared I was talking to my brother and we were talking about the new Dachshund he wants to get and of course I got all giddy and started to spew out names, because its what I do, even though he already knows what he want to name it, but I tell him he should name it Teal´c. I get a look from my bro and then he says "but don´t you think thats better for a Pug?" And I start to giggle, not only because he is sooo right, but he knows thats the dog I´ve been wanting to get. Sooo Isa!Pug = Teal´c... I love it!
      Speaking of animal names. I plan on eventually gettting two cats and then naming them after my two favorite TV characters: Vala and Mal (Firefly)...and then I realized that Mal is also part of Vala's last name, so now I feel like I have to get a third cat and name it Doran just to have a complete name Does that make me weird? Road to becoming a cat lady, here I come! Of course, to steal from Just Like Heaven, I'm kind of already a cat lady...just with no cats

      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
      Ha, you're as bad as Stef!
      No....*waves hand in front of Kath* She's worse than Stef.

      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
      We have 7 Videos listed. We need more.

      Edit: Going to go shower. Keep the party Hopping.
      Well, I would add more but I don't want to just dominate the playlists I have quite a few vids, as you all know

      Originally posted by Kales View Post
      You know this website? It's gotta have a links page entitled The Fruitcake Network. The blurb could be:

      If you've found your way here, congratulations. It's a long, hard road, but admitting you have a problem is the first - and often hardest - step. No matter how dark things have been, do not fear: you have found help.

      Symptoms often include (in ascending order):
      - The emission of high pitched squeals of joy when Daniel and Vala are on screen.
      - The quality of viewing of Stargate SG-1 being affected to a disproportional degree by how much time shared by Daniel and Vala.
      - A tendancy to view all TV shows, all films and all books as possible scenarios to shoehorn retool for Daniel and Vala.
      - A compulsive need to read fanfiction, watch video and find that icon or desktop representing your view of our the couple.
      - A compulsive need to create such articles, often to the detriment of other tasks.
      - Dizziness when away from forums or communities for too long.

      As we said, do not worry. You've come to a place of sanctuary and aid. Here, you will find your addiction treated with absolute respect - and catered to with a wide range of tonics, from fanfiction to visual art to videos. Please click which department you would like:

      Fruitcakes Anonymous @ FFN
      Fruitcakes Anonymous @ Photobucket
      Fruitcakes Anonymous @ YouTube

      The founders of the inspirational and original one-step program can often be found at Head Office: The Dark Side of the Oven, courtesy of Gateworld.

      What is this one step, you ask?

      Give in and surrender. The Fruitcake legions mean no harm.

      You'll never be alone again!

      If you do not keep up regular prostration to the holy Daniel and Vala, what is left of your soul may be forfeit. Their priests are fierce in their reverence. Also, if you think everyone else is mad when you first arrive, please view with optimism. It's only a glimpse of the future!

      Ha! BRILLIANT!!

      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
      Saw this morning Stef and I was a mite disturbed that you might have taken my comment seriously so I wanted to clarify that it was meant completely tongue-in-cheek.
      And you're right that it comes down to who's actually paying the money.
      Oh no, I knew that you were probably joking but I wanted to take that opportunity to act all cool, like I knew how "the industry" works

      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
      Stef, Wendy and I are here waiting for you to come out and play.. Where are YOU.........?
      I'm here, but I'm feeling quite a bit sickly right I may not be fully functional until later tonight or sometime tomorrow. I hope it's tonight, I'm really not a big fan of the whole curled up into fetal position thing


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        LOVE it!!

        Apricot beer? How odd......never heard of that before.

        Speaking of animal names. I plan on eventually gettting two cats and then naming them after my two favorite TV characters: Vala and Mal (Firefly)...and then I realized that Mal is also part of Vala's last name, so now I feel like I have to get a third cat and name it Doran just to have a complete name Does that make me weird?

        No....*waves hand in front of Kath* She's worse than Stef.

