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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post


    Tesoro, can't you root for PtL this week? Pretty please? *fluttering eyelashes*

    'kay...'kay. But I'm not making any promise.
    You still could find me pestering you about Unending

    Jokes asides, write whatever you want, I'll read them with joy, tesoro!

    Sweet dreams.
    Banner made by Stef

    Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


      For my 1199th post I shall speak of things yonder...of things past.

      What am I talking about, I've only been here two months, I have no past...*sigh*

      In that case...I shall shamelessly pic-spam my way to my Everest


      Okay, somebody needs to come up with a dialogue for that sequence
      ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

      Banner made by Stef!


        Milena, bla bla bla....

        You can reply me, and voila!!! You're at your 1200
        See, how much I like yoou. I'm totally cheating.
        Banner made by Stef

        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


          Originally posted by gioia View Post
          'kay...'kay. But I'm not making any promise.
          You still could find me pestering you about Unending

          Jokes asides, write whatever you want, I'll read them with joy, tesoro!

          Sweet dreams.

          Don't you feel special Gioia?? You're a part of my 1200th post!!! YAY!!!

          Aaaaaaaand can anyone guess what's behind Spoiler #2 BEFORE LOOKING? This is a true test of who knows me and who doesn't *coughstefcough*

          I told you not to peek!!!

          Yes, predictably, I have resorted to Unending to fill my momentous post and to send me into happy-dreamland...and get me prepped for UnendingFic (happy Gioia? )

          And the squee/tear-inducing --> Xmas scene *sigh*

          And that's a wrap folks!! The veins on my temple is throbbing and my eyes are Sahara dry (*mmmm* Sahara...Matthew what'shisface...and the funny sidekick).

          Bonne nuits, mes trésors!!

          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

          Banner made by Stef!


            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
            Okay, call me a slacker too cuz I've got to get some sleep...class in exactly 4 hours in two minutes *sigh* Waaaant to skip but I'm the official note-taker volunteer person.. LET THAT BE A LESSON TO YOU!!! Doing good deeds leads only to sorrw *pouts*

            Well, I never do anything for anyone...even if I like them. Sorry, that was a rip-off of a Jack line from The Shroud

            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
            I think you lack the motivation Stef, I really do. If you wanted to get to 6,000 you'd already be there. So disappointing, really...
            Yes, that must be it. Because it's so much easier getting 1,000 posts than it is getting 100. Oh, wait....100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100=1,000

            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
            Forshame! A curse upon her house! Hehe...know this one?

            That's it! Dishonour! Dishonour on you, dishonour on your cow...
            I want to say...Mulan? Only saw it a couple of times, so I could just be making that up.

            I was going to say something...what was I going to say??


            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


              Okay, now that's just creepy, Milena. I totally guessed that Unending pics would be below that cut!! *cue Twilight Zone music*


              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

                Don't you feel special Gioia?? You're a part of my 1200th post!!! YAY!!!

                Aaaaaaaand can anyone guess what's behind Spoiler #2 BEFORE LOOKING? This is a true test of who knows me and who doesn't *coughstefcough*

                [SPOILERS]I told you not to peek!!!

                Yes, predictably, I have resorted to Unending to fill my momentous post and to send me into happy-dreamland...and get me prepped for UnendingFic (happy Gioia? )

                Intentioanal repost!!

                I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU!!!

                YAY FOR UNENDING FIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                Banner made by Stef

                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                  Okay, my sweet, adoring know that fic I've been complaining about for the better part of two months? Well...I finally got around to finishing chapter 3. The fic is called "It Happened One Night." I posted it at as well as LJ (both have links to the two previous chapters).

                  Pick your poison:

                  CH.3-A Necessary [email protected]

                  CH.3-A Necessary Compromise@LIVERJOURNAL

                  And with that, I head off to watch Bridget Jones' Diary. I've been wanting to watch it for the past couple of days but people have been distracting me! I plan on making the most of this rare moment of silence


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------



                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                    LoL, enabler!!!
                    *raises brow in amusement*

                    Got a little rhyming compulsion there, Isa?
                    Of course I enabled, when not being done to me, it's what I do! And the rhyming makes me a better writer ya know, so good that I don't even know I'm doing it

                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

                    Get her, Fluffy!!!!

                    *pets Fluffy*

                    Originally posted by natalia View Post
                    *really we aren't THAT scary, just easily excited*
                    But that's why we so KAWI!! (cool, for all those who don't know any Japanese) We bundles of fangirlish excitement!

                    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                    It is easy to forgive the green shirt, when you get this at the end of Threads.....


                    *drools* Mmm... I love Flagboy! Can anyone just imagine had Vala been in that scene.... LOL! Plus I have no doubt Daniel would have been jumped/mauled...