        Well, I would add more but I don't want to just dominate the playlists I have quite a few vids, as you all know

        Ha! BRILLIANT!!

        Oh no, I knew that you were probably joking but I wanted to take that opportunity to act all cool, like I knew how "the industry" works

        I'm here, but I'm feeling quite a bit sickly right I may not be full functional until later tonight or sometime tomorrow. I hope it's tonight, I'm really not a big fan of the whole curled up into fetal position thing


        Awwww, Stef!

        I am really tired, so I am not sure how much longer I am going to make it myself tonight. I am trying though.
        Sig made by me


          Hey everyone! I bet I'm arriving when everyone's leaving... I just got back from a play.

          Erin - you need to write fic Me likes yours too much. And I am kind of writing another fic. I'm sorry! My muse is killing me (and you)...

          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          Apricot beer? How odd......never heard of that before.
          I forgot that aromatized beer is a Canadian thing (at least that's what my French friend told me). Apricot beer is the best!


            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
            Hey Walter, love the pics from Origin. It wasn't my favorite of their episodes but it does have great pictures. Love the fire and the priors, so many of the D/V pics.

            Have you checked out the new Vala Video playlist?


              Originally posted by Cat283 View Post
              Hey everyone! I bet I'm arriving when everyone's leaving... I just got back from a play.

              Erin - you need to write fic Me likes yours too much. And I am kind of writing another fic. I'm sorry! My muse is killing me (and you)...

              I forgot that aromatized beer is a Canadian thing (at least that's what my French friend told me). Apricot beer is the best!
              Could I borrow your muse, Buttercup You know, to help me out (in more than one way )

              Seriously though, thanks for the support. Oh shoot, did I thank Walter for the inspirational pic-run? I thought I did. Oops, thanks again, Walter.



                I tried, I really did, but I just can't stay up any longer.

                Have a good night Fruitcakes. Catch you on the flip side.
                Sig made by me


                  Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                  Could I borrow your muse, Buttercup You know, to help me out (in more than one way )

                  Please - I've got more ideas than I can write. Plus, I so want to read the next chapter of your Kansas story. I checked, you usually post a chapter every week and it will be a week tomorrow, so...

                  Originally posted by RinggoldGate

                  We have so many cats I called you Darryl. Sorry Buttercup

                  Stef said something about becoming a Cat Lady. Well that's what we all are doing here in the Oven. We have so many cats.
                  Don't worry about it, it is confusing.

                  Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                  I tried, I really did, but I just can't stay up any longer.

                  Have a good night Fruitcakes. Catch you on the flip side.
                  I'm sleepy too and I think I'm going to bed as well...

                  - Buttercup.


                    Hello, fruitcakes!!

                    Just wanted to take a few minutes to peak my head in. Been a crazy couple of days, and the rest of the week promises to be just as bad. Might read back through a few of the last few pages, but not too far. (gotta get to bed soon! )

                    How's everyone doing?
                    ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



                      'Night Wendy & Buttercup.

                      Finished capping Origin:

                      Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                      How's everyone doing?
                      I'm good.
                      Last edited by marbleC; 16 October 2007, 08:46 PM.


                        Please do not adjust your screen, this is meaningful white noise

                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        Did I just hear something.... It was like small buzzing telling me to vote on something.. huh.... Must have been nothing

                        I came for the D/V but I stayed for the Fruitcakes

                        Well put! I just love the thread an you all. *group hug*
                        Nope…it must have been the wind…but thanks!

                        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                        Congrats on 1500 posts Milena!

                        Well said Milena! I couldn't agree more
                        Thank you! And thanks!

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Yeah.....*sigh* I'd suffer those bruises.....maybe some bite-marks.....other questionable markings....

                        Wait....did I just say that out loud? Scratch that and just think I said "Daniel's cute."

                        …way to make me tangent off into a possible DV fic...thanks…as if I didn’t have enough to do already

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Milena claims she won't be on until Friday *cough*bull*cough* but I will congratulate her now on 1,500 posts!!
                        I’m good on my word! I swear!!! …well one teeny tiny catch-up post doesn’t count! You think I’m gonna sit back and let the thread accumulate another 100 pages before catching up? HA! My brain doesn’t focus for that long…

                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        And to get back on topic The Daniel and Vala that live in my head (btw I´m hating my bros comp, so not used to the keyboard.....)


                        V: So darling, now that we´re in Atlantis, what would you like to do?
                        D: *thinks*

                        V: NO! Something fun!!!!!!!

                        D: But I want to play with the knowledge base
                        V: But that´s all you did last time

                        D: Fine... we'll do what you want
                        V: Glad you see it my way darling

                        ........Hours later on some planet in the Peagsus Galaxy

                        D: See what your fun does....
                        V: You weren´t complaining until they mentioned something about indecent displays of affection...

                        Short and sweet, mostly cuz I hate this keyboard.... *pouts*

                        Originally posted by Kales View Post
                        You know this website? It's gotta have a links page entitled The Fruitcake Network. The blurb could be:

                        If you've found your way here, congratulations. It's a long, hard road, but admitting you have a problem is the first - and often hardest - step. No matter how dark things have been, do not fear: you have found help.

                        Symptoms often include (in ascending order):
                        - The emission of high pitched squeals of joy when Daniel and Vala are on screen.
                        - The quality of viewing of Stargate SG-1 being affected to a disproportional degree by how much time shared by Daniel and Vala.
                        - A tendancy to view all TV shows, all films and all books as possible scenarios to shoehorn retool for Daniel and Vala.
                        - A compulsive need to read fanfiction, watch video and find that icon or desktop representing your view of our the couple.
                        - A compulsive need to create such articles, often to the detriment of other tasks.
                        - Dizziness when away from forums or communities for too long.

                        As we said, do not worry. You've come to a place of sanctuary and aid. Here, you will find your addiction treated with absolute respect - and catered to with a wide range of tonics, from fanfiction to visual art to videos. Please click which department you would like:

                        Fruitcakes Anonymous @ FFN
                        Fruitcakes Anonymous @ Photobucket
                        Fruitcakes Anonymous @ YouTube

                        The founders of the inspirational and original one-step program can often be found at Head Office: The Dark Side of the Oven, courtesy of Gateworld.

                        What is this one step, you ask?

                        Give in and surrender. The Fruitcake legions mean no harm.

                        You'll never be alone again!

                        If you do not keep up regular prostration to the holy Daniel and Vala, what is left of your soul may be forfeit. Their priests are fierce in their reverence. Also, if you think everyone else is mad when you first arrive, please view with optimism. It's only a glimpse of the future!

                        LoooooL! I love the last bit in particular So true…

                        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                        Sarah, Stef, Susan. Yes we all want to "drag wet-tied up Daniel off to my cave." I wasn't going to log on till tonight but I came in and checked what was going on and saw this. If I don't do anything else tonight I will be happy just visualizing this naughty game. Having a name that starts with S can never be overrated. We will just have to make sure that daniel behaves.

                        Sarah and Stef and Susan are all such GIVING people.

                        Sarah, love your dark humor. Hope to see you tonight.

                        Still Laughing... Still Laughing..........
                        Pfffft, S’s are soooo not cool, G is where it’s at, eh Gioia? Rare Jewels! Not common like S

                        And people...this is a revolution!!! Think: Napoleon! There can be no slacking! I go away for a few days and we almost fall into the 50's?? I'm afraid what it's gonna look like come Friday

                        H&H Best Hairdo

                        We just need one or two people preferably from different shifts to post that link every few hours Come on, we had the other guys trembling in their boots!! Don't let the tables turn!

                        And I'm out...not that I was ever in...
                        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                        Banner made by Stef!


                          I think there's something wrong with my screen...


                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                            Teeehee, Glad you picked up on that Ren. Green Eggs and Ham was my inspiration, but seeing as how it was 1 in the morning, I couldn't think of any of the rhymes at the time, so I winged it!!
                            Lol, I'm gonna be hearing that in my sleep now, I hope you know that.