                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                    Oh yeah? Well he's tipsy and giggly in mine Going on and on about Teal'c's 'depth' So adorable

                    LOL Bray'tac: Has Hammond of Texas fallen in battle? *snort*
                    Loved all those bits! Bra'tac is awesome!

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    To try and balance out the Daniel-eye's some for Vala (I've noticed that I cap about 3x more pics of her than of Daniel...uh...I think I might have just learned something about myself tonight...):

                    I'm with you Stef. I love Vala pic, I love Daniel pics, and I swear if people saw my PB account they'd start to wonder....

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Yes, but I think after 9 YEARS, Daniel should have gotten a new pair of frames Not sure which one I like better. I probably take him with square ones more seriously...they make him seem more manly somehow. Just my thoughts. Although, if I had my choice, he wouldn't have ANY glasses. Contact lenses, anyone?

                    Well, you know the reason he got new glasses was that Vala bought them for him, *winks* and ITA, I mean I started wearing glasses when I was like ten, and the second I could get contacts I snapped those little buggers up in a flash!!!

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post

                    Just watched latest episode of Heroes. Opinions: Peter=HOT, Sylar=BAD, Fly-Boy=STILL ANNOYING, MoMoMa=ADORABLE (when was the civil ceremonuy for those two crazy kids? ), HRG=NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

                    Oh, totally! And did you see the return of The White Tank Top
                    banner by Stef


                      Stop talking! You know when someone says something, I HAVE to reply! *grumbles*

                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                      Of course I enabled, when not being done to me, it's what I do! And the rhyming makes me a better writer ya know, so good that I don't even know I'm doing it
                      Enabling is fun, isn't it? Milena has become mine. She practically forced me to write chapter 3.

                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                      *drools* Mmm... I love Flagboy! Can anyone just imagine had Vala been in that scene.... LOL! Plus I have no doubt Daniel would have been jumped/mauled...
                      In my mind, he already has been...and not by Vala...

                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                      Loved all those bits! Bra'tac is awesome!
                      But the question is, is he made of awesome?

                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                      I'm with you Stef. I love Vala pic, I love Daniel pics, and I swear if people saw my PB account they'd start to wonder....
                      I can't help it! I mean, I love Daniel...I drool over Daniel. But CB is just sooo expressive. In any given scene I can have 50 pictures of her, and they'll all have a different expressions!

                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                      Well, you know the reason he got new glasses was that Vala bought them for him, *winks* and ITA, I mean I started wearing glasses when I was like ten, and the second I could get contacts I snapped those little buggers up in a flash!!!
                      Same here. Although, I've been too lazy to go to the eye doctor and get new I've been wearing my glasses around. Come to think of it...they're probably similar to Daniel's new ones *glances around nervously* except for women.

                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                      Oh, totally! And did you see the return of The White Tank Top
                      Indeed I did
                      Seriously though...I'm beginning to wonder about those two. I think Matt is the nagging wife in the relationship.


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        Just caught up and I got called away for dinner GAH!!!! Alright have paused any ascended behaviour for the moment so get ready for the mother of all multi quotes.

                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        Thanks Cat, and byes! I'll keep an eye on the Cakes. And don't worry, Anubis is your bipca!

                        Because I love MiloV in all his hotness Pelligrino water Duh!
                        Yeah Isa me too I love....Pelligrino water too *grins*

                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post

                        OT- watched Heroes Such a flirty episode *giggles*.... and I think the TPTB realized they needed to move away from the ridiculous awesome Petrelli chemistry, no?
                        Heroes? You've seen? *must not cry, must not cry* Damn Petrelli chemistry.

                        Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                        *Gives up* Gah!

                        Sadly, I can't come out and play because I've got to be up ridiculously early to hand in a maths assignment and then go to work. Bah. On the other hand, I am now the proud owner of an absolutely fabulous purple military style coat. It's nice and warm, looks good and is PURPLE! Like Cadbury's chocolate shade of purple. *fangirls new coat*

                        Night Fruitcakes, have fun without me! *Hugs*
                        Kath coat sounds really awesome.

                        Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                        *snort* Yeah right. And besides that fact, I only found out after the fact. I didn't even have a chance to properly mourn you and then you were back threatening life as we know it
                        She cursed my house and me until I resurrected her! Be warned Milena is not as sweet as we all think!

                        Originally posted by djay View Post

                        Yesterday we had to have our dog, Toby, put down. He wasn't keeping his food down so they did an operation and found out it was cancer in his bowel.
                        Howled like a baby. It's really like losing a member of your family.

                        OMG djay I am so sorry!

                        Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                        Hello, everyone. How goes?

                        Total newb to the forum here, decided to delurk and offer a fellow author my 2 cents on the requested advice about Daniel and glasses.

                        From what I've been able to tell, he's basically very near-sighted. He can't see things far away without his glasses, but he can read without them (I believe we've often seen him reading without his glasses? Can't think of any episodes to site, tho...)

                        I believe he might need some help to get by without them, especially if he had to fight his way out of something, or deal with some sort of adventure.

                        As far as seeing someone sitting in front of him, I suspect that'd be no issue, so long as they weren't too far away.

                        When I saw that, I assumed it was some alien writing that cuneform was derived from. Given the circumstances, Daniel just couldn't read it with the time pressures. I never viewed that as an optics issue.

                        To my mind, that supports the idea he's nearsighted.

                        Maybe given where knew he was going to be traipsing about, he opted for contacts?

                        Well, those are my thoughts, but I could be totally off base. I hope you find them helpful...but YMMV...

                        Figured while I'm here, I might as well toss in my thoughts on this one too...

                        I believe as a member of the male species, I may be in a position to offer a unique perspective on this point(as it seems to me, after reading many pages of this thread, everyone around here is female... )

                        I do find the pigtails very cute, though I couldn't explain why. They just add a little something to Vala when she's wearing them, make her that much more sexy. I like them.

                        That having been said, I much prefer the classic hair down past her shoulders in a messy, sexy tumble. To me, it's a more classic beauty, and one that suits her well. At the end of the day, I prefer that to the pigtails, but I also love seeing her with her hair in the tails.

                        I also like the single pony tail, possibly more than the pigtails...hrm, I don't have to pick one over the, do I?
                        Welcome to the Oven!

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        And by "ours" I assume you mean you, Isa, and Cat.

                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post

                        Don't exclude yourself there, missy!
                        Most geniuses are completely mental! (at least that's how I justify it )
                        Isa is right don't you dare take the high ground and pretend you weren't involved!

                        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                        Milena, if you listen carefully to the music in the background of that ep, you will hear hints of the SGA theme. My sister laughed at me when I picked that out and said that must be the band geek in me ...LOL
                        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                        I concur!! And so would Cat
                        Milena's right Wendy I do concur....I'm such a band geek sometimes and I'm not even in high school anymore

                        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                        PtL, here I come!!!
                        YES!!!!!! I am the cheerleader for this fic...can't wait Milena.

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Okay, my sweet, adoring know that fic I've been complaining about for the better part of two months? Well...I finally got around to finishing chapter 3. The fic is called "It Happened One Night." I posted it at as well as LJ (both have links to the two previous chapters).

                        Pick your poison:

                        CH.3-A Necessary [email protected]

                        CH.3-A Necessary Compromise@LIVERJOURNAL

                        And with that, I head off to watch Bridget Jones' Diary. I've been wanting to watch it for the past couple of days but people have been distracting me! I plan on making the most of this rare moment of silence

                        Bridget Jones rocks! Going to read fic now.

                        Ok done answering....Milena you're gone? Oh well had some fic for you to read but since you're not miss out

                        Banner by Stef
                        Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          Stop talking! You know when someone says something, I HAVE to reply! *grumbles*
                          Sorry! I'm the same way!

                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          In my mind, he already has been...and not by Vala...
                          You're mind too, huh?

                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          But the question is, is he made of awesome?
                          Well, duh! Of course he is! How could he not be?!

                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          I can't help it! I mean, I love Daniel...I drool over Daniel. But CB is just sooo expressive. In any given scene I can have 50 pictures of her, and they'll all have a different expressions!
                          ITA 100 billion% Gwad, I just want to make icons upon icons of those two! And now probably wallpapers too!

                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          Indeed I did
                          Seriously though...I'm beginning to wonder about those two. I think Matt is the nagging wife in the relationship.

                          Tell me about it!

                          I mean it's like the writer are begging for us too slash them in fic.. Plus Mo as an undercover professor is just too awesome! That hug was soo cute! And the look they shared over Molly's shoulder (see first statement).

                          EDIT: Cat! *hugs* Btw I'm loving your Firefly/Serenity banner like a two dollar whore! though missing the craziest Tam, but awesome and NF expression! LOL!
                          banner by Stef


                            Isa *glomps* Now what shall you, me and Stef get up to? *grins*

                            BTW finally saw Lifeline.....OMG!!!!! Sadness!!!
                            Love serenity/firefly, friend made me a jewelery box with Serenity on the top in Chinese calligraphy I believe. Very cool.

                            Banner by Stef
                            Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                              Guys we got 23,000 posts!!!!

                              BTW Isa that's an expensive whore - I mean companion lol

                              Banner by Stef
                              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                                I don't quite know. But I am feeling that it will be a fic spam day on my part... maybe. Time to cleanse the old hardrive and all, no?
                                banner by Stef