                            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                            and a Video

                            D/V Video (Aint' No Other Man)
                            *grin* This is one of my absolute favorites, it's high energy. Despite the fact that normally Christina Aguilera has me running for the hills (heh..) I love this one song.

                            Originally posted by Kales View Post
                            You know this website? It's gotta have a links page entitled The Fruitcake Network. The blurb could be:

                            If you've found your way here, congratulations. It's a long, hard road, but admitting you have a problem is the first - and often hardest - step. No matter how dark things have been, do not fear: you have found help.

                            Symptoms often include (in ascending order):
                            - The emission of high pitched squeals of joy when Daniel and Vala are on screen.
                            - The quality of viewing of Stargate SG-1 being affected to a disproportional degree by how much time shared by Daniel and Vala.
                            - A tendancy to view all TV shows, all films and all books as possible scenarios to shoehorn retool for Daniel and Vala.
                            - A compulsive need to read fanfiction, watch video and find that icon or desktop representing your view of our the couple.
                            - A compulsive need to create such articles, often to the detriment of other tasks.
                            - Dizziness when away from forums or communities for too long.

                            As we said, do not worry. You've come to a place of sanctuary and aid. Here, you will find your addiction treated with absolute respect - and catered to with a wide range of tonics, from fanfiction to visual art to videos. Please click which department you would like:

                            Fruitcakes Anonymous @ FFN
                            Fruitcakes Anonymous @ Photobucket
                            Fruitcakes Anonymous @ YouTube

                            The founders of the inspirational and original one-step program can often be found at Head Office: The Dark Side of the Oven, courtesy of Gateworld.

                            What is this one step, you ask?

                            Give in and surrender. The Fruitcake legions mean no harm.

                            You'll never be alone again!

                            If you do not keep up regular prostration to the holy Daniel and Vala, what is left of your soul may be forfeit. Their priests are fierce in their reverence. Also, if you think everyone else is mad when you first arrive, please view with optimism. It's only a glimpse of the future!

                            *drags self in*

                            My name is Ren, it's been almost 24 hours since my last post
                            *wobbles unsteadily and returns to thread*

                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            I'm not here....but for Torri Higginson fans, Dr. Weir is currently on my tv in NCIS...
                            Don't forget to vote for the hair!!! We're almost in the 50's!!!
                            .....I was never here....
                            ...Except that you were here
                            And seriously, Torri's on NCIS!? I knew there was a good reason for me taping the episode tonight.
                            But I miss Bones...
                            Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                            Sig by Odakota_Rose


                              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                              "I wasn't hiding, I mean, this is the uniform. Speaking of, how is it that your BDU's are so..." he stopped and dropped his head to look at the Ancient text on his desk.

                              "What was that?"


                              "What were you about to say to me? About my clothes?"

                              "Nothing, it was nothing," he mumbled.

                              Vala cleared off a space on his desk near him and hopped up. "I'm going to start taking my clothes off a piece at a time until you tell me what you were going to say."

                              "Oh no you don't." Daniel stood up and grabbed her wrists when she began unbuttoning her shirt. "I just meant that your uniform is very flattering. It isn't baggy at all. fits you very well." He released her wrists and sat back down.

                              "Well, I..." Vala began. "Thank you for the compliment."

                              "You're welcome," he replied, keeping his eyes glued to the Ancient text, fearing she'd see the blush warming his cheeks.

                              Vala hopped down off his desk and started to leave. "That was very sweet of you to say, Daniel," she called over her shoulder when she got to the door. "I almost feel guilty now for asking Jack to make a copy of the security footage for me."

                              This probably isn't very good, but I've been in a weird mood so far this week (Wendy, you understand, don't you? )

                              Nice. I love it.=)
                              thanks Stef

                              Thanks Wendy


                                *grins wickedly* I've found a new song for a vid......*laughs maniacally*

                                Won't tell you what it is though....but it will be "special."


                                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------

